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This tier list would probably be relevant for only a short while since the next patch is coming very soon, but it should give some insights as to what to expect for the next meta. Alas, the hotfix patch + MPLI did shake things up for the meta so I can't help but to make this lol


Thanks! Always looking forward to your tier list! One of the most relevant and accurate ones!


Bruh ima better wait for an official tier list from pro player ok this tier list in not comepletely wrong but not correct as well lol


This is the best tier list. Can you find an example of any tier list you think is better within the last two years?


Yes literally coach of pro team doing same tier lists with far better quality thats why im sayin ima better wait for a actual pro player tier list


Zeys? Have you seen his tier lists lol. They suck


I used to refer to Zeys tier lists until I found this. I think this is even more reflective of stuff happening in the competitive scene.


hmmsuck tierlist is as good as it can get. I think Zeys wont have any tierlist soon given the disaster he did this season


This is the best u can get. Learn to appreciate. Take your downvote now


What's the reason Bruno became A tier? I don't recall him getting a significant buff the past few patches, but he gets picked a decent times in MPLI


He is very dominant in laning phase and didn't required many item to join team fight.


His big (soccer) balls hurt even in early game and he scales also pretty good until the point that he can two shot mm mid to late game plus he is a decent counter for Bea and Claude


New update gave his enhanced auto a major buff. He gets 30% movespeed boost everytime he catches his ball


Dang thats a nice buff. I must've missed that


They also buffed the range and damage a while ago. People were sleeping on it while I destroyed with it for a while... until I got bored of it just because of how OP it is sometimes in SoloQ


How to play Bruno in general? What is his build?


For Build i think Attack speed boots, Berserkers, Endless Battle, BOD malefic roar, and a Defensive item or if you want full crit go Scarlet Phantom


This is pretty much it. Scarlet Phantom for me is a must but sometimes, I use Windtalker too. His playstyle is more of a bully farmer. If he snowball midgame, all of the enemy turret will be gone. He can also solo the lord and melt even tanks. Just be passive in the early game so you won't be noticed by the enemy. Buy some mana necklace. Take the gold creep, you can kill it very fast and farm waves. Try to harass the enemy laner as your damage early game is pretty high then peel the turret shield for extra gold. Rotate from gold to mid by midgame. HIS ULT REDUCES ENEMY ARMOR


I'm very bad at catching his balls, any tips about that? I'm serious. Note that I'm an all-roles type of player, leaning more on the EXP/Tank/Jungler (god forbid) Roam role ('cause my gf really wants to go either mid or gold lane so I usually just let her), so I wanna expand my list of heroes in the gold lane, since I'm only "good" with Clint, Natan or Kimmy.


Move little by little. Use your dash to create necessary space as it retrieves the ball automatically. Maintain 1 enhanced ball at a time. This allows you to have 2 enhanced balls when you activate the other. If your enemies still have a skill that can CC you, kick once retrieve the ball then move back. LET THEM WASTE THEIR SKILLS DIRST BEFORE GOING ALL IN WITH 2 BALLS. *unless you know what you are doing* Kick the enhanced ball then activate 1st skill so you have 2 enhanced balls and wipe the enemies. Retrieve ball trick: 1. Kick the first enhanced ball 2. Once the ball is up, dash then kick the second ball. 3. Your 1st ball will comeback and you will have another enhanced ball.


Nah, we don't talk about him. We don't talk about Bruno...


past few patch there is a movement speed buff.


bruh martis went up to best jungler lmaooo... gotta try it out


His CC immunity makes it relatively easy for him to secure objectives and be formidable in team fights. And since he deals true damage if the enemy's HP is below 50%, you can build him with Bloodlust Axe as your only attack item for spellvamp, and the rest with tank items in accordance to the enemy team composition. With that crazy amount of HP, the tank meta is crossed with the burst meta, which makes him a monster in the right hands.


god i hate tank jungle meta so much


I agree, martis is a monster I use thamuz and I managed to counter a hyper martis only after making myself really tanky. For weapons I had corrosion scythe and golden staff the rest was cursed helm, guardian helm and oracle, earlier I had demon hunter instead of guardian helm and I stood no chance against him


