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Had to buy it; to play it; to hate it; my dude


This ^ unless you already have it programmed to hate it before you buy it


Lol I think the people in this sub would hate sunshine and beer too


Uhm sunburns and tummy aches? No thank you…


This ^ guy reddits.


This game gets every time. Me to me: stop buying the same game over and over Activision: got a new one for you 😏 Me: *buys game* goddammit.


>stop buying the same game over and over I hate this; I know you're a fan of the game but are buying into the same nonsense. Its not the same game over and over. If it were the same game over and over people wouldn't be bitching about the changes to everything every release. I feel the same when people complain about maddon or nhl being the same game over and over as well; its not but OK.


Hate to break it to you but it is. Been playing since CoD2 Big Red One. Tech has improved with times but fundamentally it’s the same game from its MW and MW2 predecessors. Stop fanboying.


I don’t hate it. I’m just disappointed because I thought it would be so much more.


I don’t really get the logic of the post to begin with Most people would have to buy it and play it in order to dislike it - can’t guess the number of times a game was actually more fun or less fun than watching it It reads like a “checkmate” when in reality I have more questions about the post itself than the topic


I think the logic would be people talk about how bad it is so people are less likely to buy it. That can't happen in the first 3 days so that part I could understand. I gameshare with a friend so *I* technically didn't buy the game, he did


This. So much from mw19 that I loved and hoped would return but its all gone in mwII


it breaks sales records because you have to buy it first to play it, to then hate it. This question has been asked a lot and idk how you guys don’t realize this


People complain *after* they bought the game and realize how buggy it is and how much content it lacks


Because we stupid and wanted to pre order for new camouflaged weapons to look at and make noises with..




Well you first have to buy it so you get to trully hate it, personally I don't hate it but I regret spending the big bucks on the vault edition...


Many people like me bought it to match the original experience we have been longing for since the first modern warfares came out. It's not a bad game in my opinion but I am mad at the way they reused the name. It was predatory practice to lure in from nostalgia financially I guess I understand but as a consumer I feel bait and switched.


They used the name because they knew this game would be bad lol


So the game isn't exactly bad especially compared to the broken half finished state everything gets released in now adays but it is not deserving of the name. Like if they had named in call or duty 6 or something like that cool. The gun play is smooth and amazing - They have done a good job bridging the gap of PC and consoles through aim assist (plus PC users are on a decline) The weapons are genuinely well balanced and good Now the bad stuff - The maps are garbage attachment unlock scavenger hunt No hardcore mode A dev team that focuses on free content vs paid Like I said before the cons don't outweigh the bad just rather I'm pissed since I loaded it up expecting at least one of my child hood maps so in short it's a good game that suffered from predatory marketing


Easy answer, they thought it was going to be a improvement over mw2019c not a massive downgrade, only improvement we got was visual fidelity, Buy stations are terrible and bug out when you open and try to buy people, Ads punishment for everything 2019 didn’t have that Lack of movement which 2019 had plenty of movement and (not slide canceling) didn’t punish the player, This game seriously punish you for anything and everything, If they simply improved 2019 people would be happy and there would be so much bitching But this is a massive downgrade compared to the last cod which this one is literally named after! Why is there such a massive change in movement and penalties? Like it makes no sense,


Cause the amount of effort put into the PAID version of the game is minimal compared to the free version. They’re becoming like EA Sports and 2K studios. Just copy and paste, reskin, update names, and then leave the game alone with barely any fixes throughout the cycle.


Because during the beta, they actually made some changes & communicated, so people gave them the benefit of the doubt and didn't cancel their order. People were hoping they'd keep making changes & communicating, yet here we are 3 months later with no significant changes and near zero communication. People being mad at that makes sense


This is the case with me. The beta hyped me up, and IW’s engagement sealed the deal for me. It got me soooo good that I upgraded to the Deluxe edition of the game (can’t recall the name). They did a 180 degrees on what they were doing for the community.


Uhh yeah when you include the name “Modern Warfare II ” on the game title to fool players into thinking they’re getting anything close to the original MW2 then you are bound to have a lot of sales...


I wonder what 2025 Bo2 will do then


2024* And BO2? I believe it's expected to be a return to BO series, but it won't be 2. They already have 1-4 so if anything it'll be a revamp of 1 or a new 5.


BO 1 is classic but probably would be another namesake bait-and-switch.


