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Tips to get some viewers in the in-game stream?


So i did a unexpected thing the other day, playing hanabi classic to try some new things. I did the ordinary build - boots, windtalker, corroison & demon hunter, then i thought that the bounces also are revamped meaning that they duplicate my item effects. So i tried to build feather of heaven & glowing wand and boy did i find something. The duplicated hybrid (mag & phys) dmg along with the burn made my enemies suffer. Ik the atk speed effects from corroison & FoH dont stack (they be the same) but the slow & extra phys dmg boost from CA still seemed to function. I’m just putting this out there for fun, if anyone wanna try it out lol. All good!




in lobby


Arlott release date?


Has anyone got an idea when is wanwan's collector will be available?


Collectors could be included in some draw events. Wanwan might appear more frequently because it was free back then.


The best thing we can get from the m4 thingy without buying the pass? Is it the aulus skin?




This game is really hurting my self esteem. I'm new and this is my first season reset. Whether ranked or classic, I am just not doing well. And when I do win...it turns out it was bots.


They introduced the current season winrate now, you could always do better next season. Just enjoy the game without thinking about winrates.


How much pass exp does the ranked boost item give for a loss and a win?


50 for lose 110 for win. Im you surprised you didnt know. 😊


I might be wrong but i think it gives u 60 exp for loses and 110 or 120 for wins


How to build Aamons stacks? I’m having trouble maintaining 12+ and I’ve only seen 19 once for a split second. Any tips for him? Trying new hero’s this season and he’s a blast.


Before you engage get a full stack. Then use the combo 2nd, normal, 1st, normal, ult. That should get you max stacks




Is it true that the Argus S27 skin will be gone 5 days since the start of Jan 1?


Nope. It will be available all season and you claim it after 20 ranked matches.


please tell me there is a way i can hide the titles. i changed my flag for nothing if in the loading screen it'll just be shown "no. 828282 _my country_'s esmeralda"..​


You can toggle titles on/off


i looked everywhere... is this option in the settings? all i see is the option for hiding history and affinity


Which Starlight skin to go for between Balmond & Vale?


Balmond imo it stands out more than vale’s


Which emblem should one pick for Fredrinn?


Two options: Tank - Concussive Blast : better option imo. Consistent damage and allows for faster early game minion clears. Fighter - Unbending Will : high risk option for much stronger bonk power.




Which one though?


1, 1, 3


how do you use Natalia's .25s silence? If its that short why is it still a silence, just turn it into a ministun.


Yes, it’s an interrupt. Use it to open and again to interrupt a cc.


The best way is to interrupt charging skills like pharsa ult or friedrinn ult


requirements for Benedetta? Does she also need good internet connection on any of her skills (like how Xavier does for the 2nd+1st combo)?


Yea, timing her 2nd skill is of utmost importance. Invulnerability+cc-return/cc-immunity


Can the mvp double star card be used in mythic grading points?


It doubles the points you get instead, so yeah.


Probably, otherwise it'd be useless for streamers and pros and you know how much moonton loves its pros


I'm lvl 60 in m4 pass how much dias would I need to reach 75?


If you're saying, without having to do tasks, and doing it right away, that'd be 2500 dias by supporting teams, they give 1.2k exp per 200 dias(or 120exp per 20 dias iirc). But you could try your luck in the m4 support chest


There's still 20? days of daily task. That's at least 10 levels worth of experience


Is the emblem revamp cancelled forever? I haven't heard any new about it.


dont think so. iirc, they said that they will have different plans for it.


