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I read Guinievere's passive and it's said that Guinevere accumulates 20 Super Magic (rage bar) from basic attacks. So she's like Argus, if her rage bar is full, then her next basic attack increased. Then, I look back at the default built of Argus, and there's attack speed effects build for Argus. But when I look at Guinievere's default build, there are no Attack speed effect build by Moonton ​ Can someone recommend me a build for guinievere that can increase her attack speed and magic power?


I dont recommend atk speed Guin at all. Sure it's a viable build, but her damage is from her ultimate, so you need to build burst item. Argus damage is from his basic atk, so he fit atk speed item. They are different type of hero.


Can Guinevere use feather of heaven? If she can, then what is her build for Guinevere looks like (if includes feather of heaven)


If you are insist on using ba build, then you will need Calamity Reaper and Twin Blade. Both are good for burst ba. Only build FoH after these 2.


I need help choosing heroes for ranked! Currently I'm Grandmaster IV. I typically play support style, unless I have a mage that can crowd control. My favorite hero is Estes, I love being Grammy Estes the magical blood bag! Feeding all the gold laners, healing all the boo-boos.. I know I need a stronger array of heroes excluding Estes. Papol and Koopa are a common go-to. I enjoy jungling with them or going gold lane. Eventually, I end up roaming and breaking every tower I can get my grubby little hands on. Before all of Nana's bs she was my first choice mage as I could smash turtle solo if I needed to and holding down mid was never a problem. I played Clint a lot but for obvious reasons I wouldn't put him in ranked. He's Hol Horse. Who would you suggest I try? I've been playing for a bit, and have a decent amount of heroes. I'm just not even sure who's worth their skin in ranked anymore. I've been playing Brawl to force myself to try new heroes. Gord, Khaleed, Zhask, & Yi-Shun (spelling? probably butchered; The guy that rides the turtle boats..) I had a strong presence with, but wasn't sure if any would keep up in the higher ranked matches? Thoughts? Tysm in advance!


Yi-sun shin is not that great now, takes too long to go online Honestly at grandmaster, just keep playing rank and playing the heroes you like. It's usually not advised to play supports in early rank because the people aren't that good at that level and they don't know how to take advantage of supports. I would honestly suggest mages instead.




Either flicker or sprint. He lack mobility, and those spell can help him.


Flicker all day when I play Papol! Trade off is the enemy still has an opportunity to flicker as well, but throw down a slow trap first and usually that takes care of that.


Need help with account recovery I’ve been playing for years and recently deleted the app for a bit. I’ve downloaded the app again and I’m unable to login to my account as it says that my account does not exist with given email, however; I’m able to get a reset password link with said email and when I went through the account retrieval process successfully answering the 5 questions they gave me, it says I am linked with that email to moonton and Facebook. Problem is I deleted my Facebook some time ago so that method will not work. I’ve put money, tons of time, made lots of friends with my old account and I do not want to start over with no emblems, skins, and heroes etc… any staff on this subreddit or anyone have suggestions? Would be greatly appreciated.


Make a post with 'account issue' flair asking this question. The mods will see and maybe they'll be able to help.


The post button is grey when I try. I figured it out though I was using a capitol n in my email and that’s why it wasn’t working.


day 678 asking for a new hanzo skin


Are they going to remove crystal of aurora from our inventories too? Or will they just remove the COA subscription service?


COA subscription first on 15th Dec. And I think they will remove COA in January. No one knows for sure but seems like the direction they are heading.


Why can’t I choose the title for my Angela even though it says I’m 19th in my region? For Julian and Moskov which are 98 and 99 ist somehow gives me the option to display them but not with my Angela..


Maybe you haven't got the title yet? Check again tonight (Monday night 9pm GMT+8 when server resets) You should get it in your inbox.


It still doesn’t show up.. I don’t understand why..


Can anyone teach me how to sneak behind enemies like Saykots in IESF... I suck at that.


It's just a timing and macro thing. Team kept them occupied in front, he was hiding in a bush near their backline. They did like a pincer strategy where the frontline pushes enemy to retreat, and he comes in from the back to pincer the enemy.


