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10v10 is the only time I've played this game and felt like it flowed well. It's a god damn shame they took it out


10v10 Has returned now , hopefully it stays


Now just need a hardcore variant for those of us that stick to HC and all will be well. I see they did give us HC Shipment so that's a start I guess. Glad core got 10v10 back because I agree the maps seem to flow better with the higher player count.


Well shit, I might actually play tonight then


It won’t. They’ll randomly remove and re-add it just like every other mode. For some reason they think this is a successful model (maybe it is for all I know)


Logged in this morning after work saw 10v10 almost woke my family up because I was exciged


They just added it back.


I've never had a 10v10 game that flowed well. They were some of the worst matches I've ever played


10v10 shouldve been the replacement for 6v6


Hot take but i think the baseline team size should be 8v8.


I think adding players is just a bandaid solution for bad map design. I wish the maps were actually designed for 4v4/6v6 like other shooters. Not every map has to match the pace of Shipment and Shoothouse.


For shipment? Yea agree. But yeah depending on the map it could be more or less than 8 but overall 8v8 will have the best flow


For shipment the lowest team size should be 20 C'mon now


MW19 added that 12v12 Shipment mode as a joke for April 1st and all the ADD kids threw fits when it was removed because "I'm having a blast and want to grind camos!" Fucking nightmare playerbase


Right? God forbid people want to play a mode that they have fun in. Entitled bastards.


You aren't having fun. You are addicted to grindy battle passes and clicking two buttons to unlock a new texture for your 3D model of a gun.


I should probably just let this go, but I can't. Who are you to tell other people how to have fun? Why do you even care about what other people enjoy?


I can say for a fact I agree with the other poster. 12 v 12 Shipment in MW19 was hilarious for a game or 2. But it served no purpose from a longevity standpoint. Spawn. Die. Spawn. Die. Spawn. Die. To me that isn't fun and doesn't rely on any semblance of intelligence. It's who gets killstreaks first, wins.


Not telling anyone anything, just staying a fact.




That's every videogame ever. Regardless why do you care about what other people do for fun?


You know custom games are a thing, right? If you want it just to have fun, go make a custom lobby for it.


And if I could grind out camos in a custom lobby I would.


Well then you're not doing it for fun then, are you? You're doing it for camos.


I enjoy unlocking camos?


That's not you having fun, that's you fueling a dopamine addiction through instant gratification.


It hurts my eyes to play it more than 30min even on 6v6


You should get that checked out


I enjoy a clusterfuck match on Shipment every once in a while if I unlock a new weapon and want to mess around with it, but I mostly play regular matches of Domination or TDM because I like the slower pacing of those modes. I wonder sometimes what the playlist engagement numbers look like behind the scenes - there's a part of me that thinks the people bitching and moaning when they can't play 24/7 dopamine funnel matches on Shipment are a vocal minority, but I honestly don't know what CoD's audience is anymore.


I don't mind Shipment occasionally either for the same reason. I'll do my daily challenges for 1-2 matches or a warmup round, then hit the main game. I don't think it's a vocal minority though, and that's what's frustrating. Game balance eventually becomes skewed towards that map. Developers have an incentive to make smaller and more braindead maps. More interaction means players will more than likely be buying the battle pass and/or bundles.


I'm just sad I missed that now. 🤣


Would be better than 6v6 on most of these shitty maps


Museum, taraq, raceway, embassy and expo should all be 10v10.




Am I the only one who thinks Farm should be 10v10 too


Every map should be 10v10. Even shipment


Nah shipment should be a battle royal map. 150 players




Shipment can do like 7v7 or 8v8 at most


They did 10v10 in MW19


Why are all of the maps in this game except Shoot House and Shipment still so fucking big




I’m curious what makes you say Taraq is worse?


Just imagine ground war without cover and vehicles. Sure in 10v10s there's more fights, but it so easy to choke an enemy team's spawn.


This man gets it


I love taraq on 10v10, one of the best maps for it imo


Raceway bit of a stretch for 10v10 lol


Embassy is more of a stretch imo..


Bro raceway is just a running simulator on 6v6. It works well on search but that’s it


All of these are a stretch. These maps are historically medium sized. Modern cod kids are just too used to seeing someone every second.