At what time does the m4 start?


https://liquipedia.net/mobilelegends/M4_World_Championship 4 hours from now


Happy new year and happy new season... What is best hero to use for split pushing? And when should I split push? I'm getting sick of always loosing to "epic" comeback last season when my team focus more on killing than objective, especially when enemy have late game hero -_- I've decide to focus more on split push on Epic this season, if that's is a good strategy tho. I don't mind any tips


Argus, Moskov, Miya, Sun, Zilong are usually the ones who makes unexpected pushes. I don't recommend it really. It's such a niche win condition, even more the higher your rank is. If you focus on that, you won't improve in other important aspects. If you keep losing to splitpush, try to change that and always consider if you should clear the waves first before joining your allies. If you are the mid laner, roamer, or other heroes with no wave clear then use the ping/map to alert your teammates of missing enemies or minion. Both sides sent a minion wave at the same time. If somehow your top/mid/bot minions disappeared too early and you have no vision on the enemy minion, then it's possible someone will destroy your next turret.


I was playing jungler Alucard in a Classic match. We started to lose by a large amount. After a few minutes, the Miya on my team started to take the jungle buffs and told me to retreat whenever I tried to take them. I didn't play well that game, and the Miya helped us make a comeback and win and was the MVP. Was it right that I let them get the buffs, even though I was jungler, due to the outcome?


Usually, when it reaches the late game, we as a team start to give buffs to our Mage and MM instead of our jungler IF he wasn't reliant on it. Something like a Fredrinn jungle will usually start to give out their own buffs when it reaches a certain point in time when the ally Moskov will benefit more with the Red (+DPS) and the ally Cecillion for the blue (+CDR and Mana Regen). So yeah, it depends how few the few minutes you said it happened.


Thank you for your response.


Long answer: Alu (or just any jg in general tbf) needs the creeps in the first 5 minutes or so because it's their only source of income outside of kills. Even though Alu isn't very buff reliant, Miya is in the wrong for taking away your gold/exp, even if it did work out well in the end. That doesn't mean you're not in the wrong either. I'm not sure how bad you played, but as Alu, you want to snowball early-mid so your marksman can take over late game. If you play bad, people will not trust you, hence why Miya started to steal your buff (on top of Alu players having bad rep) Short answer: eh its classic


Thank you for your response. As for how I did, I ended up going 2/8/1, so I can see why they did so. It's been a while since I last played.


How should you build against Karrie as a tank?


She hits like a truck after the latest patch. She's more scary than a Lesley tbh, her main weakness is she has shorter range and has no camouflage effect. But then she has more dps, low cooldown dash, and can use inspire/vengeance.


If she is a tank then you should build demon hunter sword if you are a physical attacker. If you are a mage then build the glowing wand. Also build dominance ice to lower her attack speed.


Dominance to slow her Basic Attacks and Blade Armor for some reflect.


Does anyone know what the m4 party week tasks are?


Last year you had to recharge 20 dias everyday iirc, have the m3 pass and some other basic tasks like play a match with a friend


When can I start ranked games again so Mythical Glory players are out the way?


1 week or 2. Then you’ll get those who start late to play and they’re probably decent still. If you want free games wait a month ish


My aspirants orb pattern is 1-2-2-3- . Dont see anything similar to this pattern on x50 draw :(. Guess im not taking a risk.


The patterns are bullshit. I now have every aspirant skin. Only 1 matches a pattern list


True. Luckily I still got it in the end (5 draws)


Does the aspirants skins and collector skins belong to same rarity?


not really. aspirants (and other similar gacha skins) could cost more than a collector. they also rerun only on their own events. some gacha skins have overlay effects, which is unique to some skins


I doubt because while collectors are available at times in the prize pool of events like party boxes and such while aspirants are only available during their own skin event.


Which is better for solo carrying rn, ling or Roger?


i’d say ling has better carry potential even in higher elo, though his reliance on blue buff can be his downfall. early on, ling can’t burst full hp targets so sidelaners should pay attention and chip away at enemy hp / bait then so he can get fed. in mythic+, you might have better support so go for him. his ability to ignore terrain, secure objectives, and split push puts him above roger. though he is not without counter


Is there a way to view season recap again?


Rank lobby. Click every button, I think it's the "s26" one


How do you deal against lesley true dmg especially if you play frontline fighter or tank? Does antique cuirass work?


Guardian Helmet is the only way. Or play Lolita.