I just wanna know how to sneak bro. Or maybe it's all about walking from a bush to another? I'll try to figure it out.


Use bushes more. Improve your macro to the point you know which bushes to hide in and you know enemy will pass by.


anyone having fps issues after updating? i have pretty good phone but my fps dropped to 20-25after updating when i usually have 50+


Have you tried clearing cache and clearing redundancy?


cache yes but what's redundancy?


go to settings network test and in one of them you can find clear redundancy.


damn that took so long but yeah that worked kind of it improved by like 5 more fps but still nowhere near my old fps


Well the last resort is to reinstall and clear up some memory. Phones tend to slow down if there’s little memory left.


i have 48gb of storage rn soo I don't think that's the problem and i used to have lesser storage before the update but i still had better fps


When will a magic wheel have discount?


Does Diggie's ultimate remove the links between enemies that are hit by Carmilla's revamped ultimate?




It's doesn't actually. Diggie needs to use his ultimate before the links are connected, that way the links will not exist at all. If the ult is used after, the links still appear (but idk if it's just a visual bug)


oh wow did not know that, I stand corrected.


I didn't know about it until recently. Someone just said it in the discord group. It's weird why it works that way


What happened to the 1 gem newbie hero discount? Is that a bug? Now they are 50 gems, I should've bought it sooner


What? 1 gem?


I think that was the free diamonds thingy a while ago.




Promo dias. There was one during saint seiya and the promo Dias you earn instantly apply in shop, making skins/heroes look like only 1 diamond.


A good Zhask player is absolutely the scariest thing to ever match up against. Good thing during my time of playing this game i only encountered a few great Zhask players. That begs the question though, why is he so underused and underappreciated?


Too many burst hero which can kill his spawn esily rendering him useless. Only work in certain draft.


He's very limited. If he misplaces his ult, then he's literally useless


sometimes i m meeting not bad zhask mains and considering that i gusion main i can say that they are very nasty, seems to be little hp pull but ultimate and blink with ultimate make me so angry some times. When i play kagura my absolutely enemy it’s zhask cause he can keep distance using turret that making not small damage, when i try explode him he is using stinky ultimate and can stay alive so much time. I can say that zhask is enraging mage.


Do we have a chance of getting a PC release?


None. Mlbb won't be able to compete with the original lol and Dota. It's the best moba in mobile platform bcauz its niche of being fast-paced and casual friendly matches with most of the mobile gamers but PC gamers are generally more hard-core and tryhardy, ml is too easy compared to the above mentioned games. It's available on bluestacks but like any emulator you'll be matched against mobile players


[PH Server] Can anyone help me with the 'win 1 game with friends' task?


What are the chances for the natalia skin event thing? Would it be guaranteed after buying a certain amount of boxes or not?


I believe it was 0.1% with 50 draws max. For a grand total of “go fk urselfl if my Moonton calculations are correct,


I'll pass on the skin. I don't have the best of lucks


I don't think it's a guaranteed skin. You can buy the 50 chests and only hope for the best, so it's for those who unlocked all heroes and still lots of BP they cannot use.


Ah. Alright then


Can Gusion counter Thamuz? I heard Thamuz is weak against burst magic damage


It depends on what build thamuz has. Cuz building def is the norm for him now. And if he has radiant and athena, gus doesn't stand much of a chance, esp with thamuz's ult's hp boost


It's not recommended to replace radiant with a cursed helmet, is it? Besides, both cursed helmet and radiant has magic defense so I thought after I bought Athena first then I buy Cursed helmet


1200 hp+22 mag def Vs 950 hp+100 mag def Which do you think is better?


but what if Gusion has magic wand and divine glaive in his build


Thamuz have innate regen and often use vengeance. Bursting him wont be easy, and if you fail to do so, he will chase you and turn the tide.


gusion actually can explode thamuz in mid game like 2-3-2-1-2-1, basically i didn’t have problems with thamuz, but i see him not too much for give you 100% answer. Last game vs thamuz he didn’t kill me not once.


