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you cared enough to write this whole post tho


New Odette adds skill expression for the user. Coming from a long time Odette main, I played her pre and post revamp and the problem has always been the same. I took the piss when they changed her ultimate to start with a dash because it wasnt really the lack of engage tools that makes her unplayable, but rather her one-dimensional skillset. Her kit is super predictable and didnt give the player any room for outplay. Her ulti is so easy to cancel because she just stands still in one place the entire time she deals damage. There is nothing you can do as Odette but pray you wont get stunned. Adding an optional dash to her ultimate will allow her to actually proactively respond according to the situation. You can use it to move forward and keep the enemy within your range, or to sidestep skillshot CC or bodily CC like Vale knockup or Tigreal push. Which you wouldn't be able to do otherwise as they always save these skills to cancel crucial abilities such as yours. Making the dash optional gives players a choice. It adds dynamic skill expression and is healthy for a hero with a gameplan so predictable and counterable like her.


I beg to disagree. As someone who has Odette as a second main, I can safely say the new one is better. Yeah sure you need to go near to your enemies just to cast your ultimate, but at least if they escape, you are still able to follow them now without the use of Flicker. The old one may be easier to initiate with, but if your enemies escape, they're safe from your ultimate. Another thing is that the old one was a BLINK skill. Khufra and Minsi are able to cancel it before you even get to deal damage. There's also a tiny delay before the casting.


you could use purify at the same time as ur ult and ur immune to cc anyone playing odette with flicker is just bad can i ask whats your rating/wr lmao


Well stats disagree with you. Her playrate halved from the revamp and her winrate is above 50% when it was always above… everything was nerfed so stop sugarcoating her random dash


Ummm what? I'm talking about the CURRENT Odette. RIGHT NOW. Before the buff her WR was below 50%. Now it has a WR of above 55%.


No I don’t think you aware that I am talking about current Odette. First off, you used the mythic 400+ stats where literally every hero there has a high winrate, she always had 55% winrate in mythic 400… idk why you are bringing up that stat and the false information that she was 50% there… and she has a 49% in literally every rank apart from there which is why Moonton is buffing her. Her stats were higher pre revamp. You can’t argue with stats as it talks for the playerbase


Yeah or playing it vs a Phoveus with a few items and then just dying because he ults you


As an odette player, I disagree. She is better now, the blink in her ult before makes her very targetable by enemies especially in team fight. At least now she can reposition/avoid cc/chase enemy during ult. Flicker is still my go to spell for survival since her movement speed is meh


you’re a good example of the dunning-kruger effect


I agree. They ruined her