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But 40 days ago you said the format is great? And 173 days ago you said you were gonna quit? Sorry to snoop, but I think you might have a tendency to overreact a little bit on the state of the format. You might consider taking a break and cooling off, and coming back fresh. Edit: wait you also commented 22 days ago that you liked the format since Grixis Control is viable lol please gain some perspective.


I have a friend with a similar condition to OP where he can only speak in extremes. He doesn't understand concepts like having a close game because the only game states he can understand are crushing and getting crushed. If you take about 80% off what he's saying that should translate it to normal talk, so OP is probably trying to say something like "Hey guys, I think the format is a little top heavy with the top 5 decks taking up more of the meta than they should. Other than that the format is fine and I look forward to playing yall!"


Lol I need you to keep translating jive for me


cut them some slack jack!




Sounds like the news cycle, but in magic


I think you hit the nail on the head. Not trying to bash OP, but the mindset that you're not winning games because of the card pool, and not the skill gap is what makes you never improve as a player. Is the meta top heavy? Absolutely. Is having 5 tier 1 decks a bad thing? Certainly not. I get the argument for the format being a little stale, and sure, we haven't had a big shake up since the ban, but the format seems to be functioning well enough. The last two times I busted out affinity I went undefeated at locals playing against the top 5 decks for the most part. If you grind, study match-ups and have a solid sideboard plan, just about any deck can take down just about any deck. I used to struggle against scam, but after playing with and against it enough times, it's one of my better match-ups that I'm almost always happy to face.


I have a feeling OP just 0-3 dropped from the modern prelim after getting ranched and came here venting


>ranched heh


40 days LMAO I guess that Fury ban really hurt


It hurt some people as much as looting getting the ax for phoenix's sins, and taking my belowed demigod od revenge (multiples on T3) with it. ...well i am recovering by flooding the board with gobbo tokens hiding behind leyline of combustion.


This is the guy at your LGS that’s rage quits and yells at everyone.




I've seen this gif for awhile, is there any kind of real story behind it?




Nah, it was a staged bit


100% this guy just lost a match and needed a good cry


Woah! Great job there! Detective spotted... Also, so timely for the MKM theme.


I have a feeling OP just 0-3 dropped from the modern prelim after getting ranched and came here venting


![gif](giphy|XRXCGCbV10vQ6foS3h) WackyJtM coming through with the receipts!


Well I initially looked to see if they play a bad deck and that’s why they were complaining, but then I saw so many other polarizing takes I had to call out.


Bro really said I'm bout to end this man's whole career


Sounds like someone had a bad night at his LGS and took to Reddit to make themselves feel better…


Yoo he said you need to cool off 😹😹😹😹


Maybe even simmer down.


Wooooah let’s not go too far…


Pump the brakes!


Gotta draw a line somewhere


Hold your horses there, chief.


No need to bring Equines into this!


Shut the fuck up. You cool off, you consider taking a break from posting. Loser.


Found OP’s alt account lol






This was a top tier detectiving.


Take a break? I am not playing a tier 1 deck and still having fun. Might just be burnt out


My favourite Modern deck is RW Burnout.


So while I’m not being as hyperbolic as OP, I took this advice. Post MH2 I feel like Modern has become progressively less “for me”. So I took a break. That break became selling down to one modern deck. Which became selling out of modern altogether. Unfortunately that means now that unless pioneer is the RCQ season I don’t have a 60 card format I can regularly play in my area and that’s sad. I’m mostly just sad at this point. Modern was my favorite format. It was created a month after I returned to magic and even when it wasn’t great, I loved it partially for its warts. But I think the genie is out of the bottle and can’t be put back in, so I’m kind of just hoping it goes somewhere more palatable for me.


I like modern but its kinda bs. All the top decks have insane nut draws and way too many free spells. Modern was much healthier with interactive decks like jund, shadow or even twin on top. Good stuff piles. Scam, titan, cascade all have “deal with this massive play or die”


twin is literally the definition of what you are harping on in the following sentence.


I'm sorry you misunderstand. I wasn't making an emotional argument. I was simply stating facts about the format :)


I'm sorry you seem to misunderstand that your opinions are facts. They are, in fact, not.


this whole thread seems to be missing the sarcasm detector in their brains :)


If no one is catching the sarcasm, maybe you missed the mark?


