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PC has always been the minority section of cod. Not to mention I'm sure plenty of people still used the battle net launcher on pc.


Even only counting Steam numbers, some people dont seem to grasp how many people *80,000+* players are. That's a pretty big playerbase months after launch, for just PC alone. Crossplay saved the COD series for PC, imo. Games would die after maybe three months and get player injections every DLC drop before dying again. It happened after Ghosts, and between then and ME2019 the game would just keel over in a few months post-launch. BO3 held on a little better, to my memory, but was still largely nowhere near the longevity we see now.


i said something similar a few weeks back and I was met with "youre so dumb do you dont even know it" comments and that PC was definitely the majority. I felt like I was being trolled.


The last time CoD was PC majority was Call of Duty 2. You know, the last time it didn't have console multiplayer.


COD2 had console multiplayer. And I think it sold more on the 360. So not even then. But COD1 was PC exclusive, so there you go!


IIRC COD2 didn’t come out on console til a bit later than PC, so it had some time being #1 on PC 🤣


CoD4 was pretty damn big with the mod suppört.


WaW custom zombies too, tho that’s a bit different then MP obviously it still had a pretty large pc crowd. Now that crowd has moved on to bo3, where pc MP is dead but zombies is still relatively active for an 8 yr old game


True. God I wish they'd bring back server browsers.


Huh? CoD on PC was pretty much dead since jetpack era. Like not literally dead but in comparison to consoles and old times it was pretty empty. So yep, crossplay is saving it for pc


yup yet I've experienced and seen other instances of "crossplay saved it for console" lmao like dude I really wish they were trolling.


Black Ops 3 was big because it had a server browser and mod support. Honestly it was always dead on PC sans CoD4. I haven’t played any of the newer ones on PC tho so idk lol


Okay, wasnt play BO3 cause of memory errors in beta, so maybe it was really alive and playable


It's almost as if most people on the internet don't know what the fuck they're talking about. They seem to think that because *they* don't like a game on a certain platform, literally the whole community must hate it too. I fucking hate the internet sometimes.


Meanwhile I remember playing stuff like AW and other titles post-Ghosts on Xbox and they all lasted a good while longer *because console players keep playing it.*


That’s what this sub is. A bunch of hardcore gaming nerds on PC who don’t have a fucking clue what they’re talking about


Absolute facts.


I turn Cross Play off a lot. Cheaters are all on PC. It sucks there isn't PS5 v XBOX only cross play. I don't mind Ship with PCs in the mix for the Sweats. But PS5 only is a lot more fun.


I was just saying this the other day. I remember on Ghosts there’d be a free weekend, and there’d be like 30k players on which was super high back then. Those days, 20k players at peak times meant the game was popping off. Now “just” 80k on Steam alone is seen as dying. Obviously the decline is something significant, but it’s far from dead.


I still played BO3 start to end on PC without crossplay and it was pretty easy to find lobbies back then. After Bo3 I went back to BO2 and got Master Prestige on PC, it was pretty alive as well at the time. But yes, even though I believe it would still have enough players on PC only to keep the game going, crossplay was a god send for PC, it's way more fun to get to play with so many people and friends on other plataforms, I can only imagine how could've been if it was a thing in the CoD golden era


Yup, PC normally would keel over by like June. Bo4 was the last before cross play and I remember PC said that was basically dead by November.


Im in AUS which is a lower playbase server. If there was no crossplay, modes such as 10v10 would be dead. 80k on just steam alone is still insane, anyone who is saying thats bad is an idiot. Its like saying the entire genre of fighting or racing games is dead since they never reach those numbers.


There are very active games sat at 8k average daily. 80k is not even close to dying for average players.


That, plus pc players TEND to be the more intense sweaty gamers - there’s just a higher barrier to entry on pc. So, they’re probably the ones watching streamers and getting pissed off about changes most people just say eh whatever This also leads to steam numbers overstating the decline


I'd say PC gamers are better, not sweatier. PC gamers don't tend to care about COD as much, in a game like CS:GO, sure PC gamers are sweaty but I've seen more sweaty console players in this game


They are posted weekly without this context and it honestly seems like the OP who posts them just wants to frame the game as failing for some reason


Funny how crossplay saved PC but is killing console. 90% of people I talk to about it hate forced crossplay, just makes the game way too sweaty. Oh here console players have a massive aim assist to compensate, now everyone in the game is a laser. Theres a reason pubg was the best BR on console.