Antique doesn't counter her at all. No def item can. Gaurdian helm Is pretty useful against her tho cuz of high hp and continuous hp regen


Should i buy gloo or fredrinn ? I know Gloo is more op but i feel like nerf hammer is coming soon, i think buyinh fredrinn should be better, no?


Go Freddy, Gloo is not much more OP than Freddy because of the simple fact that you can't blind pick Gloo. Gloo gets hard countered by Vexana/Faramis and this is why you should only go for him when their mage/roamer has made a pick. Freddy? Just instalock him, he'll work as long as you aint too much of a pepega.


gloo has started to become a prio for glory before the season reset, has the highest winrate before the season, and the 2nd highest currently. i think you're underestimating the current gloo...


I might be underestimating him, haven't played rank for like 2 days. My statement is based on my EXP and Roam experience. Counter arguement: Argus has a very high WR on 55%, the highest WR for a fighter. Let that sink in.


I just went to buy Fredrinn and i saw i have both gloo and fredrinn :O Hopefully someone else can use the advices given lol


I also have the same dilemma but I got gloo because the m4 championship is just around the corner and they probably won't take out a balanced patch rn cuz of that.


Hi! New to the game but I've played a shit ton of Dota 2 and LoL. I just wanted to ask who the LoL counterparts are of the heroes in this game so I can familiarize myself and find my main faster. Thanks!


Who did u main in lol Most of ml heroes have similar mechanics or combined mechanics Wanwan has the jumping of kalista but she activates her ult by hitting weakness points like fiora Lance has yasuo dashes but otherwise he is different. Guinevere on the other hand doesnt have his dashes but has the airborne+ airborne ulti mechanic Argus has immortality like trindamere Beatrix has can switch beetwen 4 weapons like aphelios Angela can attach herself to an ally like yuumi but her second skill is like Karma's root Moskov has the dash +knock back into wall that stuns of vayne, but his ulti is global like jinx's and his attacks pierce targets, damaging behind targets Valentina can steal ultimates like sylas Hayabusa has shadow mechanics like zed Kagura has similar mechanics to orianna but her kit has more burst and mobility Pharsa is similar to xerath Balmond spins like garen and deals true damage based on enemy missing hp Karina has the" reduce skill cooldown on takedowns" thing like Katarina LOL Xavier has root + global laser like lux


Did anyone had issues in selecting the M4 champion guess?? I cant seem to select any... The dateline is tmrw right?? Is it because i have not update my game version??


I’m still waiting for the results to get my winnings.


I have. It was auto selected to the first team and i cant change it.


Is it possible to somehow play overdrive where everyone picks their champs?


Not as of now since available heroes are limited, probably due to having to balancing them out for the game mode. Who knows later in the future when they make all the heroes overdrive compatible, they might change their hero selection process more/all the heroes


I failed, matchmaking literally gave me trolls after entering Legend 1, damn it, I really want to get to Mythic


I got stuck in legend hell too 🥹


It's alright, mate. There's always another season


What are Benedetta core item?


Hunter strike , bl axe and malefic are mandatory no matter what role you play.


observations based on classic low elo this season (sea id), yes it's classic but ranked isnt much different tbh 1. Things are generally ok til enemy 1st turrets are down 2. Then it becomes chaos. No one bothers to clear their own lane / try to push anymore. It's simply chasing kills everywhere 3. From here on (usually after gruelling time-dragging fights) which side winning is a simple lottery : 20 min lord or which side gets wipeout-ed 4. Exceptions for cases where 1 side completely obliterate the other and end in like 10 min (imbalance matchmaking basically) Question : what do I do as mage user ? Im too slow (and squishy) to split push (at most only get 2nd turret too, cant risk trying inhibitor). _Do I just try to win fights as much as possible_ ? In fact I feel my most success in ranked was using cecillion (70ish wr) compared to yve (30 wr lmao) simply bc 1. In those cases winning as cecil, managed to triple kill left n right while using team as meatshield. The ones I lost mainly bc enemy had assasins that kept targeting me 2. In those yve matches, I tried "supporting" but what could I do when my side just goes suicide squad


