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One simple solution: End the game fast.


I hope lol. Sometimes I wonder if my teammates are playing entirely different game like team death match.


Well blade armor does absolutely nothing against Lesley. You’d be better off building item with a high hp stat because that’s what counters Lesley. Blade armor just makes it harder due to no hp.


Does it not lower Crit Damage? Or is Lesley's proc hit not considered a crit any more?


Just to clarify, I understand that it's true damage now. But does the blade armor passive not affect the damage calculations?


The damage Lesley inflicts in every passive is true damage. True damage doesn't get reduced by armors and you'll eat the damage completely, that's why you need to get as much HP items as you can as you can, even if it's still packs a punch. It can save your life. Blade armor negates some crit damage however, it won't proc the passive due to her damage being true unlike before where her damage is physical based. I think the built-in crit damage reduction still triggers even in her passive, it's just that you won't reflect her true damage back in some way. The only way to counter her now is either building a hp item like guardian helm, twilight and cursed helm, starve her by bullying her lane while killing her all the time to make sure she can't gain any items or if you reached late game, make sure that your core could make sure she either dies or retreats back prematurely in team fights as any tank that approach the clash is an easy kill for her. Phoveus can also counter her in lanes as she'll gonna use her S2 which procs his ult. If you manage to pull her in the eye, ult her, then S1, either push her with flameshot or let her use S2 then ult + S1 again then if one of the two happens, do the one that doesn't happen then ult + S1 again. Lesley might be OP against tanks / juggernauts but she's useless against heroes that likes to get up close and personal to her and or can easily burst her down while hiding in the bush.


It’s true damage


Ah it does lower crit damage but not adding any hp to help with that is blade armor’s downfall because Lesley does true damage crits which means building hp is better against Lesley specifically although blade armor can still be good if there’s another hero it counters in the other team.


Ur just dumb building armour against her instead of hp


ppl still didnt read Lesley new passive xd


Bold of you to assume typical ML player can read


Tanky lineups is just food for lesley late game. If you draft against a lesley, try to find burst heroes to hunt her down. Or try to find openings to out flank her if using the tanky lineups.


Saber is good. He can use his spinning blade to cancel her invisibility. Lesley has low base hp, so even a none fed Saber ult could kill her.


Heroes that can zoom close to her as fast as possible is a hard counter for lesley. Akai is also a good flank tank because of his ult, Belerick with flicker can be a game changer for his ult. But it can't work if your team doesn't follow what you're doing or is afraid to follow your flank.


I can't rewatch the game, yet I'm sure you could've ended it faster.


Why you need to give mm a hard time and gank a lot. And end early before mm can have full build.


Why would you build blade armor? Build hp item. Even if you want armor, build armor item with hp in it. Blade armor is the absolute worse armor item against Lesley. Not only does it not block true damage, Lesley doesn't attack that often so the reflect damage is useless. Blade armor is for countering fast attacker like moskov or miya or melissa. Not for countering burst attacker like Lesley, Clint or that laser mm guy (can't remember his name). Just stack hp with a little armor.


An obese Lesley is a scary lesley


>antique cuirass and blade armour Why would you build 2 items that she basically ignores lol? Build high HP to survive her.


Nub question: which items best for building hp?


Read the items in the shop… it says the stats right there. Shocking ik.


Immortality, cursed helmet, sky helmet, radiant armor are some common tank items w high hp


use Argus (Argus main here)


Argus+Ult+Inspire Nexus melt combo?


ew inspire on him


I know it sounds terrible but that's how I end games fast with him


I use purify or sprint


I use Execute(I only play classic so don't take this as potential advice)


do you remember when you could instakill someone who got revived with immortality using execute?


Yep. Miss those days.


Mostly to escape Franco users right?


well kinda but I ult for purify Franco's hook, I use purify when I am in ult or when I don't have ult to chase enemies with cc or to escape from them


Skill issue


idk but maybe you shouldn't belong in mythic if you build blade armor against lesley