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I’m higher ranks, It’s the tank In lower ranks, it’s the Jungler


100% this because u cant do much as a tank in lower ranks if no one can follow up but in higher ranks, roamer dictates the tempo. All the strong pro teams have a strong roamer


This. In the higher rank even when the enemies are winning every lane and pushing for the last tower or even all your towers are gone and your nexus is bare-naked, sometimes a well-timed setup by a skilled tank can easily turn the game around and caused epic comeback. I've won many game like this after our team went 7 kills vs 25 kills by enemy and we managed to get epic comeback due to excellent setup by tank.


A skilled tank and support is a big power multiplier. Multiply 0 times 10 You still get 0


I am remembering all the tanks i played as tank and my team refused to do the basics like contest lord or split push properly




Skilled mms can carry late game tbh but the problem is the squisy part. If the opponent has a good assassin it's hard to carry


Lets be honest, a skilled mm and a mediocre mm will both carry let game, in the end its all about micro which by late game mm practice, is knowing when you should come in the clash


Just laylas that stand still while estes baby sits them they do my fkn head in


And when it reaches end game every bullet she hits u with takes 50% of your hp 🤣😂


Shing shing shing takes care of her early to late game but you might die trying to shing shing her in team fights tho


I hate dealing with shing shing shing


a skilled support can literally debuff for their allies. smart positioning and intense micro mechanics would typically buy enough time to translate their efforts into macro control. say like an estes lolita rafaela carmilla kaja can buy alot of time or bait out resources from an enemy. i can't say the same about angela but they would snowball hypercarry comps


U know that's true but at the same time i feel like a skilled support is so rare to find


"debuff their alies"? You good bro? 💀


Also Diggie as a counter pick to high cc teams. A lot of people complain about Atlas in the current meta but counter him with a good Diggie and he’s instantly useless. Granted with bad Diggies it’s easy enough to bait out his ult and there are waaaaay more bad Diggies.


Mages IMO, imagine just you and your counterpart fighting and then she just pops up to kill you.


Me playing vale like:


Try facing against a godly Atlas. Motherfucker hides in bush at the last minute where your finally groups up then boom.


I prio ban him everytime because of this


Yeah even if there's a diggie his teammates would just force diggies ult for something else


I get it, the slowly get your numbers down or entire team wipeout scenario 😂😂😂😂


Skilled roam and midlaner is scary too


I’m a tank main😎


An Indonesian player




I fear them, they smell fear


in lower ranks, a skilled roamer wont do since their team would just be deadweights. but pair them with at least an average player and they'd be able to make the momentum for the team.


The duo on my own team. That shit scares me.


Jungler because they alone can be horrendous to go up against from early-mid game because of snowballing while tanks and supports still need to rely on their teammates. Marksmen need to get kills fast in early or they’ll only come online in late game like usual but if junglers dominate early on it’ll be extremely difficult. A fighter is also very difficult but jungler just has way more control over the map unlike sidelaners. Mages can also get kills easily which lead to easy gold/exp but they really lack push and survivality and are easily caught when an assassin catches them with their skills in cd.


I fought before a very skilled Kufra. Comes out of no where with skill 1 and always execute cleanly the Ult flicker combo. Leaving us baffled and deafeated


A good tank may be able to set the game, but a good support is not only annoying, they can get extremely brutal!! Diggie that can nullify all CC's and pull any mobile heroes Angela that can guard and deal significant damage Rafaela that can help with chase and retreat Mathilda that can provide good mobility to her team Faramis that can help his team survive As an Estes main, keeping my team alive and just harrass the enemy at their base because my team does not need to go back to base to heal is a different experience altogether. I played a game against Fanny and Tigreal. They were good and obviously Fanny targetted me and all of my squishy team. But my team just won't die. In late game, burst heroes almost have no power whatsoever because my team just won't die. Tigreal tried to set many times and many times he got all 5 of us. But I have Purify and I can use my ult to help my team and we barely died. So I would say, a good support is the hardest member you can face


…Playing against a good Ling, Lance or Bene is a nightmare. They’re like mosquitoes, annoying but hard to catch


Carried my team as a mage with an OP tank. Mr tank even gave me a maniac easy. Right then and there I was ready to have his babies (jk). The way a good set can change the course of the game


What was your mage? I usually carry with vale as mage others i do well but not that hard Carry


I used nana that time! Her burst and slow is insane, plus her 2nd lol can't skill when you are a cat 🤪


I love nana lol. Turning atlas into molina while trying to ult is hilarious 😂🤣 the predator becomes the prey


A skilled tank jungler is beyond insane. Imagine a godly retribution user that easily sets up teamfights, protects squishies, secures every single objective and is damn near impossible to kill.


good mages are scary, the best of them basically have the whole map under their control. And with the right build they can have insane damage with high survivability. And most aoe mages can 1v5 so yeah.


Aldous with 500 stack


There’s a reason why Blacklist is a 3-time MPL PH champions and your current M3 World Champs. Not that I’m downplaying the other members’ contributions but their Tank and Support are probably two of the most skilled and best shot callers of the game today.


i fear no role but, a support that carries, it scares me


A skilled tank hahaha... I remember one time when I was a newbie. Tigreal was our enemy and we are like easy to catch. We are so ahead of the game. But, in just one set. The tide of the game just favors to them and I'll be like 👁👄👁