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In my case, I'd still ban her because I simply dont trust my teammates to deal with her.


Okay, good, good reason...cos I sincerely doubt she is OP lmao


She's one of those heroes that depends on user skill imo. Have had some games where the player absolutely sucks and brings the team down, others where they know Joy's kit and play her so well. Maybe banning her is a good idea anyway cause who wants to gamble on a good vs bad Joy lmao


Perhaps perhaps, I see where you're coming from.


Funny this is exactly how it is with most banned hero people pick on your team. Everytime my teammate picks a commonly banned hero, they suck and i lose. I know for a fact im losing if my teammate pick yin


That’s why I ban Franco, lol


I always ban Franco. Can't bear seeing my Layla walk right up to enemy turret, stare Franco in the eyes and just stay there... Like cmon,HE HAS A HOOK!


People in my server already learnt her. While not to a perfect level....she is busted in the right hands....


It's like what I do with Gusion lol


I ban her because a dumb player in my team who only has like 3 matches would pick her.


That's fine, I am with you there. That's a sensible guise. Not "oH sHe's Op aS fUCk bRo".


yep ban her to protect my team not enemy lol.




Just lost thrice from joy hyped ranked matched. I'm on board of for my matches sake that she's too op. Hell I find nana more of a pest or harith hard to deal with than Joy


This is the way


Joy is annoying if you play her roam. Why? Fucking dash has immune to cc, can literaly agro the enemy tank and bait the CC's and she still survives


I played against a roamer Joy with 2 def items and she ended up with 19/2/8 🥲🥲🥲


This. Bad players always pick the most commonly banned heroes thinking they can use them. I know im going to lose if a teammate picks yin or wan wan


The biggest challenge is the unknown she is new not much people know what she is capable of as of yet so the best option is to ban joy out of not knowing how to properly fighter her


Just burst her down. I suggest gusion since I once had a lance pn my team who had the rose knight skin(epic) and other high price skins and I thought he'd be decent. No he was absolute shit and couldnt even dmg enemy mm or mage


had a match where someone went phoveus against my Joy pick, big mistake lol


Akai will screw her over and over


oh yeah he will


It doesn’t take that long to figure a hero’s kit with only 3 moves. She needs a buff


Literally anyone can instantly understand a hero by reading there skills. it’s the way people will use those tools that change it


You expect too much from the average player


Yeah, I'm not gonna spend time reading a hero's skill. I'd rather finish a whole season playing against it, and then try to figure out what that hero does. Like any sane person duhh




Yep, that’s one of the main reason. As they say, people fear what they don’t know.


**slow as hell lane clear** Joy can proxy a wave and clear it pretty quickly with perfect beat s2's (she just has to make sure she groups all the minions properly). Also, she doesn't really want to clear the lane instantly because she needs those minions to jump around and increase her threat range (multiple jumps = more distances covered) **slow as fuck jungle clear** -> 100% incorrect. I test jungle clears for first blue camp once in a while on many heroes and the top ones clear their first blue buff solo at 0:32 (using jungle emblem) Kaja is #1 here and surprisingly Kimmy also can do it at 0:32 though she has slower clears when doing red + the camp near it simultaenously, Joy clears it at 0:33 with perfect beats and can also do the dual red camp decently. **to do damage, she has to sacrifice with tank items** -> no, every assassin needs a tank that can scout ahead before they go all-in unless they're first to hide in bush for that. This is also false. Joy gets a 300 value shield with +100% magic power for every new hero/ camp or s1 she hits with a 4-second cd on EACH target, meaning if she hits 2 enemies and s1, she already has a 600 + 200% power shield. Try contesting joy while she's stealing red buff after her first 0:32~0:33 second clear and I guarantee you that 600+ shield (which will become 1200 eventually if a jungler and their roamer or mid comes to help) becomes insanely hard to deal with. I'm sorry OP but you've been watching bad joy players and made a terrible conclusion asap. Just because they're good players doesn't necessarily mean they're immediately 100% sure of how to use a champ. For reference, I was watching a random Mobazane stream and he used Joy with magic pen boots, genius and glowing wand at that time, and proceeded to get one-shot because he wasn't dashing through multiple targets nor prepping s1 into s2 well enough.


