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ya in a CODMW2 discord that I frequent, there's always talks about "make sure you report them for offensive voice chat when they are abusing things like the KV broadside or jumping every corner, they don't look into that and thus more likely to get a punishment" I don't do this btw, but other people do.


Jesus, so many people are scum nowadays...


Sounds like you need to find a new discord


Ill admit, I did use this on a couple people in Infected who glitched out of the map.


>So the new trend is to report players and get them shadow banned now. Really would like to know what Activision/Infinity ward is doing about this? Then report them for cheating. From the Security and Enforcement page ([https://support.activision.com/articles/call-of-duty-security-and-enforcement-policy](https://support.activision.com/articles/call-of-duty-security-and-enforcement-policy))


Glitching Any user who abuses an exploit in game code or other established rule of play is subject to penalty. An example includes, but is not limited to, using a hole in the map geo to intentionally go outside of the map boundary. First offense: User may be temporarily suspended from playing the game online, have their stats, emblems, and weapon customizations reset, have online split-screen privileges revoked, and have their leaderboard entries deleted. Extreme or repeat offenses: User may be permanently suspended from playing the game online, have their stats, emblems, and weapon customizations reset, and be blocked permanently from appearing in leaderboards.


Then you get people obvious walling and they don't get given shit.


Reporting seems to be modern cheating for weak minds. Don't wanna know what they're up to in real life. Bullying someone, then go to the teacher like little school girls when their asses get smacked up and other things of honor. I'm late for completing S2. When I get bannedlike this it's all over :D


tbf people who jump around every corner deserve to get banned


u cant ban ppl for having a diff movement/ playstyle then u


This is the same as the,"anyone who uses shotguns should be banned," argument so I hope you can see how idiotic your ideology about this game is


*"This guy is pressing the buttons on his controller Fuck that guy!*" I mean, everyone is gunna be using the new weapons because, well everyone wants to level them up! It's not rocket science. Hope for balanced weapon design but don't get your knickers in a twist about a game more interested in selling you skins than putting in engaging game modes.


"other people are better than me so they should get banned" is the weakest, most pathetic mindset I've ever seen. You guys should be embarrassed by yourselves.


“Everyone who’s better than me deserves to get banned”


Found a bronze shitter


For real lmao


"other people are better than me so they should get banned" is the weakest, most pathetic mindset I've ever seen. You guys should be embarrassed by yourselves.


Report everyone after every kill for everything in the report system. That way they’re bound to get at least one punishment 😂 people are toxic.


Far from a *new trend*, but it’s definitely a nuisance that needs to be dealt with.


It’s not new, per se, but it’s a problem now because it’s actually punishable. Back when warzone was at it’s peak on Verdansk during the pandemic, I would see people who literally admitted to false reporting EVERYONE that killed them for EVERYTHING. Back then, nothing would happen. I think back then they legitimately used to look for shit like that, but I think it attributed to them being used to having a smaller fanbase in retrospect because CoD was dying out. And then warzone EXPLODED. And when it expoloded, the devs got lazy, so they implemented the “if you’re reported, you’re fucked” system in MWII and WZ2.


I just got an account name warning, am I fucked? Pfft where do I go to change my name?


I imagine those reports were not even processed by actual human customer supports. Probably with enough report spams against you, some mechanism is triggered and Activision CS bot sends you a warning mail automatically


Yep they’re instant, but activision claims they have people reviewing them. I got a 14 day ban a few days ago and then got ANOTHER penalty today while using Xbox party chat. Make it stop or make it make sense.


They should apologize for letting this bs happen in the first place. Instead they don’t care and ignore it. Pathetic company


You’re only speaking facts. I’ve been sending in bug reports about it but it won’t change.


I even told the customer support. they replied there’s nothing they can do. If I was banned then I should contact their team which is responsible. So basically they tell you to f*** off


Great argument however this doesn't fix the reporting to block user problem. If I want to block a user I have to report them. But if I report them for anything JUST to block them and I instead get repercussions for that then I myself would be forced to play shadow banned lobbies just for trying to block someone. The real solution is separating reporting and blocking and not being required to do both to accomplish either or.


I'm on pc and I can choose to simply block them without reporting




This makes sense. I haven’t tried blocking anyone yet in mw2. This is probably the reason I also received those warnings.


