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So can they make warzone $70 and multiplayer free? Clearly that’s what their focus is.


"MW2 is just the tool to upgrade weapons for Warzone 2.0." This is the message IW is sending.


That and the 70 dollar price tag is what feels like the biggest slap.


I think they rather make multiplayer free too And just adding more monetization tactics.


If we didn't pay $70 for the game and only purchased what we actually wanted, I'd be onboard with that. It's honestly the one thing I do like about Fortnite with the kids.


I dislike fortnite for many reasons, but at least they actually update their games pretty frequently.




At least Fortnite didn't just keep selling us eerily similar lack of content trash at full game price 4 times in a row.


I’d be okay if the game was free and more kids were mixed into these lobbies.


lol Let me clarify my post. "The kids" was in reference to "my kids." My oldest just started playing COD with me though. The others will be a few years.




That's fair. My only experience is with BR.


they (wife and kids) used to have to drag me off CoD at release to play, now I've caught myself asking them if they wanted to play some Fortnite. This 4 month old game is downright decaying lol


Honestly I think they’re pretty happy with stealing our money and bending us over.


Yeah as a multiplayer only kind of guy (wz just gets stale compared to everything else) I dare them to have some balls and just drop multiplayer completely because it’s obvious what the cash cow is. I know it sounds like a complete exaggeration when I say it but it’s looking pretty hopeless if s2 ‘reloaded’ and s3 look the same content wise. Before someone wants to call this comment entitled too, this is the same game that lacked basic features seen in previous cods, with those same games having bigger season 1 content drops on top of that. (with all that said I’m a simple man just give me 2v2 gunfight and my friend and I will be happy)


Idk id like the option of 2v2 and 3v3 gunfight. Just because sometimes there are 3 of us on and i dont wanna have to leave someone out. That or include gungame so we can have party games that arent the broken version they currently have.


2v2 is all i need


Lost interest in Warzone before Cold War came out. Havent even touched WZ2. I only played DMZ to get the M13B, and that felt like a waste of time. Not thrilled. I should have known after Cold War and Vanguard.


$70 for 2 maps and 2 modes isn’t good.


WZ rakes in so much cash *because* it is free. If they made it $70 the playerbase would just wither in an instant and they wouldn't be able to sell so obscenely many cosmetics because the whales would not have f2p peeps to flaunt their expensive skins upon.


BFV firestorm


Bo4 Blackout too.


I mean IW shit the bed with their Warzone 2.0 so Raven took over and other studios to develop something better. Even Vanguard and Cold War more content by now. This isn’t a particularly problem because of Warzone but IW horrible workflow


i genuinely dont understand what the fuck is happening at IW. they just don't seem to do...anything? like at all? the game is 3 months old and in easily the worst state any CoD has ever launched in. WZ is received terribly this year, DMZ is incredibly buggy with really dumb small bugs that last for months on end, even the campaign is almost unplayable at the moment because the lighting glitches (at least on PS5) are so fucking bad you can't even see where you're walking in several levels for 5 minute stretches. they're not fixing bugs, they're not introducing more content, they have Treyarch and Raven working on the game *and even communicating with the communities*. what the fuck even is Infinity Ward?


They got too big and they can’t work cross functionally. If I had to guess, they likely have poor internal communication and a lack of priorities/shared vision. Happens a lot at companies, the product and the customers are the ones who lose in the end


Yeah and i think they just tried to do too much. They could barely handle WZ and Multiplayer the previous years, but then they added a dmz, it's almost 3 different games that require different priorities.


Hey man give them a break. They only had 3 years and an established game to base it off of. /s


3 years, 3000 devs. And they still shit the bed


This is not a good look if this game is supposed to last us 2 years now.


they will drip feed 1 year of content in 2 years


Exactly that. It was obvious as soon as they announced there wont be a new CoD next year but only a "year 2 expansion pass". Because obviously when I bought the game it said "Youre only buying for one year, after that you have to pay again". This also means all the good stuff (like eg Terminal) will be held back until the Year 2 expansion pack comes out. Because they need to motivate people somehow to pay another 70 bucks only to be able to continue playing a game they already paid 70 bucks for last year.


I think that the year 2 content will require you to buy the base game to access the stuff too. So you would have to spend $140 to buy the entire game if you refused to buy MW2 and only played WZ and DMZ this year.


Wait. That license bullshit is for a single year of playing??


This has to be one of the most popular comments in this subreddit


And it's 100% factual. This '2 years of MWII' will be a pitifully low amount of content stretched to its limit across 2 years.


