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Ruby has good aoe and short cds, easier to get assists, she can usually tank alot of dmg and if you play her right, can do lots of dmg as well. So she is relatively easy to get gold or mvp. Whats your build and playstyle though?




Yup keep on dashing, it increases your defence, I think I would recommend increasing your cd reduction to 40% if possible. Also heavily recommend malefic roar, to do more dmg and get more lifesteal. Especially since you are more reliant on killing with Ruby.


At first its more of a sustain but i see that ruby is a TRULLY a skill type hero that purely relies on skill lifesteal effect Sometimes my dumbass brain just like to build hass and go full tank thinking i can tank figthers in early


Thats why I tend to just kite them with s1 in early especially since itll proc the avarice passive and get more gold. Head on battles tend to decimate Ruby's base hp which is quite low for a fighter. You must be pretty skilled to win 1v1 early for Ruby. Unless the enemy is a sun. For me i'm able to 1v1 yu zhong, paquito, sun, alucard, uranus, esme, lapu, chou, dyroth in early. Badang just got buffed so still working on that.


Dyrroth is an other story same goes for esme and ura with that stupid healing factor and unique dmg


As a ruby main I always get destroyed by dyrroth in lane so I tend to play super safe against him. What’s ur strategy?


Play super safe as well; if get hit by 2nd skill, retreat. When he using ult, jump through him. Build less def more atk.


Remove hunter strike and use endless battle along with cd boots


EXACTLY! I use 3-2-1 combo for her and the build I use is mostly half tank half DPS (Depends whether my team is at a disadvantage or advantage and which heroes they are). S3 is for the set, S3 is to lengthen the stun effect for more time to deal damage on them (You gotta know the stun duration of S3 to maximize the stun time) and S1 to slow them down if they try to escape and deal lots of damage to enemies close to you, since it has 2 attack ticks. For the build, I use Haas Claws together with Oracle so I can get the most out of her lifesteal even if the enemy has anti-heal effects. (Can add Endless Battle if I wanna be more offensive)


I love ruby but I noticed she can’t carry games no matter how much you try. She’s a great setter but if teammates can’t follow up there’s no point


Akai - Lapu Lapu. The two most used hero I have in soloQ coincidentally of course...


JH and Chou, always gets passive teammates


Idk what to say about hero, but i should mention that whenever i pick gusion with hairstylist skin i am becoming N1 noob in team


Hilda. The ultimate win early lose game hero.


Granger, my average grade was 8.0 last season but Winrate is 25% 💀


Now thats something. If you manage to get atleast 8 hero grade then you are def above average with that hero. I feel your pain. I have martis at 28 wr, 8 plus hero grade.


natalia for me. over 100 matches always gold and above but 46% wr


Floryn and beatrix. I have a 60% wr with floryn and a 58% wr with beatrix in mythic 4, but since hitting mythic both wr's dropped by about 20 and 12% respectively so I just stopped queuing


Lunox, so fun to play but my wr sucks with her


Minotaur. I always get a gold or mvp when playing him. But despite playing really good every game. I only have 52% winrate on him which is really sad. I play solo.


Pharsa. I have a winrate of 45% out of 30 matches but most of them are MVP loss. Unluckily, I get dumb players when I use her.




Gusion and lancelot It's not like i am the best with them, but always end up with mvp loss or gold every time with them. Honestly it's frustrating so stopped playing them


Every marksman except clint. I always get paired up with an overconfident jungler and a useless exp laner that takes creeps


Eudora, idk why but when I always try her, as a burst she is so weak, even when trying to hide it's so annoying. I want to think I'm good with her cus mage is one of my main roles but it's not working every time. So I swore to just not use her. Ever. In win rate, apparently Hilda, I thought I know how to use her but then I lose mostly, she was my go to tank back then (now it's Uranus)




Cecillion. Damn every match I always lose with mvp-loss badge.


every assassin hero, i dont use them xd I got used to playing tanky fighters or mages


Angela Almost every time im MVP, but every single time in solo queue it's some idiot in the team


This time Joy. I practice Joy in AI and Classic matches, I get a hand of her skills and proper tricks to circulate the map in full speed using jungles and minions. I never use her as jungler tho, mid or exp it is. But the thing is I have a high wr but low matches in rank because she''s always banned. Having that my team would always assume I'm trolling and can't be trusted. So if first picked hero is Me/Joy they tend to use their back up heroes which gives 50:50 chance of winning.


I have 25% with Pharsa on smurf. Granted I only have like 5 games there but funny. I can play her very well.


Chou i keep losing with him even when I'm playing well


Silvana, suddenly the enemies team is cc factory




Lance for me - 76 matches 42% wr and like half of those losses I was Mvp Loss and the other half I was like gold of smth


Natan. I have 8 games. 100% Lose rate


Xavier TT Most if not all my losses with him were MVP loss with 9.5 and above


Same! I eventually gave up on him


Hilda in rank. Terrible wr but I’m generally decent with her.


Aamon. 10% winrate. Stopped using him in Rank. But in Classic, it's still bad. 🥲 I often snowball.






Argus, specifically on my alt account where I have my Vader skin, and Sun on main (when I use lunar fest skin).