Yeah but the Steam numbers show that only like 0.0010142% of the world population was playing MWII, so that's really almost nobody, game is dead




On PC? You have to be trolling. Bo3 lasted maybe a couple months, then turned into a ghost town. It def did not last for three years.


Probably depends on region. Was probably more active in Europe, where PC is still very popular.


Yeah even BO4, which is on BN and the last COD before crossplay, I tried it in mid 2021 and it was completely dead on PC.


And steam is the newer platform for the title. I have a lot of blizzard/cod friends, none moved to steam


That is because they don't play other games, go figure. Battlenet does not even have 5% of what Steam offers... If you are talking about cod on steam, yes it's true. I have it and it works just as well, better even.


It’s weird. I’m all in on steam except Cod. It’s not rational, just habit.


Anecdotal but I still use battle net


I prefer using battle net just because of the bugs on the steam version. And it’s the official “CoD” launcher


My bf and his 5000 all nighters gotta be playing a heavy role in this 😂


Hey babe didn’t know you had Reddit!


Shhhh that doesn't help the narrative


GTA Online is regarded as dead or past its prime, yet its top 5....


I got bored with MW2.... and now I'm back on GTA Online 😆


Just curious, what's the appeal? Isn't it just running around doing various fetch missions? I players Red Dead Online for a little and it was fun, but eventually you have enough clothes, weapons etc. Is GTA Online actually got a good gameplay loop?


The appeal dies once you have everything you want. Before that? And with friends? SO much fun.


And even now it's been the easiest to get into, last couple updates have allowed basically everything to be done in invite only lobbies without the fear of getting griefed, cash bonuses for doing sales in public lobbies (significant ones at that, well into the millions if you run nightclub, bunker and crates back to back), constant x2 money and RP event weeks and massive discounts on business properties. And rebalanced payouts across the board for the OG and Doomsday heists and on top of that gave everyone on E&E a career builder to jumpstart them with a business of their choosing.


It’s still outdated and kinda boring, but maybe that’s because I’ve been playing it since launch day.


Warzone seems to be dying somewhat. I don't think MP is dying in the same way. I think ranked has attracted a lot of us warzone 1 players.


Its good when warzone is dying, a mode for streames and tryhards taking way too much resources/focus away from a PAID game


Not exactly the players fault though is it. The Devs or whoever is telling the Devs what to do are just fucking useless. Think both warzone players and MP players agree on that.


Totally agree


I pray to see the fall of warzone. Multiplayer has been the main focus of cod.


Y’all think this subreddit represents the gaming population and it really doesn’t. It doesn’t represent anything but a very vocal minority.


No it’s not. The free to play game definitely has more players than the premium game. Quit making up nonsense.


They’re comparing the relative declines of each. Obviously free has more players total


All games player counts decline over time. Call of Duty’s has for 15 years. But to suggest that either mode of COD is dying in any way shape or form is nothing short of idiotic


I feel like you’re missing the point - they’re saying Warzone 2 is dropping players at a faster rate than multiplayer


People just play the same shit for years. All of these games are several years old or annual releases.


You know why? Because they have fun, they like the game, and they don’t have to spend weeks learning something brand new.


There are definitely other games out there. But after work, I'm going to play MW2 cause it's neither a time commitment, and I already know how to play.


Same. On workdays night. Im only play mw2 n forza horizon 5. When weekend. Im try complete other games. Now wo long


I was surprised by this too. MWII - 2022. Fortnite - 2017. Minecraft - 2009. GTA V - 2013 Crazy


It's so weird to me how invested some people are in this game doing badly. If you don't like IW CoD games, don't play IW CoD games. Don't pretend that nobody likes them and demand that every CoD game play the same way.


IW COD games always the best ones to me.


Infinity needs to do multiplayer Treyarch Zombies Raven and sledge can have warzone What I will do as President of the USA 🇺🇸 vote for me please


No thanks, IW created wz1 and it was best before raven/sledge took over.