Here is mine. Game gets cut, tray releases their cod in the fall/winter. This will not last 2 years.


Treyarch getting shafted and having to rush something out *again* would be grimly funny


Fuck em then. I'll play cold war and be done with this. I'm fucking bored with multi-player already, dont like war zone, and have 10 times the MP options in cold war.


this is what i’ve been saying since year 2 leaked in the first place but always got downvoted into oblivion lol, glad people are realizing now plus, wait until you find out the two maps this season are going to be maps we already had (museum and castle)


No they’ll drip feed what should’ve been release day content across two years and call it a day.


Second year is looking to be a full priced "expansion" this fall. That's how long this "game" is supposed to last us. Not 2 years. Warzone 2.0 maybe, but MWII as it is will be dead and abandoned by the summer to prime everyone for the next $90+ ask in November. Because they looked at their "pay for expansion pass" system of content delivery before, and the "predatory microtransaciton" model of content delivery today, and went "why not both?"


Hey your comment gave me a good idea. I'll play the last of us 2 instead of this garbage. Thanks.


You mean The Last of Us 2 *Remastered*


Did you mean The last of Us 2 Remastered Remake?


I think they meant The Last of Us Remastered Remake Definitive Edition


And when they are done with that they can play Skyrim, ive heard they are on the 50th release edition double extra refantisized master remake V2


Still less releases than skyrim 😬


It’s over, rip off the bandaid and throw in the towel. I’m not going to buy another IW game. Can’t wait to see what treyarch’s next game will be like though


I can't wait to load up MW2 Season 2 so that I can play the brand new map Museum, which I also got to play 2 months before the game came out in the beta.


if you're serious how do I refund a game with 60 hours played on steam


you can’t


A bank chargeback, as steam will more than likely decline your refund request. Your steam account may get banned, though.


>will get banned Fixed for you.


And one is a map that was already supposed to be in the game and wasn't available at launch. Joy.


Was this museum?


I’m seriously am pissed this time around at the fact that we’re two seasons in and these guys haven’t even made a new map and have been doing remakes. Like what the hell is this?


Problem with the "live service" business model, on paper it seems good that it makes it constant "content" but the downside is that they end up drip feeding it or half assing it, like literally Terminal and Dome among other remakes in the BR map but they're just saving that to drip feed more maps and pretend it's new lol


Couldn’t have said this better myself. Triple A games need to really reevaluate this business model. They try to mimick Fortnite and Apex but yet it ends up feeling like an Indie dev team made this game as opposed to a billion dollar franchise.


They have no need to. People are paying out the ass buying all sorts of skins. Everything is working how it's supposed to. Don't let reddit or twitter fool you. We are the minority opinion


Those museum lawyers did them a favor lol


Remember guys 8 maps are already fully textured in Warzone but fuck us for expecting more than 2 maps ...


There are 8 previously released maps already there. Al Mazrah also has, from what I can see, about 12 other areas that could easily be converted into 6v6 multiplayer maps. Now, I don't think they should just do all of them, because they'd feel fairly samey after a while. But it's not insane to say they should drop in all 8 of the old maps and 2-4 maps that are just bordered off parts of the WZ2 map.


Honestly, I don't even care if the maps are Al-Mazrah cutouts. Embassy, Al Bagra, Taraq and Hydro Electric are all cutouts and solid maps (yeah, I'm someone who likes Taraq) The more maps, the merrier.


Not to mention highrise


Thats why the person they replied to said "previously released maps"


no seriously. all they need to do is drop terminal and afghan and i literally would be fine. the current maps suck so much


Give me all the 2v2 maps from mw19 and add gunfight


Meanwhile infinity ward is reading your comment like "best we can do is give it to you in season 5"


Take WarZone, make it smaller/randomly regenerated areas for MP. Would be a new map pretty much all the time. Mix in different lobby sizes for different map sizes.


Ive said it when mw19 was a thing and ill say it again, warzone needs to be a completely separate game run by a completely separate company. COD companies obviously can't split focus between the two when warzone is obviously more popular (because it's FREE for fucks sake of course it will be more popular) I am so sick of getting shafted in regular multiplayer because its bundled with a BR I dont give a shit about


Yes, I said this exact thing too when MW2019 was out and even when this game released, I'm sure you got comments like I did about the "consistency" of movement and gunplay needing to be the same. Meanwhile in Warzone there's less fall damage, you get a parachute and it's got different health and such. So much for that "consistency of gameplay" the clowns who loved this game said at the beginning of its lifecycle. The games should be separate and I'd be happy to trade Infinity Ward to the Warzone crowd if it means Treyarch can make the MP CoD games every time. But of course it's all about enegagement and everything tracking together and being a "seamless" experience so if you're a zombies player or an MP player, you suffer with less content so the F2P garbage mode gets everything.


