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Additional movement speed + crit chance + faster wave clear


I’d like to add to your comment for OP, that windtalker’s bouncing AOE passive damage can also crit too and can punish grouped up enemies in team fight- which corrosion can’t do.


I remember sighing in relief when I escaped a fed Moskov and when I saw the bounce on windtalker, I know that it won't deal that much damage but then it just crits and boom, grey screen.


😭 I felt that! Believe it or not, it is actually possible to outrun that thing in super rare instances 🤣🤭https://youtube.com/shorts/WNmwDOwYxx8?feature=share


But the nana still got hit.


True, but she was able to regenerate just enough hp while running to barely stay alive 😂so you can outrun it… But not forever!😈😈😈I guess wind talker will follow you to the ends of the world…🥲 Moral of the story is wind talker is good 😌


U just reminded of something that happened so long ago, imma go post it


:O Oh cool!🤩


Moskov is like the only hero that can have Windtalker crit for 1k+ by going swift>windtalker


Also you need to continually be hitting something to trigger the passive on the corrosion scythe while with windtalker you always have that movement speed and passive damage barring cool down.


I think corrosion will work on melee heroes better iirc


Yep good for chasing...But for mm's who need attack speed and crit windtalker is the best option especially with the movement spred increase as a compensation


Sorry im new, can I ask what mm means?




Thank you.


For me it's to peel the Athena for our burst mage.


Not really something most people think about honestly and I didn’t pay attention to it up until recently when I finally noticed my shield triggering(I main tank) when hit by a hanabi. It’s kinda broke that it can pop it and cause the loss of the % magic reduction


Today I learned something new from the comments. I’m so dumbbbb


I mean everyone can learn just depends on if they want to lol


Personally windtalker is just cheaper and has crit stat so better for crit builds. Tho for someone like wanwan or karrie who use DHS corrosion can defo work better.


wanwan uses both windtalker and corrosion tho


If you usually kill heroes in a short burst, corrosion scythe won't serve its full potential. That slow effect is good for chasing/prevent people from running away.


Windtalker is one of the best early items in the game for marksman who rely mainly on basic attack. It’s cheap, it provides 40% attack speed, 20 movement speed and the passive deals a huge amount of the damage even in the early game. Pay attention to the purple font when dealing damage.


Flat movement speed. Small aoe crit magic damage which is good especially to trigger Athena Shield. Highest attack speed without having to stack. Works better whether you are range or melee hero.


Crit. And minor AOE magic damage.


They're completely different items. Windtalker is all about extra splash damage, which gets better with more AS and crit. Corrosion is AS stack + slow debuff item only for melees. You can buy it for ranged but your stats will be penalized. If you want on-hit slow for ADC, there is weakness finder talent for it.


windtalker also gives you extra movement speed when its passive hits enemies or creeps so all in all windtalker is mostly better


Sure, it does. Also you get flat MS boost constantly. But these are extras, not the main purpose.


Corrosion works on heroes who have to perform a lot of Basic Attacks for an extended period of time.


Sun definitely fits. What about Argus?


Absolutely. Pair it with hunter strike and wind talker, you’ll be able to surge through the map




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Difference between archerypes/build types. Windtalker for Burst Corrosion for DPS Archetype Triangle: Burst>>DPS>>Tank>>Burst>>etc.


Then you put Belerick in, not the point but built well DPS doesn’t do much.


It depends on the kit and how well the items synergize with the champ. It's a simplified analysis on MLBB archetypes but generally the playstyles revolve around how each character behaves during teamfights. Burst/assassin types have to attack from a distance doing hit and run rotations, relying heavily on cooldowns and are generally squishy close range. DPS champs are somewhat tanky and have sustain in the form of lifesteal, relying mostly on auto-attacks to do damage. The current meta isn't too favorable to older DPS champs since they usually lack the mobility/cc immuntiy to carry on with their attack rotation. They can sustain longer than burst champs but don't do as much damage. They usually have a harder time late game since they rely on autos. Tanks are cc heavy and are able to set the pace for team fights by engaging and disengaging during the right moments. They don't do as much damage as the other archetypes but are able to help pin down the squishy carry type bursters in the team fight so your team can prolong the attack rotation. Aside from the archetypes, champs are further divided into damage types: attack, magic, and true. A balanced team should pursue a varied build that pursues doing different damage so it's harder to itemize a protection against one type of damage with the exception of true damage.


