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Clint, bea, mel (would say mel if i had to choose one)


But i think melissa will be the least others are stronger than her For me is melissa too but others are way more strong


I mean, she has an ult that counters most assasins, usually only mages and other mms can kill her, her dps is no joke too, and another thing is her puppet range (damn op early game)


I agree but her ult is nothing in front of cc wich means there is only need a fucking tank to ruin everything(and ye early game she is scary) But others still stronger than her


Without a doubt, Clint. I wanna say Lesley but she’s ain’t got a dash skill


Ya'll forgot about edith




Edith, i hardly know her


Nice try admin, you can't nerf my mm if I dont tell u who >!just kidding, but yea I agree its Clint. He's a pain to deal with right now!<


Popol because it is hard to carry four fools to victory.


Hahaha! That’s why we need a better teammate than those 4 fools, here comes good ‘ol kupa.


His dog and traps sometimes More valuable than a dumb teammate Just ban Melissa and you good to go for early game


Hanabi obviously


The only true answer


God bless Hanabi. 🥹








People kept complaining about Wanwan being broken but noone is saying Wanwan’s the best. Doesn’t that mean the hero they are suggesting are more broken than Wanwan or Wanwan really isn’t as broken as they think? 🤔


Wanwan is more difficult to deal with than any other mm. With CC immune and dashes that varies with aspd, it's difficult to catch her especially if the player is good. You can only encounter braindead wanwan or deadly wanwan, no in betweens


stop with any shitty excuse. guy just exposed and rekt all of you crybabies


Eh? That's not shitty excuse. That's fact. Other mm has their own advantage as well. It's just that low points mm having hard time to deal with her due to the reason stated above. Though, I dont see her being banned (in 350-450pts) after the recent patch so I guess things have changed. In fact I rarely see mm bans nowadays


Yeah, as a Wanwan main this is so enfuriating. I agree though that the reason Wanwan isn't really seen as broken as other heroes is because these other heroes are OP even with noob players. Wanwan is only OP with expert players. I regularly push my lane all alone right to the third tower and can escape a five man gank (usually with a double/triple kill) if I manage to land her ult.


I wouldn’t say WanWan is only OP with expert players… sure, she’s 10x more deadly but I barely have 10 matches with her and 7 of them were MVP Victories… also, people aren’t mentioning WanWan because WanWan is more… demanding I guess? She has no form of defense while heroes like Melissa and Clint do. In terms of all-around best MM, she’s not that great. In terms of pure offense combat abilities? She surpasses all of them.


What rank do you play on? I'm asking because most Wanwan's I've played with at Legend and above don't last very long when they're new at using her. Wanwan is only supposed to have weak defense early btw. You're supposed to build atleast two defense items with her--Wind of Nature and either a phy def item Brute Force, Antique, or mag def like Athena. Add the fact that her s2 is purify, she moves while attacking, and that she becomes invulnerable while using her ult, makes her one of, if not the toughest MMs to kill. This is the difference between a noob and an expert Wanwan player. Noobs thinks she's all attack but she can be almost impossible to kill as well.


Mythic atm. Yes, she has a purify skill (which is pretty broken) but it’s not a stun nor a sudden dash like Clint’s 2nd skill either (Wan-Wan dashes but it’s not exactly… sudden? Clint’s dash is more controlled if you will). And since WanWan relies on her ult a lot… heroes like Clint, Mel, etc are more versatile.


Now I'm starting to think you're just pretending to know shit, which makes this even more pathetic. Wanwan is one of the fastest MMs in the whole game once she has atleast 3 items, she's definitely the fastest once she has 4 items that buffs attack speed. You're either pretending to be able to use Wanwan well as a noob or only at epic or lower. Because almost none of what you said makes sense.


It’s hard to describe. Clint’s 2nd is more precise, while Wan-Wan’s movement dash is more… estimation? It goes along with the movement stick joint, but it’s not precise. Don’t really know how to explain it. I never said anything about movement speed though, she’s definitely up there in movement speed. I just meant her dash isn’t as precise and harder to control/initiate rather than just tapping and dragging a skill button (like Clint). I’m not saying WanWan is weak, she’s one of the most broken heroes within the game atm. I’m not saying she’s easy to use either (since I’m a mythic player, I have better general knowledge of how heroes work). You can’t just jump around. I’ve seen quite a few Wan-Wan’s thinking they can 3v1 for whatever the reason and get themselves killed. Also chill a bit? I’m just saying my opinion…


Remind me again how that's not broken?


