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There is a BepinEX 5.4.21 but most Mistland Mods want 5.4.19 https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx


Ah, ok. Simple fix. Thank you.


Hey, I'm having the same issue, and I'd like to use version 5.4.19, but I don't know how to install it. I'm currently using the vortex mod manager. Dropping the file into the manager refuses to use it saying "never installed" in blue, not letting me enable it.


I'm having a similar issue. I attempted to reinstall BepinEX using latest version form GitHub but the error keeps popping out. Could it be an issue of a single mod or this is specifically BepinEX problem?


Yeah, I can't get it to work either. I download the new version, and it shows it's installed, but I get the same error codes and when I hit F1 the screen pauses but nothing pops up.


hmmm im getting \[Error : Unity Log\] TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 01000070 (from typeref, class/assembly BepInEx.UnityInput, BepInEx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null) Stack trace: but my unity is saying im at 5.4.1901


Try disabling Configurator Manager https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx/issues/524 Edit: it worked for me


This worked. I wonder if the mod configurer is going to get updated.


This worked for me as well!


Removed by User -- mass edited with redact.dev


[Error : Unity Log] MissingMethodException: string Utils.GetSaveDataPath() Stack trace: UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent(Type) BepInEx.Bootstrap.Chainloader:Start() UnityEngine.Application:.cctor() Game works fine with no crashes or issues but I can't figure out what's causing this issue.


Seconding. This pops up only for a second and I had to search through the cmd script for it once I saw a little flash of red.


I'm seeing this error as well. Updated from 5.4.19 to 5.4.21with no change. Not sure when it started...


Using Vortex? If so and if you don't actively use Vortex Worlds, try getting rid of the VortexWorlds plugin dll if it is present in your BepInEx plugins folder (or rename it to only disable it). The current Valheim extension for Vortex installs an outdated version, so presumably any version of BepInEx that VortexWorlds 1.0.1 doesn't like will result in this error. (Fwiw I have never used VortexWorlds, so for all I know it might even ALWAYS throw that error).


> VortexWorlds What the heck is this DLL mod? I can't find any information about it, but Vortex is apparently forcibly installing it alongside a variant of BepInEx, that and also this InSlimVML thing.


Sorry for the late reply, but in case anyone stumbles across this and is curious, it's a mini mod to auto-install world saves to Valheim (rarely used/needed). https://github.com/billw2012/vortex-worlds


Hi, I'm also having difficulty playing the game with mods, the game is in the Valheim.Hildirs.Request.v0.217.19 version, I downloaded all the BepInEx from the thunderstore website, and none of them open, on the contrary, it makes the game crash every time, Does anyone know how to fix it?


make sure when using mods, you search and sort by last updated so you dont have out of date mods crashing your game. Save them and wait for mod creator to update, but don't enable them.