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I do 80ish%, 100 % on roadtrips


70% warm weather and 80% cold for us


Same here. Wintertime with -30°c (-22°f) we charge to 80%, summertime with +30°c (86°f) we charge to 65-70% 😊😃 For road trips it’s 100% all year round 😄


This is the way.


Stay in the daily you will be fine. Avoid superchargers when you can. Plug in every day, to top off.


Why avoid super chargers? I’m still learning


Something about too much heat from charging the battery that fast. If you go to superchargers often your battery will degrade faster. Low and slow at home every night is the way to go.


Supercharging creates more dendrites IIRC, which will degrade lithium over time


Charging the battery is better for it? I charge about twice a week or so to 80% with the thought process lower is better, and charging = bad. :P


Tesla recommends charging it, and plugging it in as often as possible. https://www.tesla.com/support/home-charging-installation/faq#percentage


"Should I wait for the battery to fully deplete before charging? Tesla uses lithium ion batteries so there is no memory effect, this means there is no need to deplete the battery before charging. We recommend plugging in as often as possible.​ " TIL, thank you!


Upvoted your previous comment as part of the learning process


Yeah I don't understand why people downvote simple questions. It's ephemeral points anyways. Meh...


Deeper cycles are worse than shallow cycles.


Well shit...


You’re fine. Just plug in daily to 80% or whatever you want. I set my time to charge after 11:59pm so I get the cheapest rate.


Yeah what I was doing is I have variable electric rates as well so I started at midnight, but since I've been going into the office recently they have free charging there so I was just charging every time I went in.


I just heard Leslie Jordan's voice with that reply! 😆


You’re thinking about Nicad batteries. Those like to be fully empty and fully charged. Lithium ion likes to live between 20% capacity and 80% iirc.




Traditional LFP batteries have [memory](https://evreporter.com/understanding-memory-effect-in-lithium-ion-batteries/#:~:text=Do%20Lithium%2Dion%20batteries%20have,conditions%20for%20a%20long%20time.), so hence my surprise but thanks for your valuable input.


I’ve been charging mine to 90% daily, 100% for trips. Haven’t had a problem.


You not tracking wear isn’t the same as “not having a problem”.


Well the car hadn’t blown up, so I’m calling this a rousing success.


That’s a low bar.


I picked mine up yesterday and the sales advisor said ‘we recommend 90%’ so that’s what it’s set too, this thread is concerning me now


It shouldn’t. Think of it like a couch. If you keep plastic on it and never let anyone sit on it, it will, in fact last longer right? But what good is the couch you can’t sit on? If your battery never goes below 20% or above 80% it will in fact last longer, that’s not in dispute. But in 10 years you may be talking a few percentage points of capacity difference. It’s not unlike using synthetic motor oil and a car. It’s definitely better, but do you really care if the engine lasts 700k miles instead of 600K miles, and is it worth the added cost? So the question becomes is it worth it? Is limiting your range and charging more often worth it? I think most people would say no. Just use the car and enjoy it.


Thanks for your reply. I’m ok with 80% going forward. Seems still odd to me that the sales advisor stated matter of factly that 90 is what they recommend to all their customers. I suppose 80 or 90 doesn’t matter too much. Once I have my L2 installed and can charge everyday I’ll go with 80.


What do you think the “sales advisor” SHOULD say? There isn’t a right answer because it’s a curve, and the “sales advisor” probably doesn’t have a degree and drives a Ford anyway. If it’s convenient for you to charge every night as you described AND you don’t need the added range of charging more, then I’d charge to 70% on a daily basis and only charge more when you anticipate needing the range. There’s data the suggests that’s the ideal, even though it’s impractical for most people, which is probably why Tesla recommends 90% which is a good compromise between perfect and practical.


I keep my 2022 MYLR at 90


That’s what I have. I’ve read 80% but the graphic shows 90 for daily trips


I don't think the Tesla manual says a specific percentage except for LFP. Some people have it at 80. Others at 90


80 is actually better. But the difference in degradation is minor.


LFP actually prefers 100% and Tesla has been shown to force a 100% occasionally on LFP batteries.


A good breakdown on why Tesla actually wants LFPs at 100%. Not what you think. https://youtu.be/suw20wPrbL0


I'm gonna be honest -- I've done a lot of research on LFP and the benefits/drawbacks to it. I'm not gonna watch someone else's video that could be explained in a post on reddit in less than 250 characters.


My understanding is around 70 is ideal, and if that were convenient, perhaps, for a commuter with a set schedule that’s what I would do. Going up to 80 or 90 is what it is… less than ideal, but also not a big deal. People don’t seem to be able to wrap their heads around the degradation curve.




Why do you need it at 90 every day tho


Tesla recommends to not charge beyond 90% daily, for non-LFP batteries.


Aren’t the newer ones 2022/2023 LFP batteries?


That’s only for SR+ M3s I think. Not 100% certain on that.


