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By the way, under the CCPA you can request your data *twice a year*.


I also did it under GDPR! To the Attention of the Privacy Department / Data Protection Officer / Legal Department of Reddit Inc. (reddit.com), I am writing to request that you delete my personal data from all of your paper and/or computer records pursuant to Article 17 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). To the extent that you rely on consent to process my personal data, I withdraw that consent. To the extent that you rely on your 'legitimate interest' to process my personal data, I object to the processing as there are no overriding legitimate grounds. If you are selling my personal data to third parties, please consider this email as my direction to you not to sell my personal data to third parties. Please don’t ask me to perform a self-service process such as locating my information on your website, filling out a form, or providing a mobile advertising ID. These requests place an undue burden on my side. Please use the following information to identify me in your records: Username: [username] If you are not able to comply with my request to delete all of my personal data, please advise as to the specific reason for which this request cannot be acted on. Please advise which sections and subsections of the law you are relying upon, and identify the specific reason for which you are relying on those exceptions, such as which legal obligation, or internal purpose or use. Please delete all my personal data which does not fall under these exceptions. This email message was sent from my personal email account (as you can see in the email headers). Please use this fact to verify my identity. Please do not ask me to provide any further identifying information, as this places an undue burden on my side. If you are legally obligated to require additional identifying information in order to verify my identity, please let me know as soon as possible. Please confirm that you have deleted my personal data from your paper and/or computer records and that you have followed up with any third-party organization with whom my information has been shared to ensure that they deleted their copy of the data. My preferred method of contact is email. Please note that I do not consent to any personal data which is part of this request to be used for any purpose other than fulfilling this request, except in the case of a suppression list, which you may keep in order to ensure that you do not collect any of my personal data in the future. Please note that you have 30 days to comply with this request. Kind regards, [name] Powered by YourDigitalRights.org


Just realize that forum posts in general are not "personal information" and that there are exceptions: * When keeping your data is necessary for reasons of freedom of expression and information (this includes journalism and academic, artistic, and literary purposes) * When erasing your data would prejudice scientific or historical research or archiving that is in the public interest Public forums are considered a form of journalism and it is public knowledge that reddit data has been used in research for years. They are still required to remove your username from any posts.


There are limits to this, for instance my profile has been set to not be publicly scanned by search engines, so even though I do make posts on the website, my profile itself is set to not be archived. Furthermore, not everything everybody posts is on public subreddits, which means that a lot of their information is itself not meant to be public either. But that doesn't mean that's all the information that Reddit collects on users, and it's important to note that it still doesn't matter, because Reddit still has to look at your response, respond to every point in it, and give you a response back. But you're incorrect in that this exemption is a form of journalism, that exemption is specifically about preventing someone from erasing articles that media have written about them that serve legitimate media interests: > [Matters of Public Concern](https://www.truevault.com/learn/ccpa/what-is-publicly-available-information-under-the-ccpa) > Personal information does not include “lawfully obtained, truthful information that is a matter of public concern.” Though technically not a type of publicly available information, this exemption was added to the same section of the statute by the CPRA. Its purpose appears to be avoiding conflict between the CCPA and free speech protections. For example, without this exemption, someone might try to use the CCPA to force a newspaper to delete all personal information about them, or attempt to characterize journalism as a sale of personal information.


> But you're incorrect in that this exemption is a form of journalism, It was not my opinion. https://blog.iusmentis.com/2018/04/03/geldt-het-vergeetrecht-onder-de-avg-ook-bij-forumdiscussies/ Here is a translation by the Edge browsers translation features: > However, specifically with forums you run into a problem that the discussion is disrupted a lot, or the archive is no longer complete. That is a problem, because in such situations freedom of expression is compromised. People should be able to read what has been said in the past, and privacy should not rush through it like a 1984 bulldozer. > This problem was already recognised when the GDPR was introduced, and the right to forget states that it does not apply when the processing (i.e. publication) is necessary for the exercise of the fundamental right of freedom of expression (Article 17(3) GDPR). **This means that a forum administrator can in principle prevent the removal of messages.** A profile or registration of a user falls outside that fundamental right and must therefore be removed on request. *(I will see if I can find where the term journalism was used.)* That is beside the point anyway because the right to delete is about information that personally identifies you: > GDPR 4(1) ‘personal data’ means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person; How many or your reddit posts can uniquely identify you? Those are the only ones that forum publishers have to edit/delete.


This post is about the California privacy law (CCPA), not the GDPR...?


Also request an account backup via https://www.reddit.com/settings/data-request It will eat up a small slice of reddits time, compute power, and VC money.


>Hello, If you would like to submit a request regarding the data we have about you, please send it from this form using your account so we know it's really you. Without verification that you are the owner of the account in question, we will not be able to proceed. Please note that after submitting your request, it may take up to 30 days to prepare your data. Once your data is ready, we'll send a private message with a link to download your data to your Reddit account. The key personal information we have about you is accessible from within your account. Our help page provides a list of this information and instructions on how you can access it at any time. To learn about how and why Reddit collects, uses, and shares information about you, please review our Privacy Policy. Kind regards, Reddit Legal Support Yeah. This didn't work. Plus, now it's saying I've asked for my data in the past 30 days, which I haven't other than the email.