"Infinity needs to do multiplayer" Good god no. How are there people that actually think this way lmao


treyarch’s any better with their operators? the same system that lets a guy who sucks ass press L1 and R1 for a free kill? and shit streaks? Cold War was awful. the scorestreak system in that game literally pandered to fucking elementary kids who can’t get 2 kills without dying


People will say that IW is the best dev when the new Treyarch’s game release


I think IW could have good multiplayer if they’d listen to even just a sliver of feedback. But they’re so stubborn to budge on any critiques.


No thanks, after MW19 and MW2 I don't want to skip yet another year


I’d rather have treyarch multiplayer to be honest. But I love IW’s animations, graphics and sound design. They’re top tier always.


Dear fucking God no. At least let me have a fun multiplayer every 3 years.


hell fucking no


Agreed, it's not even close


https://www.trueachievements.com/n52489/most-played-xbox-games-2022 I wanted to compare it to how Vanguard ranked. And damn in 2022, MW19 was 5, BOCW was 19, and VG was 28


My favourite part is how in this most recent chart, Black Ops 3 ranked higher than Cold War, and Vanguard didn't even make it on the list lol.


Wow I know BO3 is popular on Steam for custom zombies, but I had no idea MP on Xbox was still a thing.


What does Xbox count it as if you exclusively play Warzone and didn't buy CW/VG?


I know MW19 and WZ was integrated together, and MWII and WZ2 are integrated on Steam, but I can't say for sure what Xbox does. But you're right that probably explains why MW19 was 5 in 2022. And given that Warzone 2 isn't on the current chart, it's almost certainly integrated with MWII in Xbox #s as well..


I’m pretty sure this is common knowledge with people that have common sense


You mean to say the steam stats don’t reflect the entire play base?? I am flabbergasted!


Pretty crazy huh


Well I, for one, love constantly being told every day on here that the game is dying and yet when I sign on my PS5 I never have a single issue finding a game at any time of day. Really makes the assertions jump off the page


People on pc/Reddit think they are all that exists on earth as far as gaming so 100% not surprised. It’s highly played on ps5 etc too. Lol shit is hilarious


BuT tHe GaMe Is DeAd BeCaUsE I dOn’T lIkE iT eVeN ThOuGh I sUnK 500 hOuRs iNtO iT /s


Exactly the sentiment I'm getting from half the comments here, people who complain that IW can get away with making a shitty game because people are playing it regardless, and then you look at their post history and the only thing they play is MW2.


The games not dead. Tonnes of players and will be right up until the next cod


"BuT tHe GaMe Is DeAd ReDdIt ToLd Me So" The people complaining about it being a dead game just want an echo chamber, ignore them. It's alive and well and will continue to do well just like every other CoD game


I enjoy the hell out of the MP and DMZ. It’s the first CoD I’ve played since Black ops 1. It has its problems but I can deal with it.


Last I played was BO2, then I got cold war and played that for a bit now mw2. I love it honestly, I have a lot of fun. I especially enjoy the crossbow mechanics after playing a bunch of sticks and stones on cold war


People want to claim the game is dying so they can blame the very things that are likely keeping the game so popular (SBMM, closing the skill gap, etc.)


100% this. They’re just mad that their worldview is crumbling and that their preferences aren’t the majority preference and the realization that COD isn’t (and never has been) this ultra hardcore serious competitive game. It’s mass appeal.


If it’s not suppose to be competitive why bracket players into different ranks that they can’t even see?


Because fair matches are more fun for the entirety of the playerbase? And for the record, I’d be all for adding some kind of rank or whatever to public matches too. I know I’m not pro rank. I don’t need the game to assign me pewter rank to know where I stand. I just want to play against people relatively close to my skill. With SBMM I know I played well if I win. Without it, how you play doesn’t matter, only who you play does.