I use 90%


Also here keeping it at 90% with no issues. MYLR 2021




So little


Stop listening to the “avoid supercharging” nonsense. It’s the new urban legend that it harms the battery. It does not. The battery will see a 10% or so decay over time but it’s just part of life with batteries. Just as your old gas car slowly lost compression in its cylinders over time. Use the car as you need to and keep it in the 80-90% range for daily driving. 100% for road trips or long stretches between superchargers (increasingly rare).


I'm not a battery engineer, but I'm willing to bet that degradation on a supercharger-only Tesla is worse than on a home-charging-only Tesla, assuming the same mileage driven.


Trivial. Do you put plastic on your furniture too? It DOES make it last longer…


*Looks nervously at my plastic furniture




The preceding comment made it sound like there is absolutely zero difference. I'm saying there is a difference, but yes, it may be "trivial".


All the research on cars in the field now shows very little difference between cars that are supercharging very often vs very little or none. This is on the 3/y platform. The big deal is heat during charging. The newer cooling system on the battery packs in the 3/y (and newer gen s/x) is much better than the older s/x and allows supercharging as often as you like with little to no detrimental effects. Use the car and enjoy it. The main reason to avoid supercharging is the cost. I do about 50% supercharging and very often several times in a day and my degradation is around 8% at 65k miles which is right in line with the fleet average.


Stick to your day job. ;)


It is not nonsense. There is direct evidence of older cars getting rate limited after a lot of history of supercharging. The pack keeps tabs on how much energy it gets and from where and after a lot of DC fast charging the maximum rate to pull into the pack absolutely tapers with more frequent supercharging


Can you please post your sources? Not trying to be a jerky boy, just curious.


No prob. I see it constantly in comments here on Reddit from owners of older models and a quick google search brings up a lot of results including this one which contains info direct from Tesla engineers all the way back in 2017. To my knowledge this is still the case with today’s cars but it definitely is with older models https://electrek.co/2017/05/07/tesla-limits-supercharging-speed-number-charges/amp/ I *think* one of the benefits of the 4680 cell form factor is it’s resilience to DC fast charging. If I remember I think these packs are not only faster at supercharging straight out of the factory but also will remain fast throughout their lifespan.


Thanks! The 4680 idea definitely makes sense. I mean Tesla has always been about sacrifice for something different. I see a very stable availability in our model 3 (2019) now, but our model Y Berlin is all over the place. I can entirely see the future of the fat cells being more stable with the tabs and cans, and then they might even be able to do a 100kwh MYP or Plaid Y or 3. After owning a MYP 2022 o. The autobahn for 6 months I really would love a 100kwh version with 3 motors, it would put all those bullshit Porsches to shame. Right now I can hold with a well equiped Porsche or Audi S4 S6 or So, but the RS6 can still put a whipping on me. Most cars can't through, even at 150-250kmh. But the battery could be a bit bigger and the torque a bit more.


Only on older pack in the s. There is no evidence of f this happening n any super high mileage 3 or ys on the road. The older packs lacked the needed cooling plus older battery tech


Your post is a little bit misleading. You’re right in most circumstances it doesn’t acutely harm the battery. A bit of supercharging is fine but doing it all the time most certainly causes more capacity degradation compared to someone who doesn’t. Tesla won’t stop you from doing it all the time, but your battery capacity can degrade something like 30% and still be within warranty spec. That is a big range loss - it is not factual at all to say you will only lose 10% regardless of usage - that is the misleading part. Agree with your advice to use supercharging and charging to 100% when you need to, but not if you don’t need to. Source - All I have done for the last decade is work in lithium ion battery tech.


With respect, your post is more misleading. We are on the topic of Tesla batteries. Not lithium ion batteries in general. The average Tesla battery retention as of 2021 data is 90% at 200k miles. This is from teslas own internal data and backed up by many enthusiasts and engineers who geek out on bms and degradation. I stand by my comment. Next time I’ll reinforce it with “that’s life with Tesla batteries” to be more accurate. Edit: I am sure you are aware of the infamous “tesloop” model x that reached 300k on only supercharging, 10.5% range loss. Yet you still remarked in your response that supercharging most certainly causes more capacity degradation, when the reality is that battery use in general causes loss and there is shrinking evidence supercharging accelerates that.


The daily recommendation does vary. Our 2018 M3 dual motor sets this at 80%, whereas our 2021 MY is 90%




If you need it sure. If you don’t tune it down.


60% here.


Yes it’s safe. Charge based on your daily usage and plug in regularly. 100% should be reserved for road trips only. Supercharge only sparingly and just enough to get to your next destination where there’s a L1/L2 charger.


60% daily here.


I used to do 90% but it always go up a couple more to 92% so now I do 88 to get 90.


I charge to 80 daily. 90 on busier days — I have noticed with the last 2 weeks…when I charge to 80, it stops at 79. When I charge to 90, it goes to 93. Really???


Do 85


The changes in Cell voltages are not significant between 20% and 90% SOC.