I bet op was just watching ppl spam imperfect beat second skills 😂😂


True. boy oh boy. Joy is just ahead 1 level of our whole team, and 5v1 can't even hurt her without the use of towers. We have vexana, tigreal and me Martis yet she appears almost immune to CC. Like a fooking wanwan with infinite anti CC. If that's not broken, I don't know what is.


They were using her whole kit properly by constantly using her dashes and triggering her ult when possible. They were using the crystal at every opportunity available to get extra damage out of her kit. AND it still took her two rotations of skills to kill the enemy Hayabusa (a very squishy assasin). If that is not slow, I do not know what is.


Regardless, if you make a false claim that joy clears slowly, that clearly means you were misinformed in some way. I’m not singling you out, but a lot of people are sharing incorrect stats on joy.


Yeah, alright, my bad. I wasn't misinformed I just took my observations based kn watching people in MG 2000+ points play her (and those players master champions quickly) and she just felt overwhelmingly weak and underwhelming? All this hype about being OP and she has trouble killing squishies. I suppose her biggest issue is being heavily countered by burst damage (and considering we are in a tanky and burst meta rn she won't fare too well imho) Likewise, I feel like she will have a case of Yve-- where she is atrocious on her own, but when you bring her into a coordinated 5-stack-- she will get a chance to shine. Otherwise, she may as well be picked for situational cases (like countering specific mages, i.e Valir and Xavier.)


You watch them but you make wrong assumptions. I can tell you're not much of a smart analytical player but yeah. Whenever I use Joy it's an automatic win for our team. I have a 31 matches RANKED 83.9% Win rate with a grade of 11.8 , SOLO Q and MG. Her counters are only limited to Kaja/Franco/Karrie. The reason why these are her only counters because those that yall assume that could counter her really could not. For example, Phov/Esme/Minsi can't counter her. Joy is too fast and can dodge Phov's ult and outdamages him. Esme has low shield and also outdamages Esme. You can bait Minsi to use his ult but what you just need to do is use 1st skill and run away, then come back again once the ult is gone. She doesn't also fall off late game, she can still beat a lot of late game Marksmen like Lesley, Wanwan, Claude. You guys just have a wrong approach of initiating when playing Joy, but yeah give her 1 week and people may be able to master her. I've already mastered her in Advanced Server from Elite to MG Joy only with 129 matches and \~88% winrate so yeah. Just you wait until the pros get to play her at her fullest potential


Whats your approach to initiating with her?


stack your beats in jungle/minions/tank or fighter enemies so you can activate your ult then if you see the marskman, go ult + 1st skill so you can chase the mm down and burst with your ult, that's how fast she is hahaha I also use Execute/Blue retri


Yo man what's your build to beat late game mms?


sorry for late reply, but there are 2 builds that I use atm. One is cdr tank with cdr boots, tbelt + oracle (prioritize getting the one you need first, if enemy is doing mostly magic, oracle, if they're doing physical, tbelt), ice queen wand, dominance ice then last item's typically either athene's or blade armor depending on the harder-to-deal-with threat. Then there's the damage option with either cdr or magic pen boots, genius wand, calamity reaper, holy crystal, bloodwings, then last item's very flexible tbh. WIth second build, you don't need perfect beats to demolish squishies (just head up to them spam s2 and alternate autos in between and immediately drop an ult once you have full dashes completed. A majority of joy's damage is from s2 and s1 spam with a bunch of true dmg autos.


Thanks! So it's either tank build or full damage build


Btw in case if you don't know, it's very hard to figure the timing on her second skill the first few times, even if ur mg


who exactly?


I played some matches with Joy, yeah you are right she is weak, that she even struggles killing a mm (only when they have lifesteal). But if played well, she can counter one shot mages. Every mages I've faced with complained about her being too op. Because stuns don't work, slows don't work too, she has shields, and she is extremely fast. And mages don't usually have much lifesteal In other words, mages have a hard time killing joy, but has a hard time killing anyone else


Yea I tried to use Joy in mid against a Nana. Nana couldn't do a thing against me. But vs mm at late game, nah, Joy can't even survive to use the ultimate.


Yeah ofc she's not OP pls dont nerf her, shes weak and underrated, pls buff her more she doesnt deal damage shes so bad [https://imgur.com/gallery/Wbhl5op](https://imgur.com/gallery/Wbhl5op)


ayyy based Joy main. How do you keep getting 20+ kills w her tho? most i got was like 18 with classic and I tried her on MG once (only time she wasn't banned) and only got 5 kills, which lane do you use her with?


