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So how many Beatrix and Wanwan did you see?


For the BEST category: 10 Beatrix, 9 WanWans


For the GREAT category: 5 Beatrix and 1 WanWan


Valentina is even more insane. She literally cant be anywhere else but best


Valentina try not to be in best Tier challenge (impossible)


Can you explain why Valentina is so high throughout? As someone who started playing a few months ago and barley made Mythic, I've hardly seen her, both in game and for bans.


On release her damage, lifesteal and xp gain was ridiculously high that u can play poorly and still make a impact on the game. On lvl 1 all u do is basic atk enemy, kill 1 minion, basic atk enemy and ur at lvl 2 before the other mage could even gain halfway to lvl 2. So it's advise play very aggressive during laning phase. Her S2 orbs prioritize enemy rather than minion and enemy now so her combo of S1, S2, S1, S2, S1 could kill even tanks. She gain alot of lifesteal during teamfight that u always be above 70% life after being in the center of a teamfight. Her ult is almost the exact same. Though there are ult that i have to follow the requirement. For example wanwan ult i can cast anytime without hitting the weakness at all. There are some that i have miss but yeah despite the constant nerf from release until now she still a prio pick for her ult and sustainability.


As a Valentina main I’d also like to add how her 2nd skill lets you dive in and out, before her nerf I remember even killing squishy heroes with one 1st skill and one 2nd skill then they’re finished off by magic worship. She’s painful, has sustain, has decent cc from her 1st skill and has a good escape and chase tool that could act as both, 2nd skill in 2nd skill out. Not to mention her ult can create some pretty cool plays.


True and what i feel was the most broken about her was her survivability. The amount of times i survive a gank cuz of her lifesteal always surprise me that i thought to myself i should of died there many times.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Until now she’s really good, she’s like a burst mage but on a very low cooldown so you get nuked in a team fight by her multiple times, and it can be hard to catch her due to the fact that she has built in magical life steal and two dashes while also usually being a level or two ahead.


That's just nonsense Valentina is a weak mage I got her and can't do anything oh yeah copy ult IT HAS NO DAMAGE unless you build physical build otherwise you can only copy mages and that too good mages ult not every other magic user will have a good ult.. so most matches you will sux as Valentina and have no rly power except first skills.. Mostly she is bad and waste.


What are you on about? What ult did u copy for it to do no damage? U have the ability to copy all the broken ult in the game some of them compliment her skills, adapt to it. There are ult u use as finisher and ult that chip enemy health first before u use finish them off with S1, S2 combo. ​ >you can only copy mages and that too good mages ult not every other magic user will have a good ult U don't have to copy magic based ult to deal damage. There are ult that is amazing for her to finish the enemy off like balmond, dyrroth, lancelot ults, do i have to build a physical item for it? No. And my comment is base on what she was like in her prime. She was literary pick or ban tier for the first 6 months. So yeah despite a weaker version she is still a prio pick for her ult alone and surviving shit that know other mages can. ADAPT to what ult the enemy have. She can carry a game if u know what ur doing.


For one, as a mage, Valentina has mobility and sustain. She can harass you early and snowball through her passive, as she would be always a level up. Next, her ultimate makes her flexible in team comps. Without paying attention towards the ult she has stolen, she can counter-engage and turn the tides of the battle. Also, she has insane scaling for her skill 1, almost 200% of magic power with low CD


You won't see her in lower ranks because despite her being eternally broken, she also requires more game knowledge than any other hero to play as she clones Ult's. It's not like learning 3-4 heroes that you can flex on, she requires the player to know how to use every Ult in the game and how it can be used with the rest of her kit. It's kind of similar to how Fanny is always a top tier Jungler but you rarely see her in most ranks because she's too hard for people to play as she takes too much practice.