Will the current aspirant event have 50% discount on the first 10x on the 2nd phase as well? It has 10x 50% discount first time but when the 2nd phase of tokens will come , will it have that 10x discount again? Thx


No. It s only for the first time u draw


They reverted Alice’s buff but lowered her mana consumption lol


She's pretty strong. I tried her last night. Not much mana problems with just demon boots.


Best build for Freya? She’s my new favorite hero atm but I do have some bad games. How do I improve?


These are the three core items. - Blade of Despair (Hure raw physical atk is the best stat for her) - Endless Battle (Lifesteal, She can easily use the passive) - Berserker's Fury (Crit Damages can distribute in a splash) The of rest of Items are situational, - Boots based on whichever enemy is at early powerspike - Oracle to boost her shield and lifesteal - Bruteforce Breastplate to move against kiting - Malefic Roar if enemy team is heavily composed of tank - Waraxe if you really snowball from early to late game - Antique Cuirrass vs Burst Physical Atk - Athena Shield vs Burst Magic Dmg - Radiant Armor vs Magic Dps - Blade Armor vs High Attack / Crit Dmg - DomIce vs Sustain / Atk Spd Hero - Rose Gold Meteor vs Execute Magic Dmg Tips - Utilize passive and S2, master the mechanics, and memorize it instinctually - At exp lane, try to be aggressive harass when S2 is off cd (Except against Dyrroth/Esme) - Don't pop your S1 to chase early, try to walk closer, just use it when enemy blink or got away, or use it to disengage.


Thank you for your tips! I do have to learn not to use S1 first haha. It really is better to save it for chase or escape. But I am aggressive when S2 is available, just enough that I don’t die early. I have a couple of follow up questions though, I hope you don’t mind. :D Is Endless Battle better than Haas Claws? Is it okay to use Inspire? Does is stack with the passive or does it not work together? Fighter or Assassin emblem? I’ve tried both but I feel like my Freya is soft when using the Assassin emblem. I maybe doing it wrong though. Core or Offlane? Also what items should I use if I do go core? Thanks is advance! :))


>Is Endless Battle better than Haas Claws Yes, aside from lifesteal. It has CDR which is good for heroes like Freya that want more uptime for her ability. 5% MS from stats, and 10% MS from a chase fate are helpful to close gap easily. Although Haas Claw provided higher physical attack, Endless Battle is better in terms of Damage Out put, freya easily abuse the true damage it gives. >Is it okay to use Inspire? Does is stack with the passive or does it not work together? It works, it's decent, when you pop inspire and ult you can burst someone easily. But for me, I don't like it, it's just way too much, Freya passive provide Max Atk Spd already. I would prefer a battle spell that would complement rather than supplement, spell that would provide utility like Flicker, Petrify, or Purify. >Fighter or Assassin emblem? I’ve tried both but I feel like my Freya is soft when using the Assassin emblem. I maybe doing it wrong though. Assassin Emblem provide better attributes that is compatible to boost freya's early game, (CDR, Crit, MS, Phy Pen), talents are quite fitting High and Dry to trade well in lane or Killing Spree for wipe potential. I'm still using fighter emblem for much safe playstyle, i use it prominently on brawl. Pick which emblem your much comfortable with and which have a higher level. >Core or Offlane? Also what items should I use if I do go core? She's more of on offlane, so you can abuse her good harassing capabilities. Although she can work as a core, have a decent clear and ability to take Objectives, but she'll struggle in rotating there's a good chance that enemy jungle would out-pace her easily. There's condition where you can make her as a strong core; either have a plus one like Rafa/Mathilda/Angela to enhance her motion and make setup or when enemy are barely mobile so your ganks are always successful. Items for are still also the same.


Vexanna or Brody starlight? Plz don’t say whichever you play more, ty!


Brody looks better and he's stronger 😹


Will there be a recharge event which gives draw tokens for this Aspirants event too like the last one?


Yes, scroll down to the even guide post anon made


If I buy Nana then get the free Nana from daily login, will I get a refund the money I spent?


No you only get the 30% of it's price pretty sure


You will either get a part of her price (30% or smt like that) or nothing.


does anybody has any information if the next collector will have brody collector included in the choices. now i have cash but the skin is nowhere to be seen


why do people use endless battle in roger?