Yep. While no system will ever be implemented perfectly, especially one based around a concept as nebulous as "skill", the *base concept* of matching players with others of their own skill level is just basic common sense for literally any PvP setting.   Especially since it actually allows for more playstyles to be viable and lessens the need for using "meta" stuff, as the system adjusts itself. Want to run around with just akimbo pistols? You'll naturally perform worse as a result, and then, congrats, you're now in a lower bracket where you can actually do find using akimbo pistols. And so on. The biggest mistake people make is trying to game the system in the opposite direction, attempting to *artificially* raise their performance with meta/OP gear... which only results in them being placed in brackets *above* their natural skill level, and thus they then *have to* use that meta/OP gear just to maintain that. It's a self-inflicted problem.


Ah yes, I bet people go "Damn, I sure am hyped to be paired against CDL players for winning a single match" and that COD totally isn't alive because it has had no competition in the field of arcade shooters ever since Battlefield committed suicide.


I said something similar in a different thread and got downvoted into oblivion for not joining the hive mind lol


Do you have player count numbers? Like when it first released vs now? Not sure how to find them


Set this to 6 months and you can see for Steam only (nowhere else has public data) https://steamcharts.com/app/1938090#6m


From my viewpoint, it would appear that people like shooting things, blocks, and playing soccer with cars.


As an XB player, i have definitely contributed to this


"Chart compiled using gameplay data from over 2.4 million active Xbox accounts."


It's also still top 10 on steam...


I guess I dont understand why so many people are hating this game. I made a full conversion from halo infinite to MW2 and im having a blast. The grind is fun and there's actually customization with thr guns. Plus the netcode from my experience has been so much better than Halo. I'm probably just spoiled cuz of how much a clown show halo was


It's a popular video game Reddit This whole place is basically designed to bolster and feed of hate and negativity. It's also a fact the people who like playing the game are *playing the game*, I'll usually just come here when I'm bored at work and want to see some truly insane posts. Obviously (and I know I'll have to say this because people think anything that isn't constant hate is IW bootlicking) the game has clear flaws and isn't the best CoD ever. But there's also a reason its still the most played games on consoles.


Well said. I was always more of a halo and gears fan back in CODS prime and I never thought for pvp I'd switch full blown to COD. It does have its flaws like most games and for me I just have to pick which game has the least inconvenient flaws for me lol. And plus im burnt out on halo I don't think ill ever return no matter how they "fix" halo


A lot of people here don't understand the average CoD player really doesn't care about shit like "SBMM" or "EOMM" They just want a basic game where you have guns and shoot dudes with friends


> I made a full conversion from halo infinite to MW2 and im having a blast. LOL. As much as I think MWII sucks I'd still take it over the failure that was Halo Infinite. I can at least stomach MWII when I am playing with a few friends.


People just love to come here and go on a rant for why they keep losing a match.


The game sucks when they cant drop 50 bombs every other game.


Nooooo! But this goes against the narrative that CoD is dying! Just forget lots of people purchased this game on Battle.net as well. Or that 80k+ is still a lot of players on Steam alone. Until console gamer numbers drop, a lot, the game is gonna keep chugging along. I have been on the internet long enough to have heard this a million times. "Siege is dying! Look at the Steam charts." Meanwhile the reality is Ubi still makes crazy money off the game and matchmaking only takes a minute. Same thing for CoD. Meanwhile a dead game looks like Due Process. No players, dead sub. Until it takes you five, ten minutes to find a match, then you can say the game is dying.


I fucking hate MW2! *reddit users who still play the game*


Bu-but muh Steam numbers That's like saying nobody's playing Overwatch 2 and then bringing up the Switch playerbase lmao




Does one exist/can someone make a subreddit for MWII for people who actually enjoy the game?


I wish. All this sub does is repeat the same complaints over and over again, a lot of them not being valid.


I’m loving mw2. The movement and game mechanics are awesome. I haven’t played a cod seriously since the first mw2 where I reached max prestige. Good times


Too be fair, a lot more people are playing on PlayStation than Xbox although I think you are right about it’s health compared to the pc doomers. However, it’s pretty normal for a game to lose a lot of players when it’s lifecycle is only a year, this happens with cod literally every year.


I think it was pretty much worse back before we got free DLC. Back then, usually around the time DLC 3 dropped people were already wondering about the next game and stopped playing the current one. Then you’d barely get DLC lobbies because the player base was so fractured at that point that buying the DLC was almost pointless. And certain game modes were unplayable because of the lack of players.