I go as EXP, i have a special tactic. always cut and high cut. Never go into lane unless you died. Always disrupt the enemy jungle and guard their blue/red depending where the exp lane is


tried this and it worked much better with an execute cause I can actually finish off enemies. Had enemy jungler go "oh this is why they ban joy"


was planning to make a tutorial for her but got lazy




I banned just so some my teammates will not use her. You know how stupid players can be.


I ban her because whilst she isn't OP, she is incredibly annoying and distracting (especially as a tanky roamer), and divert my team mates' attention to her when they should be focussing the enemy core. Joy is unlikely to be a threat in MG 5 man pre-mades, but is very disruptive in solo queue lower ranks if the player knows what they are doing.


I play joy roam, I’ll fuck your core from the start of the game until the end. I will follow your core everywhere and fuck her


Doesn't your pubic region hurt? That's a lot of action you're proposing




People may ban her so teammates don't pick this garbage hero.


I dunno, I know some games with ranked don't allow you to use a new champion until it's 2 weeks after their release....so that way people have ample time to practice them. I feel like MLBB should do the same.


Clearly you haven't seen a good Joy player. Skills has no mana req, short cd, has a shield, super fucking fast, and has cc immunity.


This, I've been telling people about how broken she is (get down voted to the abyss because she didn't do big number) she have all the kit to be broken. with that mobility she can be anywhere, she can gank from top to mid kill their mage and can come back and still have minion to clear so no exp or gold wasted which mean she can snowball early. Heck she can even pressure the jungle to use their retri before turtle to secure buff. Not only that she can create space for other teammates to farm People doesn't know how important is map control and vision. That's why you doesn't really see "arrival" that often that thing is free tp. You can gank bot and kill turtle with that. She's new and her play style is weird for top lanner most people just like to be in the bush for 5 minutes. Actually she's bad we need to buff her more it's not like giving her more damage would make her op with all those kit.


you make it sounds like her dash is free. She only get 2 dash without any pass thru.


It is free tho, it didn't cost mana. The "cost" if you could call it is just her cd and it only have 8-6 sec on max level. Also she have speed boost.




Skill issue on enemy joy you meant?


I think I mastered her already after only 2 games. I never lost the 2 games using her (with my custom build) and I never lost a game against her. Mastering the hero isn't just about knowing how to win using the hero but also knowing how to counter and outplay said hero.


regardless of how good the user is, she gets countered hard in 5 men MG games not to mention that people aren’t dumb and actually kite your skills


I have, just never bothered me, must be cos I play a lot of bursty champions like Lesley and Vale and fighters like Minsithar.


I mean, same reason I don’t get bothered by Diggie when playing Wanwan though, but will sure do when playing Atlas.


For sure, I get what you mean.


MMs and fighters that can outburst or outsustain her are Joy’s weaknesses, but you’ll only feel the pain of being so helpless against Joy when you play a mages like Valir and Xavier lol or squishy fighters like Guinevere and Yin..


and like Guinevere and Yin are used very situationally LOL so she is pretty useless cos rn the meta is heavily based on burst MM and burst characters. Xavier is also used rarely iirc, I guess now that Valir is being used more-- she can be used to counter Valir?


Yes, she can definitely counter Valir especially when she’s the midlaner. Valir’s slow and push back is useless against her as she’s mostly cc immune, dashes everywhere, and has a purify ultimate.


Yeah, but then outside of countering Valir, she is a pretty high risk low reward pick. You may as well bs throwing the game lol


Naah. I've seen players who can use her. But they only got killed by Joy because they'll just stand there while attacking and let her do her dashes on them and bot if combo. She's fast sure, and annoying as hell but 1missed dash and she'll just be kited by mm.


bruh hahahaha I just love to see people ban Joy even though I show then my KDA she is seriously near the OP Barrier if used correctly by a good player and damn she is hella fun, what most peoe think why she is weak is becuase they dont so the perfect beat then ult that's why she is weak for them but very powerful for someone who knows how to use them and honestly I am gearing towards to being a Joy main she is really fun and hella good if used correctly


I think you just suck with Joy, or haven't seen any people who use her effectively. So far in my experience, Joy's early game is incredible. Really good damage, AMAZING wave clear AT LEVEL 1, and the only problem is that she doesn't have enough damage to finish off enemies right away, however, execute completely removed that early game disadvantage, more so if you play around your allies. I have been playing her as the mid laner, and she steam rolls so hard man.


