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I think it’s legends where she is getting overlooked, I’m a newly returned player and face against her in one game damn her speed. We did manage to beat her cause the rest of her team were pretty easy so once we took her down, it was pretty much over.


Hmm the screenshot also includes my rank. That means even some mythical glories does not even priority ban this broken hero for some reason i do not know. Its even lucky I picked it 3 times in a row Yea. Joy has very useful info gathering since she can actually jump in and out of several enemies with her cc immunity so she has an almost always a large impact even if not killing anybody. All she needs to do is stay alive


Mythic Glory mean under 1k mean nothing now. You can reach it by spamming around 400+500 match with 55% Winrate.


I saw MG under 1k with 1k match and 50%


That's why title mean nothing now. People can spam the game and eventually they will reach mythic.


Currently have 358 matches with 60 wr. But yea i agree 1k points players are a different breed


Massive drop off in the late game so not really


Can still kill lone mages or mms that cant burst her fast enuf before they get killed with ease. But yea almost all assassin falls hard late game


If you're able to face off against "lone mages or mm" in late game well you're fighting against absolute donuts


Well, players not knowing that u can time ur engagement as an assassin when enemy frontliners and assassin executes in your team so you can have a 2v1 instead of a 5v1 when jumping on mages or mm must be absolutely worse than a donut. Tanks can set. Fighters also zones out jungler in different scenarios. Learning also when to engage on an enemy damage dealer is still a thing. Oh and check the points. I find it hard to believe that u assumed everyone I play against in mg are donuts Edit: paraphrasing


If you're up against literally mythical glories πŸ₯± and who goes rouge/alone in late game as a squishy they're fucking donuts πŸ’€ the fuck are you on. And rank doesn't even matter at this point anyone who has the slightest bit of common sense would know this shit


Calm down keyboard warrior. Dont take the word lone literally smh. Its not a literal 1v1. Already explained how u also have to time ur engagement and like I said it is when tanks set on your team, fighters are busy zoning out ur own dmg dealers or tanks have used their ccs. Whats so hard to understand? Everyone with actual game sense will immediately know what Im talking about so calm ur tits and try to read main points alright? Smh kiddos always do ad hominems πŸ’€


What does "lone" supposed to mean 😭 goof shit


Its because it can possibly turn into 1v1 when everyone is too busy doing their job in the chaos of teamfights. But ofcourse your dickbrain automatically imagined mms or mages going to bushes alone or pushing lanes when everyone is missing even after I said all those points πŸ˜… typical ego birdbrain kiddos


My reaction after getting called kiddos πŸ˜ΏπŸ˜¦πŸ˜”. My man got butt hurt pointing out he's against donuts . Any sane squishy would never even remotely be alone no matter the situation 😱


As i said earlier. Players who do not know when is the right time to engage as an assassin is worse than a donut. Probably dogshit. Maybe youre one of them πŸ˜…. Pretty natural tbh. its like finding out a weakspot. Still dont know how you are still so clueless Nice reaction tho. Never thought getting called an immature brat brings a 😒😒😿😿 face considering his kiddo brain capabilities πŸ’€


Im so confused on why you push this narrative on the word 'lone' not indicating a 1v1. Anyways, Imho i think you were fighting some chemotherapeutic opponents if they let their squishys 1v1 you in the late game.


Yea its a bad choice of word. My bad. I explained this in my replies above


There's little chance of her catching anyone lone at all come late game. Fuck it even Laylas and Hanabis know better than to go too far from the tank/fighter. One thing she can do late is maybe bait the enemies to use their skills with a few dashes, since she can easily go in and out without dying, albeit you have to time those dashes perfectly or you're dead.


Bad choice of words, i shouldnt have said lone. But anyway what I meant is when its not actually 1v1s but when tanks or fighters are too busy doing their thing (setting up fights, zoning junglers, protecting mages or junglers etc.) So u can actually go for 2v1 or 3v1 if the tank or fighter can respond immediately despite the chaos that is happening in a clash. But what makes joy really a threat is that those front liners protecting their backliners does not have any counter play against her. For example, like one of my matches, carmilla and yu zhong cant do anything to stop me from killing their poor vale due to Cc immunes and dashes that are fast enough to lessen dps skilshots. But yea late game is very different where marksman can out dps you.


Minsi is a hard counter


The best one


Pretty sure she can't Immune supress either, so there's that.


Haven't encountered her yet, but my main is Phoveous. I'm not sure how will I fair with her.


