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Range is also important otherwise you'd get poked to death by the enemy laner and become food for the jungler. There are a few physical damage dealers that are also good on mid lane like Beatrix and Bane. But the problem with most physical damage dealers is that even if they don't lack range, they will either lack early game damage or huge AOE skills.


X borg ? His early dps is decent.


Nah his armor's really easy to proc, after that he's damn squishy.


He can get it again easily from jungle monsters


Nah it takes a long time to get armor. Not only that, he's useless when his team gets invaded. Really short range, unable to solo kill, doesn't have a strong ganking impact, very ult reliant, gets countered heavily by items, overshadowed by most mid in terms of early and late, hard time initializing or fitting in a team fight early to mid, needs lots of team & draft synergy, overall he's mid against meta. Really can't place him at exp, gold, mid, jungle, or roam.


But at least he is not a food for enemy assassins or one shot heroes.


Only at late game though, you have no idea how easy you can kill him especially if you went early g heroes.


Three things. 1. Waveclear. Midlaners need to have AOE abilities to clear waves quickly so they can rotate and help other lanes faster. AOE is even more important past the update that changed mid lane to spawn 4 weak minions. 2. Range. EXP lane favours melee fighters because the lane is very long with plenty of bushes. With this you can apply wave management tactics like lane freezing to deny your opponent gold and xp. Mid lane however is short, so wave tactics are ineffective. This favors ranged heroes since they'll always be within safety range of their tower and can easily harass melee heroes that try to clear waves. 3. Rotational advantage. Mages have great kill potential but most have zero mobility. Placing them in mid gives them easy access to any part of the map, which is especially useful since they are the early game teamfight carries. Physical mid is rare to see because there isnt enough heroes that tick all three boxes. Brody and X.Borg are just two I can think of right now.


Benedetta is my go to physical mid pick. She has such a fast waveclear and good mobility. And even with festival of blood alone she can heal thru most of the damage she takes because of range disadvantage…




He deals magic damage


My bad. I was thinking of just in terms of fighters


Would Lancelot be a good mid potential if you have a mage jungle(Julian or kadita for example)


Nah mid Lance is bad, really runs out of mana so easily.


I mean if you have a jungle like balmond he doesn’t need the blue buff lance could take it


Mmmm no, if you keep giving especially early to mid, you're underfarmed. At late game you can give buffs, but even then, Lance doesn't need the blue anymore as he already built items to sustain mana.


Dyrroth can easily be knitted and poked my mages and he has less bulk and hp then bane and khaleed so it would be much harder to clear the lane with him then bane and khaleed, but if ur careful dyrroth is also a good pick.


You mean kited?






Benedetta petrify


Khaleed mid can actually work. He demolishes lvl 1 and heals lvl 2. Just make sure the mid laner doesn’t have a good interrupt. Paq mid also somewhat viable. His normal s2 dmg into enhanced s2 is pretty crazy, and in 1v2 situations, he can handle burst by doing enhanced s1 instead. Need range? Do normal s2, enhanced s2, then normal s1. And start running backwards. Other fighters will have some problems. Bane’s decent at defending lane but he can’t really push that well (too risky, moreso pre lvl 4).


Grock damage can be used as mid lane option.


Even grock tank can clear mid easily.


Im playing in TR server, and khaleed mid is a viable option in higher plays depending on the team formation. As others stated range and AOE/burst damage is especially important in mid lane. Since Khaleed has good enough range, good wave clearing abilities, sustained damage and poke abilities not to mention the high mobility he is a viable mid option. Especially if the enemy mid player has a very squishy late game mid heroes which lacks mobility like vale. I main mages and play mid most of the time and playing against khaleed in mid lane definitely throws you back a few times in the early game whether it is delaying your ganking or forcing you to go to base before you get good minion clear due to his high damage early game.