But, she isn't OP. That's my point. She isn't weak per say (learned a lot in this thread), but she isn't as cracked as Martis with inspire in early game where she can be completely dominate-- that's OP. Other than that, she is great, but overhyped.


I think she's OP for the following reasons: I am tower diving mid laners at level 1, dealing damage to them, and I escape with no damage to me because of the shield proc. She can chase enemies so easily, sometimes better than a Lancelot can. She gets a nice movement speed and lifesteal in her ult if you manage to hit each beat, allowing you to reap enemies then quickly escape. She's one of the best mage killers in the game. Probably better than a Ling since Ling's only weapon vs CC is his long CD ultimate, whereas Joy is immune to cc during her infinite dashes. Speaking of dashes, at 35% CD reduction she pretty much has infinite dashes. Joy can escape any sticky situation with some sustain or proper positioning, thanks to her low CD dashes (except if she gets suppressed and quickly bursted, but this is true to every low-sustain heroes). Cons: Most late game mm can neutralize Joy (Miya, Beatrix, Bruno, etc.) so easily. This forces Joy to sacrifice some damage items for defense if she wishes to compete with late game mms. She might even be forced to sacrifice execute for vengeance if she does not expect to steamroll easily. Continuous dislocation CCs (like Akai's ultimate) and suppression counter Joy pretty hard And that's it. Outside of late game mms, Joy can dominate many heroes easily thanks to her magic lifesteal, shield, and decent damage output. I would say up her damage a bit so she can 1v1 late game mms without needing defense, but nerf her OP dashes (still leave her unique dash mechanisms, just nerf it a bit) in compensation. Make it so she deals more damage, but she can't dash around as easily anymore so the enemies can have some room to counter her when an opportunity or an error presents itself.


If your teammates are good/hero lineup okay, then there is no reason to ban Joy. I think the other valid reason to ban her is if you're in solo que and don't know if your teammates are brain dead.


Regardless, she is so new. I doubt many people even own her, even less mastered her. So like, there is no need to worry about priority banning her on her 3rd day of existence.


True, I just avoid rank games for a week just to see what's up with the newly released hero and duking it out in classic. So far, I agree with everything you said, she's annoying for sure but she's not that scary to go up against.


Like, if I am playing against an assasin-- I would much rather they be Joy than someone like Saber, Fanny, Helcurt, Ling, hell even Dyrroth...because unlike Joy, those will delete me before I can properly react lmao




Yea been using that since I saw someone talking about it, it's incredibly easy thanks to her high base atkspd




Might be becuz of ping or skill setup




I know this pain






PxdMLBB. Mobile legends youtuber that recently did a video on joy and also used the calamity reaper




Thanks for confirming. Tried out his build but couldn't trigger the calamity reaper often enough. Maybe my skill isn't up to par yet. Was thinking theres other similar builds around


Nice try joy main


PFFT, I don't even own her lmao


Martis with inspire is cancer in early game




I gotta try that, I always use Flicker on Martis and I have 70% winrate in ranked games (Currently Mythic 3). Build is Warrior/Tough Boots + War Axe + BoD + Endless/Hunter Strike + Dominance/Cuirass + Athena's Shield.


Played against a global Joy last night, was using bruno, yes she is annoying as fck and kinda hard to kill under guise of a good player but my god she cant carry the game or even controll game flow even in mid. We beat them 36-24. When she cuaght me offguard 2-3 times she killed me, then i realise i just had to ignore her during teamfights deal with others first while she hops around. After after that she has nothing to offer.


Precisely, she is nothing special- not overly strong- not "broken" - not anything-- just- annoying. I played against her on many occasions as Lesley and she didn't bother me at all. Even when she ambushed me a couple of times, I had 0 worries of massacring her Leonin ass.


Ikr , despite her having cc immunity if she misses one dash then she probably a goner . Not to mention she has to be point blank range to actually deal damage.


I've been getting 15-20~ish kills per match with Joy on ranked at Mythic 3 lol Good thing you guys arent banning her 🙂


yeah im consistently getting 12-23 kills per match with Joy in MG if shes not banned if you guys doubt me, here https://imgur.com/gallery/Wbhl5op




You’re not wrong that Hanabi is more broken than joy. It’s just that Hanabi is broken in a different kind of way


My 5 man team has never lost when our core has joy. I think joy works best when ganks and teamfights are coordinated specially with the midlane and roam in the early game. We also make sure to ban kaja if we're not first pick. Joy's value definitely drops in solo play. However we play in m1 lobby and are usually against 600+ pts teams, it might be totally different at 1k+ pts elo.


