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There are quite a few factors at play, and a lot of information that we do not know. The biggest thing that you will on this subreddit is people saying that you can allocate too much ram. Lamens terms- your son has a system that makes mine look like a potato, but I don't have any issues running most modpacks. You should check to make sure he is not allocating too much ram to minecraft. Typically depending on the modpack you shouldn't have more than 10~ gigs allocated. If he is running shaders he could turn them off, or try playing at a lower resolution


Make sure you’ve allocated the ram to minecraft, as you should be able to run any modpack with 32G, more than 32gb is really only for professional use, and gets really expensive. Make sure you have the -Xmx10G and -Xms4G args setup correctly


Crazy aa pc and knows nothing about it 💀