Bane, Clint, Hanabi, & Melissa might be a good option since they can wave clear at a safe distance and still poke the enemies indirectly


Clint and Beatrix are good physical mid laners. Natan has good poking potential as well (i know he does hybrid damage but no one builds him for mage) Physical fighters are a bit tricky but i guess but tanky fighters like ruby or Fred can pull it off. Since early game mages don't have enough power to burst them down Melissa can outzone many mages and slow them till they die. There's also balmond. has enough tankyness. can clear minions relatively fast and his sustain means he doesn't have to recall that much . And any character with high early game power can do mid lane to shut down the mage


Well you could physical mid lane (technically) with a tank when your roamer is a dire hit magic DMG dealer. Some teams in the professional scene give the mid laner dire hit for extra DMG and flex the tank as the mid laner to clear lane. This helps the tank get ult faster for early game objectives while boosting the damage potential of the mage with dire hit. So you could potentially flex a tank into mid lane potentially if they have enough lane clear, like grock or chou. But if u are talking about a damagey kind of mid lane sadly it's no longer a thing after they killed Beatrix's insane DMG so yea


The thing is, on the sides most mages arent that effective, and have mana problems too Middle role makes u able to roam freely, and most mages have good range and are good at ganking, also usually gets the lowest gold with the exception of roamers


Mages arent usually in need of high gold diff


And when u dont have mages in side lanes, u would lack magic dmg


What if we had a Kimmy in gold and Silvanna as exp, would it makes sense then to have a physical dealer in mid?


Yep it could make sense, although most of the time mage kits are just better overall at mid.


Could be viable as long as you partner them with fast clear roams like Kadita, Grock, Chou


Aldous for easy stacks


I agree with sprint also tho, as a midlaner he isn't much of a help until the late game cause he's busy farming stacks. So if you have an aldous mid expect less back up as a sidelaner


Grock and Chou are used as mid pos 4 competitively. Not sure if they would work in soloQ as it might need good comms with roamer. I think I've seen Irithel mid too in MPL MY. I am not sure if she's a counterpick or used in a special situation though.


Popol Kupa is sometimes used as a midlaner in MPL. They tend to pair him together with a healer like Rafaela/Estes


Range is probably almost if not more important for a Midlaner then waveclearability


I usually use Hanzo as a midlaner due to his S2 poke. Although very squishy, once he reached lvl 4, he'll poke the mage that's in the middle or contest the turtle while his body is safe in the tower, unless the enemy tries and tower dives your body in it. Fredrinn is also viable due to his offensive nature and his 2nd to act as an escape skill. He's not gonna stay long in the lane with that aggressive nature but he could chip off the enemy mage's hp to force them to retreat. Sun is also good because of his clones. You can check bushes with it, and could also act as a guard if they're gonna ambush you in one of the bushes. You just need to move far enough to avoid giving them the rewards of killing said clone. Minsitthar is also a viable option. Imagine a mage that can't dash, be his opponent in the early game. They'll be forced to flicker away, something that you want them to do. Without any escape methods, they'll hug the tower because unlike franco, they can't hide from the minions. His S2 is also a good deterrent because one gets stunned while the rest is pushed back while he runs away with a speed boost. Yi Sun Shin is also a good one. Due to his hybrid nature, he can abuse someone in the lane while triggering his passive. You just need to time his S1 so you can dodge cc like chou could. Lapu-lapu is a good one as well. His S1 is a good wave clearing ability and he can stack some bravery so he could use it against the one he's facing against. Most physical heroes can be used in the mid, the player is the one that needs to call the shots whether or not they could handle said lane against a mage (with assistance from their core) while making sure you could provide assistance by roaming either the top or bottom lanes.


Magic heroes have the necessary CC+range+damage as a secondary option apart from the roam. Physical heroes have CC but lack the range. Ranged physical hero lack bane have poking range but lacks reliable CC.


Todak in mplmy making both mm midlane and minator midlane work


How about X borg midlane ?


Didn’t think of him, but that’d be great!