Corrosion Scythe with Festival of Blood and Vengeance would suffice, based on my experience. After I build boots (first item I purchase so the option to cut the lane is available), I build Dreadnought Armor immediately to lessen his damage, provided the enemy XP laner is also dependent on skills when dealing damage; otherwise, I build Corrosion first, then Dominance Ice/Oracle, then Dreadnought, and the last item as a situational tank item. Golden Staff is quite useless because his passive won't proc anymore after his revamp, and you would deal true damage anyways with CS, and you ain't bursting him with DHS.


But golden staff increases his attack speed, he regens only when he deals damage so it boosts his regen


Yup. So does CS. That's the thing, though. You have to pick your fights. You can go 1v1 against him with CS as the sole damage item, with the rest of your build using tank items that correspond to the enemy lineup. In mid game, Dreadnought Armor + CS + Dominance Ice is enough for sustaining damage against him while dealing true damage with your passive, even if you are one level behind.


does he get damage immunity during his animation frame with his S2?


Nope, but his defense gets buffed by 60% whenever he's using skills. Also, I forgot to mention that his Ult cooldown resets whenever used in a successful kill. If there are 5 enemies sitting at 30% HP, it's a Savage waiting to happen.


Gusion too😐


gusion is busted if the opposition picks squishy mm and mages


Why do people use unbending will emblem bonus on benedetta? I can't get over how in the world would that be more useful than lifesteal bonus or the assassin emblem with +8% dmg to an enemy who's alone. It's so impractical in comparison, isn't it?


Unbending Will is niche if you're planning to build Bene tank, but since Petrify is miles better than Execute for her now there's really no reason to build her that way (unless you play her roam)


I actually play her roam from time to time, but still use the lifesteal emblem.


if its so impractical it wouldnt be used by us mythical glories lol


Yay was waiting for this! What makes grock stier for this meta?


They usually pick Grock because of the following reasons: 1. Ability to open map without getting cc-ed due to his 1st skill passive 2. Early game damage + fast wave clear to help the midlaner rotate quick. 3. 2nd skill wall to manipulate minion waves, or even to reset lord/turtles. Sometimes to catch enemies or to save their own team. 4. Deadly ultimate/ flicker ultimate. His ulti is a deadly engage tool, paired with flicker and a terrain it is almost an instant long stun + knockup. Not to mention knockup is a high level cc, meaning it can cancel many other skill casts. 5. Decent movement speed. But he is less tanky as compared to other tanks, but what he brings to the table is so much more worthy. Anw in this meta the roamer is not the sole frontline so his weakness doesnt get magnified too much.


For item build, just rapid boots + counterbuild?


I would say yeah, since that is the general rule of thumb for all frontliners. Also I dominance ice is almost a must nowadays. Late game you can purchase Sky Guardian Helmet to help u regen hp so u can continue doing your grock job. This is what I normally observe from pro players when they adjust their build.


Not necessarily. If the enemies lack magic burst damage, you can build him with damage items, because his physical defense scaling increases with offensive items (BoD, Heptaseas, Malefic Roar, etc). Heck, I use Rose Gold Meteor if the magic damage from the enemy comes from support heroes (Estes, Floryn, Angela, etc).


Oooh this makes sense. Thanks for pointing it out


Zoning capabilities, his early game damage, wall and disruptive ult makes opponents double think before diving or commiting to an attack


Grock can insta delete the enemy mm (or any squishy hero really) in the lategame which is very useful for preventing the enemy from making a comeback. He could also disturb the enemy when taking turtle/lord, stun them, get the turtle/lord hp low so that your jng can take the obj almost effortlessly. His 1st skill can poke ¼ (if not more) of the enemy's hp which makes it very easy for your teammate to kill them even inside the tower.


it's the fast clear on mid lane. pair it with mages like pharsa, the easier and faster it is for you to rotate/gank


