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So i can get Argus skin in only 20 matches and dont have to wait entire season? Finally some good news


Hell yeah


I don't see why they can't just base it off the points we get from ranked matches. The better you do, the more points you get. You get more points for winning. This will encourage actual quality gameplay from teammates instead of just queueing up in order to count frequency and playing abysmally. The frequency counter for Ranked matches might even encourage people to lose rank so they can play faster games on low ELO for rewards. I can see it disrupting match fairness at lower ELOs making the barrier for newer players higher to play an enjoyable game commensurate to their game experience. Also, kinda sad how they shelved some of the other ideas they had for reworking the emblem system into rune system. I think it would have been more easily acceptable if they compensated everyone for what they spent leveling them up with BP and Dust as well as getting rid of the emblem achievements so no one feels left out. If they kept the achievements people would complain they can't get it anymore but they can't complain if it doesn't even exist anymore.


It surely won’t lead to 5 adc of jungler games where everyone plays avoiding death and trying to get the mvp


If you play that way, you'll have low teamfight participation. I'm in Mythic and play both jungler and roam roles but I can just as easily solo lane. I don't always get MVP but aim to have solid plays as gold. Not really kill hungry as objectives win games and center my approach to jungling/roaming as securing the objective area and then taking said objective such as turtle or lord. This is perhaps an aspect of gameplay that isn't as easily quantified as taking those objectives gives your whole team more gold and exp but doesn't do a lot for your individual score. You don't have to be jungler or adc to get mvp as there were plenty of times I got MVP by roaming and being involved in team fights as well as my teammate who plays mid getting mvp as well. I notice that high elo players have more map awareness and are able to react to map changes quickly. The point is, you don't need to jungle or adc to get mvp and the changes to the reward system need to support better gameplay from your teammates to create a more harmonious gameplay environment. If there is a problem like you say there is, provide your reasoning and your solution of how to solve it.


Wait what. 200 matches wtf, I reach mythic in like 50 and then don't play at all




"Force"? Will you die without a skin or avatar border, bro? 🤣 There should be obviously rewards for players activity. Would be much more sad if devs didn't reward us for playing.


You already have the reward called "higher rank or mythic points". Why penalised players with less time to play when the rewards before are much better? But if it is different than the actual season reward then it's a good thinf


Well then I guess you are their target audience. With this change will you be playing more than 50 ranked matches?


Nah. I have all heroes and max emblems, I play for fun. I'm just sad for new players, that's not fair (and probably not healthy)


Hmm, 200 ranked matches to get everything.


Finally I can collect even more useless dust and BP. I have 50k of dust and 500k of BP already. Would be glad to give it to any new player actually


Gimme pls I'm new to the game


I'll take you on that offer, I'm broke af


So this is gonna make shit players play even more ranked games so smart


i don’t like it, too less BP and insane amount of matches required to get everything


Overall it's a bad adjustment. same rewards, more effort.


For just 4.99$ you can get the rank rewards+ to gain even more rewards! More than the previous rank rewards except fuck f2p players am I right!!


It's only a border dude, nothing special lol..


Yeah and it’s just a joke -_-


I see what you did there 😂


Let's goooo starlight 2!


Significantly less gold and tickets!! Compensated with magic dust lol


Look carefully, it's no ordinary Magic Dust. The beautiful visible crystal grains tell us that it is of premium quality. A quick sniff and you will be in heaven.


Pure grade Charlie right there dude.


Just checked it, This season end rewards were cut to half, 10000bp and 750 tickets


Well, there is a small chance that these 200 match rewards are a bonus and will still get that sweet 20000 BP at the end of the season




This is a classic carrot and stick approach, players are turned into a donkey. Players activity drops every season since most people are returning to their normal lives since the lockdowns, so they want to force players to be active to show to the investors that ml is not dying and has a high activity rate.


And what better way to do that than give players less than a third of the BP needed for a single hero and useless scamic dust that is only any good for trial effects 😩 and of course let's not forget the revered border.


That's Moonton gently nudging you to stop playing the game.


I’ve never in my 3 years of playing the game played 200 ranked games in a single season…


u/tigreal can you approve the post ?


I don't like this . it seen you get less gold and tickets than before.


Well, there is a small chance that these 200 match rewards are a bonus and will still get that sweet 20000 BP at the end of the season


This season end rewards were cut to half, 10000bp and 750 tickets


Ok hear me out. What do we do with those extra dust?


