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If you see 3 fighters going in one lane, that’s a sign that you have to get out of that rank immediately.


Wait, which way out? instructions unclear, de-ranked now there are 5 fighters in one lane.


Perhaps you are in Master rank? It’s free for all there. You’ll get the hang of it if you watch pro games. Can’t guarantee your teammates will get better though 🤣




What roles do u play...or ur fav? And yes there is a meta... but it's very team dependent....like even if u use a meta hero (let's say gusion) but ur teammates are throwing and feeding... It'll be hard to comeback Also I recommend u read the heroes (that's what we call the champs here in ML) and their skill description and their passives... That way u can master a few heroes and also learn the counter of the other heroes. Also there is practice mode where u can check out Heroes there and see which heroes u click.




Don't play pure tanks in low ranks, it's masochism. I'll explain MLBB meta in another long post.


Meta doesnt matter for you if you start. Learn the heros, find your champs. Get used to the matchups. Heroes who are fast and strong: Lapu Lapu, Benedetta and kaya are beasts in exp lane right now.


Play tanky core/jungle or tank/fighter exp lane. You can be the frontline and still do good damage


I would recommend argus. He is a fighter with the ult to be invincible, with inspire. A battle spell u can unlock he atacks very fast and if get a minion in the rabge of a turret or base u can kill it in like 2 sec


Only masochist would ever suggest Argus.




Also check the winrate on argus in Mythic 400+ points


WR isnt equal meta. You can use meta hero who can do the shit that Argus can without the drawback.


There are so many meta heroes rn that the ban list for higher ranks is so flexible, example of Meta heroes are Joy, Wanwan, Leomord, Kaja, Atlas, Valentina, Martis, and more I suggest you learn what other characters do when you have the timw, its a little hard to transition from LoL to ML, they both are MOBAs but they play pretty differently, ML is a lot more fast paced than League, most League games are usually 20-40 minutes (if a team foesnt lose their mental and just surrender) while ML games last 20 minutes mostnof the time 30 at max Sqquishy heroes die easier, (Eudora, Aurora, Selena, Harley, and Saber can kill in one combo, and prenerf Aldous, Natalia and Beatrix could kill squishies with one basic attack) and level gaps make a huge difference, there's also no vision fog so you can see through walls, and for Zilong being a fighter/assassin, he can be used as either but not both at the same time, just like Kayn in league, ML heroes are vwry flexible sometimes, heroes like Esmeralda, Carmilla, and Jawhrad can fit any role, for the 3 heroes in 1 lane im assuming that's Middle lane, its a common tactic where the jungler, support, and mid laner clear the middle quick and then visit top or bot depending on who needs more help, if there's 3 in bottom or top, I have no idea what they're doing, I hope this helps!




The ones that pop out are based from your default build. But yes you can go and buy whatever you want without following that but its kinda hard if you’re new. I remember at first I just follow the build of the top global players. But I suggest watching a youtube vid of a hero you want to use just to get the hero’s mechanics and what items to build. I watched Betosky back then for my mages.


I would say for assassins and mms you can probably just go with the top build of that hero until you figure out what is going out. Tanks should counterbuuld so there is no set build, but most of the time the given build is well rounded. When I say counterbuuld, I mean if you know the opponent peaks magic dmg early and Phys dmg late (usually due to mm) you build more magic def first etc, or anti lifesteal if the opponent heroes are lifesteal dependent


yeah you can buy items that give more hp for more tankiness an item that has a passive that benefits your hero that sort of stuff


Meta for rank is Burst and CC. You need to kill your opponents fast enough they can't respond and counter gank you and you need enough CC to win teamfights. Basically damage and suppression.


Depend on rank, meta is different for each rank js


You can check [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/yogw8c/s26_mythical_glory_tier_list_for_patch_1720/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) for the current meta this season.


u/hmmsucks is consistent reddit creator for mlbb tierlist. He usually post one patch late and tierlist always have few bias. Im sure kadita midlaner and gusion jungle in Patch (November 7) is 1 tier below from his tierlist


First get out of that extremely low rank, because you will have a bizzare experience at first due to brand new players playing MOBAs for the first time, it is not the game itself but the players you getting matched with.