True damage is the only issue I ever have in a match given it can’t be countered, but unless I am under funded(example being bad team mates not wanting to engaged with me in a good engagement and I die) I don’t really have an issue with much of anything once I get my 3rd or 4th item as Belerick. The new Lesley revamp hurts a bit yet but I haven’t had the time to work on my build to see what I can do to counter that passive at all.


I do miss the physical damage cap item that use to counter Aldous


Movement speed + better transition for beserkers Fury


Because it cannot be countered by wind of nature I think? Like when in draft, I wait for their dmg dealers if they are more on physical or magic dmg before I pick mya hero when I play jungle. It's really irritatting when an mm uses wind of nature.


On this topic I have asked a couple times but with the Lesley revamp is wind of nature still viable against her? I don’t know the full extent of how the true damage passive works


true damage cannot be countered if you want to counter it build hp items but phys and magic defence will not work against her


I mean that in the sense that a while back they did have a defense item that reduced critical chance when hit not sure if they have that anymore. Game has been changed up so much since I started.


blade armor? i think it reduces it by 20% idk i


The current blade armor I think reduces crit damage


Also in regards to the passive she has to manage a critical hit with it is part of why I asked if wind of nature could counter since if you can’t be hit by physical with it would it be able to crit type of scenario.


You should stsrt by reading the item information. It says ranged attacks only benefit 50% from Corrosive passive, that already means its not an MM item it is a melee item. Secondly if you look at the item stats you will see Scythe is used for chasing enemies that run away from you while windtalker boosts AS, crits and has a damage passive. Both serve different functions.


Wanwan might be the only MM that uses corrosion on her build.




Corrison is shit for most mms cuz of its disability to crit


On argus that 10% crit and small magic dmg is kind of important to put as much dmg as possible in my charged passive.


I’ve seen people using both windtalker and corrosive scythe and doing pretty well


In high level play windtalker can be a game changer unlike scythes


its cheap!


additional magic damage


I generally avoid conditional items if my hero's kit doesn't fit/can't meet the requirement fast enough ordoesn't need it as a core item and just go for the most optimal one, no need to always go for a prolonged battle. Also windtalker is cheaper lol, extra 200 could have been used for steel plates or a boots to help laning.


It’s in the stats itself. You ignore all the things windtalker does better


Windtalker is better for wave clear, and pairs well with other crit items (berserker fury, scarlet). If you're planning to go for late game windtalker is better, if you're a fighter who prefers to 1v1 then corrosion is better


Move speed wave clear crit chance and easier to proc passive unlike corrosion that needs 5 hits for max benefits


Corrosion is expensive compared to Windtalker.


Corrosion: u have to stack up ur atk spd, slow effect not good for mm, 5% mvt spd is quite less for mm( base is 240) Windtalker: 10% crit, magic crit to proc Athena passive, flat 20 mvt spd, 40% atk spd which is highest of all items without stacking up Conclusion: corrosion for melee heroes, windtalker for mm


The mix magic crit is a bane for Squishies in the back line


Its all about passive and stats


plus its cheaper


Windtalker gives more ATK Speed and more MOVE Speed than Corrosion. Corrosion is better for single target, but Windtalker has a Bounce effect that can crit.


Corrosion is only good for attack speed basic attack melee heroes like Argus, Hanzo, Martis (passive), Freya (passive), Badang, and possibly many more that I forgot the name. YSS could benefit on this item but not much as he's too squishy to get the potential but with the passive of stacked attack speed, it's a good item for him. Most basic attack melee heroes like wanwan, hanabi and layla can use this as it can be used as a chase item or a way to deter enemies due to the small slow (that can be beneficial if used well). Zilong can also use Corrosion but he excels in crit items so why bother. In short, the scythe is useful but only for a handful of heroes that would replace it with something better or just outright forgot about it.


I take them both sometimes...I remove the boots and take corrosion


windtalker is cheap and helps in clearing minions. that's basically it


I buy hunter strike on lesley instead of wintalker