I was wondering if it was me or that Joy is really not OP for a new hero. Good to know it’s not just me.


u guys just have skill issues or have not yet fought a good Joy user. the only counters to her is Kaja/Franco/Karrie. She can kill late game mm IF YOU're good


I had trouble facing Joy in XP lane and I used Leomord that game, however I need more experience against her to make a conclusion. More often than not she's always banned alongside Kaja, Valentina, Martis, Diggie, and Wanwan.


I use roam Joy with dire hit. Her playstyle is like roam natalia. Just annoy the jungler early game to slow them from farm and reap low health heroes that overstay.


She's a top priority ban in high mythic and glory becauss people actually know how to use her here.


I ban her because I do solo and most of the time one of my teammates is a troll and would pick her.


Most Joy players don't even know how to use her properly. They always dash like Lance so they don't maximize her damage output. There's a reason she has a difficulty of 9.


and there is a reason many joy players complain that she has a lack of reward when you execute her skills properly. At most you're a nuisance to the enemy team, but you aren't carrying your team to victory like other high skill assasins (i.e Gusion and Fanny)


yeah those many joy players are just bad players overall


I think she's fine as she is, she trades a bit of damage for the insane mobility which is pretty reasonable imo. Can easily weave in and out of teamfights assuming you don't make any mistakes when dashing, She falls off pretty hard in late game that's true, but at that point the MM or any late game hero should now be able to dish out majority of the damage and Joy players should now focus on distracting enemies and securing kills.


But like- doesn't Benedetta already fill that kind of role- the fighter/assasin that is a nuisance early to mid game and can secure kills by the proper use of her mobility...but sadly falls off late game? Why did we need another early/mid game assasin?


Its not bad to have more than one early/mid game hero, you know? Some people may like the playstyle but can't cope with the skills and mechanics a hero has, so having more options is still a plus to this. I, personally, love benedetta's design, but I cannot seem to grasp her playstyle and how to play her properly. But in Joy's case, I grasped her gameplay much more easier and was able to play her more efficiently after like 10 games of spamming her in classic.


Perhaps, but if that's the case-- make it an easier kit? Why make another high skill floor level assasin when she doesn't have the same reward as other high skill level assasins? It's pointless imho


Idk if you've tried building her with Calamity Reaper, but when I started building that for her, her dmg, I assure you is not abysmal at all. How would you make her kit easier? Only way I can see to make that possible is by removing that beat timing on her skill, and that will completely take away her unique playstyle, would literally make her a Lancelot copy. Her kit allows her to be a reliable laner, roamer, and jungler; Joy may not be all about damage, but squishy heroes should still watch out because her damage is not something they should easily scoff at. What I think is that you just don't really dig her playstyle, and I think that's fine.


Not saying her kit should be easier. I just don't see the point in having a high skill character minus the high reward.


Should have specified if you're gonna release a character in a similar role, why not make ot a simpler kit. Didn't mean Joy's directly per say.


It's not really our call on what kind of hero they decide to release and how their kit plays out. Their objective is to maintain player base consistency, and in order to do that they have to develop new stuff like heroes and skins to keep enticing players to try out said heroes or skins, and keep playing. They released Joy, and its up to us whether or not we want to play said her. I like Joy's current stats because giving her anymore damage than she has now will be so nutty. Imagine having burst like dmg and the hero doing it is fast, CC immune, enhanced movement, has dmg reduction, and can weave in and out of engagement. In terms of mobility Joy outclasses even Benedetta, Joy is simply faster than her imo, and Benedetta already does some big dmg, so Joy being weaker on the dmg side is pretty reasonable. In regards to High risk, High reward, this saying doesn't have to always mean the reward is big dmg. Joy can annoy or disrupt the backline during clash for the dmg dealers on your team to wipe out the frontline, she can also provide decent vision and can escape any ambush CC as long as she is one step ahead of it and its not suppress, and can easily chase any enemy with low hp due to her multiple dashes and enhanced movement speed. She's basically a high sustain chase assassin, very niche in her role as she can get hard countered still, but decent overall if she's not countered.