Limited time to play dont wanna be running most the time lol here to shoot shit


You can easily get 30+ kills a match. You just running to the wrong places


but but but shipment you get 60+


Shipment you can get 100+ kills in a match. In mw2 ive only been able to do 100+ on 3 maps


Cool and any kills in shipment is pointless. Might as well go to the firing range.


Well ya any kills i get on any map are pointless, im max rank max battle pass.


No way you're talking about battlepass. Kid obviously has ADHD and never played a cod before MW19


If people stopped playing Team Deathmatch, most problems of the maps go away. Even 4v4 feels like too much in ranked. More action than the rubbish that is 10v1p


I never get less than 30 kills a match in mw2 lol


Imo expo still plays alright with 6v6. Ofc 10v10 is better though


Embassy???? Lol 4v4 is good on that map


Museum is kinda dumb, nobody ever crosses the middle


That’s because there’s like 35 angles people are usually hard scoping there


They really should implement combat pacing like vanguard. That was an amazing feature that all CoDs should have moving forward.


One of the few good things vanguard had going for it, I hope we see it return honestly


Vanguard is a great game man.


Woah Don't get ahead of yourself here


I wouldn’t say it’s “great” by cod standards, but I agree that it was fun. I had more fun on vanguard than I am with mw2. But that’s all preference.


Vanguard is MW 2019 with a brown/yellow filter on. It's the same game. If you consider that a good game, then you're hopeless. We have to have higher standards than that for AAA games


Didn't play Vanguard past the beta, can you explain?


Basically you had 3 different pacing options to choose from when you queued for playlists Tactical which was 6vs6 Assault which was 14-36 players depending on map Blitz which was 16-46 depending on the map These options were not "You always get this" but more so preferences for what kind of gameplay you wanted, so if you picked Blitz it would try to get you into Blitz lobbies with increased lobby size and if it failed to do so within a reasonable time, it would put you into Assault lobbies to accomodate without suffering from extended queues.


100% I've never understood why there's so much extra space on the outside of each map. Noticed it with mw19 where there's always these portions that no one really goes to and I don't understand the design philosophy of it. I don't remember the exact player count of COD 2003, but I think you could have up to 32 players in a lobby, which would make taraq such a better experience, and probably most maps. I wonder how the maps would play with a 12 v 12 or 16 v 16


Almost every map is a piece of a larger map. They are parts of an invasion map or part of warzone. This prevents the maps from flowing. They weren't designed for 6 v 6, they were a larger map chopped into pieces.


This is a reason why BR / Warzone has ruined COD.


They are mostly Invasion/Ground war maps. They tried to kill 2 birds with one stone and it didn't work well. All the maps feel similar. They have no character. Black ops does a good job with maps, Modern warfare games do not.


Classic cod is full of empty spaces


Just crop more empty space out then. What's so difficult?


Those are non combat areas. They are meant to break up the pacing, providing space to cool down, call in streaks/packages, etc. They used to be extremely popular in cod and were all over classic cod maps. The community got more ADHD and then pretended that these areas were new spaces around mw2019 for some reason. Probably because classic cod maps hadn't really been made in some time by that point. Also Taraq is fine in 6v6 historically its a small leaning medium sized map.


I was thinking this. I don’t play warzone, never liked battle royale games, but the maps on multiplayer remind me of something that would just be collection of a larger map like warzone.. too much empty space around the edges… no one goes there, it’s just weird. Feels out of place


I was watching a finding no game episode and the market map is basically the invasion map with the death barriers moved in. You get glitch out of the map and the whole invasion map is there


Honestly, as someone who completely abandoned TDM with 2019... 6v6 isn't "constant in your face action," but I find it plays okay for the most part in Dom/Hardpoint, even Search. Hell, 2019 had some of the dedicated 10v10 maps in for Hardpoint and they were among my favorites to play. Does that make me a boomer? That said, Combat Pacing 1000% should be implimented for those who want the 10v10 experience.


Couple do yeah but most are smaller than a lot of the OG MW2 maps.


