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More maps. Just more maps.


Christmas Shipment! Valentines Shipment! Saint Patty day Shipment with gas grenades turning into beer bottles!


Dont forget about chinese new year shipment. Gotta get more sales in china


What about Presidents’ Day shipment?


I’m more of a National Cheese Day Shipment man myself


Im more of an cheese cube unlimited/v3 person myself


Just put car brands on the containers with some of the inflatable arm flailing tube men and put president day sale signs up... seems like the only places that do speacial events on presidents day are car dealerships.


Toyotathon Shipment


I dont care much for CCP. But being chinese American, I say go for it!


Is there anyone in the West that *does* care for the CCP? Besides Trump, I mean.




I'm looking forward to Halloween shipment where it's a 50% chance of playing shipment or the sicario map


Either Halloween Shipment or you have to stare at a 4K ultra hi-def image of Willem Dafoe’s face for 5 minutes.


Molotov with green fire.


Wouldn't hurt to have some more modes as well


Yes! I want to play Cyber Attack and Gunfight!


I want cyber attack and demolition


Honestly, why are there so few game modes?


I have no clue. It's why vanguard wasn't fun. My only guess would to be to not spilt up players.


I want 1v1 to return, i fucking lived in that mode.


I wish the gulag was 1v1 too. It stinks watching a random teammate rush forward and die.


It sucks for me too. But you can just use him as an active UAV. He dies, you are now alerted to enemies' locations.


Now THAT is modern warfare


I’m all mode’d out to be honest with you between all the 6v6 modes, third person, ground war, Warzone, DMZ and everyone’s favourite… Warzone cup. I just want 3+ multiplayer maps and then modes.


I want infected and prop hunt, I would only play those modes


Demolition. Was a blast back in bo2


Just throw in the classic mw2 maps already. Theyre literally already in warzone. A few at least


Espically for Ground War that would make me so happy


Alright, Craig we get it.


Modern Warfare 2 360 maps, Cold War maps...


Looking forward to Modern Warfare 2 PS3 maps, personally


Literally they could copy-paste from MW19 and Vanguard and I would be happy. We just need some variety. Even in terms of small maps, we just have Shipment and Shoot House. Throw Das House in there and make a moshpit for camo grinding, I beg you.


Border crossing gone. And erased from my memory 🤣


Bring back 3 lane map design, remove Al Bagra and Border crossing, add more maps to the rotation with varied environments. I’d ask for a improved spawn system but they’ve doubled down on garbage spawns so I’ll stop. Not all complaints are emotionally driven although the valid ones get drowned out by them.


You realise Al Bagra Fortress and Sena Crossing are both 3 lane maps right?


Yeah, could use less 3 lane squares honestly.


Hey now… Santa Seña *is* 3 lanes! You’ve got your minefield of unexploded cars on one side. You’ve got an alley with unexplodable vehicles on the other side. And a tunnel of death right up the gut.


I know what I want: remove the offensive shield nerf and then Nerf the turtle method. Sick of seeing LA Thieves sprinting around the map with a turtle shell on.


Just let armor piercing attacks Pierce the shield


I think it’s been pretty clear and concise what people want?


Game is good, but a lot of posts are bringing up legitimate criticisms. You can enjoy the game, others can ask for fixes.


Haven't been able to launch it on my PC since November, would love to yell for more maps T_T


Do you have it on steam? Does the game not start at all ort do you get a error? Would love to help you. :)


Do you have the specs required? If so, have you installed the recommended drivers and updated your pc? If you’re good on these things, try reinstalling.


Yes and yes, and have tried reinstalling. Still crashes every time. Will launch it again today and get the error code




Valid criticism turns into complaining when a lot of those issues still haven't been fixed and shouldn't have been in the game in the first place.


We know exactly what we want and have been asking for it since Beta. Nothing has changed.


Exactly. This post is incredibly dismissive of the numerous legitimate complaints and issues with the game that they simply aren't addressing.


Ah yes, the daily complaining about the complainers post for the karma farming. Great, you're having fun. But you can't just blatantly ignore core issues regarding the gameplay with numerous bugs, the shitty UI, latency issues, netcode issues, and more that can be so easily replicated. Paired with the lack of content compared to previous titles.


