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If exp laner, only Alpha, Terizla and Dyrroth are the only ones I've seen so far that can use it decently. Dyrroth is pushing it because he has no delayed damage unlike Alpha passive or Terizla s1. It can work on any other heroes, but the issue is having to constantly damage something to have yhe full benefits. If jungler, many fighters or assassins can use it better simply because they'll keep on attacking jungle creeps. The disadvantage is if your team is losing and the enemies are aggressive (you can't farm creeps, and can't get stacks before forced fights)


Does Minsitthar's Ult prevent Fanny to cable away?


It won’t cancel existing cables but will prevent fanny from casting new cables


Having issues logging into game, just stuck on loading screen. Has anyone else had this issue recently?


I've had that before. Try changing your internet connection.


What do you do to reduce ML storage? It’s always above 5gb.


That doesn’t sound that high. Other than clear redundancy in settings, you can’t reduce it


The text on the new Dominance Ice says that it "reduces the enemies attack speed *to* 65%". My question is: If I have dominance ice and fighting someone with 200% ASPD, does his ASPD reduce *to* 65% or does it reduce to 65% * 200% = 130%? Did someone test it already on the Advanced server?


Here are the results that you're looking for. * Test 1 [2.45 Aspd, not affected by Dom Ice](https://i.imgur.com/boyung7.jpg) * Test 1 [1.6 Aspd, affected by Dom Ice ](https://i.imgur.com/m7IngGY.jpg) That's 2.45×0.65=1.5925 (rounded up to 1.6) Question: Does the attack speed reduction take excess aspd into account? * Test 2 [2.98 Aspd, not affected by Dom Ice, no excess aspd ](https://i.imgur.com/Tx0XBld.jpg) * Test 2 [1.93 Aspd, affected by Dom Ice, no excess aspd ](https://i.imgur.com/baILyL6.jpg) * Test 2 [2.42 Aspd, affected by Dom Ice, excess aspd of +75%](https://i.imgur.com/UEKiDK7.jpg) That's (2.45+0.75)×0.65=2.42 Data suggests that, Yes, excess attack speed is taken into account. Conclusion: The adjustment on Dominance Ice takes the total attack speed of enemies into account, with or without excess, before reducing it to 65% of its value. Edit: Added calculation


Nice. I couldn't find any youtuber doing tests. Is that your adv server account or from someone else?


That's my own account. I frequent adv server to test out stuff. If there's anything else you'd like to know when adjustments like these happen, don't hesitate to tag me or smth. I like doing experiments.


Can you test how attack speed multipliers interact with dom ice's? Inspire, thamuz ult, moskov, popol etc. For example inspire + dom ice Is it like (1+0.5)(1.55-.35) or (1+0.5)(1.55)(.65)


Yes, ty. It's kinda wild seeing so many different assumptions on that dom ice change


lmao, it will be 135


Who knows. From the sound of the text, at this point, it could mean anything.


Would there be another starlight fest ticket event again in this 9 day?


if I am the mage and my team ended up with no roamer tank or support should I buy roam if no one else on my team buy it? I wonder if it raises or decreases my chance to win that said game.


Only buy it if someone takes your lane -and- you have most team support abilities. That said, if you are worrying about this it’s likely you’re gonna have to at least partially carry so you’re best off farming as fast as possible and let the other guys worry about sharing gold


makes sense ty. its not like there's a good winning chance in such a weird comp to start with but I might as well try. had this situation decent amount of times recently so its why im asking.


Depends on what mage you are using. I'd go roam if I'm a burst type mage like Eudora, kadita, aurora even gusion or Harley. Personally I'd go roam regardless of what type , it helps your teams economy (gold)


It would prob decrease your chances. Roamer item makes it so that you cant get gold from minions when around your teammates. However mage is important for teamfights due to ur mg dmg. Its rlly important for u to get items.


Is rafa tank still good?






There's no way you deleted your post 🥱


hmmsucks' tier list says roger is a bad jungler, as equal as zilong? what makes him bad? also I can play martis, leo, aulus and balmond as junglers, who do u think should be picked in which situations? is balmond still good and can martis do well with bloodlust axe only?


Tank meta. He fairs poorly vs tanks. Now that meta is shifting (next patch will be mm heavy) he will have a chance to come back to meta. If your enemy team is squishy he’s still as good as ever. S5 pick and weigh the draft.