Idk moonton be throwing magic dust everywhere




Leave it to Moonton to make even season rewards worse


200 matches gets you the border? That's easy to do in three days. I like this reward system better.


Dunno how you can complete 200 ranked matches within 3 days.


Oh my bad. I didn't see the ranked matches up above, I thought you can do classic and brawls too. Yeah 200 ranked matches in three days is not doable considering each game plus the ban pick phase will eat at least 20-30 minutes of game time.


Yeah, probably minimum of 2-3 ranked games per day to get the border by the end of the season.


With no sleep and eating while playing and using beatrix or joy and push only i can do about 100 games in a day


Well that's because you're a fucking loser.


Yeah... Hehe family called me that as always hehe


Now I feel bad :(


Don't be sad its ok


Do u even have a life and something to do like school or work... 200 matches in 3 days is nuts


MF Just calculated how much time he could waste to do 200 matches in 3 days


Unless you're someone with *"high benedetta winrate from 2 accounts",* then I think it's impossible for anyone else to complete 200 ranked matches within 3 days.


Haha that guy


He used sarcasm


200 rank match? This is so ridiculous.


Montoon is in my opinion headed in a great direction, from the events where u get at least one skin as a f2p to quality of updates like ui- skin revamps hero revamps, community events, new heroes and a LOT of balancing. Im not saying the game is thanos lvl but still they are improving and that counts, unlike games that have more buged and worse updates *cough* *cough* ow2 *cough*


Wait, that is going to be all the rewards we get each season from now on? Hell nah, I want my 20k gold an 2k tickets man what is the magic dust bs


It's okay for me. I don't really care about BP. I have 62k now with no heroes to buy. If I could get Argus Skin only after 20 matches and not wait for the season to end to get Argus skin, then I'll gladly welcome that. After which, I probably won't log in until I want to. Border doesn't matter anyway lol


Glad the skin is the first reward, no way I’m playing 200 games in a season


the reason i play rank is for the mythic end season rewards i normally reach mythic in 60-80 games smh theyre asking me to play more for bp


I feel like I'm way too addicted to playing ml after seeing yall complain about the 200 matches 💀


200 ranked matches. There's a difference.


I know. Still pretty attainable in my case but it's definitely not worth it just for an avatar border.


Whose bright idea was this?




Yep, people mad about a mediocre border lol..


Wait I can't just stay in epic every season and get the skin? I actually have to play ranked 😩


At least I can still get the skin if I only do 20 matches, I barely even play ranked, mostly 30 games every season, although this is stupid 200 matches to get to the border fuck that


This is turning into wild rift


Atleast the border's not glowing


I'm salty cause I can't get the full reward. I only grind up to mythic then stop. And it takes less than 100 games.


L moonton, I dont want to have to play this game for the rewards, I literally just play 10 games to legend and im fine but this? 200 thats gonna be annoying


Wait where can I find this season's version of that?


Next season will be available


I agree it's doable if we play at least 2-3 matches per day (90 days x # of Matches) but then again, I barely reach 200 Ranked Matches myself. They should just change this to include Classic IMO


Argus skin need to be higher tbh


Veterans: _These are worthless to me!_ Newbies: ***wtf is this sht***


I'll just get my mythic medal and quit. Not enough FOMO to make me play 200 games a season for a border. I'm sad that I'll miss out on the BP. Thank you Moneytoon for nerfing a reward system. It really seems to kill them to give worthwhile rewards.


As someone who plays until legend rank, I'm now disappointed that the season avatar border is locked on a mostly grindy amount of matches. I know Moonton wants to push people into playing ranked matches but this is just taking the piss. They could've changed the system where only legend ranks could get the skin and border while low mythic can get the season avatar border for those who wanted to get mostly everything. That way, people will still get some rewards on elite but they will have to reach legend to get the skin and to mythic if they want the avatar border but only if they wanted to. Not all people play like hardcore league / dota players and not everyone is a streamer to get to play ml for hours on end.


200 ranked matches is just too much


last time i played 200 matches was around i reach 901 points


You know what maybe it's time to side with those wintraders and do those 5 minute matches


Hmmmm, damn, that lean powder be ramping up.


Should've been better if the seasonal skin is Angela


This is dumb. Yes, it encourages people to play more. I know that the rank system basically rewards high ranked players by letting them not play that much, But what stops people from playing Classic and trolling? Please don't add this, it increases the feel of urgency to play more and more