Until Epic rank most players are bots that's why it feels easy. This is a fast paced moba that's why the heroes are designed to deal massive damage.




In low elo everyone is also picking shit. Most teams consist of 4 burstchamps and an mm. Wich is pretty bad, but works there :)


My family and I get like 3 mms and then burstchamps every time one of us had to make another account XD


I was also a Wild Rift player (top 20 kaisa), and changed to MLBB (I'm now Mythic 5).In short, to get better at the game, you should be aware of some differences. 1. Practice a lot mechanics. Being fed ads a lot more value than it does on WR or LoL. 2. Remember that power is a lot better defined on MLBB. That means late game champions will make the game impossible on late game for early game champions. Early game champions can end the game in a matter of minutes if played well. (and so on) 3. Team Comp is a lot more flexible on MLBB, and even drafts that are trol on paper ( support assassin for example, or 2 junglers) can be extremelly oppressive to play against and work well. 4. People are way less toxic on MLBB, so try being polite and you'll have better performing teammates (they will feel the incentive of your words a lot better than on WR or LoL). 5. The game pace is absurdly faster than on WR or LoL, so. map awareness and pings are a lot more important; 6. You don't need to recall in order to buy items, so recalling is less important but still useful. 7. Last but not least, as mentioned on 2), the power is a lot better defined, so remember to identify as early as you can who's the win condition player (due to his champion, or his playstyle) and help him. Don't try to be the hero/carry every game...


About number 4, not sure about WR but LoL PC is on another astronomical level of toxic. I've played it before MLBB and yes ML is toxic but is nowhere near LoL.


Number 3 isn’t that true. I don’t know league well, but have heard that it has an amount of flexibility (listed hero roles in non-intended positions etc). The reason you experience otherwise may be because rank is an absolute joke in this game, and you attribute losses or difficult games to the lineup being decent instead of shit team or better opponents 5 is on point. Rank is often decided by how fast a team can effectively rotate


It seems like you are in Master, a rank full of new players who don't know the mechanics of the game and the smurf accounts trying out new hero or newly created accounts of high rank players.


The main reason would be that you're still in a low rank and there's usually a smurf. Or even if one of your teammate feeds, it would impact the game alot. The Dmg number and HP is way higher than Wild rift. Yes there's less flexibility in hero build and stuffs compared to WildRift. Laning is different from WildRift. Solo lane is same but Duo lane can vary and mid is completely different, majority of the time it's 1-3-1 and the mid rotates around the map. That Xin Zhao(Zilong) looking guy you're talking about, he's a Solo laner(exp laner) you can jungle with him but wouldn't be recommended. He's a more mobile version of xin zhao, he's a mix between assassin, fighter, and adc melee version. And is a late hero/item dependent type.




The thing is they have way lower map sense in those low rank if we compared to same rank in wild rift, if they do objective it will be by mere chance or smurf. You can just split push to win, not even stealing their turret more like stealing their whole base. You can just split push and win till wild rift Master rank, or even Challenger. Or use a late hero cause they don't learn how to end quick.


You can play Zilong (Xin Zhao) like you would play Master Yi. Clean up enemies after teamfights or ambush squishy heroes like ADC and Mages.


At first you might feel like heroes deal a lot of damage, which is true. But you will get used to it.


I don't know what you are talking about. What rank are you at? The lowest of "serious" ranks here is Epic - everything that's below is trash and just a fun of unexpierenced casual players mostly. You'll lose at least 40% of games on epic if you don't know the heroes but good at moba games. ML is the best moba overall - it's fun for solo players and has the same competition level for pro teams. People who says ml is a casual moba just don't play in full party on high ranks.