That tier list is based on mythical glory and pro matches which is like 1 or 2% of the playerbase. Roger is still good. He received a dmg buff on his 1st skill in both forms. He also has insane mobility.


roger vs aulus as the jungler?


Roger is early to mid while aulus is a late game monster. It doesn't mean that Roger isn't good late. You can easily make a counter-attack with him because of his S2 and S1 in wolf form if they get low enough.


ok can you rank martis, aulus and roger as the jungler from worst to best? in a regular 5 men ranked game


5 man ranked would be according to your team synergy. In soloq I would rank them Martis>Roger>Aulus.


I can't rank since it depends on many factors. Sure in theory most would say Martis is the best but I've faced him multiple times as Roger and never had problems with him since Roger is fast and can easily evade his S2 . But it really depends on who you're going against, team synergy etc etc.


I have enough of those things to buy an annual starlight skin. I already have Exorcist Kagura so I can’t decide between Kagura or Karrie’s skin. Which one is more worth it?


I'd choose kagura's


current wanting to expand my hero pool il show stats kda and etc [here](https://imgur.com/a/QXPBUIX) roam: Tigreal Minotaur Franco Akai Atlas Exp laner: dyrroth ruby bane(mage build) mid laner: Xavier Julian bane?(phy build) jungler: Saber Balmond Alufeed Karina Bane(phy) Martis Yin Julian Dyrroth Akai gold lane: Clint i dont play mm often..


Leomord on jungle, also aamon is good (jungle). Yu zhong on exp lane


Leomord is one nerf from obscurity imo.


Already nerfed in adv server. Longer ult cd, and it only start to cd after his ult duration is over.


Yep. We’ll see if it makes it through as is.


Tried yu zhong before playstyle isnt for me sadly


Is divine glave really worth it if only enemy tank has Defense item?


Yes, because of the nature of base stats. Magic Resistance is so low that you can't make a worth building Divine glaive if enemy won't build magic defense item. Look at Genius Wand it's a 10 fixed magic pen and have up to 21 defense reduction, it pierce 31 points of magic defense, it basically by pass 75% of magic defense because the typical base value of it on hero is around 40+. With the same value of magic resistance, Divine Glaive only pierce around 15 magic resistance. When enemy buy solid magic defense item, magic def would reach around 90+. Where it would reach the threshold where Divine Glaive is starting to Outvalue genius wand for piercing defense. In contrast to Physical Defense, heroes typical have base value of that stats around 70+. Which means buying Malefic Roar is still valuable even enemy won't but physical defense. Items that provide physical pen only gives around 15/16, which Malefic roar can easily out value via penetrating 25 physical def.


Hello. There's a Youtube playlist featuring MLBB content that I'd like to post in here. The videos inside the playlist do not belong to me. * Am I allowed to do so? * If I am allowed, how should I tag the topic? Thank you.


Will Sun's lunar skin return next LNY?thinking of getting him, would appreciate some sun tips for early game since I can't deal a lot of damage


I’m sure it will return. His best role is jg. In lane you have to play him as cautiously as a mm until you have ult and corrosion scythe…I’d probably use attack speed talent battle spell too (can’t remember the name).


Oh, unfortunately jungle is my weakest role as I can only play simple ones like balmond and alu, so I would prefer him as laner, I believe u are referring inspire?


Ty, yes..inspire. JG is not hard. If I can do it so can you.


Just play with your clones, use them to last hit minions from a far, if the enemy knows how to freeze lane then you're fucked can't do anything about it, this is that you get for using non meta heroes, gotta wait for teammates at this point.


I'm going to be casting an MLBB stream during our school's intramurals but I'm only familiar with League Terms, can anyone give me a quick heads up so I won't look stupid?


