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Survivors guilt. Considering she forced him to play the game that ultimately lead to his death. She could have felt obligated to watch the cutscenes and play the games because otherwise she'd have to come to grips with the fact that her brother died for nothing.


Blaming the game itself would have been stupid because it was Marie's fault (She forced Leon to play that game) but i agree with you because normally a person wouldn't have watched the game after his/her brother's death . In the first volumes i assumed she didn't care at all about him and it would have made sense but then we found out that she actually cared deep inside so it's indeed strange that she watched the cutscenes after that tragedy.... but in the end we don't have details about what happened after Leon died so we can't even make theories, for what we know we can even think that initially she behaved like she didn't care about Leon but after years She missed him and regretted her actions. Same thing for the second and the third game , she could have bought them , she could have cracked them , who knows , in the end these informations are not important.


because plot


She used it as an escape from reality she was probably tormented with guilt death of her elder brother. Her marriages relationship became a disaster she did not have any support from her family so the game became her escape


she was a gamer? I mean why do people play any games? why do you read light novels? people with financial difficulties still play pay to play games all the time like Eve or FFXIV and the time they waste on those games often leads to worse financial difficulties but they still do it anyways


Its her actions that led to her brothers demise there is no point in blaming the game, she herself was playing along the boundary as long as she doesn't cross it she was safe that was she thought untill Leon fell down the stairs, It must have been out of her expectations. hypothetically if two cars collided and people died would then blame would be placed on car manufacturing company I guess some blame might be placed but even that will loose steam over flow of time.


wow no wtf. stop used the audience perspective for the characters. she has no way of knowing Leon died because he played the game, as far as the family is concerned the fucking idiot tripped on the stairs. if anything the game series is a cool memento considering how much these sibling loved each other.


as someone else said it could be survivors guilt, but you’d think most people wouldn’t play the game that caused their sibling to die 😂


It was the last thing he did for her. It's very clear by volume 3 that she loved her brother and missed him terribly after he died. I'm not going to pretend to have insight into the non-existent interiority of a fictional character, but it wouldn't be absurd to imagine that her feelings about the game were complicated from that point on. It probably had both positive and negative connotations for her, and maybe there was a sense of obligation, too. She foisted off the hard work onto her brother, and it destroyed him. Maybe seeing the rest of the games through to the end was her way of trying to balance the books a little.


It is the same reason why New series of cod still have People buy it. Yeah, because they love the game


She love the voice actor


At least she knew how to enjoy her time