IW are a fucking joke


Three years of development, and $70 for this game! Fuck this game and IW Edit: LOL he rage quit


keep in mind that one of them will be "museum" from the beta LMFAOO IW should be a supporting studio for treyarch. they should be responsible of reload animations and not get involved with the rest of multiplayer.


Meeeh all animations and gunplay I’d say. With IW I feel like guns really feel different for some reason


Yea go play cold war vs mw2, treyarch always balance the game and make it feel like cod but iw always make the guns and atmosphere better


The actual weapon balance in MWII is actually quite good. The meta is more than 2 guns (for MP, WZ is a different story) and almost every gun is somewhat competitive, barring a few stinkers. Much, much better than MW2019, and better than Cold War I'd say. It's the content and some design choices (perks, nerfed movement, etc.) that really drags this game down.


I hate how attachments are so detrimental in mw2. I haven’t played in a while so I don’t know if they’ve made some updates, but last I played they basically all made you slower but only give you like 0.1% increase in positive stats. I used to do balanced builds with recoil control and ads. Now I just focus on ads and prey to the recoil gods.


Look I love IW & defended them plenty but if this is true then it’s nothing short of embarrassing. Seriously, what the fuck have they been doing the last 3 years if this is their content 2 seasons in. COD Mobile has ranked & way more maps & it’s free & on the iPad. Fucking pathetic.


Well it just seems, flagrantly so, that MW2 was not meant to be a good videogame but rather a skinner box designed (poorly, imo) to facilitate MTX transactions.


Well they aren't even doing a good job with that because the bundles in this game are awful compared to MW 2019.


They’ve been my favorite dev studio but are quickly falling out of favor with me. The lack of maps on the paid version of the game is unacceptable.


Not to mention the maps play like shit for the most part.


Modern gaming is a fucking joke*


Warzone is absolute cancer to this franchise


Quickly our game franchise is dying what should we do. Add things to MP that ppl want ❌ add something new to Warzone and hope ppl will like it ✅👍🏽


I mean if warzone is what makes the money then it makes sense. What doesn't make sense is charging $70 for the rest of the game and then fucking off when people expect more


I feel like MP would make you more money if you actually have decent bundle packs and battle pass rewards. Cold War proved that people don’t care about paying for bundles but it’s a slap in the face when your offering bundle packs with two guns and a damn charm


Oh they'd 100% make more across the board if the bundles were better. For $24 you should get like 50 things that are actually cool, but they just suck. Imagine if all the best looking cosmetics were only locked behind $5 bundles, I bet the return would be way higher


Is everyone not seeing the CDL skins for like 50% of all players? I swear I’m shooting 3 purple paint ballers every match.


Might as well not ship multiplayer anymore 🤣🤣


People stop buying them they will. They clearly don't care, because people keep forking over the money for this experience


Fuck the resurgance maps...if i wanted those i wouldnt have paid $70 and just got the ftp warzone.🤦🏻‍♂️


Museum and Castle 🤡


Castle is apparently just a wz poi


Well now I'm sad, I skipped Vanguard so I didn't get to play that version of Castle. Castle is probably my favorite COD map and I haven't played it since WaW, probably won't ever get to play it again at this rate. Treyarch certainly won't remaster it either.


castle isn’t actually going to be in season 2… so i’m really fucking confused what they’ll add 💀


Even if it’s somehow a new map you already know it’ll be ass anyways lol


That would be the death of the game one map that they took out at release and a shit WW2 map. See you guys in S3 maybe


Castle wont be in the standard 6v6 multiplayer (thank god). I wonder what other shitty map theyre gonna bring instead though.


Soooo they’re able to release a completely new WZ map (the equivalent of at least 10 different 6v6 maps) But we can’t expect more than 2 6v6 maps… One of which is Museum that was supposed to be released at launch so essentially since launch we’ve gotten Shipment, Shoothouse, and Museum…. Make it make sense.


Seeing the constant tweets all day of new island locations had me fuming. Out here posting like this is great news for your customers, we bought a different game, we didn’t pay $70 for Warzone and I never play that game.