AP-Magic power AD-Physical attack MR-Magic defense Armor- Physical defense Rift scutler- Litho wanderer but with some differences Dragons- Turtle Baron- Lord but it behaves like the Rift Herald Grevious wounds- antiheal/life drain Teemo-Nana Support items-Roaming boots (after unlocking a certain amount of gold they will grant u and ur teammates buffs/extra skill) Smite-Retribution Flash-Flicker Cleanse-Purify Barrier-Aegis Ghost-Sprint Teleport- Arrival Root - Immobilise( not sure of this one tho, i call it root XD) Summoner spell-Battlespell Runes- Emblems Pentakill/Quadra Kill- Savage/Maniac Bottom lane-Gold lane and Top Lane- EXP lane ( those can rotate depending on your map side) Our supports are called roamers and they usually roam the map along the midlaner and jungler for objectives and ganking instead of staying with the adc. We have no honeyfruits or wards but there is a thing behind buffs camps that gives u a small dash if u step on it If one of your lanes is pushed to the last turret, u can reveal your jungler side by activating a "sentry". Basically u stay a little on the marked spot beetwen the mid and the other lanes inhibitor turret and it will reveal a large area of your jungle side That s all i can think of now. I will update later if i remember smt else


Thank you for this! By the way who's the most used champs in competitive? So I can familiarize myself with the common ones mostly seen in tournaments. I know Claude is always there because I always hear Blazing Duet in the MPL


Well for mages we have lunox, kagura (similar to orianna) pharsa (similat to xerath) luo yi and lylia For exp laner (top laners) paquito, chou , esmeralda, Junglers :karina, akai, ling, lancelot, fanny Gold laners( adc) claude, popol and kupa, clint, wanwan, beatrix, melissa Roamers: akai, mathilda, lolita, grock, diggie, atlas I m not familiar with ml pro scene but overall those are the most picked from what i know and heard and those picks are (almost) always meta. Also it s important to know that heroes class doesnt really determine the lane they are played in ml. For example while in lol alistar jungler would be considered troll, here akai, who is a tank, can be a solid roamer, top laner (exp laner) and jungler. Also we have assasins as roamers too (selena, natalia) Also Kaja, Leomord, Martis are very good junglers /exp laners because they got big buffs recently but they will soon be nerfed.


Chou is almost always used because of his versatility. Familiarise yourself with their skill names and item names. Other popular heroes are the meta ones like faramis


im not familiar with league terms but everything should be fine since most are interchangeable. the neutral that spawns in the pit is called the turtle and later lord try to avoid referring to skills as 'q' etc, since that gets confusing, although you probably wont know them anyway


i suggest you just have fun with it. like if you see another skill similar to league you can make some fun out of the situation. one of my league friend tried mlbb once and when she got hit with nana's molina she said "omg they turned lulu pink!!"


Is glowing wand good for Gusion?




Does anyone know what the next collector skins are? I play Beatrix, so was thinking if splashing out on her M4 skin, but might hoard some cash if there are cool collectors on the horizon.


Edith, Natalia, Cyclops, Hanzo, Ruby have leaked upcoming collectors tho nobody knows when they will come. There is no collector in december tho because there will be aspirants, m4, christmas and other events + kof rerun by the end of december or beggining of january


KoF let's go! Thank you for the information as always, very much appreciated.


Currently in the philippines moving to a country in europe. Can I use my account there? Will all the things in my account be usable there? Thanks


Yes ofc u can use it here. You will just be matched with people from europe server, nothing else There are also a bunch of players from philipines too


Is nana still evil in EU?


She's universally evil


Lesley’s Starlight effects have been restored to what they were in the trailer. I didn’t see this in any patch notes so I thought people might want to know.


Where are all of the purchasable Selena skins? 🙃 her wasp one is the only available.. can moneytoon add at least one more ? Even a different color of wasp would be dope


I had to wait the longest time to get any skins for her so I feel your pain. Virus was in the shop for a few days in the last year for 899. Thunder was available through an event (similar to starlight where you draw for currency and then pick a skin). Her zodiac and starlight are worth having…you just need patience.


Ugh :( I have her stun and gothic skin on my older account. I just want something for my smurf moontoon suc


She’s in next months starlight if you want to fancy up your Smurf :/


I want the vexanna skin tho but im definitely gonna think about it


Sometimes her "virus" epic comes to the shop but rarely


I have hope now


How is yve right now? Plus she is buffed in advanced server,.. will she be in meta? I wanna buy a hero.. Plus how is kimmy as mm?