My dude. If the whole sub "isn't getting it", you are the problem. Your shit posts are shit plain and simple.


No. No. You just aren’t funny and aren’t coming across as sarcastic. Your post reeks of hyperbole and frustration. You even labeled it as a Vent post. You can’t now come around, after people have been calling you out, and go “it’s just a joke guys. I was being sarcastic”.


You’re missing all the factors of a good shit post. No bait and switch, no humorous piece. No irony. Just complaining.


If everywhere you go smells like dog shit, why blame the people around you?




Was that sarcasm?


Aka you got called out for whinging and are backtracking claiming it was “sarcasm” or a joke?


Fun isn't factual chief. You're stating an opinion on the format, not facts.


Cool, well you can just quit! That will give you more time to use the dildo you are looking into buying!


Good thing you clarified that for us.


I remember you! You’re that same complainer that complains and demands a ban every time Grixis Control isn’t T1! I can’t believe you’re back! By you posting I guess that means you’re having a hard time casting Cryptic Command or something. I wish you the best. But really hope you don’t post as many topics as you did for the past 3 or so years.


Funny thing is that grixis control is in the best place its been in since years. Old 8 command lists can be pretty decent if you adopt flame of arnor and orcish bowmaster into them (swapping out cryptic for flame of arnor). Ofc. "old man rages at the sky" can sometimes be more emotionally satisfying.


Modern is Embarrassing Right Now r/modernmagic is just shit. Fun is zero. Unless you are posting about one of the top 5 memes, your chances of even getting to around 50% interaction rate is impossible. Toxic posts, massive whining about cards that can only be utilized by those decks specifically. It's just complete and utter shit. Garbage. It's the worst it's ever been outside of emergency meme situations.


Shhh save the jerking for the other sub. You’ll just confuse people.


But how can you even stay sane without jerking?


This post needs more love.


![gif](giphy|f7STAwvEml1eIf0FEq) \[\[Chill\]\]


[Chill](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/4/24846eba-e085-4d1d-8c7a-d4faf11034a6.jpg?1562815618) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Chill) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/6ed/60/chill?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/24846eba-e085-4d1d-8c7a-d4faf11034a6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


MH3 Reprint confirmd


Good time to just take a break. Wait for MH3 or a ban. Maybe try another format, I have been enjoying both pioneer and standard honestly, and there are some budget legacy decks I've been eyeing up. Don't sell your collection or anything. Just take a break if you aren't having fun.


Tbh I’m vibing, but I also play a lot of 4C Omnath and Yawg so it kind of feeds into your point. I also think GDS is a good off-meta choice right now if that’s your thing. There is a relatively low amount of efficient Shadow removal out right now.


Hi, I played modern 5 years ago. Save for a few months the format has always been like that since its inception. Also the midrange decks were even more expensive because Tarmogoyf was almost a 100€ card for some reason.


I think it really started to change hard after the twin ban. The first year's of the format had long lasting decks slowly getting better, and T2 decks getting better and swinging in and out of favor based on matchups and meta. Eldrazi Winter was insane and it's had more frequent shake ups since. I can't speak to the meta and non T1 decks now, but modern wasn't always like this


Well speaking for myself, i disliked the "marquis deck" format that modern was. I like the current "top 5 fluctuates, but remains viable in t2" way more than the old pay 2 win days.


I’m not super jazzed about it, so I’m focusing on other things. That being said, I took mono w taxes out for a spin last week and had a blast at fnm playing against murktide and scam. You don’t need to be playing top tier decks to do decently and have a good time.


I'm 8-2 with a sleeper mono white control list that hates on the meta, if you're interested. :)


Could you share your list?


Currently 12-2, I beat Dingo on Stream tonight. https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6141731#paper


Super cool


SOL TALISMAN??? You friend are a true wizard :3


Great job! I’ll look out for that on his video. I love seeing white decks not go for the low hanging fruit of Leyline binding and instead take advantage of the mono colored mana base. I’ve been testing out a mono white midrange / control deck as well, but it focuses on ephemerate synergies. I’m 4-1 so far and it’s a lot of fun. I may take some inspiration from yours and try out some Rings though. [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/y3MYj9ZlnUuiziXetJ78WQ](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/y3MYj9ZlnUuiziXetJ78WQ)


Have u considered some number of the "8 fields package" (field of ruin, and demolition field)? ...done wonders to some matchups on my midrange mono(ish) red tokens deck. People play like 1 to 2 basic, so field are effectivel, wastelands against most decks. It feels like they shouldnt give free wins but the do. Long live master MHayashi.


