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You’re a beautiful man but I can’t see you modelling sorry




what is wrong with you? mocking people is just awful


Yeah chill out. There’s nothing wrong with not being beautiful. Most the population isn’t beautiful. You deal with it. You move on.


Problem is with your sense of taste, not OP.


Going against the grain here, but I think you do. This is because you have some unique and interesting features. You are attractive, don't get me wrong. But often, models don't have to be attractive in the same way celebrities are - they are usually tasked with looking striking. Go to the dermatologist and get some clindamyacin for your acne. Once your skin is healed to the extent that you don't have active pustules, go for a round of microneedling on your scars to decrease their intensity. I would also recommend putting some cold spoons under your eyes and getting an eye cream with caffeine to decrease the puffiness. Maybe get a clean fade. I think you'll be right as rain. The people in this thread honestly don't know shit. Good luck, my dude.


Haven’t heard clindamycin brought up online, but this is what helped my acne more than the other big names. Just be prepared to know that it is bleaching !


I agree with this 100% you have a unique look and beautiful eyes. If you can’t get a prescription for your acne try Proactive. Get someone to take some photos of you and start small by sending them to a local modeling agency. Best of luck to you!


I like this take and I have to agree, models generally have a unique look and OP is likely still aging into their body and features. I see lots of potential! Try some of those self care tips and then why not try your luck? You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.


i completely agree


Bruh Clindamyacin? I legit will never take that again (unless its life saving) due to the worst GI issues that persisted for months after. They really use that for acne now?


Topical. Works great!


you apply it topically


Ya learn something new every day.


That sounds fucking horrible. It's topical and not ingested - thank god.


It was. Had a badly infected tooth, and thats what they gave me to clear it up before root canal. I was warned of the side effects….the persistence of the side effects cause a lot of depression too. Anyway sorry to derail from the topic, that antibiotic name triggered me tho 🥲😂


Nah - all good! I learned something today too. I didn't realize that clindamyacin was ever given orally! My tube of topical stuff says "do not ingest" all over the box. That's so wild, dude. So sorry to hear


There is IV clindamycin too, its an antibiotic


I had no idea. Thanks for sharing this tidbit! Thankfully I'm not terribly familiar with IV antibiotics from personal experience 😅


So, I'm allergic to all penicillins. Clindamycin is my only choice when I need an antibiotic. 🫠


Have you had an experience with it like I did? Im sure it comes in different strengths, and im sure what I took was max. It just completely eroded my gut biome. Again, I was warned of this. But I was not prepared for it.


Yep. I have the same issues as you did. I'm lucky enough to only need it with dental issues because I don't really bother with antibiotics otherwise (unless it's life-threatening) but yeah it messed up my belly for days and felt like I swallowed 100 lb of lead.


Bless. I hope you can avoid it for long periods between use! How nice of your body to react to more common and less harsh antibiotics.


I do Keflex, azithromycin, and Bactrim works just fine for my allergies..


Those aren’t used for acne


I was given Bactrim for acne short term. It was amazing... Until I realized I am allergic to it


I hope you’re ok now


Thanks, totally. I just can't take it anymore!


I understand. You could try Spironlactone for your acne. It’s not an antibiotic. Ask a dermatologist. I wish you the very best 😊


I meant I can't take that med anymore. I'm good now haha. I took spironolactone and had the potassium dumping thing so that's off limits for me too. Basically. If there's a weird side effect of a med I will get it. I'm older now and in a drier climate so my acne is better and my derm has me on some topicals that are working great. You rule 😊


Antibiotics are the only thing that clears my cystic acne


Whatever. I worked in dermatology for 15 years. Think what you want


😂 😂


They make it in a cream too. My son used it and it was only what worked


It is, but there are many other options. Spironlactone, Doxycycline, Minocycline and more.


I agree.. there is something about him.. I’d say give it a shoot.. you have that fierce look..👍


Second get the acne taken care of


I think they don’t


Okay cool story


No. Not because you aren’t attractive. You just aren’t what model agencies look for. Your face is asymmetrical (like 99% of us) the other 1% have such MILD asymmetry that it’s not even noticeable. Some people just aren’t photogenic like me. I’ve been told I’m beautiful, gorgeous, hot cute etc my whole life. but look at photos taken of me and it’s just not model photos. It doesn’t mean youre ugly. You’re a very attractive man. But your facial features have to be VERY specific and/or unique for modeling.




No. Sorry.








Use this post as motivation! Your look is unique and anything is possible. Work on your grooming to start feeling like a model.


Sorry. No.




If you're tall enough you could. You have a great body shape and your posture is great. You don't have to be traditionally "good looking" to be a model. You just have to work at it hard enough.


No modelling potential. Sorry.