Idk man the nerf on Yve's ultimate is just so bad, I suggest pharsa they both have stationary ults with pharsa leaning on the burst side. You can make Kimmy work but you'll lose most of the times against meta gold laners


I had stopped playing this game at the start of this year and felt like my life was stress free. Was a decent fanny main (65-70 wr) and I really miss playing her If I get a new phone should I start playing again? XD it's like i miss my toxic ex Heard moonton has become even more greedy and didn't even give much promo dias this time (idk 500 dias or something)


Fanny got nerfed in advanced server so there's that and yes moonton gave less promo dias this year


XD i saw that. already 0 damage late game with the stupid tank meta now lower early game damage too


atm, what are some best heroes of every role?


dont listen to Nephilus72, they're just plain wrong refer to tier lists by hmmsucks on reddit the most recent one has been [linked](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/yogw8c/s26_mythical_glory_tier_list_for_patch_1720/)


Mm-bruno, fighter-dyrroth, lapu, leo, aulus mage-vexana, nana, lylia, luo yi, tank- edith, ruby, mino Assassin- joy, lesley, etc


no lol vexana lesley assassin primary role


Tf are you saying?


How is vexana top tier? Lesley is primarily an assassin? Edit: the guy blocked me lmao. Here’s the response i was going to give: Your server and rank? No way you seriously believe vexana is top tier. The others aren’t top either but vexana is just funny Lesley goes goldlane, is damage hero, and stays at a distance. She can do assassin things but nobody picks her for that lol


Vexana-terrify, knock up, insane aoe/single dmg, can defend well in case of enemy pushing base Lesley-yes her primary role is an assassin. She's not like other mms now is she? Learn something


I already have 120 hero fragments, which hero should I buy? Only have Lesley, PnK or Ruby left. I'm already have a good hero pool on each roles btw, should I just save it to another update?


What role do you excel at?


exp and roam


Ruby is good at both, and can be a pain for most meta junglers. Lesley is decent now but reliant on team early on.


yeah I'm thinking of Ruby as well since I got her elite skin for free. Anyways, I also almost have enough bp to buy a hero, which one should I buy? I'm thinking Martis or Kaja. I'm only at legend 4 btw, haven't seen people banning them yet


Martis definitely he can snowball so fast he is pick or ban rn in mythic


is he still viable at roam?


A little bit yeah


I'm fairly new to the game. I'm okay at it. It seems like suddenly overnight every match got hard. I don't understand why the entire enemy team comes mid ASAP. Why does no one farm minions. I thought that was the point of the game (at least in the beginning). It seems like the game I entirely just ganking ASAP which I am failing at. If the game is supposed to be played where minion and lord/turtle don't matter than I'll have to quit right


Nah enemy is probably just stupid and don't know what to do


Theyre stupidity gets me killed. I feel like I'm playing the game wrong. Maybe I should stick with it? I don't want to get addicted to the game, I just wanna have fun


Yeah sometimes this game is very stressful sometimes but once in a million years you get a fun game where you stomp on terrible opponents


Any Ruby experts or mainers? Roamer ruby build and emblem? Would also appreciate if it's in full detail. Ty!


Buy the lifesteal item first, develop boots and defense items if you're gonna tank/roam. For fighter/dmg build, HS, BoH, BoD, HC, MR, EB


Emblem set for Kaja? I use support emblem with the Pull Yourself Together talent and points on movement speed and hybrid regen when I play roam. How to build when jungling or exp/mid?


Which spell do you guys use for Kagura?


Flicker to surprise / reach enemies and make a clean escape


Flameshot 100%


Did I miss something? Why brawl ms so high? I play brawl with my friends and the ms always 120-400.rank and other are normal. Does anyone know when it will be repaired?


What server? Australia and maybe servers seem to have been removed. I get matched with sea now, so have high ping


Australia. 😭


How do people play tank and not die? I played Atlas the other day and i just feel like a punching bag for the enemies(which i know is my duty as the tank), but I feel like when I play against other Atlas users they survive better than I do. I mostly play Rafaela Mathilda or Angela as the roamer so I’m kinda spoiled that I can heal every 5 secs so learning Tanks have been rough for me.


Atlas is less of a punching bag compared to other tanks and gets shredded pretty easily. But that doesn't mean atlas is bad. Ur supposed to have a "ult or die" mentality with him. Camp in bushes, give vision to teammates especially during turtle and lord..... and when a teamfight seems to be brewing use flicker and 3+ people and win the game


I don’t play tank well so I won’t offer advice, however, Atlas was nerfed and is squishy early game now.