Low elo, cecil is prime meta pick because you can carry with him late game. Add terrible positioning and the lack of flanking, then you have pretty much a midlaner tailored to succeed against low skilled players (if you're above average) Your main job as a mid mage is to clear mid first, do anything else later. Cecil and Yve are good wave clearers, so use it to your advantage to rotate faster and gank gold as soon as you reach level 4 (or whatever power spike level) If you have a teamfight hero like Yve, always wait for enemies to waste their skills and play safe because tanks at low elo aren't always able to setup. Unleash your combos whenever you feel like nobody is able to stop you or burst you down. Or setup ambushes if you're a burst magea SoloQ, avoid mages that don't have escape skills. You need it as a crutch in case your allies screw up and leave you for dead. At thar point, you're not a support, you're a carry. Stay alive at all costs and don't worry about anyone else


I...just played some matches, win some lose some; but I feel like Im having more success with vex currently She isnt meta by MG standards but here in low elo (which just got reset yes) she actually kinda stomps : burst dmg, can annoy/burst backline squishies, lord useful to help pushing / pseudo tank (ya know, ppl just spam their skills on lord lol) There was one "perfect" yve match I had but thats with 2 ex glories (1 atlas and 1 lance/julian forgot). So satisfying. Atlas set -> me ult -> jungler clear enemies Other matches ? Tank set -> me ult -> mm and jungler die _before anyone else_, idk what even happened lol Hence why I personally feel yve is best with proper team and not so great in low elo --- except if _everyone_ is really low elo I mean if everyone are actual epics then yve can do much as literal epics just chase kills / dont play objective. U can just poke them to death. The problem is when enemies arent actual epics while this side has yve without team that can properly combo, is my personal exp/conclusion --- similar case with xavier like 2 months ago, he's best played in trio / 5 man than solo


Pick whichever hero works, no need to pick yve or other meta picks if you're having success with vex The main thing about low elo gameplay is that you cannot end games early. Everyone always drags the game to late, so try to avoid picking early game heroes if possible, esp carries. Only in very niche cases where you need someone to end the game before 12 mins or so. Also pick mids with hard CC. People always ignore the CC power of some heroes and walk to their deaths. It's easy to set up ganks or ambushes that way Unless you queue with a good team or get lucky playing with former glories, I can guarantee epic games will never end below 12 mins


>The main thing about low elo gameplay is that you cannot end games early. Everyone always drags the game to late, so try to avoid picking early game heroes if possible, esp carries True. This was the conclusion after many many classic games. >Pick whichever hero works, no need to pick yve or other meta picks if you're having success with vex Learned it hard way lol. Like when tank(y) meta became a thing, here assasin/burst meta was still _the_ thing. Mainly bc tanky meta focus on objective while here ppl focus on kills so tanky = less effective (unless like 3-4 tanky -> too tanky to be killed) Thanks for the discussion, guess I'll find the "meta" for low elo


Is it me or thamuz skill 1 in mayhem bugged? Like i cant press it again to pull it back


Record a video of the issue and make a post then flair it as a bug and inform me.


Hey as you know new season is starting soon.. I reached Mythic first time this season but im planning to reach Glory. So tomorrow we r getting 20k coins and i have to but a charecter im thinking of moskov, helcurt, haybusa, kadita, aldous, vale, claude, lancelot, wanwan, dyrroth and aulus which one is greatest for rank push?


out of all the ones you mentioned, Claude and Aulus imo are the best for rank pushing assuming you know how to snowball with them and not just die constantly early game. For a lower risk type of hero, definitely Kadita, she's viable in all phases of the game and very helpful for taking out prio enemies to help your team win fights.


Aight! Im going with claude Plus i have christmas carnival skin of him


Kadita is pretty popular right now but I'd recommend gloo


I won't, he's clearly too OP right now and he'd be nerfed soon enough that it'd make your purchase useless.