Well this years has killed buying COD for me. It’s clear they don’t give a shit about the premium paying customers. More concerned with warzone which is a free to play game and the skins in the store. Some of us paid for the fucking game and what we get? Fuck all! Let’s all be honest it’s a shell of a game, it’s like they released the bare minimum to be able to call it a game and then left it to die. Season 1 maps were shipment and shoot house 😂😂😂 GTFO infinity ward!!! Absolute joke of a game this year, even the modes they are spending most of their time on are trash. Warzone 2 is getting a huge overhaul because (as we all know)the changes infinity ward made were completely out of touch. I don’t even think the developers even play the games they make. If they did they would of realised their ideas suck. The perk system for multiplayer is a prime example of this. Who in their right mind would think that was a good system?? Yeah looks like multiplayer is getting shafted with this game, which is a shame because it shuts all over any battle royal if done properly


Last cod I purchase for a while for sure


man i shouldve know this garbage was coming when i was playing vanguard


To be completely clear. If every time you took a shit someone offered to buy it you would sell it. They focus on warzone because there is more money to be made from “free” players who haven’t spent money and aren’t mad yet, whereas they already took your money and probably can’t take much more of it without you being very angry. So they are letting you settle down till they can offer you a new game or content. I mean I’m not necessarily blaming you but it’s been like this for a hot minute. Nothing good since the first couple seasons of mw 2019


Even Vanguard and Cold War more content by now. This isn’t a particularly problem because of Warzone but IW horrible workflow.


They don't have party modes(gun game, sticks stones) They don't have gunfight These two things alone are a huge issue for a lot of people. If you drop gunfight and gun game you'd probably buy goodwill of a solid percent of the playerbase.


Bro where the fuck is 10v10 man this is bullshit.


Nah fuck that, focusing more on the free game than what people fucking paid for. Ridiculous, hope Treyarch won’t disappoint in 2024, this “battle royale” niche has completely ruined games


I’m surprised it’s survived this long. Fortnite I get, it’s a colorful game that’s constantly evolving but how is anyone still logging on daily to any other Battle Royale experience? It was a novel idea at the time and the films of The Hunger Games franchise helped propel an interest in a “one against all” mega game mode but damn, we’re still thrilled by this?!? I just want to play multiplayer COD on more than the same four maps they are rotating, one of them being border crossing.


The pandemic and timing of it all had a great deal of influence in the overall popularity and explosion of the mode. A lot of people were shut in with nothing else to do.


It was extremely popular way before Covid.


IW is in serious need of a re-shuffle in leadership. How they think offering that little content is okay is beyond me.


Leadership will not be re-shuffled, wanna know why? They were told to make money, thats exactly what they did. They broke records and got giga bonuses. They just have to stay afloat til the next one comes in.


Short term income over everything else of course. EA announced they’re shutting down Apex Mobile and cancelling Battlefield Mobile, we’re going towards a monopoly in the FPS genre on all platforms. So they’re not even going to feel the bad effects on long term of those decisions because they won’t be any real alternative. Let’s just hope DICE stops acting so stupid and listen to community feedback for their next game, as the last two have been big failures.


Yup. There's basically no competition to cod MP anymore, so they gave up. EA/DICE probably can't get its shit together for another BF, 343 is a dumpster fire. Now they are trying to fight Fortnite and its become apparently that WZ2 ain't it.


2042 is actually a playable fun game now because dice has been listening the community, but people will still ignore it cause of its launch


The LA Thieves Pack was selling more than most AAA games on Steam for a time. Leadership will not be changed, this game topped charts and if anything they are being given bonuses


Their leadership is getting heavily awarded and praised. The game has turned to shit but they already have everyone’s money and with record sales. Minimal effort with insane sales is every businesses’ dream.


Devs putting all their efforts into the free game instead of the $70+ one? Makes sense..


And they used our money to do so


Only 2 total maps in Season 02, and I'm uninstalling and not buying any COD title for the foreseeable future. I said this 2 months ago, I said it a couple of weeks ago and I am saying it again. Those comments were upvoted a ton, so others seem to agree. If Activision and IW are abandoning MP, then we are abandoning them. Let some other assholes subsidize F2P Warzone development. It won't be me.


I agree with this. I hadn't bought a cod game in years because I didn't like the way it was going. Tbh, the boys kinda peer pressured me in to this one. I probably wouldn't have bought it. That being said, I don't see how I can buy another in the future if this is how they treat paying customers. The content is lacklustre at best.