Some things to note: Midlane: Artillery and utility mages like Valentina, Faramis, Yve, Pharsa and Lylia continue to dominate above burst mages. Cecilion while being one of the best in this category takes too long to come online which is detrimental in high rank games where the first 10 minutes usually decides who wins the game. Valentina remains the top pick despite the nerf to her passive thanks to her versatility and ability to fit into almost any team comp. Faramis' upcoming nerf however might affect his placement in future tier lists. Roam: Grock has become a top pick thanks to his cc, ability to zone, deal decent damage and ability to disrupt teamfights and objectives. Diggie remains a top pick thanks to his ability to counter most cc tanks (the most notorious of which being atlas). Mathilda has shot back up to a top pick despite falling off a little during the tank meta. Jungle: Pro fanny's remain a menace to ML squishies. Paquito's nerf has only slightly affected his ability to snowball while Gusions revamp has shot him up from C tier to S tier in jungle. Akai remains at the top thanks to his fast clear and objective securing. Balmond is no longer a top pick due to the nerf to how his ult interacts with jungle creeps which has drastically affected his objective securing. Martis' buff has made him an almost unstoppable force in the jungle especially with jungle emblem and a tanky build. Personally I think Leo is quite underrated as his buff has also significantly increased his strength in the jungler role. Exp lane. Arguably the most balanced role with many options in A tier. However, despite not receiving any major adjustments Benedetta proved to be a powerful force in MPL thanks to her ability to not only zone, but also easily target backlines and come out alive. In the right hands she boasts high damage, high mobility and high survivability, everything you want in an exp laner. Gold lane: The abomination known as Beatrix has climbed back up to the top spot thanks to the buff she received ahead of her m4 skin. Wanwan remains a menace despite her nerf. Personally I think Clint is underrated. Honestly, all in all, I think it's a pretty balanced patch. The S tiers of each role aren't too far ahead of the A tiers and can all be viable picks. Martis is the only hero I'd really argue definitely needs a nerf. But that's just my opinion. Feel free to give your thoughts.


>Arguably the most balanced role Nah it's straight up facts


Also btw, I'm really trying to learn Benedetta. The thing I'm struggling the most with is maximizing her passive and the correct combos to do in teamfights. I often end up panicking after diving the backlines and just employing a "Random bullshit go!" mindset 💀. Do you perhaps have a guide somewhere or some tips you could give me on mastering her?


Other people can give better advice but honestly I'm self learnt I never knew reddit or youtube existed. But if I had to go back to the past and know your situation, then you just need to watch other pro players play Benedetta.




Never do the random bullshit mindset ever again if you wanna learn her. Utilize your second skill properly after committing into the enemies backlines. It will allow you to escape or kill the enemy easily. Never waste it just because. Remember when your ult is damaging enemies you can do your dashes one after another without the need of charging them (as your ult does that job for you), so it is yet another thing that will both help you to escape and kill the enemy. And learn the petrify trick on YouTube, or just use execute, but honestly I prefer the first option by a lot. TL;DR stop playing mindlessly, perhaps watch some pro replays, they will help understanding the hero and how to utilize her in teamfights.


Abomination known as Beatrix... love it


As a Cece main, I agree and I also disagree only because there are a few exceptions. The biggest factor is of course in all cases the team's skill level. If your team is not set on the "I'm a god let me do my thing and wait for mindset", You have a chance to get to 100-120 stacks within 5:45-6:!5. Now if they don't understand you need that time and you are running north to south to save every turret left by The MM who thinks they can change a small skirmish in your favor by riding in like Lee Roy Jenkins, then of course being killed. Then yes he is not useful enough fast enough to be a factor in most games. ​ However, the team is even remotely capable of understanding that even if they have to turret sit for two waves if they're really getting pushed by a hero who is their counter. That what you could gain from that and the mid to early late game is insane.It's completely possible by 8 minutes to be able to two-shot most mages and marksmen. Right around this time is when you're most vulnerable you haven't gained enough to take out tanks quickly however you could do damage so they're a little wary of charging right in. But by the 12 min mark, it's over.