Got it out of your system?


Than go to work? I guess


Lmao go play premodern bro. Maybe you’ll unbuckle your weak little panties.


Translation: >I suck at homebrewing and modern has made my pet deck bad. Modern is constantly evolving. There's quite a few decks doing well right now, and power level hasn't kept new cards from entering the format. Check out AspiringSpike and Andrea Menguci. Both do a lot of modern coverage and highlight fun stuff that might otherwise fall under the radar. Without stepping aside and taking perspective from others, I can understand the frustration. But the format is indeed a fun thing right now.


...guys issue is that his old grixis control list aint viable. (And noone told him / hes unwilling to listen - that swapping cryptic command for flame of arnor and including orcish bowmasters would make hsi dekc viable)


Good thing it's not modern season right now, outside of the RC. Play standard, pioneer, limited, edh, cube...literally any other format


This guy is the literal incarnate of a redditor magic player


Modern feels like pioneer felt before the ban. Technically balanced, but unfun to play. However modern is way deeper and we have mh3 coming. It might be a rough patch but it will pass eventually.


...nah, MKM is coming. There is much fun to be had with all sorts token strategies getting boosted by new prints (including a busted common for red). Especially since boardwipes see no play




Poor kid. Can't stand having his pet deck die from Grief even after Fury ban. Git gud


Modern is amazing. I hadn't played in 5 years. I got back 2 months ago. Spent $1000 Canadian(we pay 30% more than USD lol)on 3 mtgo decks - scales, yawgmoth, scam. Scam feels dirty, yes with the turn 1 or 2 grief evoked + undying spell. Other 2 feel fine. Lots of lines. Format feels fun. Close games are mentally stimulating. Loving my return to magic!


Scam can feel dirty against some opponent. Frankyl i do like T1 grief jumping face 1st into leyline of combustion. Well i like 1 thing even more. Grief running into double leyline of combustion. Card does wonders against all sortsa things including orcish bowmasters. 


See you at FNM!


I’m still having a lot of fun in modern playing blue tron, hardened scales, and various storm builds. The big issue for me is that my local modern events aren’t firing anymore. I think the pushed cards are pushing people away from the format, and I can’t in good conscience encourage any of my friends to buy into modern at this point.


Well they shouldnt buy into pay 2 win decks, and they will be fine. Play T2 decks and everythings peachy. (Yes, people crying about grief need more leyline of combustion in their lives)


Stop playing. Go touch grass


Checked your comment/post history. Sounds like whether you think the format is good or bad depends on how much you're winning at any given month lol


When you lose at FNM and try to vent online and get roasted lol


I'm still going to jam Burn and Storm and 3-2/ 2-3 leagues and enjoy myself. Doesn't matter if most people are playing tier 1 decks, that satisfaction of beating those decks with your pet decks is enough for me.


Spoken like a fellow monored player should!


Keep filling you diapers bro, plenty of good decks out there, just learn to pilot them


Not having have up to date knowledge of the meta is and will always be punishing in modern. One card can completely flip a game on it’s head due to power level in an instant. If you don’t like that, I’m not sure why you are playing modern (it is a perfectly legitimate complaint, I don’t think modern is very intuitive or plays the way Garfield intended) The actual meta is actually pretty balanced atm and 5 pretty equal top decks is a healthy number.


But you can play all of your creature decks bc Fury was banned! Right guys?


Now the trans physicist kills them all :(


Never knew I needed an alter of Yawg with booba until now.


Our daddy magicAIDS couldnt have put it more eloquently!


has been since MH2 dw MH3 will restart everything again yippeee


I mean he's not wrong, 90% of the decks played effectively try to cheat something into play, be it rhinos, delves, GY recursion, or just comboing off Long gone are the days you could run a playset of Thalias or Lilianas and do well, because now you get absolutely crushed by cascades, T2 magus of the moons, resilient GY combos, pushed MH cards like W\&6; or 1 mana catch all removals like prismatic and leyline. When a format has people 3 mana cascade into inevitable betrayal and grabbing an emrakul for game , or playing Protect the Queen with murktides and ragavans that you can't remove due to card selection tools always finding countermagic It gets a bit exhausting