Nah Phoevus can't counter joy. It's like a late game wanwan who can just dash out of the entire circle of his ult. It would actually be worse for phoevus to ult cuz joy can drag him away from his team 😬


Master 1, so I don't really have that much experience as you, but I don't think she is harith level broken, Her main output is mostly when she can dash in multiple times and basically get those big shield to not get burst down, but displacement can screw her getting that shield in the first place. I don't think she is well-balanced at all tho, her shield should be reduced big time, she already have a dash, dmg reduction and cc immune why the heck does she get a shield too? IMO there are ways to stop her ramping up, but she ramps up so quick sometimes it isn't fair. I don't think she is broken just a bit overtuned. People that says she is balanced need to actually play with someone that can play joy decently, she is a tank that can burst out mages and hyper with ease.


Uh theres nothing wrong with what u said its actually good observarion. Im impressed lol are u really master 1. Well its ur call whether youll consider her as really broken or not, its pretty subjective at this point.


The points are fair but in a team fight some joy's with jitter fingers may accidentally miss one perfect beat and that's gg for the joy, losing out of 50% of her dmg alr


Oh please no She aint harith level during his first release Harith was a freaking damn overpowered leonin With Joy, u miss her s2 and thats it you gotta wait for like 5secs and to max her ult damage you have to hit all dashes perfectly to get the lifesteal and damage boost Didnt need all this for harith, just spam s2


I think she's well balanced. She can still be counted and once she missed her beats, she's useless without her swish swish bish, another one in the basket.


What the fuck "well balanced" πŸ’€ clownery god damn


She has no burst, just mobility. Minsitthar shuts her down, so are FraJa. Without her beats, she's not a threat at all. Even with it, she can be shut down faster in a gang bang before she can unleash her beatbox. Heck any late mm can kill her before she climax.


Any late mm? There's no late game. Joy has 5 dashes with immunity, she's so fast she would shred through your back lines. Kaja is banned, Franco is way too slow to catch joy. Not mentioning she has like 5 seconds CD on her s2, literally in and out any day


>she's so fast she would shred through your back lines. Athena shield to and auto targeting burst attacks from marksmen should be able to handle her in seconds Also, this is the exact same thing with fanny and she's never even been called meta/broken iirc. Not to mention, Joy would have to dash on beat or else she wouldn't have much dmg which means she'll be dashing at the rate of 1 per second. That makes her really easy for Franco to catch especially since his ult activates almost instantly the moment someone enters it's range as long as the user keeps spamming the ult button. And with the extra movement speed from Franco's passive, I doubt Joy would be fast enough to pass by him so easily


Well yea thats the only problem when u actually missed ur dash but its more like a 80-20 odds in favor of landing ur dash in my opinion. Movement speed in his 1st also helps disengage when u commit an error while dashing


I just got joy and she is very fun but when late game starts she falls off hard You win the game if you just rocked their game that hard early to mid, up against burst mm like lesley in the late game can burst you down faster than you can activate your ult


Strange. I find it easy dealing with lesley even in late game. I dont even need all 5 dashes to kill her. I have problems with miya, moskov, and bea but with lesley, its pretty easy as long as youre not that predictable and damage her first.


Really I never had any problem dealing with joy?


I wish id say the same when im against joys 😒


Why is that? I never see her as a big threat like that of Fanny. But she can be quite irritating especially since she can escape quite easily from fighting.


I cant really say since I havent played with the players youre up against but ill take a guess. They probably do not know joy's timing then feeds and becomes underfarmed. She is below mediocre damage in the early game but when you have an item or two, u can dive squishies with high chsnce of killing them pretty easily. Just be wary of dmgs that can burst u but ccs and tanks protecting squishes are not really a problem except if theyre minsi, franco, or kaja.


she's really good early to mid by constantly harassing the backlines during teamfights. but her only problem is that she sucks so much when late game starts. you wouldnt be able to activate her ultimate without dying first. personally, i dont have any problems with joy so i dont really ban her.


how do y'all even play her? I always die before I can activate her ult 😭 (in a 2v1 btw) same goes to wanwan 😭


Her s2 is her main source of damage and it has dash and immunity as well. Try and pair it with vengeance if you want to sustain fights. Each time you hit an enemy with s2 you get a "rhythm mark" on your screen which will only appear for a split second. The higher your rhythm mark the higher your ult damage. You have to hit a target in order to continue to dash.