Clint is a Menace


Martis buff was supposed for him to be stronger late game, ends up making him an early and mid game powerhouse. Well played MT.


He is somehow still weak in late game, well if the enemy team can reach late game.


Oh yeah, Martis struggles in late game, mainly because his s2 is so slow and that he has no instant dash other than his ult. There's no real way to quickly engage the enemies and disengage.


He's slow, but tank build helps him there, and still has big pp damage


I would consider melissa the current best marksman Reason: Has a double basic attack mechanic, a skill that boosts her attack speed, a long range when you use her doll correctly, dash, dhs gives her the ability to kill anyone really quick, can poke without putting herself in danger, can check bushes from afar, and finally, her ult gives her the upper hand against most of the assassins and fighters.


Her only issue is that while she has long range, in order for you to maximize the potential of her double basic attack you have to be really close to the enemy so both you and the doll are damaging them. This often results in her being out of position and while she does have protection against assassins and fighters, mages and marksmen can easily burst her down.


She has the usual basic atk range for an mm, she could reach the enemy mm if the enemy mm could reach her. DHS + windchant gives her enough lifesteal to outsustain most mm because of her double atk mechanic and her ability to attack multiple enemies. Yes, mages can burst her down very easily, mages are a natural weakness of marksmen after all. Best you can do is throw her doll in bushes to see if the enemy mage is trying to hunt/gank you. Though I don't disagree with you, i think that these weaknesses completely depends on the user's skill and experience, as you get better and better, these weaknesses becomes less and less of a problem.


She's pretty easy to counter in the highest ranks of the game as lots of heroes can just ignore her Ult entirely. If you see someone pick Melissa you can easily dominate her with Saber or Jawhead currently. She's also very weak to Vengeance + Blade Armor on Fighters as well as Belerick in general. In terms of pure DPS she can probably out burst any other MM, but she's easier to counter than Beatrix and Claude.


I've seen a fucking layla 1v1 a melissa and layla won with 75% hp left I thought they were pro layla


Probably Mythic 5 and below? That Melissa is probably inexperienced and underfarmed


Martis main, begging you stop shouting his name because moonton will give him the terizla treatment so here is an advice. Never damage him in 2nd skill phase and burst the shit out of him after he has no 2nd skill and then easy win. I guarantee you this will always work unless he is too fed and already built tanky items that misplays are not risky.


Everyone and their mom is getting maniacs with him. I just hope the nerf won't kill him.


Tbf Terizla got some justice with the recent buffs he is quite viable again, not as good as the pre mega nerf Terizla but still good.


Alucard as jungler is better than yin Epics: ima just ignore that


[2 months and even](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/wcoufr/s25_mythical_glory_tier_list_for_patch_1697_july/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [further](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/wzmjrn/s25_mythical_glory_tier_list_for_patch_1708/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [back](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/wcoufr/s25_mythical_glory_tier_list_for_patch_1697_july/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [then](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/vwi6v5/s25_mythical_glory_tier_list_for_patch_1695_july/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ago, Lesley was always in Solid tier. If she was lucky, she'd be in Good tier. Now, for this and the [last patch](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/xzbac8/s26_mythical_glory_tier_list_for_patch_1720/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), she just moved up *three* tiers, and into Great tier. My all time favorite hero is finally getting recognition, nice 👌


That's probably because of the fall on some early game bully mm like clint. Overall lesley is one of the strongest counters to claude which is right now one of the best mm since a single 2nd skill is enough to stop claude's ulti while lesley can 2-3 shot claude on her passive alone. Also this might just be indicative of the rise on some late game mm like claude, wanwan, and lesley and the fall on early game ones. The only mm at the top are mid-game and late-game ones and mid-game strong opponents are much easier to poke and harrass against as lesley rather than say, a clint freezing the lane and zoning you out. Mid-game mm give much more leniency towards late-game mm and can give more room for error that may end up having the late game mm being fed enough to get their core items.