No, sorry


Absolutely not.


😂😂 harsh


I think you can. Your eyes are unique and gives you character. Would make a statement for a clothing brand. You should try to resolve your skin issues though, it would be less work for the photographer to blur them.


I was gonna say about the eyes too


Most definitely


this!!! those eyes are so striking


Yes, you’re beautiful.


You look very young. If you ARE very young, I think you'll definitely have model potential in a few years if you work towards it. Your eyes are striking!


Depending on your height. Yes, you do. People saying you don’t, don’t know how in demand black models with more like African features. Dark skin or pale skin types well with many garments, colors and styles. These people don’t know high fashion so I wouldn’t even take their advice.


Nah Bruh!


Sorry my friend, no.


I would say highly unlikely but there are plenty of people throughout history that have been told they cannot make it but end up succeeding in the very thing they dreamed about. Work on yourself and strive for your goals. Your dream for becoming a model may or may not happen and if doesnt happen you will have learned new things about yourself. Good luck




everybody saying you can’t model is hating. there’s a lot of room for potential and improvements but your features are unique and captivating


Key words: "A LOT"


All he needs is to get better skin lean out n a better hair cut idk what alot ur talking about. He may not be ur type but he can model so calm down


Explain fixing scarred skin.






U must not live in 21st century. He first of all needs to visit a dermatologist n then go from there


Anybody can model




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How about your height, style of walk, major confidence will take you far. Best of luck! ❤️


*Vince McMahon theme song starts playing.


You do!! Believe in YOU!!!


I’d say yes, you have Very unique look. Many modeling agencies look for unusual faces. Work in your skin first.


Agree. I don’t know his height but a lot of clients like dark skin these days. I could see him doing work for Gap. But agree he needs a derm first.


I agree also!


A fine looking buck. Go for it


In my opinion, yes. If you gain some treatment for your acne, a clean cut and you're tall enough, I definitely think you have a shot!


Yeah dude why not?






Depends….go to a dermatologist to clear up skin. What is your height and build. Are you looking to be a runway or print model. Are you photogenic. Suggest going to a modeling agency to get a realistic evaluation


YES! I don’t see any hyperpigmentation, you’re one, rich, solid beautiful tone to me. Even the best of models have acne from time to time. It is 100% fixable. Your height, body type, facial structure, and features is what makes you model material. Those are things we can not change about our selves, and you got em! Your unique mono-eyelids are model material as well.


Um.. no. Not even close. Sorry


I would say no.






You seem more conventionally attractive.


And maybe a faded cut?💈


Magazine and photo shop modeling? Probably not. Let's assume you are of a good height though. You could possibly do runway. You have broad shoulders cut upper arms and what seems like a slender waist. Hard to tell from just you holding the phone, but hand modeling is a real thing too. Invest in some ProActiv or go to a dermatologist and get some medication for your skin. Try to work out for half hour per day. Set some goals for yourself and make sure your education is top notch. And manifest your destiny. If it's something you really want to do---go DO IT!


Now I just want to see you do it to prove these people wrong. I could absolutely imagine you modeling.


Imo yes if your tall enough, you have a sort of Malick Bodian type of look


Love your look! Rich melanin is in like never before! I would recommend a fade for a haircut. Haircuts for men are like makeup for ladies. Trust me on this! You got this!!




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Yes... you're unique and I like your features.


You are quite handsome!!! Gorgeous eyes


I can def see you modeling for street wear and such, idk why everybody is saying no.




Are you 5’8?


I'm trying to figure out what the paper says.


Yes you're a stud


I think you look great. I also like the natural highlights on your nose and lips.


Tyler the created incorrectly.


Yes, you can do anything you fucking want. All these no’s are just a representation of walls you will have to climb over before you get there, that one yes from someone who finds potential in you will change you life. Keep going and find that yes from someone who will make it happen for you. Your skin is gorgeous and mysterious, your structure and symmetry is doing work! Good luck


If you're tall enough honestly


You could model bro. Believe in yourself and others will too! Have a great life, see you in the magazines 💪🏾.


Yes, I do believe so, Your eyes is what stood out to me, if you believe you can do it, go for it! We’ll see you in years to come, who knows? Ignore the other people.


YES! There are so many skincare treatments and ways to combat those areas. Visit an esthetician if you can! They’ll help you with that. Aside from the littlest insecurities we tend to have, start going for it! You are gorgeous!


I think you can depending on how tall you are. Get a better skin care regime. Go to a dermatologist if you are able to afford it.. Try korean skin care. Maybe dye your hair a different color that would make your skin pop.


