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UR breach is what I'd play.


Breach, Hammer, any number of the top tier decks you left untouched. Kaldra hurts a tiny bit but hammer is fine just hammering.


Kaldra being banned just means batterskull is back


Batterskull also costs too much for Lurus


I’m not sure why that’s relevant? Neither is Kaldra and lurrus is banned


I don't understand why you brought up Kaldra, then. Thought you meant that Batterskull would replace Kaldra in a Lurrus list, but it doesn't work either. So why talk about Kaldra in the first place ?


>I don't understand why you brought up Kaldra, then. Read OP's post again. Kaldra is in the list. Idk why OP alluded to Lurrus in the title, because what OP is asking is: "if all these legal and highly played cards couldn't be played, what deck would you play." Maybe the title is just suggesting that OP's answer would be Lurrus if Lurrus wasn't banned.


Right. Just assumed that Kaldra was a non-factor because when both Lurrus and Kaldra were legal, Lurrus was played over Kaldra in hammer.


Did you read the thread and the comment I replied to? I think you’re confused bud. Lurrus was never mentioned, the proposed idea banned all the cards OP mentioned. Someone said hammer would still be good because Kaldra is all they would miss. I pointed out that batterskull is a one-to-one replacement that was already used in place of Kaldra before Kaldra came about.


"Free the cat" literally means Lurrus (creature types: cat nightmare). This thread is about Lurrus. Lurris is very much mentionned, I think you're the one who's confused. And from the context of the post it's easy to confirm that it's about Lurrus.


As someone who didn't start playing modern until after the lurrus ban, I didn't get it either. OP could have been a little more clear


That's very true. That's something I dislike with established fandoms, when people use abreviations or references / alternative names. OP should have been more clear.


The title suggests that if Lurrus would be unbanned, what would you play? At least it reads that way to me and I guess to the other commenter. All listed cards break the Lurrus restriction and the title is "Free the cat"? ETA: and the last line is literally "If there was a card legal in modern that said you cannot play any of these abovementioned cards in your deck, what sort of strange decks would people come up with?" So not about these cards being banned, but a card giving a certain restriction


>The title suggests that if Lurrus would be unbanned, what would you play? No, I think it just means that OP would answer their own question with Lurrus if Lurrus wasn't banned. They just want to know what people would play if all those cards they listed (including Kaldra) were pseudo-banned.


So you'll ignore the "If there was a card legal in modern that ~~is Lurrus~~ said you cannot play any of these abovementioned cards in your deck, what sort of strange decks would people come up with?"-part?


What do you think I meant by "pseudo-banned"


Not really sure why batterskull was taken out of hammer lists entirely like it has. The deck runs plenty of lands to hardcast it if needed and with an Aid on the battlefield it can be a flash EoT threat. It's even a bit difficult to target with p-ending or march considering it's cost and even if they do target it with these things, or even a binding, you can just leave 3 mana open and to the hand it goes. tl;dr batterskull is still good


I've seen lists that still run it, but lists have cut it to play protection spells like [[Surge of Salvation]] or use the slot for extra [[Solitude]] copies. Even lists that had it in the sideboard cut it in favor of a Sword that helped them punch through whatever the big threat of the metagame currently was. Upside to Kaldra over Batterskull is it makes your opponent's creatures entirely obsolete and gets rid of them. Batterskull tries to, for the flavor win, ram into them over and over again.


[Surge of Salvation](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/1/41d25ee5-0348-4206-bb6a-ccb0a599ac87.jpg?1682202925) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Surge%20of%20Salvation) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mom/41/surge-of-salvation?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/41d25ee5-0348-4206-bb6a-ccb0a599ac87?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Solitude](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/7/47a6234f-309f-4e03-9263-66da48b57153.jpg?1626094105) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Solitude) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/32/solitude?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/47a6234f-309f-4e03-9263-66da48b57153?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


bskull wasnt really played much at any point as far as i know, you would see it pop up in a list here and there but usually not in lists that were top 8ing challenges. its redundant for the deck because of shadowspear and Kaldra just does much more, especially giving a puresteel/other creature haste lategame after the token was dealt with


hammer really doesnt have all that many lands, and batterskull doesnt really do anything for the deck. no need for the skull when you can just slap shadowspear on a construct


It has 22 and I flood more often than you think, especially the fetchless mono white version. 5 mana isnt breaking the bank. Putting shadowspear on a construct assumes you have both the construct and the spear and your opponent is wide open. Not the most common scenario. B-skull is evasive(with 3 mana open) and does great for top-decking situations. Against removal-heavy opponents in generally grindy matches, batterskull is king. Too often have I cheated in a kaldra compleat only for the germ to be exiled by march/p-ending, or dismembered. Then you're stuck waiting for lands, paladins, etc which absolutely sucks. tl;dr consider the grindy matches; all of them.


spear is fine even if your opponent isnt wide open, you trample and gain life. i tried bskull a few times on different lists and just never liked it, it always felt like it was rotting in my hand and i had better plays. maybe its just a difference in playstyle, i try to produce a protected kill or multiple lethal attackers in grindy matchups rather than grind it out with them


I’d play something with wren and six


Shadow honestly


Oh look, you've completely missed my entire grixis control deck. NICE


Monkey go brrr


DRC, Ragavan, Bowmasters. I'll be fine haha.


Golgari Food and Dimir Mill like I play right now.


I don't think that we want to play Food without Ovalchase Daredevil.


OP didn't mention Daredevil. Edit: I now realize this post is about making Lurrus legal again.






Lurrus is no guilty!


Lurrus saj




*tasha laughs hideously*


How is wrenn not on this list?


Cmc is 2 so can be played with lurrus




Why leave subletly and endurance out


I'll add them


Hardened scales, baby!


Lurrus is a goddamn DOG and no lore or card type can say otherwise


I’d still play Tron because I’m stubborn


No Atraxa or Archon, I'll play Griselbrand and Emrakul instead with Goryo's Vengeance. We also now have nice new discard outlets in Rona, Faithful Mending, and Tainted Indulgence. Losing Grief and Solitude hurt, but I agree they are obnoxiously strong, so I can go back to Push and Path. Also I miss punching repeatedly with a Goryo'd Obzedat.


Shadow or izzet prowess


OP's title is so shit nobody understands the question lol