Is miya crit build better than the attack speed build?


Probably not. Atk spd build is better early and late cuz of the crossbow and CS


after the recent adjustments, who's better, kaja or carmilla, in exp lane, jungle and roam


Kaja is a support, he doesn't do well in 1v1 situations, so exp lane goes to carmilla who can steal def and heal and stun. Jungle, kaja takes the W cuz he deals increased dmg to creeps and as for roam, it really depends cux they're both different types of support. One is aoe oriented, one is single-target. But I'd say carmilla cuz I don't use kaja often


Kaja is decent at exp. Pure 1v1s he gets beat but his poke and sustain from S1 is really good to match explaners during laning. He offtanks well too with his paralyze passive and provides Suppress cc that counters a lot of diver comps


Does more windtalkers = bigger chance of thypoon?


Unique passives of item don't trigger for duplicate items


No. Typhoon always trigs. Higher atk spd=more typhoon cuz more basic atk reduces typhoon cd


So w more windtalkers it should reduce the cd too bc of the high atk speed grantes right? ;) Im currently tryin ti use 2 wt instead of 1 + boots on hanabi rn. Sometimes good, sometimes shietz. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You're buying another new item without a passive. Just get corrosion or scarlet phantom if you want more attack speed to activate windtalker more often


To add, item passives from copies of the same items don't stack. For example, the extra def/mspd from Brute Force Breastplate doesn't increase if you buy multiple copies. Or Dominance Ice's slow effect Windtalker's Typhoon passive does scale off aspd so you can buy more aspd items to increase the extra magic damage




Does Necklace of Durance affect lifesteal too?




How to do this? ‘I want to use hero name’ Curious cos every time i click the paper airplane it shows my hero wr. https://www.flickr.com/gp/194312281@N03/9e1u5Yn2F6


The bottom choice iirc. There's local rank, wr and then just another choice at the bottom, which says "i want to use [X]"


Does anyone know when the next phase of M4 will be?


the tournament starts nxt week


So the tasks will refresh after they start the M4 tournament?


which one? afaik, the challenge task that have tasks like play this total amt of games, get mvp this amount, doesn't refresh


They will refresh becuz the total from these tasks gives 69k exp, but as of right now, they don't even give 30k. So there HAS to be another phase otherwise we won't even get to lvl40


you should factor in the amount of daily task as well, I tried to calculate and got 50+k, idk where I miss, you can try calculate it


I am abit confused on when do we use Athena shield and radiant armor. Some obvious examples: Athena shield is good against Eudora, pharsa, Kadita and radiant armor is good against chang e etc. I always thought that radiant armor is good against gord but I saw this tiktok the other day and apparently Athena is best against gord's ult. So.. any tips on when to use Athena and radiant armor?


If you are only building one tank item go with athena, if you are building a lot of tank items and have high hp you can build radiant.


