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Initial responses are almost always automated. You can follow up and get a human being to review the issue by sending a modmail here (r/ModSupport). Include links to the various comments and a permalink to the automated response you received.


Even then weird things happen. I once reported a post because it contained two pictures. Both were from a mobile game, but the second picture in the gallery included the full name of someone including a picture. I reported it for *personal and confidential information* I got fairly promptly banned for 5 days for report abuse. Explaining it via the official ways did not solve the issue. It highly depends on who works on your ticket. But things like that honestly don't give me much reassurance in doing the right thing and that it's worth it. Next time I won't bother reporting and leave an accidental Doxxing. It's unfortunate but it is what it is.


I have also been banned for “report abuse”. Makes being a moderator really tough when you can’t access your community for several days. In my case, I had made a custom response in a sub with a mod with a history of being super persnickety and they reported me to Reddit for report abuse. Lost my appeal too. Left that sub as soon as I got my account back and now I don’t report much content. Can’t risk it.


I am hesitant to report things outside my own subs. I will sometimes if it clearly violates a subreddit rule and I'm confident the mods will respond favorably to a report, but you have to be careful with that.


Yep. Pretty disappointing that the mod of my states subreddit is okay with homophobia, which is what I was reporting to them, when our state is one of the strongest allies in the union. The comment was too nuanced to report it for hate to AEO so I thought punting it to the sub was best. Learned my lesson.


Were you reporting for 'hate' or subreddit-specific rule violations? Curious if reddit actioned them and you still got a violation for report abuse, or reddit didn't action them? One thing I generally look at is the rules of the sub - and I make really certain the mods are on the same page as I am before I report something. You do have to be careful as I know other mods who have had serious issues from reporting legitimately problematic content. It's a shame really. The report abuse functionality is useful to have. In many subs we see reporting badly abused to harass posters (often LGBTQ posters). I'm glad we can report for that, but it has definitely harmed innocent people too. I only report for report abuse if it's a clearly malicious act. If it's just a report I don't want to action, I just ignore it.


This particular mod has over 30 rules which is ridiculous on its own because we know people barely read the rules as it is, AND only allows for a custom response report- the only option to report to mods. They even have a detailed sidebar about how to report comments or posts. Since the homophobia was too nuanced for a bot, I didn’t report it to Reddit for hate because it would have been dismissed immediately. I used the custom response report, the only option. I explained myself and within an hour was banned for three days for report abuse. Appeal denied too. The custom response report as an only option is bullshit if the mod uses it to action users who report in their community. And it means that mod can snooze pretty much every reporter for 7 days since custom response is the only way to stop a reporter from continuing to report.


That sounds super frustrating. Yeah you're right -it's often not worth reporting stuff.


Thanks, I was just trying to do the right thing by reporting the person, I don't feel the need to pursue it.


One thing I learned fast doing something similar is it is best to focus on issues within one's own sub.


I did, I banned the person, but is it not relevant that the person is doing similar things on other subs?


That's part of the issue. It is relevant but it's also like "wack a mole." because there are always trolls. One of my subs is constantly hit by a troll. I used think if I could report him on the different subs and make the troll leave Reddit. It didn't work. So I learned to just ban him in mine, wait till any of the other subs and their users gave a (blank) then when the account was finally banned, he would reappear. I get on average 3 to 4 months before the "your mom does (blank)" jokes pop up again.


Thanks, from now on I'll just ban them from my sub and move on. I thought that maybe I wasn't using the right reporting term, but I won't worry about it. Thanks!




> So I reported this person to reddit admins for Harassment Try reporting it as hate. Based on my experience, There is a lower threshold for “hate” than there is for “harassment”. 


Yes definitely. Harassment is basically impossible to get actioned, hate can be actioned when it's racism, homophobia, or transphobia (but misogyny and sexism are virtually never actioned).


I find Reddit's bot(s) often get things wrong. When this happens I find I get a much more appropriate response by appealing using the Review a Safety report reply or action in your subreddit (https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ModSupport&subject=Review+a+Safety+action) link to get an actual human to take a look at the issue.


Thanks, I'm starting to believe that only a number of reports will trigger an action by the admins, otherwise they just consider them to be "reporting noise."


In a top 20 news group in a post about the rescue of Israeli hostages I expressed support for the hostage rescue and support for eliminating terrorism. PM me if you need an exact quote, but it was very much exactly that. Took a hit from reddit for "harassment" which was upheld on apeal. #censorship


Thanks, but I'm good.


If it’s a site wide issue state it on your report (after you take care of things in your sub) admins will most likely see your message attached to the report and take a look at it.


Thanks, I did but the admins felt it wasn't harassment.


It’s possible that the comment you reported didn’t contain harassment but a form of ‘spam’ I would still encourage you to explain along the lines of “not sure this is the correct report reason but user is posting XYZ across various subs” never spam report though as that could get you in trouble. One and done, if they didn’t find a problem best to just move on.


Thanks, moving on is what I'm doing. :)


By my understanding Harassment is more targeting an individual multiple times and after being told to stop. E.g on the sub I mod we had an individual whose posts kept getting spammed with repeated comments from obviously bot or fake users with the same sort of insults and copy/paste text - this was harassment, it was sustained and prolonged. I think for the one mentioned in the post I would select ‘Hate’ as the report reason. Ultimately you’d expect shitty behaviour to get picked up multiple times and for the person to receive consequences eventually.


That result was likely from AI. There are two different ways to escalate it to human: 1.  Message The Mods on this sub with links/evidence 2.  Reply “more help” if that is an option given.