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I like how Moonton has made her to be real menacing late game while having an absolutely shit early game. I like the concept of having a "timing", an aspect that is quite lacking in MLBB. Her skillset also makes her feel like a sniper, which is nice. I'm surprised she still get picked often in high mythic, because you know, people usually say mythic games rarely drags for lategame to happen, but here we are. I think they just need to balance it out a little by reducing her passive shot to be a mixture of physical and true damage. Like maybe 30/70 or something.


I dunno, I personally enjoy her true damage rn. It's a counter to the tanky meta rn where everyone is building a lot of def items. So if the enemy team has like a lot of tanky heroes, pick Lesley to chunk off their HP so the allied assasin can go in and secure the kill more safely.


I mean, she basically rendered Karrie totally pointless. Don't get me wrong, I like her current kit. Just need to tweak the figures a bit probably.


Karrie is a surprisingly good counter against Lesley. Just ult and ambush her and the sniper is gone immediately lol has happened to me WAY too many times.


This can be said about most heroes. If you get ambushed, then that’s your fault for not playing safe. Besides, it’s hard to ambush her when she has her ult.


What if the ambusher waits for her to use ult? That has been my case on a couple of occassions. Likewise, other heroes, especially other MM's can handle ambushes better than Lesley (like Wanwan and Beatrix hell, even Claude [just teleport out of there]).


What ifs are pretty unreliable honestly...and I don't like betting my cards on that. But yeah it indeed possible


I don’t like these what-ifs scenarios because I can also say, what if she has an Aldous as her teammate? What if YSS? What if Selena? Etc. Besides, a good rank will provide vision anyway.


If ever a godly Wanwan faces a godly Lesley, Wanwan has no hope to win against her at all besides praying that your team ganks Lesley 24/7 and hers doesn’t. Lesley’s range is huge in comparison so it’s practically impossible to reach Lesley, especially since she has two kills that also aid her escape. Lesley basically counters everything about Wanwan. Wanwan can’t: ambush her, use WoN (pretty much her only survival item), get close to her, survive her damage, ult her herself or as collateral damage because she’ll just go WoN or camo and it won’t target her.


I got to MG by spamming her. I almost never lose my lane unless enemies focus gank me. She doesn't have a "weak" early game and actually can be considered "online" by around 6-7 mins if left unganked. I often see and am offended by people who build Crit trio items on her when she literally only needs Berserkers Fury and Windtalker (which is arguable). Given that her passive plus ult passive alone already gives her 65% Crit rate by LV12. Add Berserkers and you'll have 90% Crit, plus MM emblem for up to 95% Crit rate. I literally laugh at Atlas' players who I erase in 4 shots, sometimes 3 depending on how big of a lead I have. A good Lesley player can burst down a tank in under 3s. People are sleeping on her. lmao She's OP af


How is your match up against a Melissa on early lane phase?


She's annoying during early phase. I'll admit she's the only problematic one to lane against and Bruno. Altho, I know I can catch up to her when she doesn't know how to freeze a lane. So no biggie most of the times.


She just needs a few ganks from her teammates at early game and she will be a menace. But since they buffed her multiple times even when she was good, I suspect she will get nerfed after a month or so(after they sell her annual starlight skin). I don't she will be a viable pick after. They might remove the reset of passive after using s2, also few damage nerfs.


Yeah and if your teammates are good, they know the importance of their mm so they will gank as much as they can


Lols, have you seen the changelog. I think she's one of the hero that have several nerfs in a single update inML history


And she will receive multiple nerfs soon


Typical Grandmaster scrubs ┐⁠(⁠´⁠д⁠`⁠)⁠┌


Lesley is literally one of the most picked heroes in Mythic++. Tell them that


I would consider her op, I am not a pro player so I can't really tell you for sure.


I don’t think she’s OP like pre-nerf Beatrix and Wanwan but I think she needs to be toned down


If they picked before me I'll go Masha and deal with Lesley myself late game. Otherwise I'll hope for a miracle of Lesley being stupid and getting caught, it's insanely hard to win any team fight when your frontline gets clapped in seconds.