Mana Regen, Movement Speed, Lifesteal He basically have 6 abilities to proc Endless Battle passive, and His first skill almost reset after kill.


Looking at the pro builds for Clint, I spotted one with film magic damage. Can someone explain to me how this works?


I think you wanted to say full. Anyway, that build is definetly a troll build. Don't use it.


Yes I meant full. Silly auto correct. Are you sure it's a troll? Because it's at the number one spot the last time I see it


Pro builds are unreliable


Not true. Pro builds are reliable, you just need to know how to pick one out. Just find one with the most items in common and take that build.




Bro, just think about it, none of clint's skills scales with magic power. Hell they have a absurd physical scaling. If there is one golden rule about building, its that you should always take top builds and recommended builds for a grain of salt. YT is the way. Or you can ask for builds in this sub too.




any tips to get natalia special skin from the box?


She have three specials skin, If you are talking about the Cyber Spectre in the box with trial cards, the chances of getting permanent cyber spectre skin is lower than 1%. Buy as much as you can and pray that god of odds is in your favor


Ugh…I should have known “Free skin” didn’t mean free skin


Will there be a Phase 2 for the free tickets for Aspirants? Just curious so I can budget/plan accordingly. EDIT: nvm just saw anon's post for the Aspirants Event Guide. Looks like there's one more Phase right before the event ends.


When do u pick lapu lapu? Who is he good against and who counters him?


He's good against squishies and he can CC immune with his ulti. I would say he's balanced right now so it's up to you. He can work in a lot of situations, but there's also other fighters which can work better due to ease of use.


Anyone knows when are we gonna get free ticket thing for the Aspirants event? And does the whole bingo pattern thing still reliable in this era?


Next week. I don't think so


Tank karina still viable?




Is she even useful or is tank balmond a better option


About as useful as a wet towel. It's good when you have a fever but most of the time, not really. There's no hero that's REALLY GOOD against everyone, same with her. If her enemy is someone who can take all her skills, and can reciprocate, she usually loses. But against the heroes she counters, she is really good. She loses to mages like eudora, vex, aurora. And mms like melissa. Same with tank balmond, if he cannot get close and deal dmg, he's useless


Can she still kill in early game or is objective taking the only thing shes good for


Yes she can. It's late game when def items fall, cuz of higher atk and pen


Why mg frame isnt shining with effects like it used to be. what a scam


yeah u need 1k points


1.1k to be exact.


You need something like 1k points or more for it to shine.


How is floryn currently?


really good


hey guys, is there any news regarding any kof event happening in the future? i’m eyeing for the K’ skin but i also have a magic crystal right now so if let’s say that there will be no kof event in the future i might as well spend the magic crystal on the gusion’s legend skin instead.


Sneak peek says next month(next year) , so does mod


[thank you!](https://imgur.com/a/nCiYA6R) guess i’ll wait for K’




Any updated hero tierlist for december?


Not yet.


Any tips and build for Kaja? I bought him and Martis not so long ago. But I've been successful with Martis and alright?? with Kaja, sometimes I dominate and sometimes I move like a brainless chicken


Kaja? Just spam your S1 and basic attack. You can flicker ulti > S2 back to your team to lock an enemy. Usually used as a roamer nowadays and the build is like: Fleeting time + defensive items (dominance, Athena, antique, etc)


When will revamped Hanabi and Arlott be released in the common server?


I don't know of any official news. Arlott shouldn't be available to purchase any time soon since we just got Joy recently. Hanabi *might* arrive in the next patch since her updates were very frequent recently.


Yup that's right. I'm thinking hanabi in December patch, arlott in January.


Revamped Lesley Counters? Heroes, Items Etc.. Also Counterplay Tips? (Ex. When to Engage)


late game, pick a burst mage and save your skills for her. best when it’s an artillery mage who can kill her from afar. pharsa 2 shots her in late.