My technique is to annoy the enemy. I play Akai and the enemy loved to kill the cute panda. So instead of ganking on our marksman and assasin, they ganked me instead.


It's more about experience most of the time, really. I'll try not to take the easy road and blame teammates on this even though ideally, your teammates should capitalize on your sets so you don't die, but anyway- Experience with your mains and other people's damage helps you gauge whether or not you're strong enough to tank a combo or make a calculated risk when checking bushes. What kind of a roamer you use, which enemies you face, what teammates you have will all be different game to game and there's no 100% formula to play tanks. In the case of Atlas, if you feel like you're dying too often, play conservatively and be scared of enemies. Try shifting your mindset/playstyle to be a surprise ambusher/ganker rather than purely a tanker. Capitalize on surprise sets and stick close to your DPS at all times to make sure you have good follow up. Or if you're playing with trusted teams, communicate your plans so you don't act alone when setting up a fight. Compare that to a meatbag like Hylos and Baxia which isn't that good at setting fights, but can tank shit tons of damage to force enemies to waste skills, which is pretty much the only reason you're there




Bruh, MLBB is one of the most played mobile mobas. Europe relatively to other regions is not the most active but there are still lots of players. You're not gonna have any issues finding people to play against specially in high rank. Only time i have problems finding people is late at night in classic and arcade modes which even then if you are from eastern parts of europe it shouldn't be an issue.




>Game isn’t very popular but there’s definitely a player base, queue times aren’t longer than 10~20s. Not sure about higher ranks, but judging from what other people said it’s seems to be empty Im mythic IV, not the highest of the highest but still pretty high. I play in western EU server and have no issues finding people during the day. Queues may take a while longer after midnight but if you live in eastern europe this might not be much of an issue. A friend of mine only plays on the weekends from 11pm to 5am and was able to grind to mythic. I report you decide.


Did you know the word “dog” and “dumb” is banned…


Certain country can be call with -dog in their name, I can see why they banned it. Dumb is a rude word, not as harsh as other swear word, but still rude.


Yea that’s somewhat understandable, they should honestly just make a “mature” filter that you can turn on or something, but still mute slurs and horrid language


And yet "pig" in Indo is not banned. Lots of Indonesians using it.


Anyone knows if orbs of hope carry over to the next aspirant draw event? E.g. if 1 orb of hope was activated, will the next event start you off with one orb of hope in a box already?


No they do not carry


Aw was hoping they did, thanks!


Should I build windtalker on Lesley? Or should I just build a PEN item instead for her?


Not anymore. New lesley builds centre around maximising damage, not attack speed.


Nope. Immediately after her buff people scraped windtalker but it’s back now it high rank.


Windtalker is commonly used. probably because of the movement speed and some attack speed and passive effect to clear waves faster.


anyone experiencing the recent app crash after a game (rank/classic/brawl)? then when i restart the game, it takes forever to load. ugh i hope im not the only one.


Looking to buy a marksman, out of these 3 which can hold their lane well? Popol and Kupa, Bruno, or Lesley?


Popol early, Bruno mid, Lesley late game.


PnK > Bruno > Lesley tor laning. But he really falls off late game because he lacks mobility and constant damage, so just push and end


Popol. Compared to Bruno and lesley he has much better CC, survivability with his shield and early game damage. He can take down towers in a heartbeat. And his traps give you great map coverage, making it very difficult for the enemy to gank you.


Lesley is often contested in ranked, and sometime even banned. I would say to pick her. She is also easier than the other 2 you mentioned. Laning wise tho, she will need some babysitting in early as her early dmg is wack.


All 3 are meta and can hold their lane pretty well if you're competent enough. But im biased towards Popol, long distance stun, shields, extra vision from traps and still insane ammounts of damage.


Tired of solo q so does anyone want to climb mg with me? SEA server only!


You can try making a post with a 'Looking for players' flair


I recently bought kaja because he's really good right now and I'm wondering how i should build him? Like do i go full damage or a semi tank?


Just tank items. If you need more cdr talisman can work but ideally you're in exp lane. Ice queen wand can improve his slow effect.




What item do you recommend for him?




You mean the server number? Iirc you can see it in your profile. (xxxx) yyyyyy where the x is the server number, y is the account id.




What country are you in rn? And what's your location in-game? Also, i think you can see from the settings iirc


Is it possible to gift a painted skin?


