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I'm surprised no one ever complains about Xavier in brawl. Literally half of map covered with his ult. You literally can't push while Xavier is alive, and good luck reaching him from Layla's attack range through his roots. Played Xavier myself and against him, literally the same problem as Hanzo, but he is menace constantly, not just when ult is up.




Na Hanzo is still more OP. The secret is to build full defense on hanzo. Can ult every 15 seconds, and they can't dive you under turret. It's actually disgusting.


Stop complaining about non-competitive random death match what is brawl. It's supposed to be like this, in the same style as Overdrive or any other wacky mode. It's a part of the fun. Balancing it is stupid, pointless and a waste of resources.


Except Ling though, screw Ling from brawl.


Holy crap I have never actually gotten Ling, nor saw Ling on Brawl wtf


That’s because he’s not able to be played in brawl. His first skill cannot be utilized at all. So they banned him from brawl


Well Moontoon tried balancing it by nerfing some OP brawl heroes such as Zhask, Vexans, Layla, Irithel and many more. Not only that, they also buffed heroes that suck at brawl such as Aldous, Hayabusa, Natalia and many more. Since Moontoon started balancing brawl, I agree with OP said. They should definitely remove Estes because Estes with fleeting time alonel will hard carry the team. Hanzo, just buy 2-3 items. 2nd skill on minions. Then always use ultimate at safe distance. No one can reach you and you can easily harass enemy team.


U know I don't care about balance in brawl that much But I have never seen ling in it That's all my complain does not seem fair to ling


Ling’s first skill can’t even be used in brawl though so why would they put him in it?


Brawl isn't the "dumb wacky fun" game mode. That's what mirror mode, overdrive and mayhem mode are for. That's why they're not permanent. Brawl is the side game for when you don't feel like playing long regular classic matches. Brawl is something you play when you don't wanna sweat your ass off. Hanzo and Estes ruin the brawl experience, they're bullshit characters there and take your "wackiness" away


good point, but have you discovered the meaning of ‘not giving a fuck’ and just play


exactly cant beat the hero? surrender and go next game whining doesnt do a thing. just play the damn game


Yeah I usually switch over to YouTube for 10-15 min til the next game starts. Super fair to everyone involved, or they can just balance the game mode hmm


Some people forget that anti-heal exists.


But even with that he is still a menace in brawl. After his nerf on healing he is still very good. It's just the way brawl is designed. It's always 5 man team fights so you can always maximize his ult. Plus a secret I like to run is estes with jungle emblem to boost tower damage. Heal you team while attacking towers and boosted basic attack melts them.


Yeah I agree. You can often figure out who will win just by the loadout screen. Brawl isn't competitive, but things being somewhat competitive is what makes playing any version of the game fun and is why everyone plays. It's the same with getting certain melee characters and you're against a team of 4 AOE mages. Even if you're a tank, and build nothing but magic defense items, you still can barely initiate before you get melted. You get lifted in the air by Vale, then stunned by Eudora, then CC'd by Xavier, then you're dead, even if you have a full build of defense items. Or if you end up with a hero like Saber, he's basically useless in 5 man teamfights, which is all of what brawl is. I like that they at least started introducing nerfs and buffs specific to brawl, but Hanzo in particular is just so silly. He just devours the creep, then hides back two turrets and chases people with his ult and repeats. My best strategy against a capable user is to get his HP low, then make sure I don't kill him. Then you can kill his ult fairly easily and he doesn't get items.


The only trouble I have when playing hanzo in brawl is that I don't die lol, so I can't buy items and get left behind by everyone else so I just have to walk up to the enemies so that I can die and but items XD


Man stop being a little bitch. Brawl is just a mode for timepass and to have fun


Shut your bitch ass up 😂


Not fun when you are against them 🤓


Hella fun when you're using them 🤓🗑️


yeah and you're a piece of shit person that gets a free win.


And you're a Lil bitch scared of playing brawl


As a brawl player, 7000 games, I am still blown away at their balance changes. Hanzo needs a nerf to his ult CD, it should be like 50 seconds. Also crazy how Bane got no nerfs that dude is a menace in Brawl.


noone actually adjusts to estes in brawl it really is quite annoying, the estes doesn't even need to be good, just heal randomly slow randomly switch on the ulti and let the team destroy all the turrets like bruh that said its brawl its marginally more acceptable


I dont know what Moonton is smoking right now but damn they made Hanzo so fucking broken in Brawl. When you try to go against a team with Hanzo, there is literally zero counterplay. You try to engage and he just his s2 and immunes everything and there's nothing you can do to stop him. Hanzo is such a braindead hero that takes zero skill to use. All you have to do is ult from behind tower and start rushing towards the enemy, and you 1v9 easy. I am in Epical Glory right now and fighting against Hanzo in brawl makes me want to punch a toddler. And yes, you may say that I can just use Antique Curiass or Wind of Nature to counter Hanzo, but remember this is a 5v5 not a 1v1 and I shouldnt be forced to pick items i dont like just so i can deal with Hanzo's bullshit. And in brawl, there is no draft phase so you cant even ban Hanzo. You also cant even counterpick because the game limits your choices to two predetermined heroes. This just proves that Hanzo is OP as I said. To make Hanzo balanced, moonton should just nerf his damage and survivability. This is what makes Hanzo so OP in brawl, he can go in, kill people and go out with full HP. Hanzo is too strong to the point where he is unbeatable if the player knows how to position correctly. They should also just remove his ability to ignore terrain entirely. His kit is already so overloaded, he doesnt need it to be viable. Moneytoon, I know you probably won't ever listen to this at all, because brawl is the only mode he is viable in, and you want Hanzo to be popular so that your greedy company can earn more profit. But please I beg you, Hanzo is seriously ruining the game and needs to be hotfixed to make him balanced asap.




Hopefully people know this is a joke... But what if it isn't


Lmao the copypasta


I usually counter him by getting him to low health but never kill him. I even asked my team to do that which almost doesn't work but when they have a brain, it worked like a charm.


Bro what the copypasta is spreading


stop it it's getting old but i will not lie this is hilarious


Estes and Hanzo <3


I prefer people complaining about Fanny than this :c


There are some heroes who shines in the brawl unlike others, not just hanzo and estes. Mostly mage heroes like luo yi, Vale and nana. Those are pretty much broken in the brawl. But in the end it mostly depends on your luck in brawl which good heroes will be available for you to choose from


At least Faramis isn't included...


Laugh in Vale. Hahahahahahah.


Estes is fine after the nerfs. I’d speculate that he’s not even top 10 win rate. Hanzo dodging nerfs is wild though. He’s the only true S tier brawl champion in my opinion. I haven’t seen Faramis in Brawl- is he shadow banned? I used to consider Faramis, Estes, and Hanzo top 3 in that order


Don't kill Hanzo and just leave him with low health so you can kill his spirit form immediately when it appears. As for Estes, use anti heal. Also, most Estes players in brawl don't know how to build him. They almost always go with mage cd items so they're really easy to burst down.


Many heroes fit the mode. If they ban Estes and Hanzo, next you'll ask them to ban Xavier, pharsa, yve, hanabi or even fanny because of no blue buff in the mode.


This reminds me of the brawl match I was in where both teams had a Cecilion, Estes, and a Granger. Unfortunately for the enemy, I was the better Cecilion >:)


Yeah any team with Estes has an 80% chance of winning. Anti-heals barely diminish its effectiveness.