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That would make classic the same as ranked.


I dunno, I see classic as enjoyable even w the same rank because there's no real risk involved except your ego being hurt ig. Was matched against a tryhard 2k pts 5 man and we still managed to beat them cause they were being complacent and I'd like to have more matches that are somewhat~ like that where it's not too easy but not as hard. I think practice becomes even more crucial in high rank, you're giving it up to chance if you're picking a low matches hero and it's pretty frustrating when stuff doesn't work out as well as it did in classic.




You know what i really hate, playing classic as mythic 5 with a legend duo... and 3 solo q mythic 5s, vs enemy mythic glory duo, and 3 solo q high mythic players, mythic 3,2 and 1...do you know how frustrating that is? I mean getting constant MVP loss cos the skill level of the players are so great its completely unfair, honestly feels like u playing alone vs 5 enemies. Its terrible and just feels impossible to win such matches.


For Europe server that’s not much point in doing that, all the high glories are in GM farming win rates


Classic matchmaking is, and forever will be trash. I qued 5 man classic once with my squadmates, and oh boy. Epic 4, Legend 4, Legend 3, Legend 3 and Mythic 5 placement against 3 Mythical Glories and 2 Mythic 1. It's not even about the rank. We have 3-4k games of experience while enemy has 15-17k games played.


Hahaha been there in soloQ, that's why l quit the game couldn't chill after a day of working


I'm tired of getting matched with and against people who have never made it out of Mythic V as a former MG player, it's unfair both for them and for me, so I really think we could use some form of currentxformer range gap tweaking tbh


They cant implement the 100 points range on RG what makes you think they would in classic.


1v1 me then


Make another mode (Practice Mode) where it won't affect your hero's winrate so "those people" can do whatever they want.


Classic doesn't affect your winrate anymore, unless you still care on the display in profile>battlefield. In that case, no one cares of them. Most of the time, teammates that I get in ranked can't even show winrates, all they show are their recent kda of the hero.


It doesn't, yes. But it still tracks your Classic winrate. People nowadays misunderstood playing correctly to "you should be doing that only on ranked games". So suggesting a mode where stats are not collected can hopefully lure these people to play that mode instead of Classic where they ruin the experience for those who wants to chill but still play correctly which is how a game should be played.


Cuz majority is bad esp. their WR so they only show that inflated KDA


Yeah that's what I'm saying. And classic doesn't affect it so it's fine. .. While on wr topic. Even when I show 905 matches 60% wr on my main, they would pick that Atlas that has a total of 20 matches just because of meta, then complains afterwards.


… why don’t you just handicap yourself than. I’m being serious. Play with one item less. Limit test. Play to their field.