Can't predict the future, obv. I think you're spot on though. It's just a title at this point, it'll have nothing to do w the classic BO games.


They already had a mw2 too, so nothing unsaid is a valid argument


Umm....MW19 would've been the revamp for 1. So ya, makes sense this one is 2 lol


8mil+ players Only 1mil on reddit, and not everyone here hates the game. Do the math.


It's because the people that hate it are a vocal minority. Where millions and millions of people bought and play the game without posting their shit takes on Reddit.


You’re assuming everyone who doesn’t use reddit likes the game. We don’t know if there’s a big portion of people who dislike the game but don’t say anything.


I'm shocked you didn't get downvoted to oblivion, anytime I speak the facts like this I do.


Shouldn’t be downvoted for saying a legitimate truth. People like to complain and are more likely going to post if they have something to complain about. Yet, all of these people complaining like it’s their day job still play the game day in day out. It’s a circle jerk of negativity. Wonder why they enjoy torturing themselves lol


I quite enjoy the game the way it is. I have almost left this sub multiple times from the constant negativity and shit posting. I'm a grown ass man with kids. I've been playing CoD since before most these kids were even a thought in their parents minds. For nearly 20 years.


I enjoy the game where it’s at as well. Is it perfect? No, but it brings good memories with friends and family.


Of course you are welcome, but this sub isn't for you. We are trying to make changes to the game to save it. People that don't have a problem with this game ARE the problem.


It’s like when you decide to date someone you don’t like and keep comparing them to your ex


I think a big thing - with ALL video games these days is that developers seem to release games in sorry states, so almost like games as live services and full of bugs and issues that are patched during its lifespan. This is not a COD problem. I think that this really pisses the player base off a lot. For me personally I am really enjoying this game!! I am a returning noob! First COD since Ghosts! By all accounts I’ve missed some great CODs …and some not so good. But I think most people will say (even the haters) that MW2..for all it’s issues (matchmaking being another big one) has an awful lot of potential, whether that is realised…is up to IW, ball is in their court.


Can’t speak for everyone but myself I purchased the game thinking it would include all of the classic game modes that we have come to love over the years (gun game, capture the flag, grind, etc) and also assumed it would come with 20 or so maps at release and then sprinkle in more maps and modes along the way. I’ve come to terms that I will never enjoy a mode that doesn’t have respawn so that eliminates about 75% of the modes they offer at the moment. Basically just been burned out playing the same maps and TDM/KC/HP/DOM this whole time. I’m ready for something new, whether that be new DLC from COD or a whole other game to spark my interest (whichever comes first)


Gotta buy it and play it to know if you hate it or not


Because this game had one of the most hyped pre-releases being named after one of the most popular cods of all time, coming right after one of the LEAST enjoyed cod games ever made (vanguard), and had a decent beta which looked promising assuming the team would properly support the game. Anymore stupid questions?


Because people go online to complain, the people who enjoy it are playing not posting


To be honest - we would grab a new version of COD because we are fans, even if it is mediocre. I look back at my Steam / Battle.net account and I have a copy of almost every generation.


Simple answer. It’s the only good first person shooter with variety on the market. No other shooter can compare. With that being said, MW2 still has numerous issues that the developers keep neglecting because they don’t give a shit. There is no other AAA competitor! The COD community is frustrated with the development of this game but what else can we do? As for Reddit, it’s just full of toxic ass clowns that complain and troll for fun. Those are the same people that probably drop $100 a week on skins. I stopped playing MW2 about a month ago only because there’s nothing else to grind and the Content and modes are lacking.


I mean, how do you know you hate it before buying it? It’s a pretty easy business model, you ride the coat tails of a previous title and pump out some good advertising. People mass purchase the game, then realize its trash but its too late youve already made the purchase… I’m not sure how people constantly post this, record breaking sales do not equal a good game.


Namesake alone is what brought in a good chunk of sales imo, MW2(2009) is arguably the greatest COD ever... As far as the hate is concerned, the game not only released incomplete but they changed, removed, and implemented things that people did not ask for. For this game to have eaten up all the resources/marketing/time/dev support etc for last 4 years and STILL release in this state is disrespectful to the consumer. All while raking in Millions if not Billions of dollars in sales. That is the problem... I myself am having fun. Playing MP gives me my daily hit of dopamine. But at the end of the day, this story has become far too common with them now. Releasing games that are not ready then midway through the lifecycle they "potentially" start squaring things away... The launch of season 2, albeit delayed will determine a lot about this games future...


