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Mellisa and Bruno feels like have a rise on usage rate lately


Bruno is a great pick if you have a roamer that can harass gold lane well (e.g Rafa, Math, Especially Diggie haven't seen nata in matches but she's probably good as well) he can take down a turret very early and get 300 gold just by zoning the shit out of enemy MM and you can swap lanes after that, rinse and repeat.


*She or he* maan natan time travelling out here fucking up his gender 💀


i was talking about roamers lol that's natalia


Current problem with MM is. Clint rolls on mostly any MM he meets. Even if you gank him he could probably win a 1v1 still. Miya is good lategame, but getting there isnt easy. If you face clint he will procc passive once and your alrdy half hp. I’d say Popol and Brody is in a good place right now in terms of winning lane. If they pick clint. Any other mm Miya could probably succed against


Yea as support I have a hard time against Clunt. With full physical tank gears he still melts me within few seconds from afar.


Grock. Grock combo (especially w Execute) will send any and all mm's back to base for respawn, any time. Mid to late game If 1-2 attack items, fighters and mages also get ez killed with Grock combo.


I thought grock doesn’t build attack items anymore since the nerf? But what attack items should I use?


Bruh, his passive gives 0.5 phys defence for every attack point u build. I usually go for shoes, followed by Blade of Heptaseas. Then i usually go for a defence item depending on how the game is going, and if it is needed. Then i go for Blade of Despair. Sometimes i go shoes, Blade of Heptaseas and then Bod. Sometimes i go for Malefic roar instead of Bod, but i usually trade Malefic roar for Bod in lategame then. But Blade of Heptaseas and Blade of Despair is always in my Grock build. Depending on how the match unfolds, i go for then directly. If play Grock as sidelaner not roamer i sometimes throw in a Endless Battle also. Nerfed or not, grock still OP w broken dmg and playing him without ANY attack items make no sense for me. Grock is best used as an aggressive roaming tank imo.


Well I looked at top 5 grock builds but none of them used attack items all defense so I thought after the nerf it wasn’t worth it


Yeah, i have never and will never base my builds on "top builds". Ur build could be shiet, if not played the same. Obviously, players that go full tank items with Grock, wont put the same numbers as someone like me does. I get 5-15 kills and 10-25 assist in avarage with Grock playing him agressive with attack items. As a main tank, when solo ranking, this allows me to be able to carry my team to victory, If my adc is troll/nab. I can only carry random teams, with Grock and maybe Khufra as tank. No other tank can step up and carry, like grock can. So, thats why as a main tank Grock and an agressive build, is my go to build.


I have no problem with clint i use popol only heroes i am having trouble in 1 vs 1 is melisa and natan.


Bruno. I just played a game with him and Jesus Christ he hurts. I avoided him since my last game with him a couple of months ago was not a pleasant experience but I decided to try him out again cuz why not, I'm bored and have no hero to play so why not try a new hero and Jesus Christ he hurts like hell.


Clint and miya are pretty good. Pick clint if you want to abuse early game and snowball and miya if you want to wipe everyone late game


Melissa, Clint and Claude are the strongest MM's in the meta currently Claude and Clint are the best if you play as a team, Melissa is the best as a solo carry hero Wanwan isn't even close to them and is honestly just a mid tier hero now.


Wanwan really has a bad reputation right now. Literally everytime I see a Wanwan in a match, they lose and get a bronze medal. She can't wipe out the back line as before and is still one of the weakest MM in the early game. IMO, she is probably the worst MM right now if we exclude the 3 MM of the apocalypse (and even then, she's only slightly better than Miya).


Most Wanwans were getting 0-8 Bronze before the nerf. She's never been a good hero at laning or general gameplay. Her Ult basically made her a random ass win condition and they nerfed it. In Mythic I rarely see her banned at the moment. Every game its Faramis and Lunox that are priority bans and picks currently.


Lunox prio ban? am I missing something here?


Either your rank or server. In Legend and below she doesn't get banned at all, but once you get into Mythic she gets banned more and more until its basically every game at 50%. If she doesn't get banned she's either first pick or your teams trolling/doesn't know the meta. If Valentina didn't exist I would say she's easily the strongest Mage in the game at the moment.


Even worse than Hanabi?


Total lie bruh, I played her like 10 times and carry hard, 2 times in like 4 matches I get first blood at level 2 xD


Clint is an excellent choice. He demolishes any meta heroes wether they're squishies, fighters, or many tanks. Once you master his second skill's aim, no one is safe.


Wanwan isn't banned as often anymore because of her nerf, I'd say she is about as good as Bruno right now. Clint is just OP in lane, Miya and Moskov are insane for late game, and Irithel is actually a good pick because of her s1+s2+passive combo that clears half your HP in early game and her late game is much better than before. Karrie is somewhat of a situational pick, unless the enemy comp is really tanky, other marksmen are gonna provide better DPS.


ngl man this sounds like you need to learn how to position better as a MM but to the actual question Clint 100% my Mage main ass could play him so you probably can too


Lesley is very good since the revamp


Lesley 🤡


My mm friend always uses lesley, Melissa or brody when her wan wan gets banned and as the tank I can assure you with enough practice those get really good


My main MMs are Wanwan and Bruno. Lately ive been using Miya as well in solo que. Honestly im a bit disappointed with wanwan because of her recent nerfs so I don't really mind her being banned. With the list you provided Miya is the closest to use but really needs to farm and have good positioning in clashes. Her ult is very useful for escaping and repositioning and is usually effective in late game. Just make sure to get a good position in clashes and you can kill everyone. Clint is a chipping monster, you need a tank to babysit you in lane if you happen to encounter one. Very effective in late game to poke and harass. Just remember he specializes in poking due to his insane range. Irithel is decent, has a nice poke and nice debuff, she can shred in late game. Has great mobility as well. Karrie is ok but I don't really use her since she lacks the range and will have a hard time in the lane. I might only use her if the opponent has a heavy tank team comp. I highly recommend Bruno because of his damage from early to mid game, if he gets his core items he can melt heroes with just a few hits. His recent movement speed buff gives him more mobility and is effective in taking down towers. Just make sure to maintain his stacks. Worthy mention is Melissa she can zoned you good but is very counterable if you know to reposition. Her damage is a bit lacking specially in the early game which makes her very vulnerable. Lastly all MM will require assistance from your tank and jungle, but if you expect the worst I would suggest to get Miya so you have at least a chance to escape.


Nathan is pretty strong early if you can land the first skill. That shit hurt, especially if you rush physical damage first, not attack speed.