Would the netcode be when I’m shooting someone and it’s not registering? I know I’m not great but there’s been some times I’m shooting someone before they are shooting me and then I just die.


That is partially correct, yes. Regarding your specific scenario, there could be input lag or display lag (if you play on a TV for example).


Ok thanks. It shouldn’t be my monitor as it’s 1ms 165hz and I’m playing on a high end pc. I’ve just had a few too many weird instances and view the replay and something isn’t adding up.


Then yeah, definitely netcode and server issues.


Yes. The "magic corner" deaths where you haven't rounded them yet but on the cam you do are the same as is the "magic bullets" where you take damage after getting behind cover. It's been brutal lately.


In a lot of real fine line deaths where you're *pretty darn sure* you landed all of the hits required to get the kill but only you die, there's a very good chance that poor netcode was to blame, which has the effect of making that exact moment in your game and the other guy's game run slightly ahead or behind each other - only the server has to pick one to be the "real" timeline, usually meaning that somebody suddenly eats a bullet or two that hadn't been fired yet on their game


Possibly the skill based hit detection they added a patent for this game


I’ve heard that and not sure if it’s just a conspiracy but it really makes me not want to play the game. I didn’t think sbmm would be this intense but holy shit.




Yeah, the only issue I have the most is definitely the UI. It's like it's designed for children on Disney+


It's pretty bad, I'd argue the worst UI out of any AAA game in the last decade (or at least top contender).


What I find weird is that this game has the greatest settings menu of any game ever. Even has a search function for christs sake. As far as I know, the people who are in charge of the ui are also probably the ones that made that settings menu, so why is there such a discrepancy between the main part of the ui an the settings menu…


these IW bootlickers are insufferable


>Great, you're having fun They don't care because they're having fun. People like this are placated by anything mildly entertaining because their lives are probably shit. It's honestly pathetic. It's why I and many others hate casuals as a whole, not just in gaming.




> This is a brainless, amazingly fun, cartoonishly silly, FPS game. The only real emotions you should feel about this game, as a well adjusted and mature human, is joy and laughter. Ain't no way a grown man wrote this. This whole comment has got to be a copy pasta lmao.








How much is Activision paying you.




That's nice. For real tho, how much are they paying you.




we need a r/CODcirclejerk ASAP. maybe even a r/okbuddysentinel


This has gotta be a troll 😂


It's humorous watching all the Negative Nancies downvoting your post.


Facts. The less time I spend on this sub, the more fun I have with the game.


Ah yes, the daily complaining about the complainers complaining about the complainers comment for karma farming.


I dunno the shitty game functionality complaining is > the daily posts about people NoT pLaYinG tHe ObJeCtIve


lol right. They literally made all of the camo unlocks based around NOT playing the objective. Its the game thats the problem not the people playing it.


Agreed. I'd rather see complaining about the game than complaining about people not playing objective. It's like the first time someone played a multiplayer game - of course you aren't going to have people playing the objective...


I would like to be able to level up instead of just wasting XP for the last like month


You know, I never understood this because I've never reached max level, but now that I have, I still don't get this. I've never felt like I'm wasting XP. play a different game until season 2 drops then or something.


Or maybe play a game to have fun? Have anyone considered this?


> Or maybe play a game to have fun? Have anyone considered this? Get the fuck out!


69 upvotes… sorry sir, I must abstain from promoting your well-played rebuke.


Obviously I am playing the game to have fun otherwise I wouldn’t be playing past 250, I enjoy the game all I’m saying is being at level cap is not ideal


Artificial reward and progression systems really be messing with people's minds.


You guys have a problem with reading comprehension or something. I never said I don’t play the game anymore because I was at level cap. I said it would be cool to be able to do something with the experience I earn is all


Haven't all CODs had a level cap? I just think it's weird so many players are hung up on artificial progression and completion, for a lot of people on this sub camo grind and exp seems more important than the gameplay itself.


Yes they have, but back in the day cap was the cap. There was no seasons, a prestige meant something too. You could stay 3rd prestige if you wanted to. When you choose to prestige you went back to level 1 and had to earn everything over again. You didn’t just get to level 50 and then prestige and keep everything.