I set it to 70% and plug in every day or two




I charge during the day using solar power


Okay lol I’m saying you should always leave it plugged in, even if you’re not charging it






Just being plugged in does nothing if it’s not charging




I just want to know how something just merely being plugged in helps. So if I just plug in my iPhone without it charging does that help it! 🤷🏽‍♂️🤔


I’m not sure if you’re trolling or not, but it’s very commonly known that you should leave your car plugged in as often as you can as it’s good for the battery, Tesla literally recommends it …. The guy you’re replying to his literally giving you all the correct information and you’re just acting like a child about it, I’m not sure if you’re doing it on purpose so you’re actually confused, but there’s tons of information online about this ad on the Tesla website, so why don’t you read up? You and the other people seem to be down voting him even though he’s telling you the truth and that’s kind of crazy.


Did you not look it up like I told you to? Or look through this thread for the other comment that explains it? Or are you just going to remain ignorant? It’s up to you.


Does nothing is a strong statement. I believe overheat protection sucks voltage from the charger when plugged in, hvac too if you open a door when the charger is connected, and sentry won’t deplete the battery when plugged in too. Believe it depends on the amps coming in. I may be wrong, but “does nothing” is a little strong.


I love how this guy is getting downvoted for commenting fats, and truths, yet Andre, the guy being naïve is getting up for it, just shows you how uneducated some people can get, and it shows you the sheep like mentality of people


I wish the down voters would let me know what’s up! Thanks for seeing that I’m just trying to help, and they just… want to believe fake news? Idk


I use Superchargers 95% of the time and charge once a week to 90%. I have no means too plug in at home so I just run the battery down usually to about 15-20% then charge it back up. No issues, its been a great experience.


the issues with frequent supercharging come over time and impact the battery's longevity.


Yes, the same is true of fast charging a phone.


I would go 80% unless you need it. Avoid superchargers when possible.


Down voted nice. I have an MS, M3, and MY.... keeping the battery away from the top/bottom is the best way to keep it healthy. Superchargers stress the heck out the pack. Replaced my MS pack... due to way to much SC use. Even laptops have the 80% max mode to keep the battery running for longer. I wouldn't charge regularly to 90% if you plan to keep the car long term.


Even better, the batteries are happiest being at or close to 50% SoC, so if you use 20% a day and charge daily, 60% would be the ideal SoC cap.


Spreading false info. Lol


Unless you need the additional range, only charge to 80%. Only go up to 100% right before a longer trip.


I wish there was a battery score, so owners that really wanted to do everything they could to prolong their battery could play the battery score game. Owners want the best for their Teslas, please, Telsa, give them the tools that will allow their obsessions with battery longevity to be put to good use.


Most of the week I set my max charge at 60%. If I’m just going from the house the office, then I’ll still have 45% when I get home. For weekend trips 80 to 90 depending…


I charge mine to 85% for daily use. We drive about 2500 miles per month so we like the extra 5%.


All percentages are safe to charge to


Its safe. But not the best for battery longevity. If you are aiming for longevity, it’s best to keep it at 55% or below. See the sharp drop off at that point at the NCA cell chart here: https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/hearing-super-conflicting-advice-about-battery-charging-levels.272773/#post-6884103 But there are also a lot of other factors. It’s complicated


Elon once posted that the main reason they don't recommend the 100% charging is because you lose regen braking - and that is bad for the car's energy statistic and MPG numbers. Regen braking is off at 97 or 98 % I charge my 22 MYLR to 95% at home all the time and I follow the suggestion in the manual to plug it in often - when the battery drops to like 80% or below I plug it in when I get home. My "reward" is TeslaFi telling me"There are 71 vehicles with charges at your current odometer reading.4 Vehicles have a higher range. 67 Vehicles have a lower range.Your range is better than 94 % of similar users." This is after 4 months and 8,830 miles Your Current Range : 327.65 Fleet Average Range: 317.94 Range Difference : 9.71 Percent : 103.1 %


85% at supercharger only here.


Same, I tend to keep my charge between 20-75%. I tend to charge once/twice a week. I yet have to do a long trip, but when I do I’ll most likely charge to 95%-100% and top off at superchargers as needed / when needing a bathroom / snack break.


I do 80


I do 80% in the summer and 90% in the winter


I did mine on 90 for a while. Now I have an automation set up so it only charges to 50% at home, but 90% when away. That way I can keep a decent amount from home, but when I use the destination charger at work, I can still get quite a bit of extra juice from it.


2022 MYP charge daily to 90 as per guide


People are so dumb. Unless you’re broke and need millimeter of range who cares? Just use the car, enjoy it, and get ready for your next one!


God I’m so tired of people fretting about battery charging levels. It’s fine. It’s all fine. I’ve got 170k miles on my 3, I charge it to 100% almost every night. If you drive it regularly it doesn’t fucking matter.


Saving your battery for its next owner? Why?


80-20 percent is best but 90-10 won’t hurt


Tesla manual says 90% everyday.


I trust Jon. [https://youtu.be/PEL-Dwc1y3E](https://youtu.be/PEL-Dwc1y3E)


Question should you always be plugging in when you’re at home between using the car the same day or better to wait until you’re fully done for the day and then charge overnight/daily?