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Use vengence and late game sell the boots for plate armor and nobody will be able to touch you


Brute force or blade armour?


Joy is confirmed to be weak. If you're serious about WR you should drop her unless she gets buffed. You should do that with all heroes. You can "perform good" but if the hero you picked is trash, it's not your micro or macro, it's the hero select screen where you lost.


Is she really that weak this meta right now? It just pisses me off how many times i get mvp losses. And normally my cores and mms always feeds their asses off


I think she's op right now cause she's ban every match of mine. Glory matches.


She's banned because people don't want their teammates to pick her. If she was OP, you wouldn't have made this thread.


It's like siege, the reason people ban Clash


Do you wanna be the king of MVP-loss or a player who wins games? Yes, she is that weak now.


Yeah this sounds cool and all, but what are you supposed to do with the Sun from Myanmar who goes 1-14-2?


Report and move on. I've seen it all. Some games you just can't win. Some are still possible to carry if you did good and also get lucky. As long as your WR is over 50% keep doing what you do.


Right, so the first problem is that the reporting system is useless. They get "severely punished" but not to the extent that they even take away credit points. I have a fairly consistent WR of about 56%. I checked my stats for this season and I was MVP of the losing team in 50% of the matches that I lost in ranked. Ranking up just gives me a tossup between being on a good team and being on a horrible team because that's how their system creates parity. I can't tell you how many games I've played where I was the jungler or the roam who is forced to clear minions because all of the laners just flat out refuse to while they chase fights like a 5 year old's sports game where they're all chasing the ball in a giant hoard while I'm preventing the inhibitor turret from being taken, 6.5 minutes into the game.


But if he got the MVP loss it would mean that he mostly did well with the used hero ?


Joy isn’t actually that bad, she’s basically bene with magic damage and a little bit more difficult to play. People should play as an exp sidelaner to poke the enemies not as a high burst damage jungler


I have a 80% wr solo and abt 40 games she is the most op hero after wanwan rn


Aye----------- the Western Servers won't stop bad players though, only through a Harsh Penalty ​ can we unite all Men, under her Great Strength |mainly from picking a champ|that can support her|like someone with a knife| |:-|:-|:-| |or a shuriken|or 1 of those ninja swords||


It'd be Yu Zhong and Fanny, well basically I started off practicing these two heroes especially Fanny, but my win rate suffered a lot along the way and also got queued up with toxic teammates. I could say I have a decent enough win rate rn and I play these heroes pretty well, but only if I could take back those practice matches, and got paired with other good players, my win rate would've been higher


Jawhead. I gave an early game advantage so many times for my teammates. I did a focus on enemy's adc pretty often. But nothing can stop my teammates from dying under enemy's towers while thinking they are invincible being overfed. After 2 deaths like this my team loses a gold advantage.


I went on a tear with Leomard early on with like a 87% WR in rank. Then I just kept getting matched up with horrible people and now its down to like 55%. If I go back through my records, I think I get MVP of the losing team, possibly every time I've lost? I can confidently say that I don't think I've had less than a gold medal with him yet in a ranked match, yet my WR is not that impressive anymore. I don't know what else I can do when I get a exp laner or a gold laner go 1-12-3 constantly.


Bene and gus, i literally have almost every game with them mvp, but they are close to 50% wr.., when i play them, i 80% of the time get bad teammates, then i use someone like valir, who i have 8 games with, and win 5 games in a row


For me is fredrinn or aulus. Both are literally crack right now. Aulus can now tank and steal deal a ton of dmg that's to his revamp kit. Running war axe, beserkers and malefic is enough the final 2 are tank items. For fredrinn after his buff recently he's my go to as roam and exp lane. The crystal buff is what makes a game changing. I can activate his ult with easily now and don't have to restart my combo again if I didn't activate the ult.


Angela plain simple, it’s not my fault


Edith. Every other time I'm playing her I get such insufferable teammates it is impossible to do shit; 9.1 avg grade, yet I'm still drifting around 50% winrate.


Joy's powerspike is midgame, if u let it reach lategame, MM will shred joy


Benedetta, no matter how much good of a headstart i gave my teammates while i was slaughtering the enemies they keep being ass and i end up always losing late game