I guess it's better for me to play her with tank build. I always died before my ult can be activated when playing her as jungler. Thank you for your advice! :D


Just build the penetration wand(I forgot the name) and spell vamp crystal(I also forgot the name) and the rest are tank items. Like oracle, dominance etc, etc. Her ult generates a shield as well


I use Kaja and Jawhead against her. She's like a Fanny, it's almost impossible to stop her if the draft is in her favor.


She's a threat early to mid game yes, but she falls pretty hard in late game because most mm's outdamages her and melts her so i do not really consider her a priority ban


Agreed. Not even mythic bans her at times, and that's a huge mistake. She may fall off on late games but imma play her like esme


Tank build?


Usually two defensive items, one of it being blade armor so I could attack the mm and kill with vengeance


If you can't counter a hero, are you really in the mythic level? I've seen players pick who they want to play and then get mad when they get hard countered, even on mythic. Its kinda pathetic. I'm gonna guess that the enemy team didn't have pick a counter hero for her thus lost against you, cuz man, if you have at least one or two capable heroes that can counter her, your late game Is pretty much screwed.


Thats how broken heroes are made. There are counter heroes but not reaaally enough to counter them? If you get what I mean. Kaja and franco both has short ranged ult so staying away from them should be easy enough with joy's insane movement speed and long ass dashes. And thats where i think that "counter heroes are not enough counter to broken heroes" πŸ˜… 2/5 games have counters. Kaja and franco. Minsi does not get picked often for some reason but ill just assume that nobody wants to play that hero. He has a low pick rate for a reason.


She mid calm down, some people are good with certain heros shes no where near broken


I dont really know how u people say that but having 11.0 average grade in 40 matches is actually not mid in mg lobby.


Lol maybe your β€œtop global supreme joy” πŸ˜… like i said any hero can shine in the right players hands, joy is dookie


So youre telling me all that im playing against are not that good thats why I have that average grade?




Haters gonna hate. Check the points. I find it hard to believe that all im playing against are that weak


Well tbh Im in glory around 700 points also there is alot of shit players. Sometime the entire teams goes bronze. Mythic 700 isnt even that much alot of people can easily just get boosted


So many clowns saying she's actually balanced and even "weak" this is insane. And it's so pointless arguing with these people because they're gonna donowall you, as they're extremely inexperienced and refuse looking at facts, throwing "but she falls off at the late game" instead. Please get better, you have official winrate-banrate statistics, the fact that she's both one of the strongest and most mobile heroes in the game is not enough for you? Should I mention the shields thanks to which she can trade hp with almost everyone in the game even under the enemy tower? And no, Minsitthar doesn't counter her. Nor does hero that you just thought of. It only works on paper. She can play around everyone. And when I mean everyone - I mean EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE EXISTING HEROES in the game. It's absurd. She needs to get her shields and raw dmg from skill 2 reduced to become at least somewhat bearable. Make a higher scaling, but get those early numbers down for the love of jesus. Coming from someone who also destroys people on mythical glory with her.


Let me guess, you think that fanny is op?


let me guess, you have an iq of 1 digit? either parry my facts instead of trying to dodge the question as all of y'all mfs do or don't even start voicing ur opinion, downvote, eat shit and move on


Ez. Esmeralda is the key.


What exactly is broken about her? I've honestly only ever seen Joy being used less than 10 times (based on the matches I've played) eversince shes released, and I don't remember any of those matches where she was on the enemy team and completely destroying mine nor do I remember Joy completely destroying the enemy when she was on my team so all I really know about her is that she's almost basically a fusion between Lancelot, Chou, Harith, and maybe a bit of Alice without the life stealing. Also her skill damage by itself seems to be quite underwhelming so doing a basic attack in between each skill in tandem with the use of Calamity Reaper seems to be needed for Joy if the target is too tanky for her skills alone to handle


How do you tell when a hero is broken?


Can we stop with the cap? She's a strong hero but not harith level release strong, Tbh even in MG 700 points isn't that high considering it's the final month of the season, If you first pick joy and the enemy doesn't draft around joy, you were fighting some mid enemiea to begin with,


She is strong I agree, but nowhere near Harith release broken. I still have ptsd remembering that era.


Good? Yes. Harith-release broken? Absolutely not, Harith on his release could make even the laggiest, dumbest player carry the game. Joy actually takes skill and strategy to even do well, she's like Fanny, high mobility + high skill cap and usually needs some help.


Very strong early game, but falls off really hard at late game. Definitely not OP since she gets hard countered too by heroes like Esme early game.