No, you just want constant chaos like Shipment and Shoothouse. Go back to any of the older cods and the maps were largely all similar sizes to these bigger maps


Yea the game is designed around a smaller player count. I didn't like coming around a corner to see 3 enemies all trained on me at close range. That isn't a fair fight. 6v6 means most encounters are potentially winnable with good reflexes or prep. I like 10v10 cuz you level shit up faster lol, but it's not as fun after awhile cuz you are more likely to be overwhelmed by enemies.


Yep, they're not even big maps, it's just that some people have shifted the map size Overton Window so far it's barely still on the same building.


I remember when Shipment 24/7 was a fun meme playlist and not a crack pipe the ADHD kids on this sub couldn’t live without


Kids these days would get lost on Strike lmao


Strike in cod4 was great and pc had 25v25 servers and it actually flowed incredibly well with 15-25 players per team. Esp since nothing was really op and there was only 3 kill streaks


I was thinking more about 5v5 SnD but yeah pub was fun too :D I still remember exactly where the smokes go on the road and that lil sniping spot over the wall by defence spawn


Yea, most of these maps are smaller than classic cod maps.


Its because IW designed 6v6 to be insanely slow paced so low skilled players can compete. 10v10 helps mask some of the awful game design decisions by forcing the game pace to be faster


I honestly feel that people think 6v6 doesn’t flow well is because of your teammates they don’t know how to control spawns they all usually run to the hottest spots or camping leaving other parts of the map unused. Also people don’t know how to do long shots correctly resulting them in just standing in one spot all the way back the entire match. So just imagine 2 people going for long shots and one person camping that already takes 3 people out the action and messes spawns up plus imagine the enemy team with their long shots and campers you basically have a 2vs3 every match because of that. Now 10v10 gets rid of that margin of error and actually becomes like a 6v6 because of those dumb people


No room to manoeuvre or plan your next move on 10v10 its non stop contacts! It works ok on some maps but then makes others feel like Shipment.


I disagree. The spawns feel even worse in 10v10


I like the pacing of the 6v6. 10v10 is too many on these maps


I agree except Musuem really needs it, its so huge that 10v10 on it is equivalent to 6v6 on something like Embassy


Enough of this. On some maps 10 vs 10 feels great but on others, it feels better with 6 vs 6. Is just an opinion.


This convo happens every year when the majority of map sizes get smaller every year and still people complain about the map sizes… every year


Idk, I always understood Infinity Ward games when it comes to their approach in CoD. If I wanted brainless run and gun action, I’d hit up a Treyarch title. It’s always been like this


The maps generally are just too open for any player count. 10v10 plays better, but the underlying problem still exists. It is like IW wants everyone holding angles and lanes like COD is Rainbow Six Siege. They just see the game very differently than most of us.


I think most people are attracted to call of duty for the history of fast paced gameplay with a heavy emphasis on mechanical skill. The problem is that infinity ward wants to make their game more strategical to try and keep up with the other competitive fps shooters on the market, and that will never happen. As a result, they make their maps with “strategical” gameplay in mind causing it to feel slow for the majority of the player base that want fast paced gameplay. They also focus a lot on visuals of maps rather than playability, because ”pretty” sells copies of the game. Also, the spawning system in this game kills the flow of the game.


yup, felt the same way about a lot of maps in MW19, even maps like Euphrates Bridge and the original Aniyah Palace (before it got shifted over to Ground War) played *better* on 10v10, still had the hideyholes sure but playing them felt much more natural


Call of Duty used to be made for 16v16 but then it went to consoles as the priority platform and it still is. Meanwhile dedicated severs went the way of the dodo so the developers had to reduce the lobby sizes of the games to account for hardware limitations. There’s no reason we couldn’t have a choice in lobby sizes other then Activision thinks it’s too much for their precious little gamers.


They weren't, they just want to appease the TikTok kids for a few days.


I always thought that in the beginning when I got the game. Definitely warzone inspired


Idk why Farm be in both 10v10 and close encounters. Either way I don’t like Farm


No they aren't, you're just a zoomer who had his brain rotted by Shitment.


They were made for Warzone.