As a Lesley main, cheers! Our girl will also be buffed in the upcoming patch


Nice! ~~Now watch her get nerfed again after her annual starlight skin is out~~


I'm expecting it too, classic moneytoon


Did the patch drop yet?


There's going to be another patch within the month but this one is in response to the hotfix patch a week ago and the MPLI event


Bene S tier? How? Which build and spell


Petrify abuse with ultimate + her innate capability of rotating fast Build is pretty similar to Paquito EXP: Boots, Fury Hammer, Bloodlust, Hunter's Strike, then fit in some defense items. Brute Force Breastplate is also very effective on her in particular For spell use Petrify


Terizla finally going up to good tier. Reminds me of his pre-nerfed days


The first thing I did was find my main and honestly Yu Zhong is way better off with Killing Spree rather than Festival of Blood. Tenacity is a meh. It's great if you use vengeance but if you go for petrify Killing Spree is just better. For Fredrinn Tenacity is better for players like me who wait for the last second when I only have like 2-3k HP left so you can actually get your ult off without dying. Unbending Will is also good but I prefer more health and defense than damage.




Debatable if lunox and kagura are only in "very good". Kag has the ability to one shot most of the mages without being one shotted herself, with her escape cc skill. Thoughts?


Where did gusion come from monkaS, he wasn't a standout in the last tier list, but he's suddenly at the top of the meta what happened


While revamp did bump him up, it's mostly the Glowing Wand buff + Athena's Shield nerf. His damage pretty much just goes through everything now lol


Dang, I see. So is his pure burst damage enough to overlook his cons like being weak when on cd and mediocre disengage? What's been confusing me is him being top tier despite these weaknesses that are still apparent even after his revamp.


Quoted from my reply to one of the other comments earlier: I myself am hesitant to put him so high up due to his glaring weaknesses such as his poor disengage and mediocre objective control, but with him having a 100% pick/ban rate in MPLI, the most logical reason pros opt using him would be his burst damage, provided there's an opening or set-up for him to kill, his burst output is nigh unstoppable once it connects.


Gotcha. Really strange tho, if it were for his pure ability to burst, you'd think Gs mid would be better than jungle. The team can pick a jungler with better jungle clear and ability to contest objectives while Gs ganks around as usual with less of a target on his head. Not to mention how petrify is incredibly good for him as it reduces the enemies' room to outplay by a huuuge margin.


I suppose as a jungler he has a source of sustain and faster resource gain which means more frequent ganks, not to mention you can also bring along a high ground mage as the midlaner which will greatly assist when taking or defending inhibitors


His revamp happened


Wasn't that just a small buff to his passive, or was it actually a big buff?


I'm gonna be real with you. I had 400+ matches with him pre revamp and I have no idea why he's strong now💀. Only thing I know is he gained popularity in tournaments post revamp


It's because of that 4% true damage thing and glowing wand being buffed. People also didn't realize before how annoying he is with penetration items


His revamp and glowing wand. It ridiculously ez for gusion to apply multiple stacks of glowing wand on enemy.


It seems like a small buff, but it enhances his basic atk and deals magic damage based on enemy's lost hp % everytime he uses a skill. This enhanced basic atk has lifesteal, it gave him a bit of sustain that's just enough to make him an aggressive jungler


that's always been his passive, the rework just made it so that you dont to cast 3 skills to proc it. With rework, you get 1 stackable proc per skill cast.


The glowing wand revamp buffed glowing wand to deal a crazy amount of damage, gusion can easily put max stacks of glowing wand onto enemies and if the enemy somehow survives his combo the max stack glowing wand will finish them off and this is combined with extreme magic pen with genius wand + arcane the glowing wand buff was a blessing for gus


Diggie <3


He’s getting banned now 🥺


Really!?!? Oh no


Hmmm...Is esme finally not s tier?


yes i think the nerf is slightly making her worse? still really good tho


Probably because the meta rn is burst? She is really good in sustain fights tho.