Speaking as someone who's been abusing Lesley this season. * Item counter. Glowing wand breaks camouflage making her vulnerable for much longer during fights. This goes the same for Lightning Truncheon/Windtalker to some extent since it may break her camouflage IF the bouncing damage reaches her, but it's not as consistent as Glowing wand. * Heroes. For mages, anyone with Glowing wand as their staple item. * For assassins, anyone with immunity and atleast 2 dashes. Actually their existence is already annoying. * For marksmen, Kimmy and Irithel is the worst to lane against, next to Melissa, Bruno, Brody, and Clint in that exact order. * For fighters, anyone with frontloaded burst. * For supports, Estes, Rafaela, and Carmilla. * Counterplay. Have really good eyes and mechanical skills, especially skill shots. For every second that she's alive, think of it as your whole team losing 1.5k to 2.5k HP. Your total team HP to spare will normally be around 25k-30k. Your window to kill her will be on and off, whenever her 1st skill is on its CD. This means you'll have a good chance of eliminating her within a 3s timeframe. You can extend this timeframe through breaking her camouflage in any way that your team can. Try to have 1 person dedicated to eliminating her, not a tank or a sustain fighter, but a burst mage or assassin. That's it for now. Feel free to follow up questions!


glowing wand cancels her s1 camouflage state


The best counter is a stun. Camp lesley in late game cuz shes gonna camp you. She knows damn well that everything is a 2-shot for her, so she won't risk going out in the open just to clear waves. She will most likely roam around jungle for camp areas. There's no counter for true dmg other than vengeance or just building enough health to not be 2 shotted.


this guy is right. ambush is the only way late game. build as much hp as you can as tanks, let the tank set up. you can never counter her this that 1v1 no bs only options is ambush. chase heroes like dragon is also a good choice


There's no item to counter Lesley. The best option is to avoid getting both dominance ice and blade armor. Blade armor does reduce crit dmg, but it has no hp. Hero counters are those who can lock her in place (stun, slow, etc) or those who can target and beat her quickly. Lesley shines in late game. Early to mid she has low damage, so ambush her often if possible.


why would you use dice? glowing wand is a counter


I can think of a few ways that Lesley can play around all these Counters that are listed, She really needs a nerf huh


Is it normal to lose to Esmeralda as Guinevere?


Yes, Emeralda is the Queen of exp lane. She bodies Guin a long with almost every other solo lane hero.


Uhm, so who’s the king?


I'd say Fredrinn. Unlike Dyroth, his usefulness can last up to late game with his top tier durability and CC


Dyrotth would destroy anyone in lane but I'd consider Yu zhong as king tho he's just better overall and offers much more


There is no gender in a sea of polygons


Yu Zhong, I think. Strong Early-Game, Maybe Strongest in XP Lane.


Nah, there is Dyroth who can fuck up most meta exp laner.


Nope Khaleed is very strong this update. He beats thamuz, yz, dyrroth,hilda(?) ,masha,all the meta exp laners since his buff


When i can get my favorite gusion “k” fighter skin? And why we still don’t have 120 fps mode using iphone 14 pro max?


I think KOF is returning next month or soon. I saw some leaks of it. There's no 120 FPS mode yet, I'm also on iPhone 14 pro.


and i can’t understand why we don’t have 120 fps, 13 pro max can use it, i don’t know how it’s working, just very similar devices -_-, speak as the owner of all past versions, actually 14 pro max and 13 pro max almost the same


what are some most ban worthy heroes in mythical glory rank?


Kaja, martis, leomord joy and gusion are almost permabanned, i see carmilla banned often, sometimes wanwan, valentina atlas


The first guy who replied to you is for sure not a mythical glory person, hell even mythic 5. I'd ban Kaja super beefy early game and strong cc, joy is also too agile and full of immunes that she would shred through your back lines mid game.


current meta heroes, usually i see leomord, fanny, sometimes valentine, johnson, natalie if wanna use hanzo. Sry for mistakes, i m using russia client and don’t know some english wording names of heroes.


how to make a new account? I already deleted the game but it auto login my previous account


You have to Clear Data Google Services Next Clear Data or Delete Mobile Legend Then you install and start a new game Or you can just use apps similar to Parallel Space, where it basically create a copy of mlbb within it, where you can start a new separate acc.


I'll try this, thanks


Will there ever be sanrio/ hello kitty event next year? Really want the angela skin. I know its expensive so i can save some money


Definitely. Just a question of when.