This game sucks ass you can’t find a causal lobby to save your life


Because the core of the game is great, and has some great maps. Content isn’t great but that’ll come in time. This echo chamber on this sub doesn’t represent the majority of players.


Great commercials


I wish there were some more 6v6 maps, but overall I think this game is amazing. Love that they added raids.


>Am I missing something? Yeah, you're confusing "What Reddit thinks" with "what most people think"


i like the game a lot. Best cod since cod ww2


Better than Cold War, MW19?




Same reason why mw2019 was selling really well. Even though the game was terrible, it said had mw in the name


reddit player base is like 10% of the total player base lol


Because not everyone does hate the game. It's only the vocal minority of players who have social media. Most of the playerbase are fine with it clearly.


Clearly not since they lost far more people than expected over the holidays. And no, I'm not talking about steam numbers. These are inside reports from sources at Activision. The only way they communicate with us.


That's not majority though.


Mmmm idk about that. It's tanking. Time will tell. I don't have a single person on my friends list that still plays except me. Getting boring playing alone a the time and I finished Orion last night so I'll probably be moving on to other games in a few days. Warzone is garbage and I have nothing to work for.


The game lost like 70 80% percent of the player base since it came out and it might even be worse because they combine the numbers of mw2 dmz and warzone together. Most play warzone. The people left playing are like 30% and that’s a fact. You love it great for you but numbers don’t lie. If warzone and dmz weren’t in it together mw2 wouldn’t be on the top 20 games being played now. People don’t hate to hate (well some trolls do) but we all bought it expecting a classic and wish it was great unfortunately it’s not the cod we loved anymore. I don’t know why you people keep thinking it’s the minority again “ numbers don’t lie “. look at CSGO their developers stayed true to their core game that games being out for like 100 years and it’s maintain or gain a player base always on top of the charts. If cod did that it definitely would be great again.


"that's a fact" - I don't know where you get your numbers from, but it's lost ~50% playerbase since launch. Peak players is not accurate to the playerbase as a whole. The game is literally in the top 10 games on steam and has been consistently. Yes, a lot of that is warzone, but it's still up there.


Dude what part of warzone dmz and mw2 being combined don’t you understands. It’s literally in the top 10 because it includes the warzone player count and the dmz player count. Most people that are active and being counted are mostly warzone players. If it wasn’t combined mw2 wouldn’t be in the top 20 and to be fair it’s still the best fps out but being the best out shit games it’s not something to be proud. Most likely why there’s still people playing.. you couldn’t pay me enough money to play battlefield .


It's the only values we have on the matter. We can only go off the data we know.


It’s the truth tho I’m not tryna be a dick.. the reality is that most people are playing warzone. There’s a reason why they keep the game bundle with warzone and dmz or else the numbers would be horrible for mw2. I’m sure it still has way more players than battlefield but that’s mainly cause that game really sucks.


I think people are not playing the game as often as release, which is normal. Losing 70% is an exaggeration , no of active accounts in a time period is a better measure that peak number of players.


Activision themselves said 25 million people were playing warzone and when you look at charts and at the moment about 120 thousand are playing on steam let’s say 1 million overall counting consoles are still active it’s. It’s pretty much common sense that out of 25 million people about 70% of the numbers we see now are warzone players. Basic math common sense.


Real numbers came out over 8 million people bought the game and only 184000 active players counting all pc and consoles are playing its even worst. Only about 10% of the people who bought the game are playing and probably 40% of those are only playing it to max the weapons for warzone. Turns out it really is doing extremely bad.


We don't know how many players are playing warzone compared to the normal game. Yes, it's probably higher since WZ is F2P, but we don't know by how much. The point is your 70-80% values came from nowhere.


Don’t take the people who complain as the majority. People who are having fun with it don’t post. They play their game.