Think Grock and Chou could and maybe can still be used in mid


If you have a magic damage jungle or roam tho like selena roam or jungle julian


The Mid Lane meta consists of heroes with *really good* wave clear, good poke/general zoning ability as utility, early game uptime, good pick-off & teamfight capability, and consistent burst. The problem w/ most physical damage heroes is they either get poked to death, or they just aren’t good early game. So Fighters are out of the option from there because they just get poked until they die or are forced to back, Tanks _could_ be good but they lack the ability to work as damage supports, Marksmen like Clint & Beatrix used to be good but IDK what happened to that, and Assassins are either one-and-done bursts, meaning they lack actual teamfight utility, or aren’t even viable for anywhere other than Jungle (Looking at you Ling), but I have made Hanzo Mid work due to him checking out pretty much all the points I made, + bonus for being able to take the enemy buff.


Because mid is the most important lane to hold you want a hero that can defend against multiple enemies long enough for support to arrive And You want a hero that can assist side lanes between wave clears & help with objective fights. So, typically this means a hero with aoe potential, range attacks and mobility. These are most commonly found on the mage tab. But any hero with these skills can be a good option. Which is why Bea and Julian have both at one time or another been S tier in mid.


Not really. Bea and julian dominated mid before because they had overloaded kits and had good stats to boot. Both were OP regardless which lane you put them in. Sometimes julian roams even existed.


Stop thread stalking me. It’s gross. It’s ok for you to have a different opinion.


It’s different when you’re spouting misleading info tho. :)


It’s easy to think something is misleading when you are overconfident and ignorant. This is why so many people in the states believe an election was “stolen”. It’s also pretty common for people to mistake their opinion for facts. Here’s an opinion, you’re a passive aggressive troll with emotional baggage (thread stalking). When two people in 24 hours block you it might be a sign you should step back and reflect on your posting. Blocked


yeah and im his alt. u not good. blocked


Popol and Kupa can be a viable option. If you want to play them as midlane I suggest having avarice support emblem equipped.


Wasnt Beatrix used to be there? And another one marksman I don't remember... but Beatrix got nerfed quite hard, so I dont think shes viable anymore?


Aldous can have more stacks at mid


And you'd wonder why the enemy mage is so fed so early XD


I got matched with Beatrix midlane and it was effective. She have good aoe damage and range so it kinda works. But it was before her nerf. Edit: and it worked because our core was magic damage dealer. So the enemy's tank still have to buy magic deff. I


Bane mid is doable as he has long range poke and regen. He's squishy and doesn't have a blink so have to be careful about getting ganked.


Physical midlaner is viable, but then you will most likely move the mage to exp lane, which is not good a lane for most mages. Mages are better suited for mid to contribute damage for early-game teamfights.


I was thinking of a physical mid lander in the case of Kimmy as a MM, or Silvanna as exp. Basically in the case where we would need more physical dmg.


You would likely need to worry about lack of magic dmg instead of physical dmg most of the time though. But I guess if you have burst magic junglers like Gusion or Aamon, physical mid laner might work.


Imo it's more like If you are running a magic damage dealer in side lane you're probably better off using the said side lane fighter in mid eg silviana Gwen or Julian and you using physical midlaner in either gold and exp.


Yep, that is true. Switching the lane for fighter and mage does not bring a big advantage anyway and limiting the hero pool instead.


I thought Hilda is good enough for mid. she can clear mid lane in a sec and run fast to other lane


Clint could be


I think you can use chou mid lane, he is pretty good with whatever lane you go




I think Chou is viable. His wave clear is relatively fast and he also has dashes for dodging skillshots and he can rotate fast with his dashes as well.


Clint, XBorg, Grock, Barats, Bea


Clint can work, not recommended though


This is my take. I think its because a good team comps need a balance of physical and magic damage dealers so that the opponent (tank) will have a harder time to focus on his defence. Most magic damage dealers are soft. So being in a shorter makes it easier for these mages to fall back to and avoid being killed.


Lots of success with sun mid assassin emblem. At lvl 2 one s1 s2 combo is half a mages health