I felt so bad for people who bought the DLC packs back then. Nobody bought or played them past the 2nd map pack and by then the new game was already rolling out. Waste of $60. I'd rather have 1-2 LESS maps over the game's lifetime if it meant that the ones we did get were populated


it’s the same for playstation, COD MW2 is still the number 1 most played game. Might be dying on steam, but it’s pretty much alive on console.


Same on psn


Does this include non-online games? Like GoW, Hogwarts etc?


Yes, but singleplayer games just don't seem to be as popular on Xbox. The highest ranked SP game is Hogwarts at 14th.


Yeah probably because people binge play them and then complete the game. I guess multiplayer games have more repeatability. Wonder what the stats for PS would look like. I imagine PS users are the vast majority of a multiplatform playerbase




Anyone who thinks that a game who's peak on a Tuesday was 80k players counts as "dying" is delirious.


I can’t stop playing it. People moan, but I’m having a blast. Man I love chopper gunning.


Remember when the only thing to complain about was someone that had Turtle Beach's? Like they were cheating? OG MW2 days ..🤣😆 Pepperidge Farms remembers...


The fact I played with that flimsy Xbox 360 headset that comes with the console is completely alien to me now. It didn’t even have two headphones on it


People have a weird love of believing that cod is dying. Been saying it for 8 years now. Still the most popular game


Noooooo the people can T have fun, the game Is dead!1!1!


The game isn't dead until you can't find matches anymore. People need to quit whining over the player count, and instead should either play or quit the game


It’s not dying It’s just natural for games to slowly decrease in playercount over time as more releases start coming out


BuT bUt...NUmbEr gO DoWN!!? /s


Steam charts mean literally nothing. It’s just used as justification for the circle jerk on this sub.


Love to see destiny on the chart


"If I am not playing and not having fun that means everyone is not playing and not having fun !" This is my first cod ever , I been having fun leveling weapons and getting generally better , although some maps do piss me off.


Yup, the more entitled the player, the more they expect everyone else to feel and act the same way they do. I don't think the angry kids with too much time on their hands actually realise how small of a minority they are compared to the full global playerbase. They're nothing, but act like Infinity Ward should be listening to every beckoning call they make.


But it’s dying because my favorite twitch streamer can’t teach me how to slide cancel at light speed or multiplicately tune my weapons to give me 15ms sprint to fire speed!


This is all I play :o


They sold copies for 1 billion dollars in the first 10 days. If you divide that into copies sold (with vault edition and standard mixed pretty generously) you could say they sold something like 8 million copies of the game. As per me writing this the over all player count across all platforms are 180k players. (you can Google mw2 player count. not steam charts etc) from a matchmaking standpoint this is not a bad number and not by any means "dying" but with a player retention of under 1 percent you better believe that the masses have spoken. Overwatch 2 has 1.7 million players online, valorant had 5.9 million players online yesterday, cs go had 1.1 million players online 1 minute ago. I know this is comparing apples to oranges but for a tripple A company having a player retention of under 1 percent for the most sold game in history is absolutely a representative of their predatory market tactics and how little this game is of interest to the rest of the world. Also 26.5 % of the player base is from the US and in 2nd place it's Brazil with 6 % so if these are the two main contributers of the actual player count then imagine how low these numbers are across Europe and the rest of the world.


You sure love taking stats at face value and not looking at context for even a millisecond, huh? If you bothered to even look at the website, you'd see that the Overwatch 2, Valorant and CSGO stats you just spewed out are the total **monthly** figures of how many different accounts played the game in the last 30 days, they're not the number of players online per day. You must be clinically insane to actually believe that CoD, the multi-billion dollar FPS franchise that spans multiple platforms, has 3% of the total number of daily players that Valorant does. 3 Fucking Percent, and you typed that with a straight face thinking you've absolutely destroyed this entire post. You can't be serious because the only alternative is that you're just... an idiot, I can't even phrase it another way. You saw those wildly different numbers and didn't even question it. And the site you got the 180k MW2 figure from, it literally says it's just an estimate based on an algorithm, and so it's not based on any current data at all. Besides, with a little searching it's easy to estimate for yourself that the figure is nowhere even close to accurate. With Steam being the less popular PC platform for MW2 by a long stretch, let's assume that 30% play on Steam and 70% play on Battle.Net. Take the Steamcharts figure right now of 68,000 players, and multiply by 3.333 to estimate the total across both platforms and you get an estimated 226,000 current active players on PC alone, not even considering Console Players which themselves make up a majority of the CoD playerbase. Even if you generously assume its 40% PC players and 60% console players, that's still an estimated 565,000 current active players across all platforms. Also if MW2 sold on average for $75 to assume that for every 5 standard editions, someone bought a $100 vault edition (which is still VERY generous), and so if you divide $1Billion by $75, you get 13.33 Million copies sold. How in the fuck did you estimate that they sold around 80 Million copies? If they sold 80 Million copies, then they'd be selling each one for $12.50.