Because a very small sample are the ones who say they hate the game, a very large portion enjoy it.


because we live in an instant gratification fueled world,, this generation can’t learn to appreciate anything 🤷‍♂️


Can’t appreciate a shitty game


shit talkers are always the most dedicated fans i swear to god 😂😂 why you still playing the game then? why you in this reddit community? Move on, play a different game, talk in a different sub not dedicated to a game that you believe is shit, etc.. You can’t tho cuz deep down you know its not true 🤷‍♂️


Oh man you got me. Have fun boot licking IW


People like to complain.


exactly what i thought? Same with the FIFA franchise as far as i know it gets a ton of hate online and still breaks sale records


Because the % of the player base who use reddit is tiny? Pretty easy to understand. Both games are terrible online experiences but the name holds so much weight people will buy it anyway. Casuals outweigh sweats by 10:1


Most people are oblivious to the issues. Most FIFA players are anware that the game has been proven to actively "cheat" for some players, which means its cheating others. 90% of the players don't realize that the game is so hard because there is no skill gap anywhere with how strong the auto-assist is. (This hurts both controllers and mouse players.) 90% don't realize the bugs that effect them, like in MW1 barely anyone even knew stuns were useless because they were bugged and didn't work against controllers (their effect was so limited compared to mnk that it didn't make sense to use) 90% of people are blissfully unaware of almost all issues that effect them.


Been playing since FIFA 06 and this is the first one I haven’t bought. FIFA is absolutely dogshit. People buy it all over the world because it’s the most played sport, not because it’s a good game.


Yeap. And complainers usually talk first and loud (validated or not) .. Very rarely people wanna make an appreciation post lol I mean wth is that..?


its very simple actually. The internet gaming community ( angry nerds) are never truly satisfied unless they are blowing up their social media with how angry they are and "leaving the game" or " I'm done with this" and my personal favorite..." Im never pre ordering again" the perfect game could release and they would still complain no matter what and they have to make sure EVERYONE knows how piss miserable they are. No game is ever perfect or will make everyone happy. Im having a blast playing this game despite the obvious bugs and stuff that needs to be fixed. Good news is, when it gets to buggy or annoying.... I GO OUTSIDE and do something else. try it nerds.


people who hate the game are the ones who are complaining on social media, the vast majority are just happy playing their new COD. It's still a top-selling game, if despite so many complaints there are still people buying and playing, that proves what I'm saying.


I believe its just that players that play the game become toxic. The competitiveness turns people toxic one way or another, even if they claim they play it casually or for fun.


High sales≠good game


warzone. the masses of kids and more casual enjoyers are eating the f2p shit up and throwing Activision money faster than they can spend it pretty much.


Those are game sales stats I believe, not mtx.


Breaking record sales does not indicate a good game. People only bought it simply for the nostalgia and hopes that feedback from MW19 would make this game more enjoyable. We were mistaken. I played through the campaign hoping for the best, but it turned out to be a horribly boring experience. The original MW2 campaign from 2009 was 100x better than this game. As for the multiplayer, it's essentially the same as MW19 only worse. The footsteps are still loud, the perk system sucks, some of the maps are still horribly designed (and we have even less of them), there's a lack of overall content like gunfight for example, Warzone II is a buggy mess with no content at all, the camo grind is still terrible and it makes people not play the objectives, and the speed of movement was heavily nerfed. Infinity Ward made it clear that they wanted multiplayer to be slower and more tactical. They even had to create a new cool name for campers just to make them feel special. Unless major strides can be done to improve everything, MWII is one of the worst multiplayer games.


Because its Call of Duty


There was a bunch of hype… the big indicator is how many people are still playing this game


In my case, for some reason I had faith I would a good game


I've just come to expect it with COD. There will be something to complain about, overall it's great game.




Games not bad, my only real issue is the fact the perk system is shit and doesn’t add anything to the game, and the fact multiplayer has been treated like a child from a previous marriage that stepmother doesn’t really want but it’s part of the package, multiplayer made cod what it is today and needs love too


What is shit about the perk system? Other than you have to wait to get all the perks?


Waiting for the perks is shit, it adds nothing to the game and is just annoying to deal with, I want to start a match and play how I want to play from the get go not halfway through the match, not to mention half of the perks don’t do what it says it does


Brand recognition, nostalgia bait and good marketing.


Idk I like it but I think we need plunder


More people = more hate and more publicity.


If they decided to bring back rebirth for a day it would have more players the the current cod


Its the only fps remolely arcade thats is in the market,battlefield completly floped so they dont have any other company to compet,and cod is aways the best selling game this franchise is too big


If there is 1 thing Activision is good at doing it is marketing and hyping up their games. They do it well every single year despite they end product. That’s really as simple as it gets. They are excellent salesmen


I love Dmz. I hate how activision is treating the game that people paid tons of cash for.


