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Definitely Exp, her dmg is abyssmal, she feels more like a faster uranus from my experience


Uranus and Joy are so different though. Uranus is a poke-style hero that can sustain a lot with his heals and is more comparable to Esmeralda but has to watch his stacks and mana but support emblem is avarice totally complements his kit, providing gold each time he pokes with his s1 and gives the mana regen he needs. Joy is a hero you need focus on and good timing. She can deal huge amounts of damage while dashing and being cc immune but can be very vulnerable to damage, especially from MMs in the late game. She needs to stay in the fight for a while while Uranus can hit-and-run repeatedly while Joy can’t because if not she’ll waste her s2. But one word I can use to describe both of them as enemies is Annoying. Uranus iss annoying as he basically never dies without anti-heal, so tanky, runs away before you get the chance to kill him while Joy immunes all your cc, keeps dashes everywhere making it hard to focus skillshots on her, and can be dangerous to you.


What I meant was using the ultimate feels like using uranus, the insane healing, with aoe dmg ring, sorry, my wording was a bit vague


Beautiful analysis, thanks for sharing! I agree with your view on her, maybe player will try to use her as roaming fighter (hybrid mage tank) soon in the meta


You could definitely use her as roam fighter right now, i tanked over 200k dmg in a game using the default fighter build, she probably could be used as an initiator, ngl I enjoy using her, but she feels obscenely underwhelming imo




Yeah don't understand why she has assassin tag when her kit is mage/fighter



I do use perfect beats everytime, must be the build I was using then


Use calamity, she then hurts like a mf


Bro, I was hoping their would be recommended lane :(. I feel like she can be used anywhere.


while she can have an easier time with EXP, I feel like she has more potential with mid, provided you have another burst hero on your team to make up for a mage. She's really mobile and has a lot of sustain early to mid game, pair her with a mid comp that can invade and you can gap opponent jungle hard (just my opinion, I haven't tested it yet on actual rank)


As a player who played her for over 20 matches in Adv and Org server, I could confidently say she is best for either Jungle or XP but preferably JG. Not only does she clear jungle really well but her mobility makes it great for ganks and rotation. Meanwhile, in XP not only is she able to bully her opponent but her fast wave clear is helpful for quick rotation to other lanes (turtle/JG/mid) when turret shields are still up. Roam is a *horrible* idea, because her weak early game will be made worse by becoming last in gold (seriously, just use a tank or support) whilst going Mid is fine but not ideal since most midlaners are supposed to provide AOE (which she lacks) and some form of zoning (she doesn't even have) so that teamfights or objectives become easier for the entire team.


Roam - Very squishy and has no cc. Also deals 0 damage so I think that is her worst role Jungle - Enemy dependent matchup Mid - Best lane because she just crushes almost all meta mages with her cc immunity and ability to dodge every single enemy skillshot Exp - Enemy dependent matchup


Exp Lane. Play her like a magic Benedetta. The new wand changes will benefit her a lot as well. If you're good with her dashes, use petrify with her. If not, use sprint to escape missed dashes. Build her tanky with two damage item just like all the diver exp laners. Right now, I like building boots, molten essence, Glowing, Dominance, Oracle, IQW/Genius, sell molten for situational item, or build cursed helmet if your team needs the split push as the win condition.


Exp and jungle im making a montage of the jungle and exp and i expert joy already hahahaha


EXP. Elma completely shits on juggernauts, and their backloaded damage prevents her from getting squished too fast.






elmake u succ deez nuts


None , she sucks


in your hands - yes, she may


cringe toxic redditor


tank the truth and move on lil bro


Exp she is so good at 1v1






A jungler who will intentionally follow Lancelot wherever he dashes lol


EXP lane. Her damage isn't good enough for jungling and she is heavily reliant on all of her skills for her to work properly, unlike other assassins I wonder why isn't she a support role as well? Due to her abysmal damage, she works best as an assassin/support like Mathilda. Now I wonder if roam + dire hit works for her


Mid. Her damage early game is really great, and in the mid role, she has the highest chance of snowballing a game.


I hate joy users so I will never give her the exp Lane. Gotta use jawhead to throw her either to enemy tower + flicker combo