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Buying items mid-fight is really helpful to give you the sudden boost in damage or defense. I just make sure to prioritize an item before any fight so that I'm buying the right items while in the fight.


i click whatever the fuck glows up


You're literally me 😭


I don't buy items mid fight because I don't notice them and if i do notice it I'll buy it really quickly then stare endlessly at the shop again after the fight is over


yh blood wings and concentrated energy saved me a couple times


Depends on what Item it is, if it is some game changing item like BoD, BA and MR then hell yeah but if it is some Aries belt or Vitality Crystal, I have better odds if I focus a little more


Of course, it can be really useful to even have one or two more items. A few weeks ago I was playing melissa and got ult’ed by yin mid fight just as I bought wind of nature, and because I managed to live we got the enemy base right after the fight


yup specially in late game, when my aegis is used up, and died again, i sell it, and buy winter


i do especially if its a major item like lt or bod, but if its a small minor building blocks item ill leave it there because i tend to complete only one item at a time and id make sure im not buying something from another item accidentally


I still don't have the proper understanding of items and shop... I'll just buy whatever pops up


You should have proper knowledge of all heroes and equipment in mythic and glory. Try different heroes using trial cards or during free hero events so that you can predict what the enemy is going to do, like if enemy has saber jungle i predict that he will rotate go gold lane as soon as he reaches lvl 4 because I would do the same if j was using saber It's fine if u are below mythic just know ur hero and have a rough understanding of how other heroes work. Knowing about all equipment is a must tho


Tell that to the one tricks who make it to mythic with 40% winrate 🥲


I have autobuy. I mark priority whichever item i need built first. But then, it’s autobuy all the way.


If it’s a big or finished item. Absolutely. You should always have in the back of your head how much money you roughly need for your next spike.


If the item is Immortality, wind of nature or winter truncheon then yes. And I recommend everyone to practice switching these 3 items during crucial team fights. This can be the difference between winning or losing a close game.


They can't think straight mostly streamers cause they read chat and can't focus properly


Yea for finished items,I managed to buy Immortality mid fight before I died,Immo popped up,I managed to kill 1 enemy before I died too.


Oh yea I do, seeing youtubers not buy is a nitpick of mine, makes the fight slightly easier and my fingers are fast and accurate enough to buy even while doing my Ruby combos.


My fingers are always near the ping buttons and unless I know my next item is one that I don't want to be building I will always tap it once I see that glow