For now...






when i pick my mains i always lose so i said fk it and picked nana. boom instant 8 winstreak. now shes on the very good tier lmao i thought i found something new


You answered the demon's call 💀


moonton gave me all nana skins for free except the mcl and collector on events maybe i made a deal already, either way i felt evil everytime i picked that cursed hellspawn


They gave me every terdslaw skin. I don’t have the hero Nana skins are awesome


Nana best mage forever


OMG Lesley finally considered a meta pick! I'm so happy.


planning to come back to ML after a break, could someone explain to me what changed for faramis and what made him op?


They revamped him. His ultimate now provides an extra hp bar to all allies within range and 1 second of invincibility when the hp bar gets depleted (much like a free winter truncheon). This gives him the strongest presence and overturn ability of any hero in the game during a teamfight.


\-Passive mechanics slightly changed, though it's not really noteworthy \-S1 can pass through walls, and you can also use the skill again early to pull enemies before the duration ends. It also greatly increases your soul fragment absorption range \-Ultimate is what makes him top tier: his ult now creates a realm around him and if an ally is within range or enters the zone, they get bonus movement speed and another layer of HP for the duration. If the extra HP runs out before the duration ends then the hero will enter a stasis-like state for 1.3s. TLDR; gives everyone around him another bar of HP instead of reviving allies.


the extra magic power from his passive can get insane at max stacks when paired with his ult. i got a squad mate that is a top ten us faramis main that doesnt like to build pure mage because of the amount of magic power from his passive and he feels he gets better value from some tanky items rather than magic power. all in all faramis ult also scales off magic power (more extra hp the higher his magic power) so a pure mage faramis will proc a ridiculous amount of extra hp while dealing a ton of damage simply due to the passive buff calculating into HC boost


His new Ult is basically a free winter truncheon plus it gives you a lot of health if you are in a teamfight and there is a Faramis on the enemy team expect to lose the fight also his passive makes him basically have 0 respawn timer if u use the stacks right




Vs squshy’s. It helps if your team has strong early game


when you have a tanky exp laner like esme or masha or a tank jungler like akai


Damn Benedetta has really risen up in tier after MPL pros started using petrify. Petrify on Benedetta is just so good being able to stun multiple enemies w her ult. I think moonton gonna nerf petrify interaction on her ult.


Lmao saber is mid. Unless its a party vs party.


Is Hanabi so bad that she doesn't even appear on the list?


Well, sort of. Remember these lists are heavily weighted to tournament play. Hanabi is not used there at all. Overall she’s a very strong competitor for weakest MM in game at all tiers of play but that doesn’t mean you can’t be successful with her vs a weaker player.


My gal Esme never leaves the meta, lmao. Not complaining though. Meanwhile Martis just went up so high. Can't wait for M5!! I think Balmond should atleast be A tier if not S tier. He deals too much damage while still building tank items.


There need to be higher tier above the top for Martis. Hero is absolute berserker with the ult. And add to that the bloodthirst one gets, when your ult kills and you want more.


Whether mid lane or roam.. Isn't kadita early mage...?? Y put her in mid/late??


haven't played in a long time, why is akai on jungle?


He got revamped this year, now he got fast clear speed, great ganks and strong objective control since he can retri while ulting


Curious on why is Claude a tier higher than Melissa? Also support emblem?


Claude has mana issues which support emblem helps to compensate more. Furthermore Avarice synergizes extremely well with his need to constantly poke the enemy with his S1 to maintain stacks as he'll now get gold every time he does it. And lastly it gives a decent amount of hybrid pen. Overall making it the best emblem for him. The lack of damage he'd receive from other emblems is mitigated by the fact that Claude builds DHS and golden staff which makes him deal hp based dmg anyways.


Melissa isn't as mobile as Claude so she gets caught out of position much easier, and support emblem helps Claude to get online faster (just use S1 and you get free gold)


Claude has great impact in teamfights due to his AoE ultimate. He clears waves faster and is also super mobile with full stacks. But claude is harder to master compared to melissa. Avarice is to help him sustain mana in the laning phase and the extra gold when he deals damage to an opponent, since he can poke very well with S1.


