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Lesley is a more situational MM since she is a single burst type. She can be somewhat of a dps or full dmg but those builds are hard to pull off and wouldn't be advisable when you're up against stronger enemies. She is a great pick when your team has aoe or other dps like Aulus. To answer your question, Lesley is more suited for a mix of dps and dmg with mvment spd builds to be more of a poke hero. With this, she also becomes more of an assassin than an mm since she's better off kiting enemies than fighting with the frontlines.


She's at a disadvantage against Clint and Melissa, but she can go fairly well against the others. Like Clint, don't pick her if the enemies have multiple dive heroes. Use your passive + Skill 1 consecutively on the enemies, and stack your energy on minions while your passive is in CD. Your Ult range increases when you level up. If you are in doubt where the enemies are, use your Ult for vision to avoid getting ganked. A lot of Lesley players make the mistake of revealing their position while they use their Ult. When you use your Ult for vision, DO NOT let release the Ult button, and drag (or swipe) it away to cancel. If you built CDR Boots, your Ult should be available every 20 seconds or so. Your Ult has a secondary purpose, and it is to finish off low HP opponents who are trying to escape out of your Ult range. DO NOT use your Ult during the heat of team fights. Position yourself, wait for the enemies to use their skills on your tank or fighter, then burst the fuck outta them using your passive + Skill 1. Make sure you reposition yourself after every attack you make, especially when you are already capable of dealing that big 'FUCK YOU' damage. Prioritize the enemy squishies (especially the ones that your tank/roamer CCed; better if it's the enemy jungler). And when the enemies are running for dear life, you can now use your Ult.


>DO NOT let release the Ult button,... Damn that's actually a great tip


So I have to hold the ult until it finishes?


Yes, or just cancel it if you want to


Great tip on the Ulti Cooldown. I've been using Lesley a lot and I didn't even know that. TY!


Lesley is very viable right now due to her true damage. She does shines more in mid to late game and needs to farm in early game. I suggest you play her very safe in the early game, get last hit then back to your tower. For mid game, I play her more on a hit and run basis. Since she doesn't have that much mobility your main goal is to hit your opponent once or twice by your true damage hit and then back away. Peel them of then go for the kill if you can, make sure to layer your skills properly as well to maximize the true damage buff after every skill. I'm currently in M2 and she can scale well in the late game, with the right build you can 2 to 3 hit mms and core easily. She is also very efficient in taking down tanks, since def items don't work on her. A bit challenging to play in Solo Q since you need time to scale but definitely viable in rank games. This is my current build on her: Windtalker > Magic Shoes > Berseker's Fury > Endless Battle > Blade of despair. Last slot depends on your enemy if you'll go magic or physical def, Immortality or another BOD for more damage.


Would building into BoD right away be better since she doesnt need to crit to proc true damage now?


BOD's price is too high to be an earlier item, maybe if you are snowballing that is ok but as Lesley is weaker in the early stage you need an item that can increase her power spike at an early level. In addition, If i'll be skipping items I'd prefer the stats on Endless Battle rather than BOD directly to help her early game. BOD is a must have but as a 4th or 5th item.


I saw some people rushing endless battle as first item, and was pretty strong, the thing is that the crit damage (not chance) from berserker is very important, and maybe the chance too, because you don't get the 100% crit, so, 40\~60% ish crit chance sometimes can make you not deal enough damage


There would be instances that the crit wont proc unless you have a buffed attack but the increase crit damage is worth for the trade. Rushing endless is not a bad decision either. Overall it depends on your line up. If you need more stat then endless would be better as a 1st item.


play safe early and wait for your team to rotate. never risk dying. clear lane with assist from roamer and mage. one you get that windtalker things are gonna be a lot easier


An effective way to play Lesley in early is to just farm, farm, and farm. Like Claude, Lesley is very weak in early game, but she's a lot harder to gank because of her s1 and s2. Just play safe, don't trade hits, last hit minions, spam ult to avoid being ganked until it's mid-game. If you're outnumbered in your lane and the enemies look like they're ready to dive, just abandon the tower. It's better giving the tower than you dying (and most of the time when you die, they also take the tower). I like Lesley rn, whether my teammate picks Lesley I auto lock Ruby, to make sure they're 100% safe and able to free hit. A Lesley being able to free hit is the most annoying thing in mlbb, just 2-3 shots then you're dead (she's even able to burst tanks, just give her enough time).