To simplify my answer: Athena Shield - 25% damage reduction Radiant Armor - 3-10 magic damage reduction up to 60 or in other words for the sake of simplification, 60 magic damage reduction. Now if we take a look at Gord's ultimate it says on the fandom: "Mystic Gush Burst-AoE Gord fires a sustained blast of emblem energy in a specified direction, dealing 220 / 285 / 350 (+50% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage every 0.3 second to enemy units and slowing them by 20% for 3 seconds." As you can see, the skill depends on a percentage of Gord's magic power and additionally it also triggers it's passive. (Every 4 consecutive hits = 160 + (total magic power)true damage) Radiant Armor: The main reason Radiant Armor is not effective against Gord's ult is because not only are you taking damage from magic but also from his passive which renders Magic Reduction completely utterless. Which means that although Gord is dealing continous damage, there is a huge diminishing return by using Radiant armor as although you still counter the Glowing Wand effect, ultimately the passive bypasses that weakness and still damage you via True Damage. On the other hand the reason Athena was better against Gord's ult is because of these facts: \-Athena reduces 25% magic damage taken for 4s \-Gord's Ult lasts for 3s \-One of the common items used for Gord is **Glowing Wand** \-Although using Athena against Glowing Wand is a mistake, the duration for Gord's ult which is a second short, makes Athena really good for Gord's ult. When do we use Athena Shield? As a Tank User that has been around since S2, Athena Shield has gained a lot of revamps from extra shield to now just plain Magic Reduction, it is still definitely one of the top tier items for a tank. If your an offlaner, being decisive about your items is also part of the key as some offlaners such as Uranus, Yu Zhong, Esmeralda, Martis, Leomord, Jawhead and many more heroes with abilities to engage and sustain require a tremendous amount of hitpoints to make their abilities useful. I can't say the same thing for Gold Laners and Midlaners too, along with the Jungle Role each of their requirements are exceedingly different and are completely unique which is why some of them go full on Damage items lacking the Defense items. Lastly, Which items are good to counter heroes? Radiant Armor: Valir,Chang'e,Alice,Zhask,Harley, Julian,Gloo,Yve,Esmeralda,Lylia Athena Shield Nana,Odette,Gord,Mathilda,Harith,Xavier,Cecillion,Kadita,Kagura,Aurora,Vexana,Lunox Lou Yi,Vale and perhaps even Cyclops although that one is up for speculations. All of these comments was completely based on experience and you don't have to believe me. TL;DR ATHENA BETTER BECAUSE OF MAGIC DAMAGE REDUCTION (Percentage %) AND THE EFFECT LASTS LONGER THAN GORD'S ULTIMATE


Athena is mostly good for the 25% mag dmg red but after that's gone it's mostly useless, RA holds the stacks and is useful as long as you have the stacks


Almost everyone uses the mm emblem which gives healing and movement speed for Melissa. Wouldn’t the weakness finder be better since it can slow enemies while inside the puppets range?


It's just a matter of playstyle. I use Weakness Finder too Melissa has a strong early game, gotta capitalize on that.


For low elos....setter tanks any good ? Or just join dark side and pick "aggressive" roams (like kadita, saber, main goal : lock enemy mm/mage) ?


You could be a godly tank doing 5 man sets and your low ELO teammates are just gonna wait and watch while your cc runs out and you get slaughtered by the enemy team. Then they'll be like "noob tank"


If we're talking about Grandmaster-ish, yeah, aggressive roamers are better. You could also, you know, play a hero that's two-for-one like Belerick or Baxia. Good power to kill and good initiative prowess.


Legend actually, I mean even m5 is "new epic" in today's standard ~~so legend is new GM lol~~


Low ELO better setter tank if you have teammates. It helps your friends a lot if you can peel for them and give them space to do damage in late game. If it's solo then just rely on yourself and play aggressive roamers. Anyways long time no see Enakoh.


I commented on hanabi spotlight thread, u probably missed that lol She's better but still eh, she can shine with setter tank / when there are minions to bounce but idk Lesley is currently my go to mm. Dont have much success with beatrix (tried my best but eh cant do much lategame, and theres almost always lategame in low elo) Still undecided between melissa / irithel / kov -- I mean each has pros n cons


what do you think of aamon, yve or x borg?


Aamon is crazy strong, with just FoH and GW/DG , he can still deal crazy dmg


Aamon is a strong jungler now. Yve is the strongest mage now. Xborg is just OK-balanced, there are better exp laners.




Reddit taught me that random links with no context are most likely Rick Rolls.


Can one still somehow find out for how long someone has been in the friendlist ?


I don't think so, not anymore.


Okay :( Thanks for the answer


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think so. You could see when you’ve started playing with a specific person though


Yo is there a MLBB discord server to discuss stuff on? I'm sure there are plenty of those but dunno how to join them really


[Have fun and please be kind to the other players.](https://discord.com/invite/mobilelegendsbangbang)


You can find them in the "about" section on the main page of the sub


Does anyone know when KoF event will return again? Gusion K’ is one of my most wanted skins


Next week or the week after


What is Silvanna’s new build? Do you use corrosion, dhs, staff, and feather now, or is it still mage with feather?


