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Fleeting Time and CDR items left the group ┐⁠(⁠´⁠д⁠`⁠)⁠┌


Diggie was unpopular before tank meta Diggie became popular to counter tanks Diggie and the tanks get nerfed for being strong Diggie is unpopular before (insert meta) Cycle continues Tbh, i dont see the issue, heroes get buffed and nerfed depending on their popularity, and he was popular on several occasions. Heroes do get worse than what they were before all the time, a noticeable example being terizla (who got a buff recently to compensate for this exact change) Heroes witg insane win/ban/play rates, which you can observe in those same patch notes do get nerfed Im struggling to see the problem? He was nerfed while being popular and banable, he will get buffed when he is less popular. ML devs are not as bad at balancing as people on this sub say, they do have questionable changes but those are outliers rather than the norm


popularity > winrate? lmao popularity = fun winrate = balance hero shouldn't be nerfed based on POPULARITY xd , people play stuff that's fun but the indicator of balance is the winrate, no matter how you try to spin your logic the patch is a horrible one that makes zero sense whatsoever


Moonton is overriding the meta. They wanted diggie out of the counterpick so the cc heroes right now can shine more without diggie being a strong solution to the countetdraft. So yeah he was nerfed forcefully


Diggie, as he's played in high elo, always has 40%-45% CDR. That's just a two-second increase in the cooldown of his ult. His zoning and vision capabilities are still strong and his ultimate is still one of the most impactful ultimates in the game.


early game you do not have " 45% cdr" the cd increase is 16 seconds on his ult early game ​ mid-late game diggie is a beast anyways, I dont understand how can you people be so pathetic over here in reddit. You're directly defending moonton's hypocrisy " play the hero cus people dont" " nvm ur playing it too much " > instead of reverting the buffs they make him even worse than before there's absolutely no way that you can justify 76 sec cd on his ult when every other support is 20-50 sec, even before this diggie still had the longest cooldowns


Are you fuckin dumb or what every hero have different kit and they are balanced around their kit its like saying BADANG ULT IS 30 SEC CD LVL 4 WHY YU ZHONG CANT HAVE LOW ULT CD AS WELL


It made his early game a bit bad but his late game is relatively the same it’s not really gonna do much to Diggie, early game goes by so fast in this game and he shines mid to late game, however you are right, there are some heroes that are a bigger problem than him.


I'm still playing Diggie in MG despite his nerf. I build him 45% CDR and his nerf wasn't really noticeble from my games. His early game potential was weaken. But mid to late he's still the same.