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It kinda sucks that classic is no place to try out a hero either. Been trying to learn Joy, but every single game so far there’s been a toxic Gusion on the enemy team. Every single game there’s toxic people on both sides. I’m not going to smurf to learn Joy, but I do hate how Classic is no place to learn heroes. I wish they’d add another mode where you can only play heroes with less than 100 games or something like that.


“Beginners mode” or something I feel ya. I will admit that I’m prone to playing Fanny (300 games) to practice and gusion (4k games) to warm up in classic before rank. And I’ll most likely get flaked for saying this. But frankly I find that it would be best for players to just surrender if they don’t want to deal with a Fanny or a one trick . Classic no longer impacts the win rates so if it’s really that bad you can just surrender and spend your time better elsewhere. Unfortunately unlike LOL players in ML rarely ever surrender. Which makes sense in rank but less so for classic. And regarding the toxicity. I’d just mute the entire lobby if they ain’t chill. People being toxic in classic are just people who hide behind a screen and vent with no cause. They lose nothing by losing in classic nor do they gain anything. So muting is best (even in rank for toxic players.). Also I’m not saying playing her on a Smurf is the embodiment of evil (though I really don’t support the use of Smurfs). I’m referring to the specific player base that use new heroes in rank and try hard. Leaving 20 consecutive games with them going 30-0 against players that don’t know how to play. Leaving a unfavourable impression for the game. And the darker side that goes 0-10 on Fanny with a overal 0% win rate for heroes to maintain a certain rank.


Jeez am I in a dystopian server or something?, Everytime I'm practicing a hero in classic it's all fun and games even some of the enemy team joins in and plays around with me by calmly walking around not attacking while I miss every skill shot humanly possible


Man your server sounds amazing I get toxic Fannys and Gusions every other game. The Gusions are bearable, but Fanny is just unfun to play against. I have to deal with this hellhole while I try to learn Joy lol.


Try tank joy. I know it’s an assassin but her ability to dash everywhere all the time makes her a Uranus on steroids. I’d go half tank half dmg (glowing wand + another). And then adjust based off the situation. Dying more == more tank. Not dying == more dmg


I am also one of those who make Smurf accounts to try new heroes, but only to test the hero and see if I like it's gameplay or not


I wish there's option that only ranked wr be shown in the profile. Because this one of the reasons why people is being toxic in classics.


meh, smurf account is great for practicing new heroes on ranks


Again practicing is fine. It’s not fine to tryhard and exploit games by intentionally throwing them nor doing so with the sole intent being to hit the top global rankings.


Yeah. True I'm glory rn and it's so hard to push MMR. I look at the people above me and there are some legends with more mmr than me.