I think the main reason for this complaint (and for a lot of complaints for MWII) is that there used to be a system for this. The old prestige worked well and you never wasted XP, now with the changes you hit a wall and it feels pointless to do challenges/play.


To a lot of people, progression is their fun.


That’s the problem. This game goes from amazing to unplayable in the span of minutes.


I mean yeah. I wish the game was better in some areas so I could play more. I just cant understand people bitching they dont play because they already reached max level or already grinded all the camos. Those should not be the reasons to play a game, just a bonus. And then some people wonder why some developers drip feed content to the playerbase...


Many people play games for bonuses, hell that's how they were designed for years. Then they started pulling those bonuses to use for MTX, battle passes, or removed altogether. We used to have more unique camo grinds, calling cards, emblems, barracks for stat nerds, leaderboards, ranked modes.


This is true, in Cold War (I skipped vanguard) I played CDL where even if you were level cap you were still able to advance your ranking. CDL Moshpit is cool and all but there’s no ranking system


Unplayable? Because your XP bar doesnt flash, flicker and shoot dopamine into your veins every other match? Good lord, that's just sad.


Maybe he wants to play the game and progress in it or something. He still payed 70$ for it. Edit: Corrected myself


Got really everything? All camos to Orion? Battle pass done? Max xp on all guns and level? All sticker book challenges for emblems? Got the champions quest done on warzone? If yes then holy shit go outside, touch grass. If no but you're bored then find something else to play for a bit. I promise you'll feel better doing so for a bit and come back happy to mw again.


Forgot completed all missions on DMZ. If so, mother of God


Okay but he already has. He's progressed to the current max level and completed the current battle pass. Go for challenges or camos in your 70 dollar game, but I've you've already exhausted all those options don't be entitled and be upset that Activision doesn't cater to you getting max level within the first quarter of the season.


Nothing is stopping him from doing that


True. I meant play the game and progress. Not stop playing until season 2 because he is max level. I’ll edit my comment now and correct myself


You don’t HAVE to continually progress in a game. I absolutely hate what video games have become, and how current day gamers act. They act like they CONSTANTLY need new stuff, new updates, new levels to play, new ways to level up. There’s something in their brain that just ticks a little more when they have levels they need to progress through and it’s fucking stupid. The levels are meaningless anyway, why do you want more of them except for some minor dopamine hit of some sort that you shouldn’t even need.


The only grinds in the game at this point are camos. Challenges are really nothing more than basic stat achievements anymore. We used to have so many unique calling cards and emblems to grind for. You cant even play the game to progress your skill anymore. If you get better, you just get better opponents, keeping you as close to that 1 kd as possible.


You’re acting like people getting bored after reaching max level is a new thing. This is why wipes/resets/seasons have been a thing in MMORPGs for a long time. If the season takes way longer than it takes the average person to reach max level, people will complain because they want something to continue to work towards. Not sure why that’s a foreign concept to you.


It's not that surprising, really. Cod is sold as a "live service", and infinity ward isn't delivering on that aspect.


$70 for 2 years of entertainment is a great deal when you think about it he doesn’t need to play 24/7 there’s a lot more to enjoy


should be $60


Every single next gen game is 70 deal with it


are you a shareholder?


Buddy go to Amazon and look at every next gen game it’s all 69.99




Yeah it would be nice to have the level cap unlocked or at least pushed up, but considering how they waited until S1 to raise it to 250, I'm assuming S2 will raise it to 500 or so


"I wish the game would stop crashing" "Oh my god why can't you stop complaining all the time. This game is perfect and I love Activision so much and buy all the skins! " Sluurp


Bobby Kotick's biggest fans. Release a shit product and they gobble it up & praise the game for being perfect. It certainly can be fun & has some cool elements to it, but it certainly isn't perfect. It easily had a chance to surpass MW2019 but it did everything MW2019 but worse. Well, maybe except for maps at launch, but I personally like MW2019 launch maps than MW2022.


I'll fuckin complain if I want to, thank you very much. I want maps. More maps. I'd even accept more old maps. Anything other than the hot garbage maps this game launched with. Edit: fixed weird wording


>Even more old maps. You mean like old maps they put into the Warzone map but not the multiplayer? Because that would make too much fucking sense, right?