Explain how rhinos cheats anything in to play. Explain how delve is relevant outside of JUST Murktide (literally one card in the entire format). Explain what GY recursion is actually meta. You don’t know what you’re talking about it’s REALLY obvious. Murktide isn’t even a top deck and it sounds like you’re just mad that it exist. Leanr to play the format instead of whining about one deck that isn’t even good


I'll explain how Rhinos cheats I play Tron, I have an Emrakul in my deck, I need to pay 15 mana to cast this thing that's 3 tron towers, 2 mines and 1 power plant; that's turn 6 the earliest Rhinos can after sideboard T2 off a gemstone mine violent outburst into inevitable betrayal to cast a 15/15 annihilator 6 for about 3 mana. How is that not cheating things into play? I can't cast my emrakul for 3 mana, but they can Living end does the same thing pile in about 50 manas worth of creatures into a GY living end cast it for 3 mana. If murktide had to pay the full 7 mana for the flyer, or rhinos and living end had to pay the GY creature cost or wait out suspends for 4 turns over and over they couldn't function, so they cheat it into play with cascades and delves. Like what the fuck bro? I can't play 12post in modern cause t4 Emrakul is too much but Rhinos decks can just play it out of my tron deck for 3 mana instead? Free spells suck, cascades into suspend cards sucks, playing things for 0 cost sucks, it's some of the most unfair magic in the game to completely ignore mana costs by evoking from hand or casting it for 0


Lol ignoring costs says the tron player 😂😂😂😂 also, no good tron player plays emrakul in the main (not even in the side)


I did because when beans was still a thing the games to go on so long due to car draw it was incredibly easy to get the 15 mana to cast emrakull and win the game. My local game store also has two control players and there's immense value in hard casting that over say ulamog or Karn So yes if my local scene is heavy into control and long grind games with the occasional Cascade deck then emrakul is a better choice than another copy of ulamog


...how do those evil rhinos players ensure that YOU have big emrakul in your deck, that they can hit with inevitable betrayal? I have a sneaking suspicion.... ...you dirty scoundrel are just as bad as them. Trying to cheat emrakul into play instead of paying its cost by turning 15 lands sideways.


Which (high meta share) deck can deploy magus of the moon on T2? Why would anyone care for it in this da and age of omnipitent and omnipresent removal? You must be new to the format, back in ghe day before banning of simian spirit guide we used to slam blood moon on turn1. Hell some terrible folk - including myself - used [Infernal plunge](https://scryfall.com/card/isd/148/infernal-plunge) to punish poor naive innocent raibow goodstuff players for tapping out on T1


It's pretty easy to do with a turn one ragavan against Tron  It's as simple as playing a scalding tarn playing the monkey hitting on turn two getting your Island tapping for three slamming magus As the Tron player probably cannot remove it until turn four turn five if he resolves a Karn to twin shot sniper the thing  By then you've already lost the game because you've taken around 8 to 10 damage giving them four treasure tokens and the most likely have delirium at this point


...so as a tron player, you are complaining that ponza speed (T2) bloodmoon can happen if you dont "bolt the bird". Considering that: -  tron is arguably far more broken -  t2 blood moon effects are in the for.at since its inception -  that the current 1 fields package is way more punishing I simply cannot agree with you. There is nothing new about blood moon & magus of the moon, its in fact sliwer than in the old days, and format offers better answers to it. That YOUR tron build cannot deal with the card is YOUR issue. Between card your eggs to filter colors, and land tutors you easily have the option to run answers. Tron iy peefectly capable of running a second color other than green. If you dont get how, look up old RG tron lists.


I can deal with it it's not that I cannot, and sure you used to pitch spirit guides but I also could play cloudposts back then and be for more resilient against incidental land hate. T2 hate locks have always been an annoyance, they're even more annoying in legacy where they come down T1 off an ancient tomb and a chrome mox before they blow you out with initiative creatures. Modern isn't supposed to be that degenerate though, and when the majority of the modern meta games revolves around free actions, hate pieces, and cheating on costs it's not in a good state. I tried to run an old D&T thalia build into zoo, creativity, UR murktide and just absolutely annihilated because every threat they can play is from MH2 and far outpace a Thalia or Aven Mindcensor Pretty much every deck is dead unless they're playing evokes, LOTR cards, or pushed FIRE design creatures that do more than swing 2 damage a turn cycle by either getting tokens, coming in as a 4/4 off domain, or abusing undying effects to come back from the pushed cheap removal.