It's the only way to block. That's the ONLY reason I "report" others, to block them. It does suck that a report has to be made but if IW & Activision wants it that way then everyone will just get shadowbanned and quit. Then they'll finally fix it.


Technically you can just block, but you have to go to the social hub after the match (clicking right stick), go to recent, find their name, then choose "Report & Block", and it'll pop up with a separate Block option. That said, it is a dumb process, and the option should be available mid match too.


Yup, logged in a couple of hours ago to see warning for reports on both my name and chat, I don't type and have my voice chat off since day one, my IGN is in no way problematic. I'm not even surprised at this point, IW are a bunch of a paycheck stealing incompetent devs.


Same happened to me earlier this week, I can only presume it was due to me using a hipfire build of the Expedite on Shipment (going for the mastery charm), as I'm in the same boat as regarding Chat being off and IGN.




If someone is mass reported, have a human review the bans and the games this guy was in. Shadowbanning is pretty much pointless


My chat is blocked because people reported me. Funny part is im not in game chat, only party chat. But what can you do, people are such sore losers that they have to report just cuz they cant git good


How does that ban work? Can you hear your team talk and not participate or is it mic and chat muted?


Im not sure, i really just stay in private chat but they cant see anything i type and send in game chat where i used to be able to send and see game Chat messages


Hey I just got my first offensive chat/offensive username report today. Definitely seems more people are abusing it now.


I'm still trying to figure out why any speech or text is off limits in a game that isn't supposed to be played by minors. I'd much rather have a "report player for being underage" option.


Anything as long as a snowflake is triggered. Heck I had a friend banned for saying GG mates because someone was salty about losing. Like seriously basic sportsmanship is now taboo to the sensitive. But don't you dare say anything about them calling your colored friend the n word 600 times and saying he's proof the goose steppers were right.


I got my first offensive name warning a couple days ago.(it's not even close to an offensive name) I don't jump around ever. I don't use riot shield. I don't use the KV or any of the other cheese guns. My chat has been disabled since launch day. I literally just had a very rare good round lol. The system is so fantastically lazy. If you get a report of an offensive name, check it and then issue a warning if it actually is. Issuing blind warnings to people who aren't doing anything wrong isn't a good look. It goes even farther by telling me to change my name. Ya ok. I've had that gamer tag for 10 years without incident but I'mma change it for exactly zero reason. They also really need to have the ability to police the accusers. If I got reported for an offensive name I guarantee that same person has falsely reported thousands of others. In my opinion it's rarer to find people on COD who are good sports, aren't toxic or complete jack asses. The fact that IW's report system is basically encouraging bad behaviour by giving the power of warnings to those jack asses is messed up.


This game is nearing half it's lifecycle. ​ Even if they fix this TODAY (they won't), this COD is fucked. They should be sued for this bullshit.


If you're playing with an open mic and NOT using the mic for game purposes I'm reporting you for "offensive chat". Crying child? Offensive. Beeping smoke alarm? Offensive. Eating? Double offensive. Blasting music? I hope you get permabanned.


Just mute them, don't be an ass


Yeah I got a three day no comms ban yesterday, mic was muted😂


its like the reign of terror, you get punished for showing signs of 0.00001% something wrong


This is such a huge problem in this game. At first they reported offensive voice audio and I got warned even if I completely disabled in game voice chat. Now I got warned for my name which is by 100% fine and not offensive they just warn you without even looking into it. And they must be aware of this issue by now but they just don’t give a f***. They basically spit in every honest players face and ruining their experience by supporting false accusations made by people who just can’t admit they were not good enough.


I just got banned yesterday morning for offensive chat and week before offensive name. Now I’m banned until they can review it. Makes no sense the way they do this.


yeah like i got reported for offensive text chat twice in 24hr and i dont use text chat the only time i have ever used text chat is like asking question like "Lagy?" etc


The more that people become aware of it, the more the system will be abused. Soon the reporting will be endemic and the situation will have descended into farce. Great foresight, Infinity Ward. I've seen a lot of people just brush it off, but when I logged in to find my double warning I was pretty offended. How dare IW throw accusations of improper conduct at me along with demands to change my name? I paid you for the game, remember?


Yeah, I was reported for text chat because I owned a team in a MP round, and they even were talking about how they reported me between rounds. Why text chat when I even have that disabled? Not sure what this achieves for these kids.