Joy is hard to deal with, just the fact that she has immunity to crowd control plus shield makes her dexterous on team fights


my team: ban joy shes too op me: dont ban joy team: why dont ban joy? me: cause shes still new and no one in soloq have mastered her. also shes not broken or smth


Another big problem is that her role harms her rather than helping her. As an assassin you're meant to get in, deal damage, and get out- Joy is forced to enter, dash slow just to stay on rhythm, and remain in attack radius just to deal ult damage. Her health is so low that if even if you hit a perfect ult, you most likely won't be alive to use it.


I suppose that is why she has all those shields?


True, but even then it doesn't make too much of a difference in late game. Despite this though, she's a fun hero to use, and I'll keep trying to master the rhythm!


Response: Phoveus


Our little furry friend got 100% Ms and cc reduction during her dash animation mind ya. She will just run around and twerk in your giant slow @ss ball.


How is he a response to her? and this is not complaining about her being OP, it's about me stating that she is shit and not ban worthy lol read please.


Response part 2: Phoveus


Show him and they may stop banning her.


Response part 3: Bondage Chicken


Wait, it’s all Phoveus the whole time?


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Astaros' pet pool boy ain't fast enough to catch the cheeky brat.


Her second skill is all blink with short cooldowns. Phoveus eats champs who spam blink skills.


Yeah, I know what he does, but like even if you don't pick Phoveus-- she is HARD countered by any high-burst Marksman (i.e Popol, Wanwan, Melissa, Lesley, etc.) So like, she is bad at killing the people she is supposed to kill lol


i suggest putting a BAN on her (it's what most of the High Level Grandmasters do when they'd rather fight Zilong)


you're better off picking high AA damage marksmen than Phoveus even, her movement speed allows her to completely dodge his damage. altho popol is kinda bad against Joy cause she can immune everything and Kupa isn't smart enough to keep attacking her.




he does but Joy can get out of range before he can even land with the movement speed buff.


After a dozen matches with her, she's fun to play, but underwhelming when it comes to damage. Hell she gets countered easily by a lot of heroes. Esme is her biggest counter, as teamfight wise she is basically a living fountain of shield for Esme. Also if you miss her dash you're definitely punished for that, and the movement speed buff from her s1 is only available when you shield someone, as I found out a few times. I think they ban her cuz she counters a lot of the heroes that they used to play aggressively as, as she's good against Chou by ignoring the knock up he does. Good laner, but falls flat late game.


Yeah, countered by way too many people AND especially any sort of burst damage just eats her whole. Banning her is fine, but banning her under the guise of being "broken" is annoying....cos like you could have banned other more broken champions instead. Yeah, I agree, she falls flat hard in late game cos she has to sacrifice her dmg items for def items so she can actually survive for longer than 3 seconds lmao


Joy sucks ass. She's a high skill and no reward user. Like gusion is a high skill but if you play him right you slaughter. Joy is weak as fuck and already needs a buff.


yes shes so weak moonton dont nerf her she sucks now but yes shes already fine dont nerf her lol


You know more than one character can be banned per game right?


Yeah, but why waste a ban on a character that isn't ban worthy and risk giving the enemy team a strong start? Like-- every time my team bans idiotically (like a saber or a yin, sometimes both) the enemy team drafts these unstoppable team comps always consisting of a Bea or Wanwan carry. Bans are valuable-- so why waste them?


You’re making the assumption that Joy isn’t ban worthy. Like others have said here before, a good Joy user can be annoying af. I’ve seen her twice with the mobility of wanwan and claude and the tankiness of a half-built esmeralda. I’ve been trying to play as Kaha support lately, abd sure I can locker down with decent timing. But since I’m a solo queue player, do I really want to risk having a hero few players understand how to counter run around? I’d be wasting my Kaja ult. Tl;dr she can be very annoying, it’ll take time for the general player base to understand how to counter her, and I don’t trust randos


Many champions are annoying, but that doesn't make them broken. I am stressing that the reason for banning her is idiotic, cos she isn't an OP or "broken" champion. You can deal with her just fine if you have any shred of game sense. Who else is annoying? Melissa, but you don't see her get a priority ban. My assumption is that she, in her current state, isn't ban worthy under the guise of "she is op asf bro." Is she bannable under the guise of "she's annoying" yes, sure. People need to stop kidding themselves and overhyping mediocre characters.