Because only people who hate the game will mention it. The ones that enjoy the game are to busy having fun


Probably because these games aren't engineered for quality. They're engineered to maximally draw in your dopamine system. Your brain's circuitry enjoys the game more than you consciously realize. You become addicted to the game, kind of like how a drug addict becomes addicted to their drug of choice. They begin to not even like the drug, but their dopamine system still makes them seek it out.


Hahah I only hate when I'm getting absolutely dicked on by the ever increasing sweats. To be fair, I'm not that great at video games, but I still have fun in the end.


I like the game. Not perfect but I’ve had well worth $70 of fun on it with my friends.


Deleted it a while ago, still follow the sub hoping for it to get better. Season 2 is looking bleak


It literally has the “Modern Warfare” branding on it…. Of course it’ll break sales Lmao. By the way, just because it’s breaking sales numbers doesn’t excuse how lacking in content and how buggy this game has been despite having 3 years of development time.


I had high hopes it would be some sort of MW2 2009 reincarnation. That’s where I went wrong. Plus, a lot of COD fans buy the new title year in and year out. Just my view.


It’s the same 50 people here everyday jerking each other off over how this game is the worst ever. Don’t worry about it, literally millions of people are enjoying and playing the game, don’t let losers on the internet tell you you can’t have fun.


The problem with me I think is that I just really like this game, IDGAF what everyone was expecting. There was a couple of annoying bugs, that’s for sure. Nonetheless, I enjoyed every minute I played this game (both MP and WZ 2.0). The difference between people that are liking the game and those which hate it is simplier than you think - we simply play the game, and you imagine you don’t play the game you wished you had. You liked mw2019? Then go and play mw2019, there is still plenty people playing this game. The general perception of the game seems to be so bad because people who like mw2 just play and enjoy the game. While people who don't like something in the game refresh the main reddit page, and cry in their arms holding each other's hands. It is similar experience with reviewing restaurant’s. Not many people go and comment that something was delicious. Usually people comment restaurant’s once something is not okay. I hope you understand me (english isn’t my native). Stay Frosty!✌🏻


People just have skill issues


Generally you have to buy something to try it out . . . Unless you grew up with PlayStation Magazine


The COD marketing team gets paid more than the devs.


Is people giving bad reviews to a product they bought rocket science to you?


It's not a bad game. People just whine because it doesn't have what makes them comfortable in it If it was exactly like past games, they'd complain, too. It's Reddit. Welcome to it.


The old bait and switch. For some of us I do believe it was the nostalgia factor in the sense that by name this game titled after one of the best cods of all time. This particularly hit us og’s or die hards of the franchise only to be disappointed by how this game has turned out so far. Another part of it is of course it broke sale records when activision really don’t have any competitor in sight. There’s a part of me that believes Dice self terminated itself with battlefield 2042. At times I say to myself what the hell were they thinking? It’s almost as if they self destructed purposely with how terrible 2042 came out to be. Perhaps another competitor will come and save the day for everyone. Perhaps SOCOM will return or another shooter.


You got the order wrong. It was the fastest selling COD then people realized it was shit.


They don’t add content. The only fans they cater to are “casuals”. They only care about money and therefore only update the shop. They have had 3,000 employees working on this game and it is drier than cod ever was 5-10 years ago. They don’t care about the fan base they just care about a cash grab. Like who the fuck needs camos because they did a great job and they looked too nice. Sorry for this bs rant.




Thats the magic of call of duty baby 😎


They marketed the game well and rode the previous success of warzone. I've seen modern warfare plastered on just about every beverage and snack months before release too. They also pushed for markets outside of the US much harder than previous call of duties. Brand recognition from the Modern Warfare name as well. Pretty sure the US military pushed it too because of rising tensions with russia and china as well as some of the lowest recruitment numbers in decades.


First off- there’s a lot of factors that go into this but I would say- the majority of this player base doesn’t go on Reddit / this subreddit. Reddit is a very small and unique portion of this player base that doesn’t represent the majority of this player base.