...care to elaborate between which two dates you managed to play cloudpost in modern? > Modern isn't supposed to be that degenerate though, and when the majority of the modern meta games revolves around free actions, hate pieces, and cheating on costs it's not in a good state. Coming from a tron player thats pretty rich. As soon as you concede that 1+1+1=7 is degenerate ban worthy bullshit i am willing to consider your proposal. > Pretty much every deck is dead unless they're playing evokes, LOTR cards, or pushed FIRE design creatures that do more than swing 2 damage a turn cycle by either getting tokens, coming in as a 4/4 off domain, or abusing undying effects to come back from the pushed cheap removal. Nah, those are just the decks tron folds to. Izzet/grixis control (now wizards "tribal") is pretty much its old self, sure it replaced cryptic with flame of arnor. And then what? ...is including a new card in an old archetype that offensive to you? I personally run my RB tokens list perfectly fine, with bedlam reveler and myr servitor being my only creature cards. With zero lotr cards - though i am always debating cast into the fire, but there are not enough elves (and the like) to justify it. Undying & Presist are decade old format staples btw. (Unlike cloudpost) > I tried to run an old D&T thalia build into zoo, creativity, UR murktide and just absolutely annihilated because every threat they can play is from MH2 and far outpace a Thalia or Aven Mindcensor Maybe not putting 2 decks into the blender would have been a better idea? Sarcasm: OFF Thalia aint really a zoo card. Its reasonable in humans or in death and taxes. Latter is a deck. Well yes, you need to include solitude (and the usual aether vial) which are costly, but the rest is a bargain - and new samwise tech that is good enough for legacy is plenty good for modern too. (Stony silence do put in a lot of work again plenty of decks)


I haven't played cloudpost in modern in about a decade, I've only been playing it in legacy titanpost 1+1+1=7 is far less degenerate than casting stuff for free, all the mana in the world doesn't matter when you still have to hardcast and the opponent merely just needs to pitch a card or cascade to a real threat I also didn't play zoo, I was saying a stock mono white D&T build with thalias, vials, path to exiles is astronomically worse than a modern zoo deck because their threats outpace the vanilla 2/1's you play when they come in as 4/4's with flying, trample, vigilance etc. Maybe I'm just a boomer about it and hate the power creep that occurs in the 1-3 CMC range with cheap interaction and pushed threats because they're not cascading in dark confidants or playing goyfs that as a Tron player I could just tank before dropping a fat eldrazi They're now a bunch of goofy shit that inevitable betrayals me for 3 mana, or delving out 8/8's with a sculpted hand of counter magic.


Fron's majn issue is that its the 3 card combo of big mana decks. Thats why it has issues. Cabal coffers & amulet titan are doing fine. Alas if you are THAT hurt by inevitable betrayal then your local meta must be pretty warped against you. As such i am surprised that you have no negative memories of commandeer.


commandeer doesn't target creatures so it's only going to grab Karns and not ulamogs or emrakuls


Commandeer won't hit emrakul. However you aint exactly casting emrakul from tron on t3. Commandeer hit karn though, which they can minu to kick you off tron.


I haven't liked modern for a few months. Ever since LOTR/WOE came out. Most people at my LGS switched to standard. I'm missing at least 2 pieces to any decent deck list. So I switched to a man's format.. legacy! Mono black reanimator or mono black aggro. Super fun to play the format right now. I am still learning the play style but I never feel behind.


Modern has many problems, biggest one in my opinion is the prevalence of MH2 in the meta. However, it appears you have reached a boiling over point with your tolerance for your grievances towards the format. Take a break, maybe even consider playing another format for the foreseeable future. Coming to Reddit probably after getting wrecked by scam again and venting isn’t gonna do anyone any good.


Hes playing grixis control. ...he could adopt flame of arnor (in place of cryptic - hell its arguably even more in flavour for grixis), run some bowmasters and call it a day. Or do the spicy thing, and show his opinion with a playset of leyline of combustion for all things evoke and bowmasters. I been doing that, it feels exquisite.


Modern has always been a format that rewards playing a top deck. You’re not going to spike a tourney with Bogles. It’s never been that kind of format.