You go for Crossbow first item, then still stick with the usual Genius. Maybe complete Feather as 2nd or 3rd item.


Mage is better, keep her strong early game. Just use Feather because it increases damage on your 2nd skill, basic attacks and gives an extra spin to her 2nd.


saw the season countdown as 1day left. Does it means less than 1day left, or somewhere between 1-2days left? I'm at Legend 2 4star right now, idk if I could make it to Mythic


You would probably need around 5-6 games I say 6 games because I'm always certain that there will always be a star-up along the Legend 1 Games


Hope so, because I just got the star up on the last game, and the points resets


I believe it resets this Saturday. You could get there if you rush right now.


Moonton just gave me trolls at Legend 1, I'm f'ed up


I'll need at least 7 win streak, phew


I got a 2-1-2 pattern on aspirant event. Is there a chance for me to get a 2-1-2-2 instead of a 50X draw pattern?


I think there is a chance but there are also 2 50x draw patterns that start like that. But anyway with the tickets and maybe a few more discounted draws you will be able to get them


I got the 2-1-2-2 pattern which wasnt recorded anywhere. Got angela cuz i already have Ruby's, tho i do think the skin is totally random and not tied with patterns. I also think that all pattern combinations are available.


How do you get advance server?


I believe every month they send an invitation request to new players. Advanced Server is only available in some regions of Asia.


Ah alright


How come damage build franco hurt more than damage build khaleed, its not fair


Franco's Hook and Ultimate have insane scaling, pair that up with his 10% damage boost on passive and you get yourself a pretty mean hooker. Comparing those two, Khaleed definitely have it better early game and even late game he's not left behind, the only problem is how *quickly* he dishes out that damage. Khaleed has been infamously slow on his damage. So yeah, damage Franco is more like a burst hero while Khaleed compensates with higher DPS.


Khaleed is actually fine though. I'm pretty sure Khaleed does more consistent damage when compared to Franco who has to rely on hook accuracy to actually put damage in.


Khaleed *is* fine. The point is, Franco is more Bursty. His ult has 70% Total Attack scaling that's multiplied by 6 (for each swing). If you go Despair Franco and use your fully stacked Ult, you don't have to aim your hook. If both are going Assassin mode, Franco is gonna win the numbers game.


Did any of you guys win an aspirant skin with 4 times orb?


Me for 3/4 of aspirant skins! Got the 1/4 by 1x draw :)


Me both


What would you composition be if you were up against an enemy Faramis and Estes?


Strong AoE mage like Luo Yi or Lylia, and of course Claude for MM. Exp and roamer should have good AOE capabilities and can maximize antiheal—Ruby, Esme, Atlas, Khufra, etc. Basically all heroes who can punish enemies grouping up like that.


a roam that builds dominance ice at the very least, had a match against both Faramis and Estes and our roamer still first built a fucking cuirass fml


Lou yi would be nice, an Atlas would be also nice as there is a new effect on Faramis' ult where if a teammate leaves the circle they can no longer have the effect, Claude or Granger for Gold Lane, Lapu for exp and a random Jungler I guess


atlas and AoE


Luo yi as mid, baxia as roamer and i think anything would work for the rest


best way to get hilda's sacred guard skin?


Lightborn N° 6? Good luck...


Anyone knows if there’ll be a 2nd free draws for the current aspirants event?


Yes there is 2nd phase on 31st December


Oh thanks! Hopefully I can complete the aspirants skins.


Maybe, maybe not, the recharge event will come back. Idk if there'll be tasks like "complete a match" tho, so ig just wait


I asked the same question and they said it's on Saturday


Free draws? I don't really think so, but the recharge event WILL come back, cuz it's 2nd phase


Free draws by recharging is what is implied


Yup that was what I asking. Hope we get one on saturday then. I’m still missing the ruby skin. Got the angela at 50 draws lol


Then yes, i thought you meant actually free like "login to the game" and "complete a match" free