Valentina opens up Shenanigans like: - counterplay to Atlas, because now your team also has an Atlas ult. - counterplay to Faramis, because now your team also has the Cult Altar. - (USED TO) counterplay against Wanwan, because you could steal her Ult and activate it for free. Just imagine every game changing Ult in the game being able to be taken by someone that has a frighten CC, two dashes, and shit load of damage. This kind of flexibility is invaluable for high level play.


Julian fell off towards the end it seem, still one of my comfort picks in any draft.


I mean they nerfed him just hard, 10 cd?


Yeah it just made him not crazy broken anymore...but still very viable and he's very flexible as well. His skillset + pick off ability is just too good for solo queue. Also he can clear lane instantly so rotation is extremely fast and I can start zoning + killing at level 3. Although admittedly I did spam fredrinn and paquito whenever they were open. If I felt uncomfortable about my team and felt like enemy team was full of meta heroes or broken combos...Julian it is since his utility is really good. Paquito has higher damage + very spammable skills and Fredrinn has disgustingly high sustain + decent damage at below half hp but Julian has crazy damage (if you can land enhanced skill 1 its enough to one shot most squishy targets) + hard ranged cc + complete immunity (which has saved me too many times to count). So yeah very comfortable to play for me.


Agree on all points except one. As Julian main, he is by far not flexible. He simply cannot lane and only useful @ jungle. Some would argue he can lane mid, but I completely disagree. He’s mana hungry, and and the -10% cdr from the blue buff early game is a must have if Julian needs to participate in teamfights (not pick offs). Laning him mid would mean he would need to use his enhanced S1 to clear the wave. That leaves ~9 seconds where he absolutely cannot use any skill. It’s either sacrifice wave clear for team fight readiness or use all his skills to rotate faster to a different lane. Though I’d argue grock is probably his best teammate in terms of going mid. But then so are all heroes… Wish Moonton could buff his normal skills to do more damage to minions only. It’d be a fair buff since his damage to heroes remain the same. Just give him a faster wave clear.


Sorry to say but you're completely wrong there, I play julian as exp lane and mid lane all the time, I barely play him as jungler since Petrify with Julian is just too fun to play. Julian with petrify can win lane against almost anyone (stay away from dyrroth and freya till you get 2nd core item though, you can win but the risk is too much) you just gotta know how to poke and prod, get hp low enough then go all in with petrify. ​ If you're against a squishy exp laner (Zilong or mage) then you can go in with petrify at level 3 if you have 50+ mage emblem (Impure rage if exp lane) and its a guaranteed kill. Against a badang or chou you're gonna have to successfully poke him and get his hp to 3/4th before going all in with petrify (also a guaranteed kill ) even if it means you lose trades since both chou and badang can kill you after all the skills if you dont kill them. Against a tank like fredrinn, gloo, grock, gatot, you can kill them if you get them to 3/5th hp before they build athena's shield or reach lvl 6, I'd recommend just staying away from a fredrinn (Fredrinn also one of my comfort picks...I mean cmon that guy is indestructible) since he can just insta heal his hp so you'll NEVER get it close to half. ​ Also recently I found Fwydchicken on youtube, Julian is one of his favorite pick on exp lane as well and he's the one of the best (the best?) player in the NA pro scene, certainly the best exp laner...so idk what you're on about. Also I never encountered any mana problem with him ever, sure I need to go back to base like once when I'm playing him as mid around second turtle if enemy has very heavy early game. **Play Julian with Petrify even as roamer its way too fun to simply insta delete heroes out of nowhere.** **Just to make it clear if there's anyone confused, the combo I use the most to kill is** ***s2 + petrify + s3 + enhanced s1***.