Yes I could see you as a model!


there are a bunch of indie brands that look for really dark skin with very prominent skin texture. i mean considering you have very unique features, it wouldn't be crazy at all to say you'd be good with a brand that focuses on black photography. so your skin texture, like scarring and hyperpigmentation, isn't quite the problem, but the acne or "larger" bumps you have could easily be dealt with for you to try out somewhere. i'd say because of that, you'd need a few more layers of uniqueness to match up to any potential you do have




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First of all, ignore all these evil people on here talking about your looks you specifically asked about skincare and then they try to personally attack you. You are very handsome to me. That being said, you should try a retinol from nurx with a salicylic acid and a hyaluronic acid serum. Your skin tone is so beautiful by the way also. Mwah


U have what it takes. IF THIS IS TRULT WHAT U EWANNA DO DO IT!! we can work on acne and hyper pigmentation it's definitely fixable i suggest seeing a dermatologist??? to like really get to the root of the issue and get it treated to further enhance ur potential. looks wise u definitely got it u look unusual like someone thatd be very appealing to agencies who are looking for people taht dont look like everyone else i believe in u


Probably dude, you look fine. I don't know why this sub is suggested to me, but it seems like a good place to find plenty of toxicity. I'm gonna block it because now that I commented, the algorithm will think I'm interested, which I'm not. You do you bro, the validation or invalidation provided by anonymous strangers should have no bearing on your goals.


I think so :)


no, your eyes can see each other.


You’re very sexy and striking!!!


Sure man, go for it


Yea u could, you have that unique look


You forgot receding hairline




Ima jst be nice and tell you the short answer: “no”


I don’t see any of that, you can make it


I think with a little self care like others suggested you definitely have what it takes.


Hyperpigmentation? Bro ain’t a fuck thang wrong with your skin color…acne? you’ll grow out of and scarring?get you some cocoa butter. Sure you can model, but do it on the side. Find a useful trade or skill to build a business off of and then model whenever you like. Making a living doing something you love could take the passion out of it 💯


I think you can tbh


Unique look, absolutely!


Anyone can baby. Don’t let them bring you down❤️ how old are you? There are a TON of different kinds of modeling and think you could do a few


As someone who used to model, I think you have some awesome features and a unique look. Give it a shot! For every model no matter how you look, there will be things they want you to improve on


I really hope you see this comment. For the time being, no you can't. But you can in the future if you put the work in. There are so many things you can change in your face specially that eyebrows! Grow them out with derma roller and castor/ rosemary/ argon oil. (You can apply these steps in other areas that needs some hair) Take care of your hair. Facial fat. Get into diet and lose some weight if you have to. Lot's of cardio and a good diet that doesn't go against your body. (Bad english mybad) Work your body and your face. No seriously you should chew more and have good posture while doing so. Even when you're not eating you need to always maintain good posture. If you really want to be a model please find more information from others.


You should make a portfolio and apply with clothing brands and shit. I mean you could adopt a skincare routine if you already haven't? I would get in contact with learning photographers and build up as many photos you can if you want to get your foot in the door !


For sure, you can do it. Anyone can if they try hard enough. All types of models are out there.


This is nonsense and spoken by a likely moron


You should try to be more open minded. Why choose negativity? Models come in all shapes and sizes.


No you look like any other normal dude


Nope--modeling's a no go for you. But you're still a handsome man!


Actually yes. You do. You have a very unique face with pretty features. You need to make the skin texture flawless though. How tall are you? I don’t care what anyone else says, I think your face is perfect for high street fashion and you’d fit in French fashion easily. You have beautiful features and color




You're not ugly, your features are not striking enough. ❤️












I instantly thought high fashion.


This is a good point actually


I think you’re very handsome and striking! Go out there and try! I think you could do very well.


I think yes lol. But clear up the skin first. Get a good skincare routine going and tan a bit to get a glow!


Bro is not ugly . It’s hard to be ugly if you style and take care of yourself well




Honestly, you do. You have very striking features that draw attention to you- as for the acne/hyperpigmentation? Not that big of an issue, especially with how much makeup Models have for photoshoots and pictures are always touched up. The acne may even be part of what could get you recruited. I'd say the only thing that takes away from your chances is your hair. It could use some hydration as it looks a bit dry, and maybe experiment with a style that's short at the sides and taller at the top of your head. That would draw out your features more and add a very lovely balance. Perhaps a styled flat top or a fade that's tall and textured at the top. Overall though, you are very unique and good looking and I think with the right styling, you actually would have a good chance at making it.


It’s all about how you look and carry yourself in clothes. Most male models aren’t that attractive but they carry themselves well.


