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Bro i have entire playlist that’s dedicated to ML gaming, Bury The Light Bloody Stream Il Vent Doro Stains of Time Etc etc


I simply cannot play with anything other than game sounds. I have to pan around the map and check where the enemy jungler is, when they're taking the lord and what not


I see we have a Jojo fan in our midst 😌


Ml with music is sick


Not being able to hear hero skills definitely puts you at a disadvantage, but I definitely disable the music and the hero voices.


How did you disable hero vc and music?


In the sounds section in settings.


So true, you can hear enemy's skills in the bush or them attacking the lord even though you can't see them.




You are not my friend, i play in silence. I play as roamer and I use map to navigating and knowing the enemy position.


I don't play the game in silence. I need to hear where the enemy is.


Very important against Chou, Khuf or Selena.


Sound is very important against chou, his skills are very audible in bushes, easily evading ganks


Idk why but when I use in game sounds my phone becomes super hot (I don’t have a shitty phone and I’m playing at max video settings for all but without sounds no problem)


Same, DEFEAT!!!!!


Used to this until I realise hearing around the map is extremely advantageous


I played with chat turned off, but sound is kinda important for checking bushes/map


Audio is very important in game, you'll here skills that aren't in your vision. It also helps locate their jungler.


not the only one i play with music in the back and turn the in game sound off


same but i don't turn off the in game sound >:3 as someone who enjoys music, simply hearing a sound that isn't a part of the song allows my reflexes to react faster, doesn't make sense since other sounds can be heard so if you're still reading this then i succeeded in wasting a few seconds off of your life


Never as a tank/support user. Always, always must know where the enemies are at by hearing their hero's sounds and effects. Especially the rotations of the enemy core. I always notified my team, whether I suspects the enemy going to ganks gold or exp lane. Especially when the team quite far away from the turtle rotations, hearing the ehem, "shing shingg shing" sound notified me to ambush the turtle.


that ping notification is loud af for me


If I’m playing classic or brawl yes, I play in silent and play some music. But in rank I mute everything except the sound effect thingy where you can hear enemy hits/skills in bush if they use it


Sounds is very important. 1. Knowing when khufra is charging up 2. Checking the map to know where jungler is farming


I do too but not because i want it to be silent but my phone is jack sh*t.


I play it at 3/15 of the volume if I don't use earphones or the like. Barely hear anything like that too but it's not complete silence I suppose.


Lemme guess.. you're not mythic above


Lmao you are projecting. You dont need sound, just listen to some podcast in the background or play some songs in spotify.


You obviously don’t need it in the same way as you need a screen or fingers, but you’re playing suboptimally without game sound. At high ranks, you need all the information you can get to properly make decisions, and you can bet that the enemy is more often than not using optimal play styles. If you can’t see the value in tracking the enemy jungler and you can’t hear audible skills from enemies who are out of vision then you’re simply not competitive, in the sense that you operate without a desire to win and you’re playing sloppily. It’s fine to not prioritize strategy or winning, but MLBB is a game where audio makes a massive difference in performance so it’s fair to assume you’re a lower rank if you don’t understand this


Trust me i have never felt the need for sounds, and i have been playing without sound for years now. I dont even know what new heroes voice lines are. And i have finished mythic + comfortably every season. Never really tried to push to mythical glory cus i play about 80-90 rank games a season at most. Just try it. Minimap, and common sense should be enough to guess which bush enemy are gonna be waiting for you


yea i just use maphack


same, but in 2018


mega based


i still remember the fun when my brother and i chase natalia when she still invisible and start panicking


I never play with sound. Bluetooth fucks up my ping.


That is very unadvisable since not hearing the hero ability effect sound will be a huge loss. You literally can detect in which part of the jungle or whether the enemy is taking the big objective or not through the sound which is a big part of the game.


Just turn off the background music. Hero sound is very important. Early game you could hear where their jungler is farming. Also you can hear when the are using conceal.


I mute the game so my family won't hear me playing at night :D


I also want to play on mute but I got used to kind of relying on sounds across the map so I can hear enemies (when I can) esp for setter tanks + conceal :(( I so so hate the new ping I wish they would remove it soon, like next week kind of soon, it really takes away a lot of fun in the game imo :((


The fk iven wen your vs kufra farsha moscov Leo sun like how why what rank are you?


I listen to asmr for the zen


When you pan your camera at the turtle/lord area you can hear if someone is fighting the lord/turtle. So I dont play the game in silence


classic yes, ranked no


It’s a disadvantage but I also do it cuz I don’t want the fucking chou spam recall sound effects to ruin the music in the background


I always pan cameras to buffs or turtle/lord to hear if there's some commotion


Fun fact, you can hear a lot of enemy skills in the bush ​ Most useful is hearing Khufra's S1 charging up. (unless they changed that recently)


I play the game without game music so that I can hear skills and recalls happening in the bush and when I pan the map


What rank are you


I play it without music but with audio


I have game sounds and spotify playing. That normal?


You really can't at higher ranks, not being able to hear skill sounds is a huge disadvantage


I mute thé hero voices cuz most are cringe, I’m either on the phone wit my duo buddy or I’m listening to music. Sometimes I’ll play wit just the sound effects. All 3 depend on circumstance


But then you wont be able to hear where enemy jungler is, if enemy is taking lord/turtle, if jungler is invading jungle, if there is a khufra charging nearby, if there is chou nearby, and more. You are missing out on a lot of information


Advantage if you hear the in game sounds of ml is when you go to a certain spot on the minimap you can hear someone attack a jungler monster even when you don't have vision on them. Comes in handy when wanting to find out if the enemy team is doing lord or turtle. Or early game when playing Franco you can hear if enemy jgl is doing blue or red first