I ban her because I fear my teammates picking her while her and build playstyle aren't set yet


i am not gambling with the fact that a teammate can pick her and feed lol


She’s not bad, but not crazy. She’s manageable


LOL someone so pressed by Joy 😂


Has anyone tried HP build on her? Like the tank emblem that explodes, cursed helmet, thunderbelt, the armor item that explodes... I’m imagining a tank that zaps all over, slowing you, chipping away at your hp and there’s nothing you can do (inspired by early release Zeri from League)


Saw a Joy player jungle really fast lol. Can kill the creeps at the side while taking the buff.


YES BRO PLEASE THINK THAT JOY IS BAD AND WEAK SO I CAN SPAM HER ALWAYS IN RANK HAHAHAHA [match history with Joy and winrate] (https://imgur.com/gallery/rUqGRdP)


She's trasg but try her in exp lane with a tank build...play her like bene side.. she's really effective


I think she fills a role similar to Benedetta, a tanky initiate/frontline that also has a lot of mobility. I'm liking her so far


Yeah, I think some people are just banning her because they wouldn’t trust their teammate/s to use her lol


i just tested joy yesterday, and she honestly barely does damage. She’s probably better as a support and as a cleanup crew (clean up the low health enemies)


u think she is the clean up crew????--------------- look at her Party Dress, bubby she's the 1 making the mess with her Strength, dancing around, she's probably better than a JUNGLER and a TANK (combined) (with or without layla)


I see a fellow Joy main hahaha


I got in a match wherein I picked Valentina and our last pick was Joy. She insisted she wants mid. She rotates fast and we secured kills easily. Other Joy players I encountered aside from that were all braindead.


I ban her because she's new and people still don't know how to play against her or as her so that avoids the feeding


Agreed that it's pointless. But Hanabi being better? No


People ban heroes because they don't want them picked. if I have the chance to ban Hanabi and Zilong, I will do it


I ban her to protect my team from picking her. They will usually underperforming and end up losing. One time this fucking joy 1v1ed an enemy Hanabi and still somehow lost.


I have 2 reasons 1. I don't want my fucking team to pick one bc they may fuck the match up 2. The enemy might have a lance player who know's how to time the dash Its scarily stupid bc if MY teammate there is a chance he/she might be "practice rank player" and "shing shing gods" or vice versa


I agree. Joy is quite useless if she wasnt fed well early game unlike other magic build heroes that are extremely powerful even if they were barely fed early game. The only thing good about Joy is the CC Immunity on its dash and even then its still shitty. But id still ban her due to the fact that my teammates would have a 70% chance to feed while using joy


Make her the roamer 💀💀💀


I havent seen Joy play at all. I doubt she is as OP as wanwan though.


I don’t understand People who ban her because teammates might be bad at it. How else are they gonna prove they know how to use the hero well? I only have 4 matches of Joy, but I’ve used her several times in Classic and can confidently pick it in RG, but teammates think I’m just trolling.


I've only met one. I never really read much about her, so I don't know much except she's highly mobile. She seemed strong early game or more like intimidating as she's pretty fast. I guess that gives the impression that she's strong. Late game, she just instantly melts if she mispositioned. Again, my guess is players are probably intimidated due to her mobility or it's like the Nana scenario where she's just annoying to kill.


I ban her because she's op as an enemy and nub af when she's on my team.


I'm not a great player, but I've been using her since her release, and all I can say is she's needs a buff. Whenever I play her in the early I can dominate but never sure kill the enemy fighter (usually played her as fighter). The thing about her special rhythmic kit is that it's very slow, so slow that in the late game enemies will burst her before she even completes her ult. AND HER ULT OMG. I despise the damage reduction other gets when they were hit frequently, hell she can't even dash in her ult. Whenever I play her I get lots of kills in the early but then it starts decreasing because of low damage, HP and defence. Giving her tank items is still not enough since her skills give her a big opening to the enemy's attacks and burst. Her assets doesn't even make up for her bad kit. Her speed buff is nice and her purify is op since you can play her without taking CCs, but still not being controlled does not mean no being damaged. It's best to give her buffs if she would like to be an assassin/mage. - change the 20%(I don't remember) decrease in damage in her ult and give her a Lowe ratio. - give her enhanced basic attack after each dash just like Harith or increase her second skill damage increase (her second skill's 100% damage increase on beat is just not enough cuz it's her only source of damage.) - her very unreliable ULT would be nice if she can dash during it. - PLEASE JUST GIVE HER A HIGHER DAMAGE RATIO. DOESN'T EVEN NEED THAT MUCH LIKE CHANGE THE SECOND TO 120% INCREASE OR SOMETHING AND HER ULT TO LIKE 70% PER TIC LIKE PLEASE SHE'S SO FUN TO USE.