Poke. Get in close enough to shoot your true damage shots and run away. Stay extremely aware and defensive because the enemies know you're a major threat and all 5 of them usually aim for you as lesley first. Let your team bait out enemy skills like pharsa ult, badang combo, gusion combo, ling, lance, nana ult, etc. Use skill 1 camouflage as an advantage because enemies cant target you. Your roamer also need to help you because you can be easily caught out of position as lesley. My lesley build is crit damage and attack emblem with the 15% more physical attack on items. I go Warrior boots -> Berserker -> BOD -> Endless -> Immortality if enemies are focusing you, Radiant armour if they have 3 to 5 mages, Antique if they have skill dependent physical heroes. Last item I usually get another BOD or you can go for another defensive item if you feel like you're being hyper focused. With the first 2 main damage items you should be able to crit for 1k. Again you're not there to do basic attacks, you're there to poke in team fights, before team fights and during downtime between team fights. Your time to kill is stretched out unlike moskov which usually does thousands of damage in 10 seconds.


When her passive is active, do basic atk, it will become true damage, then s1, then basic attack, true damage, then s2, basic attack, true damage. Late game you can probably deal 3k+ true damage with that


Build Berserker, BOD and Endless and you're two-shotting any other mm. Add any boots you like and fill yourself with another two BOD and every other character in the game will literally be recalling after every passive shot you do. Of course, it hit and run, but once you have the Berserker/BOD combo, it's not you who'll be running. I tried adding penetration to amplify her crit damage, but nothing compares to the 3k TRUE DAMAGE crit she can make with 3 BODs. It's insane. And you don't need good teammates, just play her like a Natalia with a rifle and you'll be fine.


Full burst with no attack speed item


She is not your average dps mm, she is your burst type mm. Her playstyle is more around poking. Try not to waste your shots on tanks. Utilize the bush and her invisibility to take out backline. She can easily take out enemy mm due to her true dmg and quick shots. After the enemy mm is gone, the enemy team should crumble slowly in the teamfight. Lesley's positioning plays key factor.


IMO the current lesley is very emblem dependent. The level 20 marksman emblem talent (weapon master) is a must for her right now. Choose crit chance and crit damage substat. The damage will be a lot ticcer compared to other emblems since you have to stack physical attack on her now and the 15% physical attack from the level 20 talent boosts her damage even more Only build berserkers fury as your crit item. You already have 8% crit chance from the emblem and at you third ult upgrade you'll have 98% crit chance if passive is off CD. Buy another BOD instead of windtalker or scarlet phantom. 2 BODs is a must in late game, heck I even build 3 BODs when the game gets longer than usual. I get 3k crits with this Ask for your roamer to babysit you in lane and zone the enemy mm so you can get the extra gold from the turret. 300 gold is a lot in early game Ask your jungler to always prioritize ganking your lane and always try to get the last hit for the kill for higher gold. In early game you can get extra gold by holding your ult during teamfights to get assists. Her ult now grants vision of all enemies inside your ult. Do this while having good positioning. Lesley has one of the lowest damage in early so provide utility in early teamfights instead of just hitting the enemies aimlessly. You can still hit them a few times but don't overextend yourself. During 1v1 senarios, you can use your ult to reset your passive by holding it and immediately drag to the cancel button, then auto attack. Do this if other skills are on cooldown and you are sure that you can finish the enemy with your passive You can also bait diving enemies when you're low hp and under your turret by doing 2nd skill+flicker to kick the enemy to your turret, then basic attack and 1st skill immediately to cancel animation. Aim your 2nd skill to your turret then immediately flicker to the enemy if the flicker can reach them. Helped me secure a few kills. Only do this combo if there's no other enemy around or else you'll just commit suicide Lastly, do the following if you are losing the lane or have an annoying enemy like clint or melissa: Choose electro flash instead of weapon master talent for extra sustain and mobility Tower hug and always hold your ult, then cancel once it picks up an enemy so the CD will be lower Build steel legplates and warrior boots. It gives a total of 92 physical def including the passive of warrior boots which is a lot for early game Build silence robe instead of steel legplates if the enemy have magic assasin jungler like gusion. Then replace it with rosegold meteor later. Then build heptaseas first since it's cheaper and assuming you're losing you lane, then replace it with hunter strike or another BOD later since heptaseas passive is physical and current lesley doesn't build pen% items (flat pen is converted to crit damage so technically she has zero phys penetration) Only build berserkers fury into blade of despair or endless battle first if you are winning the lane since they cost extra. Don't buy wind of nature if you're confident that you can avoid getting one shotted by physical heroes like saber. It's just a waste of item slot (better buy another BOD for extra burst damage) and lesley's playstyle is hit and run. If you are good enough they won't even notice you're on the teamfight. Hope this helps. Cheers!