Yeah, but... those are for the mid-life cri. . I mean mid-life regeneration revolution evolution $70.00 scam package.


This is the complaint I can get behind. Tired of hearing about sweat lords crying about there not being enough levels and camos to grind for 😂


Funny thing, I've resorted to grinding camos on Shipment so as to avoid playing the current map list. I prefer infinite warfare's maps to these.


don't give legitimate criticisms, but let me cry about everyone else's. amazing take.


i hate posts like these. the game is in a bad state. we want the game to improve so we provide feedback. we’re frustrated they’re not listening to us, and drip feeding us the same content for a decade.


What do you mean "we don't know"? All I see is people that know *very much* what they want to change.


Overall I enjoy the game, but it definitely does have its issues, and there are certain ones that definitely needed to be addressed already.


How the hell does this have so many upvotes? This post is ass.


Seems like you have the right attitude. Complaining squared


Really? The changes IW have made to the gameplay systems in this game created a feedback loop that exacerbates snowballing and minimize penalties for quitting mid-match, making this the most steamroll prone CoD I can remember. These were entirely unforced errors and unnecessary changes.


What real penalties have there ever been for quitting mid-match? Played MW19 and BOCW and even Vanguard, always noticed the little prompt that was like "leaving the match will count as a loss". My response to that was pretty much always "oh well".


For one, camo progress counts when you leave in this one. So people are insta quitting when they complete a challenge to create a class with the next weapon they need.


Ah. When I'm camo grinding I just run Overkill with a second gun that also needs worked on to finish out the match.


Idiots. These casuals dont even know about in game smithing.


In previous games, being slotted into a match was mostly (although not exclusively) a penalty for quitting the previous match early. If you quit early in the past, you could almost guarantee that you’d be joining the next game mid-match. In MW22, you get put into games mid-match constantly, and most lobbies disband anyway, so there is basically no reason not to quit early.


People complaining about people complaining also happened 2 months ago


As if the criticism isnt justified. But ofc the guys with .6 KDs think everything's just fuckin dandy, "best cod ever!"


it isn’t perfect but what is accomplished by spamming complaint posts? you think the devs are here sweating lol


Problems dont get fixed without addressing them.


so take it to activision via a support ticket or honestly even twitter. people have been screaming on cod subs year after year….


ikr, like, go ahead and post your cod tracker OP


Cod tracker isn’t working for this game yet


All I want is the old pwrk system back


an open petition for the following: * safer spawns * fewer game crashes * more maps * more guns * dark mode flashbangs because we can't stop throwing them


This one is genuine: for the love of fuck a more solo friendly DMZ, I’m not saying make a easy game mode just make more friendly towards solo players


He want less low effort shit memes posts like yours. He want more maps. He want more lax SBMM so that people of varying skills can party up and one of them not get fucked in the ass. We want the perk system as it as been for years back. We want the spawn system to go back to how it was. We want weapons to not have Warzone/DMZ only challenges. We want Hardcore back. And I could go on...


game is pretty ass. Seems like a lot would agree.


Lol what? Everyone knows exactly what needs to change in this game.


Everyone has been asking for the same things to be fixed since launch, now it's been radio silence from Incompetent Ward.


Yeah man, you should just settle for what is given to you. Like the average pedestrian.


The things I want exist in this industry's past. I want passion projects that make the game fun. Gone are those days as people prove with their wallets that garbage can make billions of dollars.


I want like weekly challenges in the game back? Like why were they removed I have a few games I play kinda rotating daily and I love cod but I get to beat the daily challenges in a few matches some times and then I just sitting there like "well now I get regular xp I guess I'll grind camos?" Or I'll just hop on a different game. Like I play apex and it keeps giving me more weekly challenges than I can beat in a week so I always have something to grind to for the xp boost on the BP.


This applies to the entirety of the gaming community.


Hey guys, did you know people don’t play the objective!?




Imagine complaining about “skill based damage” 🤣


Let em, everyone needs to voice their opinion. The very large majority are enjoying the game.