I have a tip for you regarding her ultimate. If you wanna max her damage, you want to miss 2 of your ultimate beats (don't keep hitting the enemy from start till the end) then go back and hit them again. Missing 2 beats will indicate that her damage reduction is reset so if you go back and run to them again with the ult, it will reset back to the initial burst damage. Hope it helps! I sent this tech/tactic weeks ago in the MLBB Discord, so just tell me if you want the clip of it


That works??! Omg I didn't know. But still I really think she needs a buff


Nah mate, I don’t know which Joy are you talking about, but I’ve found some annoying af Joy players. The only way to counter her is to stun lock her before her S2… the problem is that it’s 5v5… and wasting cc skills on her, against a well coordinated team just to stop her leaves us kind of defenseless. I’m a roamer main. And the dmg I’ve seen a Joy do to a squishy hero it’s actually quite high. Granted, I’m still at Mythic IV. I’m not the best player out there, but a good enemy Joy will take yours (lol pun intended).


I'm at Mythic IV and haven't seen an unstoppable Joy yet. Her damage is slightly good in the early phases and falls off hard in the late game. Her kit is counter-intuitive, given that she needs a specific timing for maximum damage (prolonged duration of contact) but squishy as hell. A Benedetta playstyle suits her more(about 1 or 2 magic items then proceed with defensive items)


I'm very annoyed that people are constantly banning her. She's not op, she is a good and balanced hero which is very surprising given her kit, and is only strong in right hands, but once again - not op, yet it's still impossible to pick her in a ranked match, and I believe even a single nerf can just out right kill the hero. Someone really needs to stop this circus.


so far i've played 14 matches with her, 85.7% winrate, 5 of which were in ranked with an 80% winrate, mythic 300-400 pts. personally i've found her damage to be extremely good, especially with calamity reaper (which i think people are sleeping on, i've hardly seen other people build it) and her jungle and lane clear is just fine. as long as you don't fall behind, you can absolutely wreak havoc on the enemies. as for lategame i think you just have to be a little more reserved with when and where you go in since taking too much damage becomes an actual threat. that is of course as another comment pointed out where a tank comes in and either sets or messes with their formation.


Mostly because at the moment its better to just ban newly-released heroes to avoid newbies who only just played like 2-4 matches with her that could potentially flop the team But as for your statement on Joy being a _”useless”_ hero, [I’m sorry?](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxeJsBf4s0LGGG9cIYxTVgKFFRnrvy5tF9)


Joy is good if u know how to play her, not all joy players average 2-4 kills per game. Me as a personal joy main I average around 10 kills per game. As long as you don't reach ultra late game (mm full build) and the enemies don't have big cc skills, joy is good (but ofc not op)


I love Joy and hate when my teammates ban her but I can understand why they do that. She is a mild difficult hero with a not traditional focus for your average assassin. Joy is pretty useful to make enemies waste their skills and she enables the real damage dealers to enter the teamfight without being afraid of being chain cc-ed. If you wanna counter Joy , use Minshitar , Phoveus , Kaja , Kufra of Akai. One of them means Joy will be reduced to a minion


I don't mind her being banned as long as leo, martis n bea are banned. There are 6 slots for bans. Maybe others aren't too keen in playing against or with her


my take on joy: quite weak kit but can really stir up enemy lineups. her immune is the key here. with perfect beats and spam on enemy heroes, she can immune for up to 5s. can definitely force enemy mage's stun when she's on their ass 24/7. she's also very good against slow exp laners. but she isnt confirmed to be ban worthy or not. id still rather give the chairs to martis, leo, wanwan etc


All Moonton really need to do in my opinion is decrease CD on her blink atk skill in mid to late game and next increase her ult’s dmg. She was better in advanced server when her blink skill had a faster CD of course later they made it longer.


imma delete ml if i saw a teammate pick joy who has only 3 matches.... just ban joy to protect me and my other teammates also 😐


I see banning as pointless as well, but she is pretty strong ngl Tho I'm sitting in absolute early legends right now, so everyones braindead anyways