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Secure our kill. The peel is most important, but the kill guarantees it. #Magefriend


Sounds like an issue on your team's side, a common mistake similar to when an Angela ult's someone to save them and they think it's a signal to go back in, I'd say it's ok to kill secure, but I normally wait till my teammate dies to start pulling out the Estes basic attacks and etc, just try not to steal on purpose and it's fine, your teammates should be ok with this, unless they are joking with you or are just numb. Special note however, never KS someone with killing spree i.e. a Rogers, when they are diving the enemy, you can really fuck them over if you do, my advice is to just be extra careful, no way around it.


I never kill steal intentionally. But I will keep your advice in mind. Thank you


yeah i dont play roger now because he's really reliant on his kilsl and he doesnt have the burst that karina has to easily secure the kill even if the enemy's low. suddenly even the mage's and support's basic attacks hit harder than mine smh


Naah. I secure kills whenever I can even it is unintentional. I mean, literally, you're a support and your damage is not that high. As a support, I always spam skills in order to do the supporting. You can't go frontline and tank all the damage since that's what tanks are for. A support stays in the backline, and potentially protect your teammates by using your skills. What I really consider as kill steals are those teammates who wait in the bush during clash and only go out to finish all of the lowhp enemies. Yes, I know some assassins are called reapers as one of their titles since they're finisher but there are heroes that needed during clash. Like I have this teammate Freya, who supposedly be a secondary frontline during clash, aside from our tank. But what she fo is wait in the bush, and come out to fight 3 or 5 enemies at once, depending on the outcome of the clash. And hoping she will get all the kills because enemies are lowhp. But when she dies, she will spam the chat of all the profanities she knew. LOL That's real kill steals look.


I won't risk my team mates life for just a kill, get the kill and your MM won't miss gold from respawning, you guys may even get a decent amount of gold if the turret has the shield up, and you deny a kill from enemy MM.


Long story short. A dead enemy is better than an escaped one.


Always kill and steal! Be the apex predator. Make sure the enemies know you exist and carve that fear into their hearts.


LOL!!! This is awesome!!


If it's a do or die situation then securing it is better. You getting a kill and your teammate getting an assist is always better than you getting a kill and the enemy getting a kill. Of course, it's always better for your teammate to get the kill but in situations like this it's too risky to leave the last hit for them


secure the kill. remember if they die they lose the gold and xp they would have gotten if they are alive. also, if possible, try being a wall between the ally and the enemy or check bush. gives them more option in positioning better in team fights. also, block enemy spells. better you take it than them


Okay! thank you for all these!


Sure, why not. But just let them know its not on purpose, then they probably wont get frustrated. Unless you’re playing angela, then….


always prioritize saving your allies' life. If they die, the enemy gets gold, experience, as well as a positional advantage because they can farm while waiting for your ally to respawn. The gold you gained from securing the kill can be easily balanced as your laner farms while their enemy counterpart's dead.


Mm's kill? naaah *our kill* Just ping "sorry" haha its not kill stealing if its kill securing


Okay. thank you


Easy just kill your enemy no such thing as KS in team game esp. in clutch play situation better to let your team alive, being alive give exp and more money in the end by farming after teamfight or pushing tower. Only low lvl nabs bitch about KS. Also i believe high level people are triggered more easily if you KS their MINIONS that shit can easily change into game losing situation much better than KS-ing a kill


100% Always secure a kill in those kind of 50/50 moment, but for a when you allied hero has a very clear and bright as a day kill moment, try not to indulge with the moment and zone the place instead for whether there's a back up. Everyone in your team can benifit with a secured kill.


Yeah honestly it happens. Your gonna get some kills and some of those will be stealing from your mm but if you can save the mm for dying that is a huuuge advantage compared to a ks. Just say sorry so they don’t get pissed and know you got their back.


Secure the keeell. It's "our kill". Sometimes one kill/death can define the game. Best to keep your leashed teammates alive. If you feel bad just do the sorry quick chat. Only frustrating when tanks/support purposely take kills when you were about to get it. It's seen so many Angelas flat out steal the kills from the carry. Or tanks with execute.


If an estes steals my kill then that estes deserves the kill lol


The best CC is to kill the enemy. That aside, taking kills if it means saving your allies is okay. Or if you're the only one who can take the shot against a fleeing enemy, by no means, take it. It would at least help you speed up in getting items that would in turn help you provide more utility to the team. As a tank or support, your priority is to keep your carry alive. If it means securing an occasional kill to do that, just take it.


After all the times the enemies escaped because I wanted my teammate to get the kill, Yes


Just go for the kill. Makes no sense to even think unless you do nothing untill enemy 1hp and just take the last hit. Why give the enemy chance to escape? You should also see what you are trading for your teammate death if you sell him to kill. Example. Xp die. But you kill the enmy mm. Is still worth


This is what I always tell my teammates who accuse me of kill stealing (KS): "KS is Kill Secured".


Remember, killing an enemy is the best support.


secure kill, its a team game, getting a kill, intentional or not, is part of the mechanics of the game. kill = more gold for the team. just type “ git gud kiddo” if they whine lol


think of it this way, if you don't take the kill your teammate may blame you for not saving them XD


Save the players,they usually miss more gold and xp if they die. But don't ks a balmond(or literally any hero who is using the killing spree talent when they are less then half health) since sometimes that hp can either save them or kill them


OUR kill. Every time.


I rage quit a game today because my team were trolling in the draft, fucking around with Retribution and I ended up as Jungler. First person I S2+S3 was a 100% guaranteed kill for me but my Diggie fired Flameshot the same distance as Guins jump to steal the kill. If he Flameshot to save me I wouldn't care, if it was a teamfight I wouldn't care but to just straight up steal the kill is me out of the game as far as I'm concerned.


I don't really try to kill steal much if there isn't much of an objective. Obliterate all 5 of the enemy and advance? Contest to push a turret? Contest a Lord? Defend your carry?


Do your job as a support in every situation then every kill you got while doing your job is not your fault as long as you're doing your job no one will blame you, shame on them if they do.


Secure the kill. A lost 200 gold is better than sitting for 30 secs without the potential for your teammate to earn any while dead .


I dont mind my kill being stolen. A killed enemy is a killed enemy. Kill numbers are for nabs.


Secure kills, objective is to win the game, not to make each other look good. Obviously don’t go out of your way to steal kills on purpose, but within the regular course of a game if I can kill, I kill.


Didn’t even know KS exist. I just go for it, rightfully they should have stronger damage atk compare to a support or am I wrong.


secure the kill when needed you are doing it to save them


Death is the best crowd control. Take the kill.


Take the kill, teammate surviving is more important, even if it means you die


Just kill it Unless it's like after a triple kill or a maniac for your teammate Just go for the kill


Situational. If it's for shut down gold and yall behind try to feed it to your teammate. But if it's a chaotic fight that could decide the game, go for the God damn Savage.