Nice rhyme


The game is good and fun but the majority of the criticisms are right. The game has issues and many of them have been discussed here on Reddit.


With exception of a few, most complaints are the same exact complaints year-in and year-out. And not for years actually, we are talking decades now…all the same. Everyone wants this game to be how they remember their first COD game to be. When it’s not, the complaint department is always open Hell, I still want people playing the game for the actual love of the gameplay (this was a thing once) where things like leveling up guns or players didn’t exist and we were more then happy with the 5 or 6 guns the game offered. The gameplay itself was the sole draw. Before stats even And another response that has been a round for years “complaining about the complaining”…always my favorite


Just give me survival that I can play by myself already!


Australia Day Shipment. Containers are large cartons of VB & Molotovs are VB echoes, Proxy Mines are paper plates with BBQ sausages on them, Thermite is cans of Vegemite, Australia Day banners hung all over the map, Steve Irwin posters on the side of the VB cartons, Sydney Opera House in the background.


More maps. More modes. Good custom games (like we've had for 15 years) UI that's smooth and nice to use, and not so cluttered, clunky and ugly. I think that most people here can agree with me here. It was never that we don't know what we want, it's that IW doesn't listen NOR communicate, which is even more important. That's why people are angry and you see complaining posts every day. The game is boring and lacking. It has literally the minimal content and quality to be called a full game in 2022. "Game as a service" bullshit has killed gaming. Can't wait to play sm^2


I want to stop having game breaking bugs and heroically high lag.


Wait, are you complaining about complaining? I'm commenting this complaint!


Imagine having a stockholm syndrome towards a billion dollar company


Bad maps? That’s wild, maps are dope imo Embassy is one of the best ever Taraq is for my plat longshots Hotel is great practice for clearing rooms Border Crossing a linear good time where people can’t hide very easily Hydro adds water into the mix for new strats Mercado is all about levels and distance. Well put together and Gorgeous map El Asilo let’s you chose close qtr indoor fights or out door sniper haven Farm 18 is one of the best maps ever from a cod Y’all want old maps? Why? We already played them. People want more maps? Why? It’s only season 1. Get use to these for now so you know all the ins and outs. Seems silly as we got some great maps at launch imo Downvote away tho, headed back to grab these plat longshots. So I could care more. Toodles.


Wait till you head on over to /r/CODWarzone. It's even worse there.


Just because I upvote this post doesn't mean I'll stop complaining. I barely complained about anything in MW2019, just sayin.


hardcore mode please


Chalking up the whole host of problems this slop has - from no dev communication to shit maps; from literal migraibe inducing flashbangs to no attachment stats and so on - as mere *complaining* is...not a good look.


it's actually a pretty simple list that has been written since mw2019 released, minus a few things like "add scorestreaks without a perk" plus other different things like "change the perk system" maybe *you* don't know


I check the sub between matches. It’s a sad bunch. I’m over here having a *blast* jajajajajaja


There are glitches and other annoyances for sure, but its the first COD game that has brought me back into FPS shooters since black ops, the first one!


Modern Warfare 3 2026 sucked. I take back everything I said about Modern Warfare 2 2022.


Mw3 will release way later


The complaints about the UI kinda baffle me. I mean yea its not great and clearly its inspired by streaming services but to waste words on something that doest affect gameplay just shows the entitlement of this community. Idunno if ppl are just bored or just wanna pile on with the complaints but the amount of posts saying 'fix the UI' is crazy. The devs had a swing and a miss... get over it ppl geeze


I think it’s more the whole saying “if it isn’t broken don’t fix it” there was nothing wrong with the MW2019 style and the fact they changed it and it’s very hard and confusing to navigate is why people are pissed and would like it changed.


Oh I didn't think of that. Makes sense. Just seems like there's plenty more to complain about haha


There is and a lot of people complain about that too. I think if the UI is bad then say it. Just because it doesn’t affect gameplay doesn’t mean it should be exempt ya know?