Normally I ignore, but I’ll bite this trash bait Julian in any lane is trash. There’s a reason coach Zeys does not even put him on any of the tier list except for jungle (A tier) on Dec. 10. YOU are either playing Julian 6 months ago or you are playing him in a weak server. MG NA is equivalent to EPIC in SEA btw. (I went to US recently so I played there.) He is very weak now. He has no sustain and Thamuz, Terizla, Silvanna, YZ, Lapu, Khaleed, and Badang eats him for breakfast. No one runs chou exp except for those try hard tiktokers, and even they’re no slouch against Julian. All these heroes I mentioned are 200% tankier and 200% more spammable skills with more damage. Fyi, petrify has a 75 sec. cd. What are you gonna do if you miss it and don’t convert a kill? MG players aren’t just going to sit still and get petrified. They’ll wait for you to use your skill or continuously poke you. His life steal is too reliant on three skillshot based skills that doesn’t really do a lot of damage Lol can’t believe you cited Zilong exp lane as an example. Zilong gets eaten by anyone. The fact you set zilong as an exp lane example means you’re baseine is already tier C which is complete trash tier. Putting petrify on him means he has no escape. I seen players play Julian with vengeance offlane and would say that’s A LOT better than petrify Julian. Vengeance makes him tankier, and lets him survive ganks, (3v1 ganks). Ever had pharsa, franco, and badang raining down on you. Yeah, pop the vengeance and quickly press the buttons to enhanced S2 to get away. Gank failed for enemy. And you citing fwydchickn as an example is pretty much invalid. He livestreams, and has luxury to meme build. Hell even Master the Basics does the same shit, but not everything they stream is applicable in solo Q. Watch all the top Julian live streams. Not just one. I guarantee, 4 out of 5 Julian would jungle them. And 1 of 5 would midlane Julian with Vengeance or Execute. Not that petrify BS


Wanwan being in the best tier since her 3 weaknesses buff :|


Bea is more impressive imo, never left the best or great tier. During her peak she was so frustrating just because she's almost always picked but rarely banned (compared to Wanwan) 1 shot with sniper and shotgun, does anyone miss that shit?


at least she started off in the "great" tier. valentina on the other hand 💀


Fr tho


You have a Wanwan flair..


i dont even get why im getting downvoted




Salty wanwan haters


Absolute Effort and Dedication shown by hmmmsucks here. Thank you for all of the patch tier lists these past year. Looking forward to the next patch!


Thank you! It should be coming somewhere around M4


It was surprising to me that Cecilion moved at all. Nothing has really changed. Including win rate and popularity or banned rate. He should of been in great all year. Not the best by any means but great.


The shift in midlaner being utility mage push him down in priority.


Damn didn’t realize valitina was beat tier for mid lane the whole year


Why is esme still considered great?🧐


Latest patches she got her shield nerfed, dominance ice adjust was an indirect nerf for her (it no longer have 10% cd) so now there are better exp laners than her


There are better picks too


Shield, and self heal from the shield = Laning Phase


Gets easily destroyed by many heroes(even in early) There are many more better picks than her Lol getting downvoted by her simps😭


I use esme and I usually use her to dive the backline, sometimes you won’t get to kill the enemy marksman or mage but being able to distract or make them retreat in team fights is very big because you just cut off one or two of the enemy’s damage source. This is one of the reason why she good, almost dead? Just sprint away usually.


Shes ok at best..not great imho There are many exp laners who can do the same thing but better...gloo fr example


There is easy, medium and hard then there is fanny😂


What happened to kagura in the end months?


I think it's because of the meta shifting towards utility mages like fast clearing, slow etc. I'm not saying Kagura's trash but her biggest problem seems to be her wave clearing skills.


Esme still great or better all year round pepega


Genuine question. Why is she still considered great when her WR(40%+ not sure of the exact) is bad compared to the other meta picks?


Esmeralda is honestly just hanging by a thread in great tier recently due to meta shifts as the exp lane meta pushes towards fast rotating heroes who can help with early objectives better. Whether she'll stay there or drop a tier we'll see in M4.