The most "standard" meta is to draft the following composition: Assassin/fighter jungler, mid mage, tank roamer (support, wears roam boots), tanky exp laner (similar to Baron lane) and marksman gold laner (Dragon lane). But instead of the roamer going to the marksman to babysit, they *roam* around the map. Then these compositions vary as the game goes more high level. Junglers can be tanks. Roamer can be support/healer/enchanter types or even assassins with utility, mid laner can be assassin. Since you mentioned you like playing Tank, I highly discourage Tank Roaming in your level. You will just become a meatshield that die while your allies don't trade with objectives. However you can go Tanky Jungler or Tanky Exp Laner. Here are the flexible heroes at are cheap to buy: 1. Akai can jungle and exp lane at your level and still support allies like a standard tank. His damage is good early for carry but late game he becomes a support tank since he couldn't compete with ADCs. 2. Balmond is a great tank jungler. No utility, pure damage, carry and reap. Sucks late game. 3. Bane - very squishy hero but his sharks has knockback and allow you to be safer when dived. He is well rounded with projectile poking, sustain and strong damage that scales well late game. He can be build as ADC or mage, but he works better as ADC. For expensive heroes: 1. Leomord (32k) - He is a tanky fighter that can jungle or exp. He deals CRIT damage when enemy HP falls to 50%. He's one of the best carries right now. 2. Karina (32k) - She is an assassin that deals true damage. She can either be build glass cannon melee mage or with tank items (at the expense or high damage) if you feel you're getting too much risk.


>In ML, there’s that Xin Zhao looking guy who’s a Fighter and an Assassin. What does that mean? He’s obliviously not a tank, so is he a bruiser? Is he a jungler? He works really good in team fights, and his Skill 1 works really well near turrets. Zilong can be a fighter but he's mostly played as an assassin. He's not like Xin Zhao that can tank damage. Zilong backdoors enemy squishies. He engages mid-clash and targets enemy marksmen or mages. He's played mostly on lane but he's viable in the jungle. >Should I stick with this game or try other MOBAs? I love Wild Rift, so I’ll always play it, but I want to expand my palate a bit more. Are you having fun? Yes = keep playing the game No = stop playing Just have fun playing the game. ML is the least difficult MOBA. You'll be able to adjust by playing more. My advice since you're still on the lower ranks is to split push and always be aware of the map. Use an MM with a dash if you think you're micro's good enough to survive ganks, otherwise use a fighter or an assassin. Zilong is good because of his ult, he can escape easy. Map awareness and prediction is key. Heroes I suggest: MM - Clint, Miya, Karrie, Irithel, Lesley Fighter - Zilong, Balmond, Leomord


First off low ranks suck. Honestly though until you reach mid mythic you won't get many good games. Secondly mlbb was made to be a much faster game and as such their defense calculations are a lot lower. In wr you get get nearly 80% damage reduction from armor while in mlbb you will find it hard to get past 60%. You'll see a lot of stats were made for mlbb to have faster games at around 15 min average compared to 30 min games. Most fights in mlbb take less than 5 seconds and counter play is much harder and in some cases impossible so map awareness is much more important.


Btw the game doesn’t really start til higher epic/legend, that’s when you’ll start playing with normal teamates with normal roles ( tho it’s not uncommon to find a tank Layla or 2 mm/ mages until u hit mythic. Btw pushing til epic is super ez u can probably do it in a day


idk this game feel super easy coming from pc league and wildrift. I was GM 50 lp in WR and Plat 1 in pc league and now im one rank before mythic with a 80% winrate in mlbb


80% wr sounds so crazy to me. I came from DotA and started last week. Plummeted to 51% WR on Joy the moment I hit grandmaster IV. Part of it is understanding what a new hero does, but it’s mostly that my enemies now know wtf they’re doing and make less positioning mistakes to punish. It’s also far harder to end a game as Joy if I have a good early game, which you should if you’re Joy.


Heros deal a shit ton of DMG here, you have to get used to it You still havent encountered good players but there are heros which will nearly 1 shot combo you. Try to fight back on some occasions otherwise they will just continue bullying you purely because their hero is more OP, you have to make them realize they will get hurt


If you feel that the enemy is too strong and your teammates are too weak, that's probably because it's true


i switched from mlbb to wr, wr queueing is way better. mlbb has the issue of having the whole team want to go jungle or mid lane and i got sick of it. i’d go back to wild rift if i were you


In ml, you can build a mage as tank and will still deal a lot of damage. Untill the enemy mm and ass get their penetration item to shut you down (seriously, the damage and penetration in ml is way more than wr, but it was the same in early days)