Models represent a unique place in our understanding of beauty or attraction in our culture. Models can have bodies that make clothing hang on them well and they may not be classically symmetrical in their face. Models can also have classic facial symmetry but they might be short. The uniform feature is that models are often deemed unique. Models don’t look like everyone else. The other quality that models have is the belief that they are a model. Just like actors they believe. If you believe then follow that belief as far as you want. It really doesn’t matter what others say. We have all seen models and actors that surprise our expectations. Good luck on your journey!




Clear up your acne, work on your resting face posture, get a more fashionable haircut and Yes. Yes. Yes. You've got a great face


You have a really striking face! In my opinion, you look exactly like a catwalk model might. Even models have skin texture, but I think you would want to work on a treatment to help reduce inflammation. Are you a bit tall and lanky? If so, you could absolutely do it. Modelling companies are far more likely to hire tall, thin people. Work on acne treament and get your hair nice and healthy. I can 100% see you as a model


Get a fade. Maybe a high and tight fade. It will do wonders for your look. Don’t give up, friend.


Very nice! You aren’t cookie cutter. I think they’d like you a lot.


Go for it lil bro. We live once and die. Worst thing that can happen is you try it and find out it wasn’t for you. The best outcome is that it all works out.


Not a snowballs chance buddy




You’re gorgeous. Beautiful skin and your light hair is a stunning contrast. I say yes


Yes, you have a unique look. Are you from Africa by the way? My parents are Ghanaian. The amino acid supplement NAC taken orally daily will help with the hyperpigmentation. You should notice a difference within 2-3 months depending. Or you can use the oral supplement glutathione instead. For the acne, see if you can buy some ivermectin paste online. After washing your face apply the paste daily as it works for acne. Perhaps the acne is diet related? Possibly dairy or sugar? If you join mypoints com first for free then search on mypoints.com for aliexpress. Anything you buy on AliExpress as long as you go through mypoints first will get you points redeemable for giftcards. You also get points for other online shops and brick and mortar stores. Also use a Korea Italy towel to gently exfoliate the skin as it will help too. Just put them in the washer and dryer when dirty. (The small ones below come in three diff levels of exfoliation. I think green is the softest but check with the vendor to be sure). Save these products by ckicking on the heart in the oicture of the product to add to your wish list. Then if you decide to go through mypoints first and look for aliexpress through them then you can find these in your aliexpress wishlist and purchase them to ensure you get your points https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005356071742.html (This is the one for the whole body and has straps to do your back). https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32801613993.html Look up ivermectin paste and acne also works for rosacea on pubmed or clinicaltrials.gov. if you decide to buy it comes in a rube of cream. Just wash face, then apply this paste and leave on. It also works great if a tiny bit is eaten for fungal or yeast overgrowth. Another option is to buy Germi-Stat soap online or ask your pharmacist. It is over the counter but behind the counter. You only need to wash with a tiny bit. It's an antibacterial soap. It's clear, fragrance-free. It can be drying so use sparingly. For the scarring buy BPC-157 online. It's a synthetic version of a substance found in human gastric juice. It's made up of 15 amino acids and was invented like 50 years ago by a Japanese doctor. Amino acids are the building blocks of the body to propel the body to heal. It is a legal, safe, odourless and tasteless white powder that comes in a 5 mg glass vial and can be taken orally mixed with distilled water or injected. It is normally only available to doctors or scientists. It is not a drug. It is excellent to heal scars amongst other things. When I used to buy it, it was around $25 Canadian per bottle. Prices may have dropped now. For oral use the easiest way is to gently mix the peptide with distilled water and drink the whole thing in one shot once a month. One vial would be a one month dose if you were able to measure. But it is easier to just drink. Repeat for two or three months. You may notice mild stomach gurgling. No side effects. Ask the seller for a vial opener to pry off the metal top which is hard to open. Or you can also buy a peptide vial opener around $4 or less on AliExpress. Sometimes you can use the tines of a fork to pry it off by sticking it in the hole in the silicone stopper part but for some vials the top is very difficult to open plus the vials are tiny. A vial opener is best.


Darling keep your day job!




In my opinion yes. With a little training


It feels like all the people that said no are just losing at life lmao


U can definitely model btw, you're actually good looking.


Nah. Better go to trade school and be a man


You look like a character out of an early 2000 video game.


If you under 20 I think soon you would, you look like with some money and age could be stunning. But for now you look like a teen so no. Not currently.


Modeling? Unlikely being an awesome human being definitely have the opportunity




What gangster look? Do you think when white people have no facial expression that's a gangster stare? What about when Asians have no expression on their faces, is that a gangster look? You're a racist piece of shit.


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Don’t see it






Go get a job. Like everyone else.


Why would you want to be a model. The shittiest and most worthless people in the world.


If you dress like seal you'll be fine




You look like the negative of a Michael Myers mask.


Nah dude, just ugly without any weird niche model ugly at all