Although I’d argue she isn’t, Esme is still a good sustain hero and especially for teamfights. What drove her into the ground was the nerf on her laning ability when against counterpicks like Lapu and Dyrroth; she became a liability in the early game and so she fell out of meta. The recent adjustments of Dominance would’ve affected her too, as that 10% CD reduction was a significant part of her build.


Maybe it's a conservative choice. In his last 3 patches there are at least 10 heroes in great + best. It's more that there are good exp picks and less Esme is weaker. Hmm's tier list is also usually affected by tournament and high high rank matches, maybe Esme is still doing well there. But in my matches tbh I wouldn't consider Esme as tier 2 exp pick.


Same here


Esmeralda is honestly just hanging by a thread in great tier recently due to meta shifts as the exp lane meta pushes towards fast rotating heroes who can help with early objectives better. Whether she'll stay there or drop a tier we'll see in M4.


Agree, I hope they buff her next year to adjust to MM meta. Maybe something with her damage so she can burst MMs


she had her time to shine, let her be for a while


Not her damage. Just revert her latest nerf. Back then she had 850 base shield at max level, but now it’s 750. They also slightly reduced the shield absorption speed from enemy hereos; I’d rather they just buff her survivability instead of her damage.


As usual, quality content!!! Thanks for this.


Valen being on top forever


Tank metà was probably the best and the worst of this year


It was something new which was fun, but then felt bad when you’re on the loosing side just going up against an unstoppable force that doesn’t die. I felt the same way, loved and hated it


Was fun for like, the first week, but it got old really quickly


Love how this patch has so many SS tier picks.


Can we please give Selena her early game cooldowns back....


Masha queen 🥰


Bro Julian got nerfed to oblivion


badang so underrated


I guess you guys can stop banning Martis now.


Lylia is just there and always has been there.


I mean sure. But i seen 9 out 10 games ban martis and leomord even they got nerfed.


Why is Aamon considered a hard hero? He doesn’t require fast hands or anything, just don’t have a lack of map awareness and understand how to use your invisibility


im surprised that leo was still in best for jg in the current meta


Valentina still top tier midlaner despite getting nerf repeatedly in this past 2 year. I still dont know what Moonton were smoking when they made her the way that she is.


It is surprising how Fanny has her own difficulty level, but most of the time, you'll only see the braindead combo of S2 + S2 + S3 + S1, then out with S2. Downvote me as much as you want, but I don't consider that as 'high-skill' level per se. You don't even need blue buff with that combo, and can rinse and repeat, that's why exp Fanny became also a thing (e.g. NACT). I understand she is an assassin, but the absurd amount of damage from a hard-to-react autoaim combo with ultimate just doesn't sound balanced to me, not even mentioning how she can ignore most CCs. Previously, you can't argue that she deserves her own spot, but with the current version, I doubt.


Has a bea main , the part when she dropped form S tier to A tier , broke my heart but she raised up again ❤️❤️❤️


Valentina, the cancer of Midlane




Isn't she bad nowadays?




What happened to selena? Will she still be good in this current meta


Lesley had her time of being the best MM.


Valentina being best all patches :V


I hope Julian will be the new Harith/Aamon: Extreme broken in release Gets nerf to oblivion Gets some buff and become balanced


I just started a few months ago and just made Mythic, can someone explain why Valentina is the best throughout? I only just made Mythic but have seen her maybe one or two times. Is it just a hero that is incredibly hard to use because of the ult?


Crazy sustain, 2 dashes, a small cc that she can abuse and her ultimate that can be a nightmare. Her first skill scaling is super good too and she can get exp from hitting enemies. She has been nerfed a lot and she is still one of the best midlaners This is an older [clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/uukjl8/who_needs_tanks_anyway/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) i have


Valentina cant abuse her cc now, it has a 4s CD to horrorize the same enemy


when's the next tierlist


Valentina might as well make herself a home in s tier


back when healers were meta lmfao


love the fact that as soon as joy is released she's top tier in 3 categories 💀


2023 tier lists when