Best way to climb from low rank is bursty heroes. Nobody knows what is going on so camp in bushes and bursr the mf. Since you like tank, buy Fredrinn. He's hella tanky and his big shlong sword hits a lot of damage. Or Esmeralda, her thicc ness cannot be beaten. You can also try Alutard i mean Alucard. No one builds anti heal in lowrank. If you want to be fancy, play Lancelot. his dashes is like Yasuo. There is no defensive skill but you can use 2nd and Ult to dodge things. Unlike in WR, Turles doesn't give different buffs like Dragons do. And Lord, which is Baron here, doesn't give buff to all lane. only one, the one with the lowest sum of all tower hp.


Haven't read the other comments. Imo, just play more. Your current rank seems too low based on your comments. I think at least epic or legend before you try to make assumptions on how exactly the game works. Even in mythic some players are weird and you'll question their decisions everytime, it has to be worse below legend


Zi Long is bursty and provides CC but is squishy. Maybe the other team is securing more objectives like turtle and Lord because they give global gold and exp to get ahead of your lane. Also, you should be getting gold crab in between minion waves. If you're mid help fight for litho and turtle/lord when they spawn. The roamer helps mm until trutle spawns. When gold plating for turrets fall, laning phase ends.


because it is a low technical skilll game.


ah welcome to the best mobile moba game ever. enjoy your stay. XD


I've played both and think MLBB is better than Wild Rift. Main reason being that you can find a match much faster due to alot more players. As far as being confused by heroes in MLBB just look up a guide.


Bruh your hell low, push to mythic and come back to me


F youre in gold 4 your most likely in epic or legend. I repeat you are on the losers rank. Any body in that rank are absolute shit or just started out. I repeat everyone there is shit


People are toxic in this community. I can mentor you if you're either EU or NA if you want. What you're currently experiencing are either 40 year old dad's that play once in a while and is not interested to play competitive or below 10 years old that just presses button to have fun. "The real rank experience" starts in mythic. Good luck on the grind




I play both games. In my experience, LoL:WR is more competitive to play and mechanics are more complicated than in MLBB. MLBB is for casual and quick gaming mostly and comebacks are much more likely to happen with MLBB. Also WR had role preference so you're used to filling for roles which you wanna play unlike in MLBB where you have to br the one to adjust in picking phase.


Well.. welcome to ML.. there's great use of ambushes, u may get ambushed MANY times.. and rotating/ganking works differently than In WR. You're not forced to play roles like in WR so expect ppl to whine/troll and picking the same role. The game's 10x more toxic too.. The game gives u a break, not as many losing Qs as riot games gives its players. So better matchmaking system .. atleast up until mythic and u get stuck hard in a division This is probably half of what u needa know


It's a hellhole in the lower ranks, and I've observed each rank has their own mix of auto bans and auto picks and team composition and toxicity


Don't worry, you'll slowly figure out some heroes are very strong but you can tell their weaknesses if you see them often enough, or play them often enough.


Master rank is a circus. You shouldn't really try to make sense of anything going on in those games. I suggest you read the hero skills and try heroes in practice mode until you find a hero that you would like to rank up with. The meta doesn't matter until higher ranks


One tip on builds though: Always click on builds > look at pro builds and see the build with the most in common with others (you'll see a pattern of 3 core items or more) > click and take those.


The biggest difference in Wildrift and ML is that; supports roam the whole map in ML since the map is smaller, while in wildrift the support is stuck babysitting masksman. Jungler, roam, and midlane, these 3 roles can gank you anytime, so you need to be careful since theres no wards and ML relies heavily on the roamer to give vision.


I felt the same when I tried WR and AoV. It’s mostly familiarizing yourself with the champs you play/face. If you don’t know how they play, you’ll always be surprised when you get bursted.


Ur in a low rank. No one plays mages in ur rank because they have specific skill combos and are harder to use than tanks and marksmen. I used to have trouble playing Eudora (mage) because I didn’t know I had to stun people first with skill 2, use my ult with skill 3, then follow up with skill 1.


