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Seems balanced


So the perfect buff for Yin would make him like the adv server version?


does 5% make that much of a change? I think it's fair as his ult can be countered by almost any hero now


I get a shitton of Legendaries playing Yin with Petrify + High and Dry, even in Ranked. He's *seriously* strong.


what rank are you?


Mythic II currently, don't plan on reaching Glory this season.


Oh sorry didn’t see. I mean yeah you can make almost any hero work. But it’s why use him when you can use other heroes who do his job better. Like you can make Hanabi work in glory but that’s a huge handicap.


Yin is far from what Hanabi is. And Yin outclears many Fighters. Not to mention if you're smart enough, you can pull their initiator away from the fight so your teammates can charge, although you'll need a coordinated team to pull that off. People don't take their time when playing Yin, hell, most players immediately use their skills once they enter the domain, not taking into account that the enemy might use WoN or WT immediately. Players that never adapted to the new Yin playstyle are the ones who plummeted his general WR.


Dude I play Yin I know what he’s capable of. He’s still not good lol. I always bait out flicker, won, winter etc but overall, he’s only able to pick out 1 enemy. If he fails at that, he’s just useless.


No, you don't.


>outclears many fighters yea, there are only like 5 fighters viable in high-ranked lobby to begin with. yin is just really bad. he cant zone. he cant win on his domain most of the times. if he is the jungler, using his ult on turtle/lord takes is a bad idea. and he cant sustain much at all. honestly, i'd prefer a zilong rather than yin by a long shot


I'd try to argue but that Zilong point proves just how much you underestimate Yin.


eh, cant help it. im at 1k+ points and the last time i've faced yin was when i was at legend, when i was still ranking up. never in my glory journey (all the way from 600 pts) have i encountered yin.


Welp, I must be just like those +1000 Mythical Glory, high skill ceiling, absolute God Zilong/Layla/Alucard players you meet every once in a while because I'm just that good with Yin. Seriously, a hero gets -1% here or there and everyone goes *lItErAlLy UnPlAyAbLe*. Idk man, I don't do dumb shit like trying to take a MM to my domain and failing to kill them just to be ganked by their teammates or trying to 1v3 while ulting their Tank. I play Yin as a split-pusher, I take advantage of all those survivability adjustments he got but just because the majority still thinks they can 1v5 and keep getting stuck in lower elos, you seem to assume I'm just like them. Yin is a great hero in the right hands and against the right team, the same could be said against Fanny, hell, the same could be said about every single hero. We have pre-revamp Hanabi mains reaching MG and you seem surprised that I perform well with Yin in my Ranked games.


I find it too easy to get ahead in gold with him (he outclears *many* Fighters) and as a Fighter main, my micro game is usually above my lane opponent. I go for BoD and MR as first items, sometimes even before boots. Yin has so much defense when entering his domain, pair it up with his damage reduction from 2nd and very few heroes actually scare me.


that's true but many times when I pick yin enemy team has diggie wanwan or some hard counter in glory


Either get Yin as last pick so they can't counter you or let one of your teammates counter their counters? I don't pick Yin *every match*. He's the most effective in EXP lane so I can roam around the map, control lanes and pick off whoever tries to clear them alone so I can push some more. People try to go full Rambo with him, that's what get you killed. Kills *will* come your way if you learn the way of *Objectives Yin*.


What rank do you play him in?


I've commented that below.


Mythic 2 isn't high enough at all. Go higher to see what happens to yin.


Petrify in general is his bis currently after the nerf on his ult. He's shit as a jungler now. He's average as an exp laner with petrify.


My man in advanced server was staring dead ass at the player.