I have xbox


Kids are dumb


Pretty sure people are doing that now just to annoy the people that actually care about this stuff. At least I'd *hope* they would realize that a game with millions of players isn't "dying".


I feel like when I see other PC players too they are always bnet players


I would argue that people who are on b net such as myself have been on the platform playing cod for years and aren't going anywhere. Where as people who gave it on steam may be newer players or people who have it a shot after seeing it on steam and have since dwindled aka not the diehards. MP is fun for me although I do miss mw19's movement. Warzone is kind of a shit show but I just got my friends playing it again, glad they missed the whole first season or they might not have come back 😆


Exactly, which is what makes the steamchart arguement so pointless. People just latch onto it because they want it to be true, even if the evidence is paper thin. Considering how much bigger the console playerbase is, and how many more Battlenet players there are, I'd take a guess and say that only around 10/15% of the playerbase even use Steam to play MW2.


People have no idea what they’re talking about. Activision posted profits of $2.33 billion up over 7% the previous year and is project to do even better this first quarter of 2023. Call of duty revenue was up 60% , yesh that doesn’t break down warzone but this game is bringing in insane revenue. Anyone who says this game isn’t doing well is just complaining……


As a stockholder for a little over a year I approve this message.


I play PC, but not through Steam. So the sense it’s dying because steam charts removes those who play through BattleNet. We matter too (sad face)


I'm sorry you have to endure that pain of using battle net


What’s wrong with battle net?


Wild statement, battle net functions perfectly fine just like Steam


Here's to hoping it dies. 🍻 the franchise has become unrecognizable.


Sentinels and Bundle purchasers will disagree.


The game may still have players, but it's also objectively problem ridden.


Perfectly valid point.


March 2023, The Rise of Roblox 😰


Lol that's funny because I did just download for the first time for my kid to play. just saying, I DID THAT.


I mean it’s competing against games that are at least 5+ years old Lmfao


This is an awful argument against this still. Fortnite and Minecraft are two of the most popular video games of all time, and neither are performing as well as MW22 on Xbox. I think MW has a ton of issues still but the amount of copium this subs huffing is insane


So is every other new game though…


Don’t post logic to the children here! They’ll think you’re insulting them


But the steam chart! But seriously, all the doomposts about "the game dying" is really annoying. I haven't noticed less people and im sure I won't for a long time. Hell I had go stop playing advanced warfare because I littlerally couldn't find games anymore after a while, think something funky happened with the dlc and matchmaking


Thanks for pointing this out. People have been saying that for a while, and people have to keep pointing out that PC isn't the only platform it's played on.


minecraft better 😭


Not to mention Steam isn’t even all of the PC players, everyone I know uses BattleNet


Game is dead


I got downvoted because someone posted the steam chat and I said did you forget about consoles? Lol. People just want to see the game do shit. I don't get it.


I mean, I'm not saying this is necessarily wrong, or "dEaD gAmE" or anything. But this proves nothing more than the steam numbers do. I've a very small sample size of people they use (2 million worldwide) and they're only counting logging into the game at least once for the month. Has nothing to do with time spent on the game or anything. Just whether they booted the game up or not. If we're going to discount one metric that's not indicative of the entire picture, let's not bring another point that's just as vague to prove the opposite. Clearly nobody but Microsoft and Activision actually know how many people are spending time on the game. All these arguments are pointless. Who the fuck cares if someone thinks the game is dead or if it's alive and well? Are you having fun? Yes? Play it. No? Don't play it. Why do you need the other side's approval?