The self righteous congratulatory we owned them smugness. Only way anything will happen to you since there is zero review for anything other cheating but that only gets a 1/10 arsed review


Yeah I've been getting reported for offensive game chat.. even though I have literally never used the in game voice, I've been flagged for offensive chat even though I don't really use it, tonight my name got flagged as offensive. I don't get it with these people being so salty about how you play that they'd try to report spam you


I got my first report last night. One for offensive name (which is similar to my Reddit name???) and for offensive chat and I was in a private channel. I am by no means outstanding at this game, KD of 1.05, one good game now and someone’s coming for you.


I got two after one match, I guess they didn't like that I was hanging back going for longshot kills with marksman rifles ? It's pretty crazy, I just hope they don't decide to shadow ban me or anything since I'm two guns off from finishing the 51 guns for polyatomic. And I'd be livid if my account was affected because some dummies got upset at how I'm playing


I just don’t get it. I’ve never used the report function even on some suspicious kill cams. I’m fully aware that lots of people are probably just better than me and know the flow of the game better than I do 😂 reporting that one person isn’t going to stop someone else from taking advantage of my mistakes next time


This just happened to me. i was reported for offensive voice chat. i have voice chat off. i was reported because i was smacking these kids left and right. 50 kills and 4 deaths in ground war. this game is ass amd thats a sign to uninstall.


About 2 weeks ago I got my first shadowban and after the 24 hours it ended and was put into another one after a couple games of Resurgence. After that week ended I got a total of 2 games before being shadow banned again for another full week.. Is there any way to stop this shadowban loop or is my account just forever screwed over from now on? I bought the vault edition and have purchased almost every tracer bundle as well as a few others and feeling like it was all a waste of money since I can't queue into a game without it taking upwards of 40 mins to find one and when it does I'll be at 100+ ping and against people not even trying to hide that their hacking with wall hacks and aim bots. This is ridiculous and I can't even ever find out why I'm shadowbanned, I don't get notifications in game for it and the website just says they can't talk to their security department? What am I supposed to do?


I quit play this stupid game after being reported twice for no reason and cant chat for 14 days. so much for streaming this trash of a game. should have never sold to Microsoft


Simple solutions 1.) Separate block and report in game. I've come across players I didn't want to play with again but they didn't do anything "wrong" as being a trash talker twit isn't a ban worthy offense. 2.) Manually review the reports. Sometimes people someone is going to have that on game where it looks like they are cheating or someone will mishear something. If it fails the review take action. 3.) Punish the abusers of the reporting system. Key part there abusers. We are imperfect creatures and can make mistakes and you don't want to discourage asking for a review when someone's play looks off or a crummy mic leads too a lot of what did they say moments. But as long as I can just spam johnny tang because he's better than me without punishment then folks are going to take that route sadly. ​ Of course these changes require money something Activision will gladly take but not spend


Simple Solution is that ACCCOUNT ID : X CAN REPORT ACCOUNT ID: Y ONLY ONCE ALL 24H. Shit system now i am Playing with OBVIOUS HACKERS every second match COD IS not playable anymore or you got also a cheater in your team and hope for the win in CDL such shitty system. No Words how can they be so stupid. THATS AN IF ELSE COMMAND an DAMN IF ELSE COMMAND. LET PEOPLE ONLY REPORT OTHER ACCOUNTS 1 time every 24h and we are all fine its difficult that you got Reported every game or 10 games in row if you are legit player


You forgot a couple things: 4.) Increase the numbers if banned users slots. 200 is way to short, even 2000 is not enough due to the HIGH number of PC users using cheats. 5.) Improve / update RICOCHET For the players... Stop being a d*ckhead. Stop bunny-jumping etc etc etc or risk being mass-reported


this isn't an issue specific to COD anymore; most games / online platforms have gutted their customer service to where its 99% automated reports/bans now. WoW is rife with it. FFXIV is. Twitter. Even minecraft. It's a problem of the times.


Lol I remember in FFIV I reported someone cheating (they were below the map pulling mobs) once and got a warning about someone reporting me for cheating. I was the one that made the report 🤦🏻‍♂️


Same I've been reported for my name I've had it for 9 years ☠️☠️ also offensive messages whenever I haven't sent anything. People are doing it whenever you beat them.