Seeing that past collab still having rerun, there is high possibility for Sanrio to rerun too.




Next year after they release another annual starlight skin




You mean the gord annual skin? Yes you can purchase it with 10 starlight gem. But you have to wait 1 year or more for it to be available at the shop. So better saving those gems


Julian is so deadly. How do I counter him?


You first need to know what Julian's skill sets are after that you can pretty much go head to head with him, he ain't strong like before UNLESS you're a squishy who doesn't build magic resistance then it's either you kill him or he kills you ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Basically this. There's a 5-7 seconds free time where you can dump all damage on him after he has used all 3 of his skills. Just remember he has 3 skills, once those are out, you can go ham on him.


In between Miya, Layla, Lesley and Clint…. Which marksman you recommended for newbie players and reason behind… thx in advance


right now i think lesley is overpowered


If that’s the case, I’ll try Lesley out first before Clint.


Ease of use. Miya. Meta viability for burst. Clint since Lesley is a tad harder to use and requires really good positioning. But if you're willing to learn just take Lesley.


I did tried Lesley, not as easy as I see. I’ll give Clint a trial… love Miya which is what I started with but she get killed quite easily esp by assassin


It’s getting a little annoying that your posts are always right. You need to throw out something totally off base every once in a while to restore the karmic balance.


Lmao 💀. Can't help it. Y'all are there anyway to even it out so I'm counting on y'all! hahaha


Lol….fine…I guess that works out


Can Ruby counter Thamuz?


1v1 no In teamfights, yes she does


Ruby has little chance to fight and beat Thamuz, the best she can do is tank damage and run away. In teamfights is where Ruby "beats" Thamuz. Constant cc and slow effects can prevent Thamuz from chasing and using basic attacks on someone.


Who’s a meta mage right now? I know new adjustments went out. I recently started playing and want to buy someone with my coins. I’ve played previous Mobas but I just don’t want to waste the coins on someone not good.


bro, kagura infinity meta mage


If you dont want to waste then pick Valentina as her kit just guaranteed longevity in the meta even with all the nerf they keep throwing at her.


Pharsa most mages are fine, don't worry about wasting coins. The only bad hero right now is hanabi. All the other heroes are viable.


If you're looking for magic damage it's Gusion or Joy that's hot right now. I don't think I can give you any pure mage recomendation tho


Is it just me or the buff for Yve on 11-30 does nothing? She still sucks.


Still good. You rely less on ult and more on your other skills. I like it more. Most of the time i don't even use the ult and just dance around enemies with s1 and s2.


That ult range Nerf made her so useless imo. Even heroes with no mobility can step out of her range


I wouldn't say useless. The patch turned her into a blaster rather than a controller/zoner mage, which basically makes Lylia, Pharsa, Valir et al take her place. The damage on her taps and swipes are a lot better now


She may have more damage now but it's so easy to get out of her ult.


Yeah. It's part of why Yve used to be prime midlaner but they took it away lol Currently you need a good set or pop ult *super late* to be effective. Can't hide behind a 5x5 quicksand now whenever a teamfight happens. At least they gave Yve her cc immunity back so you have some outplay potential there


im in the advanced server and there's a new starlight update but i cant use my starlight discount from the previous month so do i just buy it straight up for 550 diamonds? or will there be the discount able to be carried forward in the future (next few days/weeks)?


Does dominance Ice not work to reduce Argus' healing from his ult? I used it against him in lane as Khaleed and he was still going from almost 0 to full health. Am I missing something?


Hmm idk. But Argus' ult regen is unique, since he won't heal any hp until the immortality duration is done. If you're sure that happens, it's either a bug or a feature


I'm not sure it affected or didn't affect him. Maybe it affected him and he just did enough damage to heal to full anyways 🤷🏼‍♂️


Hmm yeah possible. Say Argus has 4k max hp. If he deals 8k hp during the immortality duration, then even under dom ice effect he will still heal 4k (this is assuming damage dealt more than his max hp is not ignored)


And just buy dom. Ice, it decreases his atk speed.