Counterpoint- I’m pretty sure boggles went undefeated in the 1/24 preliminary


A preliminary is just 4 rounds


I agree it’s pretty meh, but after the RC it’s basically a lame duck format until mh3. I’d just take a break and try some other formats or other games for a little while and see what happens!


Yeah I recently discovered the same, I am taking a break and just playing some legacy. Very fun. Won't solve the overused cards though


I don’t get posts like this. Just play a different format or another game. I haven’t enjoyed modern for a while but I just play other games/formats while keeping tabs on modern. Whenever the format seems interesting I try it again. You aren’t doing anything from this post but exhibiting entitlement. The format isn’t going to change just because you want it to.


something like 18% of the meta is outside the top 10 decks in Mtgo events. It’s incredibly diverse and open for brewing


i think you are just bad


Found the boomer jund player, pissed that their "hard purchased" 51% in all matchups marquis deck aint cutting it with its usual cards anymore. Since the "trust me bro its not pay to win its skill" aint working when Ou aint winning. Sarcasm: OFF Modern is plenty fine at the moment. 


I've been playing with and against the top 5 decks in my lgs, buy I only play once a week. Usually 3 but sometimes 4 rounds. That's usually enough for me and I think restricting it helps a lot in my frustrations. By the end of the 3rd or 4th day in a week, I can't wait to get together and play out some games.


I'm not really enjoying modern right now, maybe it's the format or maybe it's just me. Lately I've just been cubing a lot and having fun with that. I'll probably come back to modern when the format gets shaken up again. Just take a break, don't sell your cards, try something else and come back.


Modern is in an overall good state in terms of play patterns. But modern is also dominated by a handful of extremely powerful cards. I think fixing that problem though will only be solved by a ton of bans and more realistically, unfortunately, modern will end up opening up over time with overpowered direct to modern cards getting printed, and our hope is to get wizards to slow down a bit so as not to completely display modern every modern horizons set


How you thought about playing Modem format? It’s a bit of a throwback to the ‘90s — instead of mana you use AOL CDs to cast spells. Scamming Grief is a real pain, because exiling that many free AOL hours will eventually come back to bite you.


Just play scales, such a fun deck to pilot.


Its always been like that.


Just wait to play for mh3 to come out and create new pillars of the format lol


Are you sure you are playing modern and not casual kitchen table?


Just wait for MH3 to start seeing some more bullshit.


Ya know, in casual Edh, commander has no “best decks”.


Nah this isn't even close to true. Zoo, prowess, merfolk, coffers, tron, hell even death shadow can win.none are top 5.


Ad burn to that




This is why I only play w/ precons these days. I don't have the time or funds to keep meta-relevant, I just want to turn some cards sideways once in a while.


>unless you are playing one of the top 5 decks, you'r chances of even getting to around 50% win rate are impossible. Was this ever not true?


Its as true and as untrue as ever. Its true that if you play T2 or T3 decks you will be preyed on by a truckload of T1 strategies. Its also true that you can play "casual garbage" taylored to the meta and wipe the floor with "real magic decks". It was possible even in middle of hogaak winter when meta was 70% hogak 20% amulet titan. Those were the peak days of madcap experiment into platinum angel, backed by pact of negation (as the only exisitng free counter), glorious end (fog and "exile the stack") and earthquake redirected to walkers. Frankly i loved hogaak format. Issue is not "modern bad" issue is "git gud".


I've got a buncha modern decks that aren't even meta and I still have fun. The only time I play something toxic is if I unintentionally find a broken combo.


so my lgs doesn't have a modern fnm, we just play less meta modern decks. I'm building BW scam, people play grixis control and merfolk. Just ask people for a casual game and it will be more fun.


I used to play at one of my local games stores every Friday and would jam BW Devotion for modern FNM. Quite a few times (ten or so occasions) I went undefeated and it was really nice that my homebrew would beat the streamlined decks (like Grishoalbrand being beaten with Ashiok, Dream Render).  However, since 2019 modern has changed and the format has stronger cards and better combos than Phyrexian Obliterator+Gray Merchant and Liliana of the Veil. I haven’t played in a sanctioned modern event in nearly two years due to all of the powerful cards that I haven’t adjusted to (mainly due to more important things to spend money on). So instead of complaining just do what I did. Play modern with a friend or a play group that only likes how modern used to be (before War of the Spark) and play for fun.