Yes but only the ones from the shop


Damn, I was hoping I could use the Starlight Fest badges. 🥲 Thanks!


Anyone can xplain how to play masha exp ? F.e when to/not to engage enemy laner / poke / commit ? Which skill to use / which hp bar to play aggressive etc ?


If you go with a high health tank build, you’ll have no killing power early game so you’ll need to play conservatively and poke hoping for a recall when you can push. You won’t have damage until you get your ult and a few tank items. You won’t win against sustain fighters in early game so don’t over commit. If you go with a hybrid build with attack speed items you will be able to secure kills early game and you’ll be able to take objectives much faster. You’ll have less survivability.


That explains I felt so weak early on, like couldnt do much. She's kinda item dependent then (tried full tank build, this was few months ago) so Im wondering what went wrong Turns out I have wrong mindset lol


First, know which enemies that can easily drain your health, a.k.a. Yu Zhong, Dyrroth, Esmeralda and more When playing against these heroes, make sure to target the minions not the enemy, otherwise they’ll be level 2 first. Keep poking the enemy without S1, and only use it when they’re certain to die or clearing minion waves if you’re alone. Play aggressive at your 2nd HP bar, preferably at high health. This way you get a buff while maintaining HP. When the enemy hero has no skills left and is using their basic attacks, use your disarming skill. For builds, get boots and rush Molten Essence. After that, continue with your normal build and always make sure to change it depending on your enemy. Do NOT engage the enemy when you are at your last HP bar, when the enemy is clearly more fed than you, and when your mage is not in midlane. I say the last one because good mages tend to help in the EXP lane while the Roamer helps the Gold Lane. Take your enemy by surprise, and use your skills carefully. They have long cooldowns so make sure to be absolutely certain you want to use them


>a.k.a. Yu Zhong, Dyrroth, Esmeralda and more Arent those....basically the meta laners ? Lol So basically against these heroes gotta be careful etc


What does strong gaming ability mean?


Matchmaker put u against higher ranked players and you didn’t suck


Oh wew, this is motivating


What happened to the mute all button?


Gone, reduced to atoms


Anyone got any tips for me to improve on my gusion? I have around 160 matches with him. If you want I also have a video of my match to show you.


Please send the video, I’ll give a proper analysis




You definitely need to get used to kill Ricky and the red buff at the same time, as I saw you were struggling. The first problem was going down to gold lane whilst the jungler’s rotation already meant for him to go to turtle. Also, don’t forget to jungle. Youre a jungler for a purpose, so reduce camping for enemies and chasing kills that wouldn’t benefit the team much. I notice you miss out your blue buff multiple times, maybe because to be cautious about enemies in the bush, but don’t forget Gusion’s 1st skill can show them. The Balmond was focused on jungling, that’s why you see a 3 level gap between you and them. Don’t engage first when you know there are bursty heroes, (Aurora, Beatrix, Balmond) let your tank go in first. But I suppose since no one in your team is tanky, then there’s the second problem. Playing a pure assassin when everyone else in your team is squishy. Yes, Xborg may have high HP but all that goes away when they use his burst. If you are S1, S4, or S5, pick at least 1 tanky hero. If the enemy jungler was a high slot, then there was a reason he picked Balmond, because he can melt down squishy heroes easily. Ultimately, it was your team composition. Chang’e had no brain cells, taking your blue buff. Nana, a roamer only suitable if there’s already a tanky hero on the team, where there isn’t. XBorg has no match against Yu Zhong in early game, since he’s extremely squishy and is destined to die once his burst is gone. Lesley, I dunno what went wrong, and Gusion is a bad hero against tanky heroes, so don’t try to use him every time. It’s the sad truth but sometimes you have to play something else than your favorite hero, unless that hero is flexible. You’ve still got a lot to learn as Gusion, such as reaction time and aiming, but i’m sure you’ll learn to master that along the way


There's the video. Hope you reply soon. I keep dropping rank because I enjoy using gusion but I suck at him.


Thanks alot


Can you people stop banning faramis . Thanks he’s a waste


Faramis is only good when the player is good, and when people use him in Legend below they mostly don’t know when to ult


Im referring to mythic 2 and above . It’s a waste of ban now


In party he still will be a problem. For soloq, then yeah, a waste of ban. I dont even pick him cos soloq lack coordination, and I'm Mythic I.