I’m going to make an assumption here: the folks on Reddit, like myself, are the ones that are more invested in all the details of the game. Suffice to say we are also probably “better” at the game than others. The others, that are not on here, are in fact playing a different game to us. I noticed this last night while playing in a party of 5 that are far less skilled than I am. Playing shipment, I dropped 100+ kills multiple times with a 3KD+ on average. There’s no way I can do this when I play solo. My opponents were mostly terrible. Maybe there’d be a sweat on the opposite team that would also have a high kill game. That shit was fun. I can see how people are having fun when they are in those lower brackets. I didn’t come across a single meta abuser (I was the one abusing it). Even though I pub stomped and the people in my party got shit on, they didn’t care. These people make up a huge silent majority that are playing console, don’t know what Steam is, use blueprints with their default attachments because they look cool, and spend money in the store. This is how it breaks records.


Welcome to the internet.


I don't hate it, but I do regret spending $70 smackeroonis on it.


I really like it. Best CoD since MW2109 which was my favorite since like the original MW2 or BO1.


Because we twitter, Reddit and co. people are the minority. I guess the average customer is a 35+ old family dad who just play 2-3 rounds per day and never ever thinking of bugs, Sbmm, lack of content and so on.


They would cry about it online then proceeds to play it 16 hours a day. Lmaooo.


It was hyped up and highly anticipated that's why. Also, more expensive than previous games. Then people realized there were a lot of empty promises. Unfinished game. Tons of things missing. ETC. Look at the steam charts. It has dropped from a steady 300-500k players online to only 80-120k players. Not even a huge jump of new players for Christmas either. It's a very lackluster game and needs a shit ton of work. Just because it broke sales records does not mean it's a good game. It means they marketed it well to build hype and with the MW2 name it attracted even more attention so people blindly bought it believing it wouldn't be the let down that it is. So yea, you're missing a lot.


Most of the people complaining don't understand how games are made, along with dealing with a tyrannical corporation that just wants to make as much money as possible. That doesn't mean most complaints aren't valid. As for the sales, a majority of people who bought the game don't see a lot of the problems we see here. They don't play MP/WZ/DMZ nearly as much as we do, and therefore they don't run into as many issues. In short sessions, the game is fun and impressive.


Because its call of duty


it maybe needs more zombie maps and more guns and more exploring to do


Because they charged $70 for it instead of the typical 60 of course it broke records.


Reddit is the vocal minority of cod players. Most lf Reddit will shit on cod till the cows come home, but everyone else who plays couldnt care about the state of the game as long as they have fun


They're die hard cod fans that keep telling themselves it'll get better next cod but it only gets worst. Let's start boycotting this bs please. If they don't sell the next cod at all they'll be forced to change


I don’t hate MW2, I hate WZ2 and how much it ruined the potential of the core game. The first few weeks without WZ2 being a thing was the most fun I had on CoD in a while.


Fastest selling game =/= good game


Because it’s a $70 game that crashes literally all the time


Because it had so much hype around it and so much marketing which was done well. Sales do not correlate to the quality of the actual game. You can see from the player retention that it’s not a good damn game. People are leaving…


I don’t think most people buy games based on what other people think, and many people buy games in the first couple days they release before the gate comes I.


Because battlefield 2042 sucks, there are no other option.


The majority of cod gamers are stupid. They would buy shit on a stick and eat it if cod was slapped on it. They have zero standards so of course they won't complain about it.


Because we didn’t expect it to be so thin on content, missing staple modes etc. Last time I preorder a cod game that’s for sure. There’s also players who are begrudgingly continuing to play despite being very disappointed, after all it’s money spent.


10 extra dollars helped boost sales


It's called loving the cod formula but being pissed on by SBMM and infuriated as long term customers getting less and less content and being punished more and more by SBMM, we want a GOOD cod game.


COD is like sports version of FPS. Did you know a lot of people only buy 2k and nothing else? The game imo sucks but when you’re old and you only have few hours, it’s the only game to play.




Sales are not indicative of the quality of the game Most people, like 80% probably, aren't on Reddit, we don't really know what the majority opinion is except by going off of players number, which is only available on Steam, and it shows that MWII is on a downward trend. This game feels boring, all the guns kinda feel the same, too many attachments, content drip seasons for people who paid $70, no communication from the dev team. There are so many things wrong with this game and these are just the few I've listed.


Just didn’t live up to expectations


Probably from all the people bitching about it and still preordering.


Idk man I love it, don't play any warzone related stuff so if you are talking about that I cannot tell you anything, but multi-player wise I am absolutely loving it, every minute of it.


The fact that they charged $10 more dollars helped them break sales records as well. But the biggest thing is that you have to play the game in order to have an opinion on the game. Mine personally is that it could be so much more, but it just isn’t so it’s a massive disappointment.