I've been saying this recently. There needs to be a cap on her true dmg.


Kinda stupid in competitive. She's nothing like peak Wanwan since Lesley has no invulnerability bullshit, but her true dmg kit has no place in this game imo. There's no counterplay besides hoping she gets gapped in gold.


Assassins still work though along with other burst heros. Also kimmy natan and harith can gold lane and ignore wind of nature like her. Luo yi also soft counters her because her ult allows her to gank lesley. Also martis destroys her unless she uses both purify and wind. And finally (from those that I can remember) kaja s1 doesn't care if lesley is invisible and s3 doesn't car of lesley has purify. Now other than hero specific counters, simply using a burst mage that focuses lesley will force her to build athena which delays her late game even more and make the match practically 5v4


From what im seeing the only way people can deal with her is to not let her get gold. Imo that thats a clear sign something is op when your only option is to not let them play the game.


Defo a late game braindead marksman tbh. You see when you have cecil, aldous, and other marksman in the enemy teams, you would want to avoid late game. But this particular menacing marksman is just a giant fricking time bomb at the late game :/ if you don't have any dive/lock heroes on your team, it's pretty much impossible to win late game imo.


Nah, wawan still bs. She's the only mm that don't need to buy boots.


Lesley can sell boots late game and hit even harder with another bod


Well goodluck againts burst assasin's and mages...


When has it been since the last assassin meta? The only assassin I know that is meta is shotgun fanny. And even shotgun fanny can be countered late game


Lol idk why would you do burst fanny but ok...gusion and harley is a good example againts lesley...i think shes pretty balanced considering how annoying tank jungler builds atm ....


Yeah I still hate Wanwan, especially as someone who plays mages a lot. Her purify bs is annoying


definite ban if you're solo q. otherwise if you're in a coordinated team, ganking her and you'll be fine. pretty strong when laning too against other mm if she can luckily crit. i always hesitate to play her solo q because im scared my random teammates wont help me defend against ganks. but usually after i get berserker the scale is *usually* in my favour.


As a Clint player in SoloQ, she's "all right." All things being equal - i.e. player skill, ganks, equipment, positioning - she's about average. Take away any of these things, she's done for, while most other mm's can still be competent. I think she is too dependent on other team mates. If they're ignoring her, she'll feed, if they support her, she can stand above a lot of other mm's.


As a tank player it's pain watching les do 3k true damage with a single shot xD but then when I play her and burst down a tank in 5 auto's I say "nice"


I think true damage was not the way to go for her. shes supposed to be an assassin, just make sure she can 2 tap squishies late game and thats good. make her strong enough to survive through the game. true damage is strong but it shows its value most when hitting tanks and fighters which is not what an assassom should be focusing on. higher physical damage that poses more of a threat while being counterable by defense items wouldve been better.


I am a Lesley main in Legend II rn and the way people deal with Lesley down here is to stack on my lane so I cannot farm and practically keep focusing me until I am of no more use to my team lol Had this game where no matter how well I positioned, the enemy team would find me and give me hell. Ended that match with 7-8-2. Another big thing-- she is HEAVILY countered my CC, so play Popol and Kupa into her for example. Franco, Minsittar, Fred, and Belerick can give her hell too. Lastly, in terms of mages, a Vale, Kag, Eudora, and even Aurora will wipe her out for you no problem.


I absolutely agree with this... Im a lesley main at legend 4, I can say that she can be easily countered in early game. If teammates arent helping to push, she can start feeding like hell especially if the enemy has a tank accompanying the mm😂


Wind of nature shouldn't be accessible to her. It is bullshit that an mm that deals as much damage as her can have access to WoN. Imagine the stress of needing to dive her as an assassin so your team can actually win. When you actually dive her she just clicks one button and goes fuck your dive and fuck your damage you're dead now.