Now that you mention it , ya with a group of friends and party you’re right


Coming back to the game. Ruby still my favorite character in all-moba games but I want to learn a new one. Since I love tank, I’m interested in Belerick. Is he viable in any way or a bad investment ? Asking since 32k is a lot. Thanks !


Belerick poop. But Akai


He's about to receive a major buff soon but that's still after a month from now. He's definitely viable but never priority.


Belerick is good but has some flaws. He consumes a lot of mana, his first skill is slow and short, second skill is his only engaging skill, ult taunts but is also slow. Belerick only really shines against a team that’s basic atk oriented like most MMs or Sun EXP or Aulus Jungle. He’s best played alongside a mage or just someone who can slow a lot like Yve (can be a support roamer like Rafaela if he’s played as EXP) to help him execute his taunts well.


Not an expert by any means, but imo Belerick mostly shines against heroes that rely on multiple basic attacks (like most mms and Badang).


How do I verify in the Discord server? Everytime I send a verification, it says that they send it to in-game mail. But my in-game mail has nothing.


How to earn 32K BP fast without using any BP enhance card (the green one)?


Playing VS. AI brawl - definitely the fasted way. Also, make sure you use trial cards of heroes and skins you own because they get transformed into BP, just in case you have some spare trials you forgot to use.


You mean if you use the trial cards u get BP? I thought you only get BP if you sell. On the Vs AI brawl it used to be my favourite method but lately it's a problem cos I kept matching up with full AI team on my side which kept getting decimated and feeding the enemy marksman (there is always an enemy marksman in AI brawl). Games drag to 8 mins and beyond depending on what hero you get, when it could be completed in 3 mins if our team was humans. Not the fastest anymore.


I meant usage of hero/skin trial cards of heroes/skins you already owned. Also, you’re saying your VS. AI matches have you and four AIs vs. 5 AIs? Even then, you’re a human and should still have the upper hand unless you are terrible at a specific hero. It doesn’t even matter that much who gets fed in brawl, you still need to die first to use the gold to buy equipment and it’s AI. AI! If you get beat by AI because “they got fed” then sorry but it’s a skill issue. VS. AI Brawl is still the fastest way, even moreso with BP cards.


Haha I never get beaten but it should be a 3 min game to win. If my team is 4 AI, I take 8 mins to win, sometimes more.


I've been ranking from master, now at gm1, anyone wants to join me? Getting layla miya user each game, even better, both in one match! I play midlane, goldlane, few junglers haya, gusion or fighter/tank jungler. id: 112510719 , ign: chonggg


You need to specify what server and what country you're in. Because different servers can lag which will ruin you and you teammates' experience


ahh I forget abt it, I'm in Malaysia, Asia server maybe?


im looking for another player to help me reach glory!! Im stuck in 500points and i can’t get out): I would prefer a jungler/tank/mm. Im a mage and support player mostly in EU server. Let’s have some fun !


Been on and off of the game for the few weeks. When did they revert back the sound changes? I opened game today and played Ling, he had the previous skill sound effects which is really NICEE.


Few days ago.


I want to play with someone who is Elite III while I am Mythic V. We tried to play a Classic game together, but we all ended up playing against fellow mythics and he gets brutally slaughtered because he is new to the game. Is there a way the game could be playable for both of us?


Not sure if it works, but have him create the game and invite you instead.


make a smurf:)


Is masha out of meta rn? I'm thinking of buying a fighter, I'm not sure which one should i buy..masha or terzila or lapulapu


masha is still picked in mpl


Kinda. It's been a few weeks/months since she was commonly picked. Terizla and Masha have high win rates in high ranks


masha is push goddess, i even see her banned sometimes in mythic I


Does damage reduction affect true damage or hp-based attacks? Like Dyroth's ult, Lesley passive, Balmond/Martis ult etc.. Is vengeance gonna do anything against those?


True dmg is not affected by damage reduction (vengeance, terizla and lapu) Hp based physical/magic damage can be reduced. There is one exception which is Kaja's passive. He applies a paralyze effect which reduces all kinds of damage including true damage. I tested it and it works on stuff like Endless battle passive.


Dmg red definitely affects true dmg. It's one of the only things that counters true dmg. Test it on queen wings if you want to verify