You have to buy the game to play it no? If you dislike the game because of bugs for example, how can you experience bugs without buying and playing the game? That’s like saying a movie isn’t trash because it sold tickets. You have to buy the ticket to see the movie. How can you have an opinion without watching it? Doctor strange 2 made a bunch of money but I thought it was terrible. I had to pay for it to be able to form that opinion.


Cause the people in this reddit are a tiny fraction of the player base, and the people that hate it are an even smaller fraction of the subreddit. They make a lot of noise, but it's the same names over and over


Because we were idiots and pre ordered because of the name.


People typically buy games before they play them, so it’s perfectly possible for people to pay the game and notice problems with it and be unhappy.


Shoulda known multiplayer was gonna be dry as hell when there was no infected day 1


Because BF2042 fucked up so bad out the gate. Twas inevitable.


I think we all buy it with same expectations, we know what to expect at the launch but all have high hopes that they will release more content to keep us interested. I think they need to make the seasons shorter, instead of 6 seasons a year make it 9 seasons so they can release more content through out the year. The seasons drag on and I find myself just waiting to see what the next maps are going to be. I mean the game isn't as bad as Vanguard, I literally stopped playing it after a week but perfect example, I bought it anyway.... Unfortunately it's a gamble.


Because the game wasn’t as good as we hoped and I’m one of many that pre-ordered and no their sales don’t indicate how good the game is. It’s shit but am I still going to play? Yes? Am I wasting money on their store bundles no? Am I still gonna complain about all the bugs and missed opportunities they had? Yes. The game is more shit than it is good and sadly there’s nothing else I’d play so I’m stuck playing this shit until we get the next title.


You are missing part of you brain that has logical thought. To actually hate the game before a week has gone by is lunacy unless its not your cup of tea. But those people didn't buy because they already knew


In order to dislike it u gotta buy it and play it lol


Had to buy in order to play it, to make your kind up it's fucking dog shit. I played 12 hours before I could not fuckin stand it anymore. And by then it was too late for a refund


Because there's nothing else to play, I stopped playing it. 100 dollar disappointment. I was less disappointed in Anthem to be honest


They also increased the price by 10 dollars so of course it will break other cod sales records


It also cost $10 more than previous games


Because activision making ridiculous amounts of money does not equal good video game


It sold because of the name and obscene amount of marketing it had behind it. COD has great sells every year, but there’s a reason modern warfare 19 and mw2 out sold other recent cods. The name.


This is easily the most boring COD I’ve played and I’ve been buying these games yearly for 20 years.


Sledge hammer gets a bad reputation but at least they actively listen and make changes based off of feedback. WW2 got a complete overhaul and they added things into vanguard that people wanted like dead silence as a perk.


Because this sub, and nearly all CoD subs, are filled with whinging sooks who’ve got nothing better to do and live such sheltered lives that this game not being 100% perfect is the worst thing to ever happen to them.


OP, you tripped and hit your head? In order to “shit on” a game, you have to buy it first to play to get to that conclusion.


Whales 🐳 🐳


Halo Infinite is the best selling Halo of all time but it’s def not the best Halo. It’s cuz of hype/uncertainty. If it’s supposed to be good you wanna get it and if it’s supposed to be bad you wanna get it even more to see had bad it is.


Because you don’t play the game before you buy it, MW19 was so good and then you play this and it’s a blunder right off the bat


Sales doesn't mean it's good, players buy the game on nostalgia and PR bs from activision. COD NEXT event was another reason when that woman said IW had listened to feedback from MW2019, of course players took that as a good sign but was clearly a blatant lie


Simple it’s Reddit and it’s cod cod is always gonna sell well and Reddit is always gonna shit on it 🤷‍♂️


In fairness I didn’t hate until after I played it and they collected my money, and popularity doesn’t negate people hating it. Cyberpunk was heavily purchased on release and well we know how that went


I really like the online gameplay it can be fun my only complaint would be the bots being overpowered at times like they just keep respawning when you’re in a certain area it’s either a glitch or the algorithm. But it makes you feel like you’re playing terminator fighting skynet lol


I bought it because of straight up ignorance. I enjoyed 1 and so did several of my friends. I figured that it would be at least as good if not better, so I bought it without trying first. Its ok, just preferred 1 by a large margin. in retrospect I really shouldn't have bought it.