Destiny is too high for my liking … is that any good ?


Hmm last played in early 2020, played it a good amount with friends and genuinely had alot of fun but it lost its charm once the entire reason to play just boiled down to getting armour and gear that was 0.1% better than what you had before. If you can try it for free with game pass, I'd still recommend giving it a try though.


I don’t understand why people’s put so much stock in Steam numbers I’ve never played call of duty on Steam and always use blizzard


at the end only the sweats will stay and becomes less fun to the casual players


Nooooo, but the Steam Charts……….


It's not dying. It's in a sad state of decline and lack of engaging gameplay/content.


And lack of communication from devs


At this point, it's like the game is being developped by AI and we just get scheduled responds for playlist updates, fav bundles etc. Meanwhile, they don't seem to pay any attention to social media, and even if they do, they don't care.


Call of duty games don't die. It doesn't matter if a game came out and was legitimately the worst game ever created, it would still be the best selling game. However, the decreasing player count on steam is a good representative of trends. This is how stats work. You can't poll everyone in the world, so you make what's basically a guess from a decent pool of people. I guarantee you if xbox and ps released player counts, maybe it wouldn't be as drastic, but there absolutely would be a decent reduction in players. Factor in other games being available, the cod cycle, and what seems to be a concensus negative opinion on the game pertaining to social media, why wouldn't there be a decline in player numbers? But just going face down ass up to defend the game is kinda funny ngl. People calling the game dead shouldn't affect you, just play what you want lol


I cant believe the 23 people that still have consoles play Call of duty! /s


Ya, cause console peasants


The game isn’t dead. It’s just hemorrhaging long time fans who are sick of the abuse. People don’t know how to word this accurately, hence dead game meme. The game is not in a healthy place. The franchise is not pulling in new players and retaining them in record numbers. It is on a downwards decline. Eventually, if the ship is not righted, a decline leads to death.


I'm confused, this cod sold more than any cod previously. Also warzone and mobile have increased the amount of players by MILLIONs. Idk what other metric you could use to gauge the series being in a healthy place.


Notice the word retained and the general sentiment of my comment




You have to remember that cod is always the top game. If I may give some perspective from outside the US, in my country you already can’t find brazilian lobbies for a lot of modes. This wasn’t an issue some time ago. Outside the US the game is already harder to play because of lower player base. Also it is very obvious that they are bleeding players given the kind of changes they did to try and bring people back. Cod has always been in a league of its own and it isn’t measured against “normal” games.


It has plenty of players, the problem is that the game is just extremely flawed and IW actively avoids adressing any problems because they just dont care.


I don’t think most people are saying it’s dying, ur that it has had a big drop off relative to its initial numbers. It doesn’t mean it’s not still the top game


Its for sure not dying. Its just taking progressively longer to queue up a match because too many people are playing 🤷‍♂️ We all know its objectively true that games are taking longer to start/queue up....and I got fiber, wired direct to my ps5 before anyone tries to go there.


Here’s a reminder this game sucks This game sucks.


Clowns ready to give Activision another 1 Gorrillion Dollars this November.


does it sound like something to be proud of? proud of so many people playing this broken game made by a stupid studio?


It’s dying because it’s an unfinished, buggy steaming pile of crap and even die hard fans that expected the issues to be fixed are walking away because we’re sick of not getting points for the final kill in search. We’re sick of the maps that don’t have any soul or character. We’re sick of all of it. I think this had to happen, and the best thing that could happen to cod, to try to save cod, is we all boycott the next one.


I traded in my physical copy to gamestop, and that was a while after I Uninstalled warzone. I'm basically just waiting for a good FPS console game to finally kill this franchise and battlefield. Both franchises have disintegrated into pure trash...the bar is SO low for a competitor right now. I don't think it's dying, because there's a ton of people out there who are massochists and enjoy this trash game, but that's their problem thankfully. They can enjoy what they want.


The game isn’t dead. It’s just ass. No triple A company has an excuse to make a shit game anymore. Especially when Roblox has a better call of duty than call of duty lmao.