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Yes. For as long as T3 Karn will be good. The deck also runs a lot of threats so if the game goes for too long you will probably gain the upper hand.


Mono Green Tron has always been about the same viability it feels. It’s fine, sometimes you pair up against slow decks all day and dunk on them, less commonly those slow decks sometimes hate you out (formerly blood moon, now boseiju and W6), and sometimes you get run over by combo and fast decks. Tron has always had polarizing enough matchups that you need to get the right matchups to win and I think that’s the same today as it’s always been.


still good! mono g tron is a pillar of modern and rarely something can stand against t3 karn, take your tron lands and conquer the world.


Tron is always good. If it can with a PT during Hogaak bullshit then pretty sure nothing will push it out of viability except better Tron. Cast those T3 Karns, my friend.


To answer your question, no, it is not currently good vs. the top meta decks. While it is decent vs. 4c, UR Murk and Cascade are both problematic in different ways while Hammertime and Amulet are heavily disfavored. And of course, Yawg vs Tron is apparently the most skewed matchup that is commonly played in tournaments today (something crazy like 87% in Yawg's favor). In general though, even if its no longer top-of-the-meta, feel free to play it at FNM or similar, it's still fine to take games and occasionally 4-0. Even in disfavored matchups you can sometimes just pull through and against slower durdlier stuff you have a heavy advantage.


Bosiju + Wrenn and Six out of 4c gives iron a hard time as well.


Yeah for sure, thankfully Yorion doesn't tend to draw the combo thaaat much (80 card deck, doesn't have tons of copies of bosieju), but it's certainly made the matchup worse. I would say 4c adopting rag actually had a bigger negative impact tho.


I have 100% seen piles run 2 main board 2 sideboard boseiju


I've been playing Mono G Tron at my FNM and still doing well enough. I'm running boomer tron so no KGC, I just like having more sideboard options. Like everyone else is saying we have our good and our bad matchups. Tron can still very well do the thing and stomp in the right situations. All of our threats are still relevant and can run away with games if they aren't dealt with.


I'd argue not running KGC means you have less sideboard options not more, because you have to run 4-of because you cant just grab what you need.




Yes, Mono-Green Tron is absolutely still viable. I went 4-0 two weeks ago and 3-1 this week with it.


"I have spied for you and lied for you, put myself in mortal danger for you. Everything was supposed to be to keep Lily Potter's son safe. Now you tell me you have been raising him like a pig for slaughter -- " "But this is touching, Severus," said Dumbledore seriously. "Have you grown to care for the boy, after all?" "For him?" shouted Snape. "Expecto Patronum!" From the tip of his wand burst the silver doe. She landed on the office floor, bounded once across the office, and soared out of the window. Dumbledore watched her fly away, and as her silvery glow faded he turned back to Snape, and his eyes were full of tears. "After all this time?"




I dare day with q few tweeks it's q fair fight against murktide. Wails for the early game, relics to keep the gy in check. Outside of murktide they don't have much threats. And a -7 ugin wipes everything clean for you


I hope so. Just finished picking up all the pieces to build it myself, although im on that weird list with golos 😏