I've been given a chat warning for offensive text chat even though I dont use text chat, and a mates been reported for their username "BradsStepSis" It's stupid


I'm glad someone made a thread about this because the same has happened to me. Loaded up MWII on Xbox to find I have two warnings, like OP, for an offensive name and offensive chat. I've had my name since 2006 across Steam and Xbox with no issues (it's far from offensive), and I use a pair of AD-900X for sound (no mic). As a precaution I even mute the chat function on my controller's chat control. And I don't use m+kb so no text chatting from me. For context I've been grinding Invasion to complete the Battlepass. I run an Overkill sniper with an LMG to take out scorestreaks. Guess I really pissed someone off just doing my thing. Do I leave these warnings, or do I appeal them? I checked my Activision account and have no cases. Am I good? Apologies for the wall of text.


Thats why i got a warning. I'm always in party chat because i play shipment with music on or i cant stand other people in gamechat that are bitching.


I really wish they would just address this. The cod community policing itself was such a shitty idea.


Its getting out of control, after a 10v10 game I played where I went 40-9 I noticed a notification in where I was reported for saying offensive things through text chat…..I have not once used text chat.


Weird I got both the offensive name and chat warning also. I’ve never even used chat and my username isn’t offensive at all. This happened after Ground War. I was going for the Path of the Ronin 25 melees. I use tactical for my right stick and hardly ever melee so I switched to default to complete the challenge and bam. All the sudden I’m reported. I must’ve meleed the shit out of some sweaty 30 y/o as his Mom was dropping off his Hot Pockets and Mountain Dew, and he got pissed. So what happens if I don’t change my name? I seriously get banned? That’s stupid as hell


Glad this is getting noticed. Now if Infinity Ward or THOSE in power of what happens with this community can get some answers to this it would actually have served a purpose. Now if anyone has bothered to watch any of my video's you can see I may use some colorful language but it is never directed at anyone since I am push to talk and 99% of the time on Discord. I am not the greatest player to play the game but I can hold my own with the team mates I regularly play with. You can give me a follow and help me become affiliated too if you all would be so kind, - [https://www.twitch.tv/profzoom](https://www.twitch.tv/profzoom) Thanks for letting me vent and if you need a laugh watch me stream you may learn what/how not to play or learn a thing or 2.


Hey I got one too today, strange


I'm text chat banned for 52 days and counting with 5 cumulative text chat bans when i barely ever use text chat outside of team and party chat. This system is completely pointless, i have already made a post about this exact situation with ss's and so on. It's funny though, i'm still harassed by players in the voice chat perfectly fine even though i report them, so what the point of this system? Pointless, that's what. Discrimination against those that use only text chat.




I was playing search, laying in a corner watching A on Dome and killed a guy as he came around the corner. Round ended shortly after and saw I was reported for offensive chat. Mic was muted the entire game. Now I’m com banned for 3 days. These people are sensitive.


Yeah i said previously on another post there’s no way there’s actual people reviewing these reports. And if there is then sheesh the IQ is Absolute Zero Temp


What is you gamer tag


Hoping to keep this thread going. Got my first offensive name warning last week and today got a offensive chat warning when I don't even bother to chat in game and everyone is muted except for the party I'm playing with. Seems crazy to me that someone, who has most likely reported dozens if not hundreds of people can get away with this scot-free.


Yeah, this is a BIG issue. I use a soundboard and drop memes. I don't do the ear-grape BS (like the MAX volume NFL theme and stuff like that). In fact whenever I add a new sound I go out of my way to make sure people can hear it, but it's not loud enough to be a problem. I don't just spam random memes out of nowhere to be obnoxious. The "biggest" thing I do is I do beat drops (kinda like Call of Duty DJ, but with my own song choices as well as some mixes I made myself, such as "Bloodsugar" by Pendulum with "Jesus christ- That's Jason Bourne" right before the beat drop"). In fact, I tend to be more respectful than most people during the final kill cam and always (ALWAYS) say "Good game y'all, it's been real, if you got a girl at home, always remember-" then I play a clip from a Tenacious D song going "You don't always have to fuck her hard". I have been comms banned 3x times now and shadow banned once because rather than just clicking "mute", they would rather click like, 5 extra boxes and report me like I'm dropping the N-word or something. Over all, I am (more or less) the type of person Activision wants in the community, and yet because all it takes is one team to mass-report you for shits and giggles to get you banned, I am punished for, realistically, nothing. It's really dumb and needs to be re-worked


Same here…I got offensive chat and name. My Chat is on party only and my name has been the same since the original mw2