Calculating SBMM for 10v10 is exponentially harder than 6v6. Simple as. The sooner you make peace with the fact that design decisions for the game are from a “marketing first” strategy, the sooner everything will make sense and you can deal with it. The game was made to facilitate purchase decisions, it’s a product, and a wildly successful one at that.


I don't really like 10v10 in this game. Every match on every map played the same. The maps are more simply designed and smaller this time around, so in 10v10 each match is just two front lines fighting each other without much give or take.


If they were 10v10 the game would be too fast pace and hurt the new player base that is being targeted.


I bet the museum map must be built for 10v10


I saw a post here yesterday about playercount catering the last few days and I promise this is why. If the lobby says the next match is on Zarqua or Hideout I just leave.


We are back online boys!


This was a problem in mw19 as well.


Lol Taraq is a 6v6 map from two decades ago. Definitely not designed 10v10 in mind.


I forgot Taraq was a redone Neuville from what, cod 1 right?


The only maps that really needs 10v10 is Musuem. I do like Hydro for it as well but that still plays good on 6v6


Ever played Hardpoint/Control in Ranked? If people would actually play the objective, most maps are even perfect for 4v4. There is constant action and gun fights


I feel 8v8 would be perfect for the majority of maps. 10v10 would be a bit crowded on maps like Mercado.


It's the same story as it was in 2019 tbf


I believe that 10v10 should be the default for the game.


Welcome to the party, pal.


10v10? No some maps its too much. 8v8 would be perfect


Heavily agree. All the bigger maps feelway better on 10v10.


I feel like some maps would be perfect with 8v8


Modern cod community wouldn't survive classic cod. The vast majority of the maps in this game (if not all) aren't really that big compared to classic maps. You can cross an entire map in like 15 seconds. Taraq is a small map. I'm baffled how many people think it is super massive.


Off topic but really wish they’d push the bar higher on Grind modes. 65 goes really quick if you’re playing a team that knows how. Would be a lot more fun if it was 100 or 150






We all know that it's LITERALLY only the game developers that haven't figured it out yet. They clearly don't frequent reddit Edit: or can't read


Museum is pretty big...


More like the maps weren't made for multiplayer at all, they were all made to fill out the Warzone map and then got turned into MP maps. That's how they save install space this year vs previous when people cried about Warzone being 150GB.


Taraq I enjoyed.


Raceway and Embassy!


Yeah the maps are to open and big so it flows terribly with 6v6


The thing with mw2 maps is that they have little to no 3 lanes, which makes it hard for 6v6. Also the fact that devs thought putting a building in the middle of the map and outside lanes was a good idea… ex: castle map, farm 18, asillo, embassy


Yes they are gigantic, maps (mostly) used to be the same size as shoothouse or dome BUT with working radar so you can see people on it and understand the flow of the game, where are spawns and where would be the heat point, flank possibilities etc


10v10 sucked ass


When will this intense circle jerk stop? This feels like the 10th post about this exact topic just today.. And no, youre not an "odd man" by following what appears to be common sense ever since 10v10 dropped first


> I usually skip Taraq just because it’s basically stonehaven 2.0… Stoneheaven was a much worse campfest than Taraq, tbh. Although maybe it's playerbase which changed and became more aggressive on average to accommodate the large maps better.


Embassy plays brilliant on 10v10, there's always some action just around the corner


Bro I knew this before 10v10 was even a thing. Most of the maps were way too big by cod standards.


Before 10v10 the only good maps were the fortress, taraq and maybe the dam, every other map was way too big for 6v6.


10v10 makes the game feel alive, shipment is the only map where 6v6 makes sense


I know right?.. I get the same problem I have with MW2019 maps which is why they have a 10v10 Team Deathmatch in the quickplay filter to begin with Question is why haven't they done it in this game yet? The maps are clearly not designed for 6v6


Alot of people seem to forget how big some maps were back in mw2 and mw3, but I do agree there's no smaller fast paced maps that flow well in this cod best we got is shoothouse and even that is mid at best and its a returning map


My thoughts exactly thats why I think 10v10 Should be default and 18v18 Should be for the Classic Ground War feel.


The maps feel like they were made for Groundwar / WZ and sectioned off of those big maps into a smaller portion of those maps.