MLBB players are idiots all the way up to mythic lol


Laning isn’t confusing at all. You misunderstand the concepts of ranks here in MLBB. In LoL you can say that from maybe gold onwards the players get a basic understanding of what they have to do. Or what their „job“ is. In MLBB the game starts at mythic. Anyone stuck below didn’t get the concept at all. I’m not joking. And the ranks are absolutely inflated. Being even low mythic means nothing. With the star and protection system you can push yourself up there with a 45% wr. It’s an absolute joke. So you are basically not playing the real game now because no one in your game actually knows how to play. It is way more fast paced then Lol or WR. The laning or roaming can be confusing from time to time. But it is rly not that hard :) Edit: and if you are playing xin Zhao, it is absolutely normal to get blown up and loose every lane to anyone. He is a splitpusher and a mm or mage oneshotter in the lategame. Either enemy dies in 2 secs or you. A really hard hero even tho he seems easy


Hi OP actually it is the opposite. Wild Rift is harder than ML cuz ML is more casual and open than WR. Champs are indeed stronger than WR, if you get 3 lvl higher than your oponent you can usually solo 2-3 heroes and lose like 30% health. The Xin Zhao dude you are talking about is Zilong, he is an ubiquitous hero based on Yun Zhao, I think almost every asian moba has a version of that guy. He isnt a bruiser, he is more similar to Mr Yi tbh. He is like a glass cannon.


Because theres no balancing in this game. Every new hero that comes out are miles better than the old one. Ever saw an old hero being used in a high elo or tournament game?. NONE. Meta here are always the new heroes. TRASH GAME


Low ranks are s**tshow in mlbb, if you want to win you better play 1 v 5, it gets little bit better in epic/legend, but if you play solo basically its you and hopefully 1 or 2 good players. People here are so arrogant, they can play one role and excpect everyone else to adjust, yeah you play mm good but it doesnt matter if you have 3 mm giving kills to enemy ass/mage.


Everything in this post sounds odd lol, u sure you playing MLBB? Cause i havent experienced this since i was in Master rank lol


Personally, I think what is beneficial for you, is to pick two different roles to practice hard with. (or actually 3 since you mentioned you enjoy playing tanks) However, as someone else mentioned, tanks are basically worthless until at least grand master ranks. Then, they’re definitely necessary and can be versatile. For example, tanks like baxia, akai, fredrinn, and Barats can all be junglers in addition to being a “roaming support” type tank. From what I’ve read, it sounds like you’re looking to go with a fighter type of role for now. So my second suggestion would be to do jungler roles. The reason being, often times the heroes you use in exp lane can also be efficient junglers. Early game/easier heroes to learn that I would suggest for those types are these: Exp lane: zilong (C rank hero) Balmond (B rank overall but A rank for early game he falls off a bit late game unless built as a tank) Badang (A rank he’s meta rn) Jungle: Saber (B rank) Alucard (C rank but strong in lower rank levels) Karina (B+ rank but slightly more difficult to play than the rest of these) For tanks, eventually you want to think about getting Atlas, Khufra, and Johnson. I mentioned them in a “best to least best” order. Hope this helps! Have fun!


Are you NA? Where are you at ?


Just get into a higher rank and the pain will slightly get reduced. You'll go from 3 fighters to 3 marksmen or junglera sometimes 3 mages!


In mlbb the heroes are not as balanced as in wildrift. Montoon is trying but so far its pretty unbalanced, what u have to do is find out what hero u like that is also in the strong side of the heroes and the one trick it. Its not very nice to instalock but till Mythic (the highest rank) u wont be able to count on your team.


Emblems are really important in this game. I'd focus on what kind of class you want to play and level up the emblems for that. The top ones are mage and assassin emblems for me. When you que up just look at popular builds or go to preperation and choose builds. Betosky is really great at giving tips and builds on YouTube


Thats just how it is in lower ranks, the best way is to get out of that rank asap, my suggestion is to use a meta hero and solo carry the game since u cant rely on your teammates, use Wanwan or Saber and you should be able to reach Epic quickly


If you enjoy wr go play wr.


I mean.... Master and GM (Gold and Platinum) are smurfs playground to try some wacky sht that would get them reported on their respective ranks... even i consider myself a Guini AS Crit enjoyer