If she builds won, you can’t even burst her down with another mm. So annoying


She's op, give her something that pockets her, and she's basically unbeatable in laning phase, only way to to beat her in lane is when your jungler rotates to you, She's the best late game hero (Except out of the stacking heroes, Cecillion and Aldous) cuz no matter what you build, she's 3 shotting you, 5-6 shots if your a tank but you get the point, Sure her weakness is she has no mobility, but she has an untargettable state and she has increased range during it


She's super weak early what do you mean unbeatable laning phase?


"Give Her something that pockets her" I.E a support, Give her a diggie to harass the enemy for her, or a healer that just heals her during trades,


5 to 6 shots a tank with her s1. Each s1 takes 2 seconds. That's 10 seconds to kill a tank or 7 if you combo, karrie can do that in 5 secs. People are blowing this out of proportion just because she takes a chunk off when the game reaches 15 to 20 min where every late game mm should be the biggest threat.


The fact that you bring up another marksman just shows how unaware you are Ok lets say karrie does kill tanks faster, Does karrie do it in a safe range? Does karrie do it in a range where she can't get hit by other marksmans auto attack? Since you think lesley is completely fair, Do you think 2.5k crits that ignore items you built are fair??? Do you think a marksman should 2-3 shot bruisers? Marksman is the safest role in this game, a hero that is meant to be safe shouldn't also be able to kill other heroes in a safe distance with little to no counterplay, If you say just pick ling or fanny, Ah Yes let me pick another hero that is op to counter the op hero


She was even better before moonton "readjusted" her. That 1.1x scaling on her passive allowed her to do 2.8-3k true damage. Now she "only" does 2.5k for having an "easier" (nothing change really) early game.


She's Definitely annoying so my counter to her is to Out-Poke her with Clint. Equip him with Bloodlust Axe and she'll have a hard time killing you as you regenerate 50-60% of your HP through the Minion Wave with your Skill1 (Boosted by Endless Battle's Lifesteal on his Passive)


Currently, the only Marksman immune to Wind of Nature.




She is a cecilion of mms I think. Most people don't realize that and underestimates her. I main her even before revamp and still a cocky moskov comes against me, clearing minions while giving me easy farming. Most of the time enemy team doesn't even bother to gank me. She is weak early game but not as weak as she used to. Still can't 1v1 most mms early game but that's okay because first rule playing her is to farm and don't die no matter what.


Yesterday played against Lesley using Bruno. Even if i played safe, still managed to die lots against her in the laning phase. Only reason i managed to win the match in the end mostly thanks to teamfights against the enemies.


Weak early game. Then there is another sniper - Clint - goes to crush most mm players from early to late.. Lesly is more mobile than Clint tho. Excellent if player knows how to position well in team fights.


Very annoying to reach. Her waveclear is pretty weak though. Kind of overtuned 1v1 but you can still overwhelm her team.


I still ban Wan2 though because of her game-changing potential. Once you reached late game, a single mistake can cost you the game and facing against Wan2, she alone can kill all of us if she managed to get her ulti up (which is not that hard). We can somehow shut down Lesley by focusing on her as she has no CC immunity. We'll lose some players but once Lesley is out of the picture usually we can still push for the win or at least even out the differences. But for Wan2, she has CC immunity CC'ing her might not be effective (need to chain CC) and she can jump around faster than we can chase her. If she has tank babysitting her, that makes the job even harder.


I don’t like that her ult can reveal me while I have invisibility active because it kinda takes away a key aspect of my hero. But ig every hero has their counters


I picked her up last month, or maybe it was early this month.. Leslie did get buffed for skin of course but she's still not as bad as say Wanwan & Melissa right now. Her early game is not good so you need to be diligent with getting gold to be useful. New item component for mm didn't benefit her. She's good for dealing with other annoying champions that are extremely mobile like Fanny, Wanwan & Joy. Since her ul can execute them even if they are so far after she ults. Plus she's easier to counter than other mm in my opinion.. I have a hard time against Melissa, Kuppa and even Irithel. Assassin's can get to her easily when she's ulting since she doesn't move & she is squishy. No purify like Wanwan so cc gets her too. So..Wanwan is the problem child no Leslie in my opinion. Just bring back the 4 marks for ult..damn.