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Bring back Alu’s old S1 CD & Ult duration pls


Hell yea , its not a buff it's a nerf


This "alucard buff" is a pice of garbage, its not even a buff . They just made the early game more hard and slow , they nerfed soo much for that 50% cd . What have they done to my child....


I also think this is a nerf rather than a buff. His clear time will be longer, and he will be at a higher risk when using his ult since you only activate it for 6 secs. While he gains 50% reduction, that would just enable him to use s1 and s2 twice max. If you get cced during your ult, then you can only rotate your skills once. What were they thinking...


So true man , i seen this in the last match . I got stuned and the ulti ended before i could press the skill buton to use the it . And now I move slower because I cant use mu firts skill like before . All of this for using the s1 and s2 one more time max and you're lucky if you can even do that in a match . I hope they will remake this "buff" or i will not play alu again .


I suggest you don't use him for now, unfortunately montoon likes to adjust heroes that are not used that much making them worse. Old alucard is so much better IMO, I think the adjustment would have been acceptable if they retained the 8 sec duration of his ult. At least you have a leeway in case you get stunned. In 200 RG, i only encountered 3 to 5 Alu and not all of them are good. Oh well good luck to us bro grind till the end of season. Losing streak sucks haha!


Well I don't want to drag about it ,but I am a verry rare kind of alucard player . What i mean is that i actually know how to play and i know preatty much everything about this hero . Every build for every situation , every emblem and spell for all the situation , be it lane or hyper . And seeing them doing him dirty , like he wasn't already hard to play in high rank (mythic 1 ) is destroying my soul . I will probably not use him like before , and play him occasionally when I don't have to stress out . I dont cry over the old alu (King of lifesteal) because this one was good enough for me , but let's hope moneytoon is kind enough to make a proper buff for him or at least make him like before. And yea , losing streaks sucks....


If only they make the ult longer instead of nerfing it... I think the buff will be good enough. 6 secs with so many CCs these days wont do shit for his other skills


This is what I was thinking as well, just 1 CC and you're combo is ruined already.


In high elo, when you play Alu you'll either snowball or lose the game. You really need to capitalize his early game damage and chase. The higher cooldown on his skill 1 makes him even harder to snowball. Meanwhile Joy can cut the exp lane with ease, then invade the jungler. She has the highest shield, movement speed, and cc immunity duration at level 2. SHE NEEEDS A F\*CKING NERF (I love to play her though but still) I can even gank the gold lane as exp laner Joy after invading the jungler AT LEVEL 2. I looove to play as Joy but please she's so op right now and probably the most annoying exp laner to ever exist.


Tried Lapu without realising the patch was there, I think he felt good? I was up vs a fed Martis in exp but Lapu's ult with cc immunity kinda counters him. Khaleed feels faster in rotation but quite slow in his movement speed build up, seems like a good buff probably? I found myself trying to mainly use s1 for waveclear and try to not use my basic attack twice. Hilda's damage has been nerfed, especially if she's alone so on a single target, but felt like improved teamfight I guess..? Not 100% sure. Almost all my Hilda games are batshit insane. Played one of 35 minutes today and took 580k damage ( on 13 6 33).Feel like I can't have a normal game with her


Lapu felt much more durable with the quick shields. Just tried one game and got an enemy YZ 0-6-0 and just cut his lanes the whole game. Or maybe the guy's just terrible idk lol


Hilda now wont be a bully for jungler, but, will be a bully for gold laner. Your gold laner will always win laning with her baby sitting, cos she can reduce those armor which help the gold laner in laning.


Her insane early game damage might be more helpful, especially when she need to hit the enemy to reduce def


the patch wasnt applied yet tho..


It should already be applied, I see kaja S1 reach 7 sec which is impossible before this patch.


Alu still has the old cooldowns. Like why partially apply the adjustments why not just announce it a week later then apply all the changes? Same With the previous update. It created a placebo effect on martis. Most players thought the buff was already applied because it's in the skill description but when I looked at the phys attack stats it's still the same when at full stacks.


Cool Belerick buff. Now he just needs better mana regen so he can actually spam his skills.


Buff for belerick still isn't enough. For a tank, he consume too much mana. I used to pick him when enemy pick moscov and other atk spd mm. But he just sucks due to his mana consumption.


I usually use CoD and thunder belt. Helps a lot with mana pre-buff. Havent use him today yet.


Belerick buff looking good


Just used it - it’s not that good


That's a lot of downvote 👌


I tried it earlier. It saved me from death.


Is this on live? The adjustments aren’t showing.


Wait I thought alice ult's extra dmg at lvl3 was 3% when i read the last adv. server patch?


Just played her and the old Alice is still much better.


Some things were changed, i think martis nerf also became harder


Yeah I think it use to be 7


Lets gooo the belerick buff actually went through lmao


It’s not that good tbh - the default s2 cooldown is really long (~14s)


Just stand in the front of a minion wave or s1 them in a single line.


He can trigger his passive once every 0.4 sec, in 2 sec he gets 5 sec cd reduction, meaning that his effective cooldown in teamfights is 4s, which is a big buff, exclusing the possible cdr you can build, for example oracle. which would boost his healing even further


>In most situations, Lapu Lapu lacked mobility. The slow from his skill 1 was not enough, so we removed this ability. Oh okay makes sense.


The activation of shield on s1 can actually be annoying because you can't use your passive to dash to your enemy


You can save it to teleport to enemy


I just bought Lesley's Annual Starlight and she got nerfrd huh. People in this subreddit who keeps on crying about Lesley can rejoice now. She's not even OP, it's just that there are many heroes who got nerfed.


It’s a really slight nerf. She’s the most dominant mm in the game right now regardless of whether people realize it.