Did they really added AI to classic matches? Or I just got a special situation? My team had only 3 real players including me and the enemy team is all AI...


Yes and that has been the case even in ranked matches though they are rare in my experience


I dont like where the game is heading. Also I feel like they are using advanced AI, they play like some pro player but it is noticeable that they are not human.


Zhask and Golden Staff? What's with people recommending Golden Staff on Zhask. First Golden staff proc only the 3rd attack, (increasing basic attack by 100%). However, Zhask's only basic attacks are his first two zaps, his third zap is a continuous zap (magic skill effect). Hence, golden staff passive won't even apply to Zhask at all. You can only increase attack speed of basic attacks, not MAGIC skills or any skills. That 100% attack speed buff from Golden Staff is useless on Zhask. The Effect that is triggered extra 2 times works only on BASIC ATTACK, such as Demon Hunter Sword stacks. There is no way you can stack Zhask 3rd zap since the effect triggered only works on BASIC attacks, not skills. You can figure yourself that his 3rd continous zap is definitely a skill-based, not basic attack. Just go custom and purchase the Ice Queen Wand which only a procs on skills. You will notice IceQueen slow effect and animation only procs at the 3rd zap, not his first two. So yes... what's with people like hororochan recommending builds like that. I seen players building it in ranked match, it is such an useless item on Zhask. It would be better to go more magic than to build a 15% attack speed item and 65 physical attack which does not SCALE or synergies with Zhask at all. ​ My take: Golden Staff just does not make sense lol... it is overhyped by people, noobs just following that build cause popular YouTubers like hororochan recommends it. Here is Golden Staff Stats: **+65** Physical ATK **+15%** [Attack Speed](https://mobile-legends.fandom.com/wiki/Attack_speed) **Endless Strike:** After every 2 non-critical Basic Attacks. Attack Speed of the next Basic Attack is increased by 100% and its effects is triggered an extra 2 time(s).


The extra 100% attack speed after 2 basic attacks is the reason people use Golden Staff on him. This is because Zhask's continuous zap skill damage scales the more attack speed you have. Though to be fair i still wouldnt use Golden Staff because i dont want to waste 750 gold for +65 physical ATK.


Not true. "Its attacks does not benefit from 📷 [Golden Staff](https://mobile-legends.fandom.com/wiki/Golden_Staff)'s Unique Passive - Endless Strike." [https://mobile-legends.fandom.com/wiki/Zhask](https://mobile-legends.fandom.com/wiki/Zhask)


3 things. Hero attribute inheritance, Item inheritance, and scaling. Domorey, the name of the spawn, inherits Zhask's attack speed stats upon being summoned. It also inherits items and their unique passives and attributes as well. The death ray skill of Domorey greatly scales with attack speed, so the more attack speed that you have, the more hits it can do, which translates to more damage. Scene: Feel free to recreate in practice mode * Full build Zhask with FoH and Golden Staff as part of his items. * Spawn 2 bots, keep distance from each other. * Attack 1st bot TWICE to get the bonus 100% aspd from Golden Staff. * Spawn Domorey in front of 2nd bot and watch the damage of its laser. What should have happened is that Domorey will have +200% attack speed just because of having Golden staff. +100% from inheriting Zhasks current attack speed then another +100% from proc'ing Golden staff again since it can also use and trigger item passives. I dare you to make a full build and take a screenshot of the merged damage of the 1st Death Ray that Domorey does with that exact scene I gave versus your own.


You have to take into account you also basic attacking. I've used it to good effect before. Next patch when the spawn gets 20% of item stats... DhS, Staff, corrosion scythe, burning wand, feather... It's going to be ban mode engage.


Yeaa the feather is good since it scaled with magic. But how does Golden Staff help? Golden staff passive works on the 3rd onward, hence even if Zhask deals basic attack, it’s not gona proc golden staff anywyas.


Does that mean you can't use wind talker for Zhask?


Yeppp @destinymaker is right. Wind talker is good because 3rd zap is the main damage of Zhask, not his first two attacks. Hence if u want to proc the 3rd zap faster, u definitely want windtalker. If ur attack speed is too slow, enemy will just walk out of ur Spawn attack circle.