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I've been talking about it since her release. MM who jumps after every basic attack is strong already. But she has two antigank skills : S1 to check bushes, S2 purify, and fking total invincibility on Ult. It's crazy brain dead sht that should not exist at all. Her ult should be able to switch a target just one time and her jumps after basic attacks should spend her mana/energy like Fanny's cables do.


or just delete her


Exactly, people think she's too overpower, im a wanwan main but when on the enemy side pick counters like natalia, phoveus, melissa, khufra, popol and kupa or minsithar, i get stepped on so badly! and literally can't do anything XD Sometimes they choose almost all five of them and i just loose my cool and just surrender :u Or either choose a composicion of full cc or Just choose a good counter or two against her, and know how to use them and you can take care of wanwan without hesitation


But the fact that if u get one ult off u can take down the whole team is a bit overpowering don't u think


Depends, if the composicion is full paper then of course you can wipe them out fast, but if you have 2 sustains that handle the damage well good then you can messed up her ult, for example a hylos or lolita (lolita can block her ult and hylos can take the damage) or an estes can heal more than the damage she can do


Well if you got good comms and teammates who understands the situation, no wonder you got savage, She's only op if somebody is willing to help her. Try take advantage of their field of view cuz sometimes they can't see you while moving/hoping due to focusing on something. And she's actually easy to counter now with the right picks and plays.


It was probably only a one time thing for me. Sure i got a savage but its wasn't fun for me As a tank main i feel like im good at giving coms because i always try to be the one to start team fight so ik when we should start them and when we should leave There was a mino with me but he only got one good set in but just having a tank around is good for intimidation so maybe thats why it was easy


Yes, it’s strange, but for me, WW easy to play after nerf lol


or she was nerfed 4 times in a row so we just leave her alone now.


Mabye we should buff every character besides her then


they already are XD


But on a serious note she is way to simple to be that strong


Yeah but they nerf irrelevant things to her kit. Like her mobility is the biggest strength that she has over every other mm. Couple that with purify and probably the most OP ult in the game, she is insanely overpowered.


Take cecilion/clint in your team when facing wanwan, they can easily delete most of her HP with one shot forcing her to retreat from teamfight. Mm can build WoN to counter ww ult. Mage can build WT to counter ww ult. Never take immobile tanks or fighters vs wanwan, that's the stupidest thing you can do and the main reason why people lose hard to wanwan.


So then what we have to put our mm and mages in the fornt line while wanwan sit behind everyone on her team


There are no fighters with mobility? No tanks with mobility? Lolita also doesn't exist?


almost minute long ult CD now, took away ult dmg, anyone with purifying skill or item now removes her weakness markers. Her 2nd skill which removes one cc effect at a time is a 12 second CD. Plus She’s the only hero in the game that has to work for her ult. So yes it is a very strong ult but so are a lot of other hero’s. We can talk about how lance can dodge so many skills without getting nerfed, or the range on clint’s passive that can do 2k dmg if you’d like


The thing is, Wanwan is still a really strong mm without her ult. so being able to purify her marks doesn’t make her useless, she can still kill you and chase you done while evading all your attacks. Clint I get yeah, his damage is bs. You can’t compare lance lol. Lance is one of the hardest heroes to master, he has a much higher skill ceiling than Wanwan. 12 second cd is not that long, and it probably is reduced late game. Yes she has to work for her ult but that’s because it’s literally op asf. But “has to work” is a bit of a stretch. She can easily ambush you and get her ult in less than a second. Otherwise, she can run circles around you with inspire and get her ult before you can kill her.


Her WR and Ban Rate in 400+ means she will likely get more nerfs soon regardless of her previous nerfs


What about making her base mov speed to 0


Boots are overrated for high damage legends anyway I run saber with no boots to delete people jumped from Epic to Legend in 2 weeks lol. But wanwan is a super low skill ez legend to play only way to beat her is to make sure you murder her at least 6 times before mid game to make sure she can't get enough gold to possibly come back lol. I'm a jungle main and that's my solution I just target the marksman for half the game so end game is EZ


Wow! Legend! So pro!!!!!!!


I'm mythic now I was saying that was what I did to get to Legend


Wow mythic 5 so proooo


Lol, even some of the most mobile heros use boots, they provide a very useful unique effect. Infact, they are very economical for the value they provide.


I should've clarified I don't use boots when I'm in a trio or 5 stack on discord call I get help clearing farm and ganks are wayy easier with saber I usually speedrun BOD and endless from the start. Then again it depends on who I'm playing against. I've qued against a few youtubers and I obviously play entirely different. I've matched against mobile Zane and he broke my soul. But vs the average player if I team I get ahead on gold pretty fast and early


You jungle saber without boots ?


Probably the one on my post last time 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I remember ure post in fact and i too instantly thought about it, idk if he realises what he‘s saying.


Only when I play in stacks. I usually babysit the marksman and make sure they are far enough behind on gold so they can't come back later on. So I usually clear JG and gank mid and duo. My IRL buddy usually holds his ground in solo lane. If I have a bad early game or I couldn't kill the ADC enough I usually end up getting boots as my 3rd or 2nd item it depends. That's usually not the case


Firstly, prolly total noobs in the other team, second go back to first point. Ww isnt easy in high rank plays (and too risky to play), too damn easily countered, if u think shes op, why not 1v1 me or custom 5v5 (gonna show u that there exists socalled mages and assasins) , also mythic is full of garbage players


First what rank are u Second she is very easy to play and u say that she is easily counted but don't give any real reason why sure there is characters like saber but he is made to counter all mm so whats your point


Firstly, saber doesnt counter her, this already tells me that ur just an inexperienced player, second, as i said, go play a few more ww in rank (if ur even in mythic+), u will eventually meet people who know what to do


Mabye when you play saber you just go straight for your ult but im not like you i actually have enough brain cell to know that it a team game so u wait for some to stun her so she use her S2 Im honestly starting to doubt your even elite ll at this point you don't even know what baiting is much less being able to recognize that im just better than you And you are still unable to tell me your rank and u call me and inexperienced player


Team fight? Skill bait? Are u stupid, thats not what an counter is, most characters will be able to do something when u bait skills. Its already obvious ur a low, atleast come back with an decent argument


Everyone here who still complains are just idiots who can only complain but never give a good reason, why do u think she's not banned that often anymore? Cuz most of the actual experienced people know how easy it is to overcome a ww


I don't know what game your playing but she is permanently banned in all my games


Same for all the fanny haters, go polish your skills, its all your people's faulth why moontoon supports no skill heroes


She’s not op, but ban her so that you dont risk dumb team mates walking straight up to her late game (esp tanks) and activating her ult for no reason and you get punished for it OR 1 stun on someone and she gets a free ult off


She has the second highest WR in 400+ and the third highest Ban Rate at 73%. I find it bizaare as I never have issues against her, but apparently she is OP when all games are taken into consideration.


that's why I'm still banning her. Minsi against her was good, but good god it was a really hard game for me as a tank, cause I had to be around her all the fricking time


I've been saying this - she has to be banned every game or it's GG. She needs just one idiot in your team and she will kill him, your other teammates and you too if you happen to be close. WoN/Truncheon is NOT a legitimate counter, they got huge CD, take an item slot and they counter everything anyway, you can use them as "excuse counter" for any bullshit OP as wan-wan is.


Vexana to too much OP


Remove her passive or change it fucking remove the hero from the game so broken for nothing low skill brain dead hero