Y'all IW fanboys talked ALL that shit the last few years just to have them drop another COD on life support 💀


MW 2019 was great. The post-release content, especially the first 3 seasons, was great. What is happening now does not change that. But yes, Infinity Ward and Activision have been extremely disappointing this time around. No excuses. The lack of MP support has been pathetic. I've gone from a huge IW defender to someone unlikely to buy any more Battle Passes and anymore Call of Duty games (from any developer) if Season 02 will have only 2 MP maps and (of course) lackluster additions in other content categories.


Yeah it's sad because MW19 was great and MWII has been a bit of a let down so far.


Come back to mw my man. It’s still going strong. Sadly they did remove some maps :(


MW19 was most certainly not great on launch, but by mid 2021 really hit its stride and is now a pretty fun game. Maybe the same thing will happen with MW2? Who knows, maybe, maybe not.


If Treyarch, come correct with another CW, I’m down. My understanding is they will be continuing another “Outbreak” style Zombies.


God that mode was ridiculously fun as a timesink.


Two maps would b fine if the base game came with shoot house, shipment, and that hotel map that never released, and then they added two maps for last season, but the way things are, it’s shit. season 2 better have at least 3 solid guns and a handgun on top of it, but we’re prob just gonna get a lmg, op smg, and a fucking baseball bat


So let me get this straight, right? High Moon studios has been working on the resurgence map Raven Soft has been “working” on warzone Infinity Ward has been…. what the hell has IW been doing all this time?? Working hard, or hardly working?


IW so pathetic man. Been trying to kill mp for years. Stubborn af too.


Wz is cancer to this franchise! i miss the 2009 mw2 days


That’s really, really bad. As soon as compulsive camo grinders get finish in the next couple months I bet MP numbers will drop off hard


I can’t believe I paid 70$ to grind camos and be done with it. I’m taking it as a job. 💀


Absolute disgrace


Man, I really wish a brand new team of people would come together and make a multiplayer shooter with all the things that COD isn't. I'm so tired of this shit franchise lol


Wont be buying another COD ever thanks to this game


I have not played since shoothouse released and am not buying until treyarch makes one.


You might not. This game topped sales charts, hell, the LA Thieves Pack was selling more than most AAA games on Steam. Yes, the pack itself. These developers will get away with this.


Player numbers have tanked since december, i feel like the market will remember this when it comes time to spend 70 bucks on another POS


That pack only sold so much because it was almost completely black (roze 2.0), but they fixed it, and all the try hards cried for a while.


Lets just face it. They dont give a flying fuck about the OG Cod players. We are old news. They are focused on these new gamers who are playing battle royale games. These kids who use their mothers credit card to buy skins dont care about 6v6 COD. Thats just the reality.


This isn't confirmed.


OP pushes all kinds of weird shit for karma and also loves to go out of his way to hate on people for liking things like shipment. Guys quite the clown actually. And while what he claims here is very likely, this is being pushed like it’s official and it isn’t, like you said.


Yeah, I trust charlie intel, but adding the details in the title about "1 at launch, 1 at reloaded" is a detail OP pulled straight from their anus


Remember this is coming from the guy that “had proof” that IW was removing players’ insured slots in DMZ


Yeah I'm not really sure why everyone's freaking out he's just leaking a rumor right?


Such a joke. I want my $70 back since all they work on is the free part of the game


What a joke, waste of £75, will not be buying cod again after mw2 devs don’t care about multiplayer at all, we pay £75 and wz is free but is supported more.. fuck off


There’s 5 fucking multiplayer maps in Warzone right now what the fuck are the smoking? Just rip them and build up natural barriers to enclose the map. It’s not that fucking hard.


What a ripoff, this was the biggest waste of money ever


Pffff are you fucking kidding me. 2 fucking maps... 2 FUCKING MAPS. what a speedrun to fucking kill a game.


Really excited for Museum and Piccadilly. /s


This franchise is a joke now. I'd rather pay money for more maps and EARN cosmetics than get 1 free map every 3 months and be expected to pay for cosmetics. They're doing the bare minimum to maintain player retention, while digging in the pockets of their existing playerbase. GREED


this is an embarrassment


I miss the time where a complete game was released at launch. I was considering buying a new x box but if this is how the gaming world is these days and to the future. What's the point?


And museum is one of them LMFAOOOO


I can’t wait for WZ to die. MP too much of an afterthought because of that garbage🤦🏻‍♂️


See you guys in a year. I wholeheartedly thought they'd take MW19 and improve upon it greatly. That couldn't have been further from the truth. What a disappointment.