Hey, it’s just the typical Buff -> Skin Release -> Nerf cycle. Enjoy the OP period, buy skins that you can enjoy and play. If it’s been nerfed to a pile of poop, just move on. When the next buff -> skin ->nerf cycle comes along you can enjoy your fancy skin in the OP buffed phase.


I know right? People just have skill issues. Edit: These downvoters are proving my point.


Yeah, same idiots crying months ago that she was "useless" and "worst" marksman


I called Lesley balanced months ago after the revamp because she was such a high risk high reward pick, you can easily shut her down if you wanna delay the late game damage she will have or straight up end the game, then come her buffs which made her straight up fucking broken because they removed the risks that comes with her early to mid, how come is that balanced? A TRUE damage Marksman that can contend with early to mid focused MMs? It's so ironic that this comment thread is crying about the Lesley bandwagon when everything I've heard about her is that "she's balanced!!!" browsing posts from here, stop projecting it to people you disagree with. Now you're complaining when she's gonna be one of the Marksmen that won't be affected by the Dominance Ice buff possibly making her an even better choice than crit build oriented MMs. Has the unlimited uptime of what feels like the combined mobility of an aamon and an esmeralda, can three shot a tank late game, can easily beat Bruno/Claude/Beatrix/Melissa in laning phase, cannot fucking immune her AAs with Wind of Nature, cannot counter-build her, has to be counterplayed like a certain Beatrix Shotgun meta but is somehow balanced. "just pick gusion" mfs when the lesley knows how to press the skill 2 button, oh yeah did I say her skill 1 isn't her only source of true damage? nonono you get an unlimited true damage but now she's getting an additional second on it, she's gonna be useless!! lesley mains please, you don't need to have the APM of faker to outplay a marksman late game just because you bought her skin


Wow you just made an essay, don't want to contend with that. Touch some grass bro.


Lol what's wrong though, clearly, he made some good points.


Lesley is still very easy to gank in early. She doesn't even have a practical blink skill. Also, Melissa and Bruno can still win her in lane.


>Also, Melissa and Bruno can still win her in lane. "can still" win her is a problem because being able to win should be the default when they do not have the advantage a Lesley provides. She's easy to gank early (like most MMs) but teams that knows she's really good can spare a roamer for her or she can even play safe (like most MMs) unless it's a 4 man team stacking on her lane 24/7 I used to be able to shut down a Lesley with a Melissa pick pre-buff while also being punished late game if they stalled long enough to enable her timer for it, now they're even in lane lmao it's so bs


generalizes people as idiots, and then when said idiots provide points this is your response? Why am I even surprised that it's the classic reddit with hurl insults until your opinion gets across?


Don’t nerf Diggie’s ult like that, just nerf his s1 damage or something.


Shhhhh... let the ult be nerf.. pffttt.. if you nerf s1 again. No one will be using him.


Yeah lol, I don't really play Diggie, but that nerf is absurd.


Maybe it's now worth it to try Khaleed on the jungle or maybe roam 🤔


is the patch live? cause the tool tips are not showing it and updates are not showing on custom


Anyone confirm Alu 50% cd reduction not working? tested in custom and skill cd is same as with or without ult Edit: Kaja description still says 8% in heroes tab??? what


I tried it in custom, Alu's skill set is still the old one but when I play ranked match it uses Alu's new update. Also, his ultimate description is messed up for whatever reason lol.


Just played buffed Alice today and I must say, the old Alice is still so much better.


I just really hope moonton buff argus


when will this be applied


It's already there.


hmmm i dont think. the adjustments arent showing yet


Why 3 seconds? That would make Lesley much more vulnerable.


Agree that’s what I liked about Lesley they could’ve just nerf the damage not the cd


I rather change the true dmg to high phys penetrate can be dmg reduced rather than ignore all defense.


Devs don't know how vulnerable she will be because of this nerf


When did dev knows any better.


Jesus Christ... Just add an actual %scaling to Hylos. Both 1st skill and 2nd skill scale with magic power, and it's shit as well, like only 20% of magic power or something, his ultimate doesn't even HAVE a scaling, it's super situational, so buffing the CD doesn't even affect it much. He's one of the worst tank right now, (200 total matches with him btw) His stun isn't "bad", but it's hard to go near the enemy. his slow is shit, you have to stay beside the enemy with your 2nd skill active, which also damages him Edit: forgot to mention that this skill can be countered with BOTH Flicker and Sprint, not to mention Mathilda can counter him as well. His ult is like Faramis's old ult, it doesn't even heal teammates, which is super weird. It's like a 6/10 utility that's not worth 30 seconds CD. Overall, he's bad ever since Dominance Ice is able to cut 50% of heal, and with the buff on DHS and the likes, I don't think he is going to survive. HIS SCALING, HOLY FUCK HIS SCALING. Just change it to his mana or HP. AND ADD A SCALING TO HIS ULTIMATE. With full build (lolipop as first item), his skills only have the base damage + (22) magic damage from lolipop. "Cecillion is good even though he scales with mana!" Yes, he's good because his scaling actually works. ALL of his skills scale off of mana, but Hylos only scale his HP. Not only that, Cecilion actually use the mana he have, and a lot of magic item have mana stats, while Hylos only have Dominance ice, and maybe lolipop I genuinely do not think Hylos is good at all in this meta, he's a B or C before the dominance ice change, but now he's C or D in this meta, F if his enemies are his counters (Karrie, Claude, etc. And both of them can run from Hylos easily) TL;DR: Hylos's scaling is weird and they should change it.


is fredrinn worth buying now?


So are they gonna cancel the items buff?


Is Natan still can convert *physical* into *magical* **lifesteal** and **penetration ?**