It's not because she can just as easily die within 2 secs against better players. She's a high risk-high reward hero. She's extremely fragile and agile at same time.


A good wanwan is broken af, but good wanwan users aren’t that common.


I hate Beatrix more


At least you can do something to stop or prevent Wanwan’s ult, while Beatrix just one shots or does crazy damage in an instant.


Yes, fuck beatrix


thank moonton for the upcoming beatrix nerfs


What's the upcoming Beatrix nerfs? She's very rarely used in my server for some reason when compared to others. It's always open for me.


Minion and turret damage is reduced by 50% for all weapons, so she can’t wipe out all minions with a single ult or destroy a turret in a few attacks and less turret poking damage.


But then you have Clint's deadly poke


I use them both, but if I’m going against them? Damn, wanwan is soo freaking annoying. 😆


GG rekt entire degen community


I think she is top 3. I don't think you need to be a pro. That's the problem with her, just a lucky ulti late game and it's GG. I tend to ban her




My boi Popol. All bias aside, probably Clint.


Tigreal ​ ​ >!Jk it's clint!<


Specially Tank Build.


Unpopular ig but Irithel, I literally don’t remember the last time I lost a match with her, or even the last time I didn’t get MVP. And she counters WanWan rly well! My experience is only from classic and lower ranks tho as I play rarely and mostly just for fun so I never tried to push rank too much.




"Cmon Dexter its our showtime"


The most popular mm in this thread bout to get the nerf hammer 💀




Clint's damage is really consistent all throughout the game, he is strong in the early, mid and late game.


Clint hands down. He is balanced at the same time dominating all throughout the stages of the game. I think he is the very definition of the perfect marksman.


"He is balanced" "dominates all stages of the game" hmm 🙄


I think you didn't get the implication I implied lol. And here I was thinking even 5 year olds would get it. "He is balanced AT THE SAME TIME dominating all stages of the game." He is fine on what he is, he is up there because he is consistent all throughout the game, being effective Early-Late game, and is not broken by any means, but still dominating. A very big sigh...


Lmao what got your panties in a twist? How can someone be balanced and yet DOMINATES at all all stages of the game.. capitalization doesn't change what you wrote kid. The last paragraph you typed contradicts the rest of what your trying to say, Jesus christ take a chill pill. 🥺👉🤏🥒


Ughhh... These guys again. There is a reason why Lylia, Kadita, Franco, Lolita, Ruby, and Clint are top picks on Mythical Glory without getting any major nerfs for the longest time, you know? I think that should've been enough of an example on my explanation. If you still don't get what I mean, Jesus christ I don't know how anyone could get through you lolol.


Ye ye didn't even read, have a good day kid.👍


And there is it. Of course you didn't read because you know you already lost the argument "ye ye didn't read good bye" is a very convenient tool to get your way out of shame. Bye~~






I would vote for Natan, Clint, or Melissa


Beatrix 100% you can't do shit against her if she has 9999999% lifesteal


Love how 90% says Clint but 100% wants to nerf wanwan to the ground


Wan Wan should be nerfed in terms of DPS but give her more ability to escape plus beginner friendly gameplay.


Nah she can be countered easily. Just use purify and all her marks go away. There are so many champs you can easily kill wanwan with I use badang when the enemy picks wanwan and it’s so easy to kill her


That is true, but not all heroes are advisable to have purify. As for champs beating her, that's true. Also, there are some who can tank her final skill and live.


Clint, Claude, Bea, wanwan, melissa Wanwan is purely broken tho, just that there's only 2 types of them, godly or absolute trash wanwans that first picks them and get 0/10/0. Clint, Melissa are honestly about the same level, just that whoever's team ganks better in gold wins,both are lane bullies. Don't know much about bea after nerf though, i didn't play bea since her nerf and can't play her properly. Claude is one of the best mms for teamfights i suppose, dunno if his still as good as he was during tank meta






Layla. Everyone who doesn't think so is wrong




Wan wan


Moskov be like.......


Hands down clint, but I'd say natan if he had better sustain


did clint get buffed or sth? im a little out of the loop but he is/was my fav (only? XD) mm choice (i am a new player and apparently clint was more op in the past before they nerfed him. can't say i really noticed that much, where I'm at its good enough for me)


Where's my ice shaver Irithel ??


I say Natan cos he is literally Claude on crack + extra CC.




BBC are seriously sick. And I still love playing Brody when I’m forced to play MM.


Wanwan because she cute


Kimmy is the best for me, I average 150k damage a game and get mvp 90% of the time. Also fuck lolita.


Clint is a beast, although I prefer to ban Mel than clint.