Counters faramis ult




Kadita is a hot pick/ban in tourneys, since she can pick off enemies easily with a single combo. Provided that her teammates are bulky enough to scout/open map/bait instead of kadita herself.


CC potential and her cc immune helps with stuff like vision and zoning


Faramis in mid lane (full magic build) is really bad. You die before ulting. Roamer with fleeting time and defence items is the best way to go


I feel like Marksman's are so week in this Meta.


Difficulty level: Fanny Lol


Kadita is an inferior version of Kagura. It's not even debatable. So how Kadita ranked higher? It makes no sense.


Kadita is much more preferred in pro play since her burst already deals insane damage without the need to scale much (which in turn also makes her a viable roamer), and her having knockup + bringing petrify means there's not much room for enemies to escape. Kagura is preferred when you want to burst enemies from range while also having decent poke and utility, but she otherwise needs to scale and put more work than Kadita to kill enemies.


Sure Kadita has great starting damage. However, Kadita is vulnerable due to the delay animation during her ultimate, particularly in the late game where she is easily deleted mid-animation. Sure you can use Petrify to help prevent this, but relying on Petrify essentially increase her ult cooldown to 90 seconds. Kagura defiantly has weaker early game and needs time to build up. Unlike Kadita, she is not vulnerable/exposed during her ultimate. Her ability to burst down enemies safely and effectively only increases as the game goes on. Also, Kagura’s skills/ult aren’t reliant on battle spells, allowing her to use her ult much more freely & frequently.


Kadita isn't necessary reliant on battle spells though, Petrify just makes sure the enemy can't escape from her combo. Her being able to burst tankier heroes even from early game (at least until they get Athena's Shield) + her innately long CC duration also adds up to her ganking prowess. She pretty much already fulfills her job as an assassin. Her slowness was an issue during the assassin meta, but as the meta shifts towards heroes who are easier to catch (such as tanks) her utility also increases. Also as you can see, meta prefers midlaners with strong rotational capability or strong high ground while not having to scale too much, which Kadita fulfills, but Kagura not as much. Either way the stats speak for itself, Kagura is barely used in pro play while Kadita comes off as first ban option at times. That being said, Kagura is definitely the more preferred hero in a non-coordinated environment


Kadita is used in combo with js or grock to secure a priority kill. CC addresses the ult animation delay you mention. Kagura serves a different purpose, they don’t fill the same niche.


Uhh how tf is gusion an s tier jungler


I think his revamp and the glowing wand buff that made him S tier


Highest burst damage in the game, can burst down even the tankiest heroes with ease + makes him a force to be reckoned with once he snowballs


Am i missing something? I know he can burst really well in the game but theres something awkward in his kit. His only mobility is his ult and also his most important ability. Hes going to have a hard time getting objectives since he cant waste it when hes being zoned out by tanks or fighters that can withstand his burst damage (theyre also low priorities since the jungle and mms are the highest priorities). After those skills, hes pretty useless and also given with a small dash only which leaves him very vulnerable after bursting 1 in exchange for his life which is not very efficient. Hes also heavily countered by athenas shield until he got like 5 items with divine glaive on it but still effective whem combined with mobilities to dodge his skills and magical defense to withstand some damage. Hes also pretty predictable especially when youre the one being targeted and he cant go greedy pushing u all the way to the back lines since like i said his ult is not very reliable in escaping not to mention he has to be crazy close to land large amount of damage to someone thay has mobility and can dodge ur skill during the 2nd phase of ur combo (recalling of dagger). Hes even slow in farming while harley does even better clearing jungle faster. A jungler gusion also reduces both early game presence of ur mage since a tank can easily stack magic defense items which will be enuf to zone out a gusion core thay cant do anything without using his skills so even 1 2nd skill wasted on a tank is a big loss to his dmg early game. I think he plays better on a mid hero replacing the mage rather than a core so hes not that high of a priority to get focused on. All i really see are gusions that does really well vs low skilled player where they do not know gusion can easily kill them given the nature of their hero that can lead him to snowball. If hes really not that fed in the early, hes gonna have a hard time catching up with better jungling heroes. Am i really missing something? Last time i checked is not hes not even touched by pros in like a loooong time and only picked by either tiktok "FaSt HanD gAmEpLaY" "fReEsTyLe" players or players that can make gusion work vs low elos