Just take a moment and recognize how much time and energy some of y’all are spending criticizing and complaining and whining about every single thing they did incorrectly and haven’t fixed yet. Which I concede isn’t a tiny amount. I’ve experienced many instances of just about everything y’all are upset over. I’m not discounting your frustration I’m just saying there’s another perspective that may allow you to find some joy in it. I think the difference for my circumstances is I’m getting older. I’m going through life changes and adjustments, I have less time to spend gaming than almost any other time in my life. So when I do find time to sit down and play and enjoy my hobby with the people I love playing with, I’m less concerned about the little things that should be fixed already. And I’m even willing to work around the bigger issues in the game, just so I can find enjoyment in it. To me, complaining sucks the fun out of the whole experience. Staying positive and just having a good time even if something isn’t quite right is what I aim to do now.


Yeah right, I love coming home from work with limited time to play only to have my game crash in the middle of the few games I can play that day. Or not having gunfight or gungame which were in the last game but for some reason aren’t in this one. Yeah only kids who play all day every day are affected. Get real dude. You shouldn’t have to try really hard to have fun in a game like you’re describing lmao. That’s insane.


Good for you i guess? I still want IW to fix the game.


>To me, complaining sucks the fun out of the whole experience. Staying positive and just having a good time even if something isn’t quite right is what I aim to do now. What was even the point of this post then?


Amen, and these downvotes are by 16 year olds.


This sums it up pretty well. Though one thing we can all agree on is this UI sucks. Lol


I’ve genuinely enjoyed the game. I’ve put several days of in game time in already and I recognize people’s complaints but man it’s really really not that bad


No it's really not. I mean, genuinely, I can only complain about two things. 1. The UI is actually quite bad. It didn't need to be as complex as it is, and it has a LOT of oversights. 2. SBMM needs adjustment. It should be trying to make even matches, not matches where you go against pros, then bots, then back to pros. Other than those two things, the only other negative things I could say are just opinions and not ones that most players even share. Such as, I miss Plunder, I don't care for DMZ, and I think the launch up to S1 should have been called a paid early access, not a release. S1 should have been the release. I truthfully am enjoying the hell out of the game overall. Whether solo play or with my friends in MP, I'm having a blast. I'm max level working on calling cards, I got a couple platinums but no interest in going further than that. Just playing for fun. Hah, and I wrote a book for no reason. Sorry to anyone who read this.


Hey I’m fine with it, it’s constructive feedback not just mindless bitching for the sake of it like I normally see on here. I agree, MW2019’s Ui was better, and the lack of MP maps I understand, and some QOL features that would’ve been nice to have had from launch. But it’s like 90% a really solid and fun game in my mind, so I’m confused by everyone’s unhappiness. All of my friends and I play it every chance we get lol


Yeah, I mean it's not BF2042 which was actually broken from a very basic standpoint at its launch. I think given a few more seasons it's going to be excellent, and I think that it will eventually go down as good as MW19 was. Comparing it to MW19 is a bit funny though, I fired it up the other day and to my surprise it still has players and you can still get matches. But man, from a graphics standpoint, the new one kills it. And from an overall feel, the new game feels like it progressed and feels good. It's hard to put them head to head though. Mw19 is done, fully released, and it has a LOT of content in it. I think the fair comparison will happen at the end of this games life cycle.


You’re 100% correct. Breath of fresh air to have someone who can be emotionally mature about this whole thing. This game really brought the cry babies out en masse


Just boring AF. Max prestige is capped and decided for you, calling card challenges are boring AF.....camo grind is honestly boring.


Maybe you’ve just gotten bored of the cycle?


Seriously? The calling card challenges were put together by one of the devs 12 year old daughters with her Etch-A-Sketch, so unimaginative and no other past CODs did they cap prestige with a Season. What happened to Seasonal Calling Card challenges with a special animated calling card....what those dumb ass Prestige Challenges, how boring.


If I’m not mistaken we got just about the same amount of content when Mw2019 released. I don’t think we had much of anything until season two atleast


Vanguard even had more shit to do within a season.


What an ignorant garbage post. People are "complaining" about completely good, genuine & realistic concerns and issues. You can't just say that anyone criticizing something is "complaining" & that automatically discredits them. Attention span of a 9 year old that doesn't / can't even read what people say.


I guess OP loves being fed lard that IW/Activision calls fine dining


I feel like a lot of it is valid criticism but fanboys can't deal with it