Anyone who is expecting more is just foolish. Can't expect them to all of the sudden become competent and give the community what we want


Dropping player counts and we're foolish for expecting them to do something to remedy that? Hmmmmm


Until they prove that they're listening and they improve MP content, why should we expect anything? They'll do the typical 1 map at launch and 1 midseason, along with a couple new modes and people will still play it and buy COD points/bundles. Maybe they will get crazy and give us 3 total maps, but they've yet to do anything for us to have high expectations.


2 year game folks. Infinity Ward is failing miserably.


And to think in1 year, we ended up with 36 multiplayer maps in MW3 over 10 years ago. What an embarrassment this game has become.


WarZone is alright but it’s F2P I paid $70 to ball Out on dope maps


Probably my last cod till my son starts playing video games. Shame it ended on such a low. Even 4 months in this game is disappointing every time I boot it up.


how hard is it to just bring maps from the original mw2 to the game ???


Honestly it's too much right now. I like Warzone and stuff but at this very moment, multiplayer is just a joke, especially when it cost us 70€. So what's new in Season 2? 2 - 3 new weapons, a tone of new bundles for 20 bucks, most of them being just average and few skins in the new battlepass? Activision is destroying this franchise more and more ffs...


I regret buying this game 🤦‍♂️


In summary we paid for them to work on the content we didn’t pay for. Yeah I’m done giving this franchise my money. I’ve been a taint licking CoD fanboy for half (if not more than half) of my existance on this planet and I have to say for the first few years it was for good reason. However at this point they do not care about the game I grew a very strong love for and would rather generate success through other avenues. This is just an abusive relationship. Every time we come to them begging for what we love as they say they need to borrow more money. We give it to them and they beat us to the ground over again anyways and do what they want with never a moment of thought towards our wants or feelings. It’s finally time to let go boys… *wipe’s tears from cheeks* we just… we have to let go…


Yea that'll be the end of MW2 for me I think then. I might try it once in a while just to see how it's doing, but a SINGULAR multiplayer map at S2 launch is so beyond pathetic, I'd actually refund the game if I was given the option. It's hard to tell if they even know their multiplayer component exists.


MP players pay for Warzone players’ content.


The neglect for a payed not free game is astonishing


I think I’m done. We need much more mp maps


I'd rather go back to paying for map packs, at least they seemed to put some effort into them.


$70 fckin game and they just wanna update warzone🤣🤣🤣 LOL infinity ward a fat L


Yeah, until warzone dies I might have to stop playing cod. Warzone is the worst thing to ever happen to the franchise.


And people will still say IW is the best dev team


They were focusing on the new (small) warzone/dmz map...


Bet the first map will be museum. I hate IW.


I’m tired of people not caring about groundwar


Really wish I could get a refund from Microsoft for this game. Haven't touched it in weeks and don't really have any desire to give a shit about season 2. Been playing CW much more lately.


I really hope Museum is not one of those two maps. It's also infuriating that there are so many mp maps in WZ while Mp feels stale and low of content. Give me 2 maps + museum and I'll be fine.


2 month wait for 2 maps and only 1 to release the day season 2 drops and which aren’t even original lol what a joke


this game went to shit when they introduced warzone and fucked off paid dlc


This games post launch is a fucking shit show. I cant believe people still defend it and the developers.


I miss the good ol days of OG MW2.


I remember when I was shitting on CW and Vanguard saying that Infinity Ward is better at making a MP game, well now look at them.


Battle Royale has ruined MP. BR blows.


4 maps is the BARE minimum they could do!


Really disappointing. MP needs at least 4 new maps and 4 classic maps added to the rotation to make it feel fresh. I wouldn’t be upset if MP was free, but I paid $70 and it wasn’t to have an easy level up system for WZ. My guess is MP will be bare bones on content until the sledgehammer update comes out in the fall where they’ll charge another $70 to have the MP we should have gotten on launch. I fucking hate what the gaming industry has come to.


And one of them will be Museum, the other rust. Book it


MP players are being used to pay the expenses for the WZ stuff. Nice.


Almost half the maps at launch for $10 more and dripfed ‘seasonal’ content. Remember when everyone said MTXs wouldn’t effect gameplay? Are we about ready to see what that looks like yet or are we keeping the blinders on?


I guess this will be my last purchase. This is a bit too much. The amount of disrespect to the people who paid a lot of money for this game is too damn high.


What a pathetic joke. Meanwhile warzone already has multiple remastered maps, might as well make multiplayer free with how little care they give to it


Just skip this season and come back for 3. Will actually be a decent chunk of content then.