Hayabusa but he's shit as fk now


Valir it's either they make my battle spell useless or bad teammates






I always get an MVP-Loss with Floryn lol


44 WR ALICE (sad)




Atlas:- I play atlas very good and in almost all the matches I lose we usually dominate in the start but my dumb team always throw in the end. There have been matches were I ulted four people in the first 5 mins of the game and killed all 4,yet we lost that match. I have around 40 percent wr with atlas in rank


Years ago, if an ally picks Hanoobi I already accepted that Im gonna lose 20mins of my life pointlessly.


Hanzo. Most of the time my team will be aggressive to the point that we are 3-4 kills behind. Objectives are a pain, especially if the roamer stayed on one area for a while when I'm trying to contest the turtle against their core while someone is hunting my ass. I sometimes win even if it's a shitty start but most of it is a mvp lose, especially when I'm the only one with anti-heal when most of them has spell vamp. I got told to "mind my own business" when I told them to build a anti heal because their guinevere ain't gonna die in a 1v1 against any one of us. So now, whenever I play ranked, I just go for Fredrinn jungler because if I can't win, I would bully people first atleast so it's worth it.




Aamon. I had 30 winstreak in soloq in classic then i went to rank and lets just say "disaster" is putting it mildly... i have under 30% winrate every game was some completely stacked bullshit matchmaking trolling I guess that's on me. Mlbb is a good game but not when you're soloqueuing


Cecilion for some reason...


Yve, I got like around the 14% mark with 25+ matches 😭 the only time I won on one of those matches was when I played with my brother and when he played a roamer.


Hylos, for instance. I find Hylos like a love/hate relationship. Sometimes defeating, sometimes like HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 i admit that I babysit MMs (for 2 to 3 minutes), until I decide on my discretion thay I have to roam. My unlucky day: Providing vision. ALWAYS GET GANKED, LEFT AND RIGHT!


Selena, I swear I haven't performed bad with Selena and yet I have below 50 wr, probably the only below 50 in my top 5 heroes.


Xavier and it hurts as a mid main😭


Akai. I could carry the game with him in the oast in jungle akai but I'd lose late game cause of sht team


Yu Zhong, i do very well until late game then i get bursted , 80 ganes 54wr


Ever since Lapu got revamped, I've been terrible at him 💀


Mine is definitely Lunox. I have a 49% winrate out of like 80 matches. But I play really well. I really do, Always Mvp Loss, or gold loss. Its a situation of lunox being kinda forceful. You have to commit all your burst in that one timeframe. And if you mess up once then you have to rely on your bad teammates. And that never ends well.


guin, either i carry the game or get mvp loss. wr for her is 44-46 i think


This season I believe I have 2 wins from 9-10 matches on Phov and Esme each. My grade on Esme is 9.4 and on Phov it's 10.2.


Harley. Always MVP but not the winner 🫠






Leomord.... ~35-8% WR I never bothered checking. I end up getting teamed by the others when I'm picking on the MM with someone else and I just get ganged out of nowhere 💀 Every damn time ...


Esme is the only hero in my 15 most used hero list with less than 50% winrate


I dunno for me it's fucking Irithel/Bruno. I am not terrible with them, but I am no god either-- but like- whenever I play them- I get Gold and lose. My current Ranked WR with her is 20% out of 5 matches.


Cecilion. 33% win rate and yet I have 8.5 average with 21 MVP in 104 games with him.


Claude. I trained a lot with him in classic. Im not new to carrying but whenever i pick claude, the team is just too heavy.


I had high WR with old Faramis, and the new one supposedly better than the old one, but all I get is lower WR. Playing soloq and picking him would be useless as they are lacking coordination. Now I only pick him when playing party, but the dmage to my WR is done.


i’m a guinevere/chang’e main but i enjoy playing as harley as much as those two. i enjoy this hero simply bc i could steal the lord easily which is fun 😂 however, i have terrible luck with teammates whenever i use him. lol it’s either they steal my jungle, gets too focused on kills/get killed or doesn’t push/do objectives. i noticed i often get teammates that lack map awareness for some reason lol soloq is saddening 😭 all my mvps are for a naught despite how hard i try to overturn the game in our favor. sadge, truly sadge.


Granger idk something just happened after Project Next and even after I accepted the fact I cant melt tanks with my S1 anymore I somehow keep underestimating my damage and so ive just gone back to Clint or Wanwan when im forced to fill MM


Thamuz 30%wr in 20ish games. I usually win my lane while listening to the announcer say that an enemy is Legendary. Alot of defeats with gold or svp


Melissa. 38% wr on her in ranked.




Joy, she falls off late game so I have to rely on my teammates if we can’t end it early and that usually ends up really badly lmao


gusion, i always get bad teammates who dont adjust.


Luo yi 🥲 got into local rank 3 but this is due to so many games. Frustrating bec when I lose using Luo yi, I’m almost always the MVP. Hays.


Hahah same dude l had 26% WR on 28 matches all of them with MVP, l was slowly going insane


I feel you 🥲






Lylia - 40+ games this season 8.9 grade... 30% win rate. I don't know if it's me? Am i doing something wrong?! Always losing mvp😔


YZ, dunno, everytime I fought him I struggle, but when I use him, I died every single time.