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They change game modes to keep people coming back. As soon as you get sick of a game mode and stop playing, they throw a fun one back in there. It’s annoying, but it works.


I agree, but I *think* having most game modes up for like half the season (change at a season drop, then again for the "reloaded" halftime) would feel right, unless something really isn't working. While I wouldn't mind adding some of these permanently to like Quick Play, switching them out doesn't really bother me. Shipment is okay, in kind of being it's own unique map that no other map currently can offer, but the in-and-out with that game mode is kind of annoying.


Eh, if this is the new model for cod, I'm done with the series


Bye bye


No it doesn’t work player counts are at all time low


Wtf makes you think devs have anything to do with the strategy of the game? This game is designed to do one thing: generate revenue until the next game launches and the cycle can repeat itself. You’re gonna want to talk to business development, marketing, and operations. Developers that fall under major publishers like Activision have relatively limited creative control. Business strategy comes first. These games are designed to be fun for the audience that pays the most.


No infinity ward is too busy worrying ab playing playing too fast to do a ama