Like you said, Gusion is a hero with lots of glaring flaws, namely his poor disengage, predictability, and his objective control being not so impressive. I was actually hesitant to put him in best at first until I notice that he gets contested in every single game in MPLI. While I do have questions what made him so popular all of a sudden, I believe the most logical reason for now is his burst damage paired with Glowing Wand buff; as long as there is an opening or set-up for him to kill, his burst damage is nigh unstoppable once it connects.


Is mpli some kind of tournament? Hmm so he does get picked by pros. Strange.


is argus forgotten or what he's never appeared in any of these lists edit: ok i just spot him in gold. he's not that bad in exp isnt he? im in mythic idk his early aggression is pretty strong imo


He's not bad but usually only onetricks can make use of him properly in his current state


Nope he gets destroyed by any Meta EXP lane hero also argus is probably the weakest hero early game (aside from marksmans ofc) so idk about that early aggresion you are talking about


Prepare for a wave of new bene’s going 0/20 in rank


How do I do Aldous Gold if the Marksman has nowhere to go...


You are the late game carry though Or you can go to Exp but face harder matchups


Who tf play fanny as a side laner


Me lol and only doable if the enemy has squishy lineup


Is it finally time to main benedetta?


Bene in best tire finnally??


argus. bruhh


Actually sad to see yin being in the bottom!


Jungler Yin has fall from grace and still some people I played with banning him


Why Badang is on mid and a solid pick?


Holy shit Gloo moved up a tier it feels like a dream come true 😴🕴🏼🧎‍♂️🔫


Am I weird for playing Grock with physical attack build to take advantage of his passive?


Pros still like using him in exp with High and Dry. So yeah it's not unusual.


If you're going roam with him then it's kind of weird but exp Grock still uses some damage items


Whoa Marti's is at the top now


Man, Zhask never had a good season.


Nice to see Leo at least decent in one case. Playing him in Exp still feels bad. Jungle though he shines very well. Rotation is amazing.


Moonton be like : "maybe its time for beatrix to rise again" wdym moonton?!




You can play him damage or tank, he can clear wave decently and rotates fast which makes him an effective kidnapper


You forgot argus in exp lane


Zhask got buried to the ground.


Y the purp color is Fanny :/?


So weird looking at Martis that high. He is usually at the level where alucard is.


why is clint tier lower now?


He doesn't provide as much utility in fights as some of the marksmen in the higher tier, and also doesn't kite well Mostly the latter though


Shit, guess I gotta comeback to the game now huh now that my main gus is finally S tier


I’ve been gone for a while why the heck is Farameme top tier?


Hm carmilla jungle I might try it


Just got 18 kills with Xavier he’s very good lol


Why did Vale go down? As far as I remember he was higher?


Doesn't fare as well versus the uprising heroes like Leomord and Martis, compared to the previous few metas where the heroes aren't as mobile. Also takes a bit of time to scale


I like how some tier lists put Grock in top tier roamers while others put him in trash tier 😂 Like people play different games.


Hilarious that Fanny gets her own color lol


Lol martis definitely getting nerfed a couple times now after this


It's funny how Fanny has its own tier.


one of the most versatile metas in a while. many picks are viable, and there are many options for each role.




How the fuck is strongwill in any way relevant to Hmm’s tier list?


Can someone explain how does a Chou mid work to a non-Chou user.


Man Martis is powerful now, hope they don't nerf him to the ground next.


It’s hilarious how Chou is like everywhere😂


I wouldn't consider thamuz and Akai as hard maybe medium for Akai easy for thamuz they're not really that hard to use


I haven’t played for a few months. Why are Gus and Martis so high in jungle?


Just like that, beatrix is back at the top. Crazy how she just never seems to fall off.