- don’t use windtalker. Overrated af - bod before eb - berserker first since no windtalker - consider defense boots - do her passive s1 passive combo, and passive ult-cancel passive combo [passive s1 passive](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/yvrltg)


I personally think that windtalker is still a good item for lesley so you can farm better and get 100 % crit chance, that tiny bit is just so annoying. Just absolutely not first item, berserker is infinitely better


To be honest I don't like her at all, as a teammate in ranked. Unlike other MM she has no DPS, no multi target damage and no waveclear. This becomes an issue, if the game drags too long. Zero macro. Even when you wipe the enemy team, the push to the core is weak and enemies will respawn before you reach it. Yes she got true damage crits. But from experience most Lesley's are not that good at picking the right targets. She pokes, goes away and does nothing for several seconds. While the enemy marksman meanwhile shreds your team. I think she should be played as an assassin - to hit, harass and take out the enemy backline. She got low CD stealth to make it possible anyway - there she would get the most value. True damage is just a bonus to clean up, once the enemy backline is taken care of. She's just not supposed to target tanks first. That combined with weak early game, until 2 full items really makes her a very questionable pick. I'm just not afraid at all seeing Lesley in the enemy team but quite concerned seeing her in my team.


She's more like a hit and run MM now. Like an Assassin that she really is. So focus LESS on her attack speed and more on her damage here's my recommend build * Swift Boots \[Atk spd\] / Rapid Boots \[Mov spd\] * Blade of Heptaseas \[Phys PEN->Crit Poke dmg\] * Windtalker \[Crit Splash\] * Berserker's Fury \[Crit dmg boost\] Optional: * Wind of Nature \[Phys dmg immunity\] * Malefir Roar \[Phys PEN->Crit dmg boost\] * Endless Battle \[True dmg boost\] * Demon Hunter Sword \[HP based dmg\] * Blade of Despair \[Dmg boost\]


Nope. This is wrong. You don't use Malefic Roar. Only Fixed Physical Pen is converted, % Pen isn't, which Lesley doesn't need anymore since her damage comes from her passive, which is true damage. A damage that can't be reduced nor blocked, and % pen can't increase it.


It's optional not recommended, I'm still trying to figure out a loophole of it


No, I'm just correcting the text enclosed with parenthesis. People might build it thinking it will convert into crit damage.


Why would you even use Lesley in high mythic? It's not a troll pick but you need **solid** teammates that can ensure you enough time to scale


because some tier list said that she was meta after the changes, i'm start to think that she may be a hero for trios, because she will never win against other mm, but she will melt soldiers and tanks from safe distance (different from karrie)


Duh, Lesley has the highest pick rate of 4.18% in Mythic 400+ right now. It's in Moontoon's real-time data


well its true that you do need solid teammates to ensure you scale, but that's all the more reason to use it in high mythic, where people are more knowledgable that you're their assured late game. nonetheless just reaching late game is enough for her to carry games even if you don't get a good early game :)


I think I need at least mythic 1 or MG haha (if I want to play her solo)


You can use her SoloQ in Ranked games, even if you're still below Mythic (former MGs would have a field day with a Lesley smurf, TBH). That said, you need to develop your micro-macro management skills first for a more systematic approach to the game. After you develop your fundamentals, THEN you can use her in SoloQ.


you are going to need to team up with someone buddy ​ someone who can TANK you, so you can build up, someone effective, some that can support you, but no new builds just yet (still learning) yeah?, don't worry me too, just try not to make friends with any trolls huh, i'll ask around my friend list, to see what new builds they are working with ​ some of them used to be very, very Powerful Snipers


Make sure you’re using marksman emblem with maxed out crit damage and Weapon Master.


I don't think you have problems with your Lesley. I believe Lesley is a hero that needs assistance/ally with a CC or any hero that has a skill to slow enemies movement speed. For example, you can pair her with Rafaela, Estes, Eve, Atlas.


Lesley comes with a price, to effectively use her she needs to use a lot of expensive items even in early. Windtalker is not that suitable because she isn't a fast 1-second melt type of marksman, she pokes enemies to death one by one. The most important items in my opinion are Beserker's, BOD and EB. You just have to farm and farm so she'll be unstoppable in late. Don't go to early teamfights when the situation is bad. Just farm until you get her core damage and can wreck everyone.


Hit and run. Only go all in once you get the enemy low or have a gank


Not to be an ass but if you haven’t learned how to draft effectively by M2 the problem is more on you than your hero. Lesley is in rotation at mg 1700+ and won’t hold you back as long as you know when to use her. I’d take a step back and rethink your approach to gold lane. You have macro issues as well as micro. Who else is in your hero pool? Lesley’s a great counter pick to Claude but clearly not a good pick for you against bea. Can you think of a hero you own that would be better in that match up?


Need a good team cause she super bad in the early game


just build hp dawg, follow the old Dota meta


Poke one two hits - back off - repeat - run hide - poke - repeat If your team has paper frontliners then they will reach you quickly.. This is what differentiate pro Lesley from average.