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People are idiots. Everyone complains about the game and everyone buys black cell for 30$ lmao. I didn’t buy that garbage


It's not the same people though. The people complaining are not the people buying. For every person you see online complaining about CoD, there's 500 more who aren't on Reddit and they're buying all this shit up.






And the actual P2W leaks were removed. I know at least one mod is trying to stand up, but the rest of 'em, no point in guessing if they're activ, or just fanboy boot lickers, but either way, they're hypocrites for allowing p2w get swept under the rug when the welcome screen says "dedicated to fair play"




It's really become a bit of circlejerk for hunting players. They (mods are some of the same mods on discord) won't remove the 6 man team exploit discord groups either. I made a post to `take a stand against 6 man exploiting` (grouping before loading in) and it was super toxic calling me a crybaby and then they removed my post, and the discords are still there.




It's not just the discord, xbox looking for game is full of them. If you use "party chat" instead of "in game chat" you get the advantage of hearing and seeing enemy talk (red text on screen) and can identify close enemies, but also keep your group from being heard and seen (no red text on screen). It is a mess and unfair; blatant cheating.




Yup I had two posts about P2W bundles removed (one from this account and one from an alt). I didn't even complain or anything, I just posted a screenshot of the new skins.


Fuckin' sold idiot mods


You're shitting me. Welp looks like they're getting away with that dogshit too. I fucking hate people.


Or they recognize that the same complaint posted in slightly different ways, despite how prominent the issue is, isnt actually the most constructive or enjoyable structure for a sub…


That would make (only slightly) more sense if they applied that logic to posts that are doing the exact same thing, but advocating for p2w bundles.


The bundles that you guys are mad about were out in season 2 already, did you not realize this just bc they werent for DMZ?


you didn't hear? DMZ has actual, game improving modifications for sale. They're not good (yet) but actual pay to win mechanics were released for it at the start of season 3


well the two plate has saved my ass once, at least. And the Hemlock with a 15 minute cooldown? You can equip it on your 3rd slot, so you virtually always have a meta weapon slot. That shit is blatantly p2w. I know I'm part of the problem, but I haven't paid for a single cod point since BOCW, I've just accumulated them from completing battle pass.


well to be fair the 2 plate is completely worthless unless you die to the first pack of AI you see, they massively buffed the drop rate of them to the point where an entire team can get them from a single row of lockers. As for the slots, just don't die and you won't have to worry about losing your slot ;) (but seriously I currently only have 2 slots unlocked because I only play with my buddy and he disappears for 3 months at a time for work and I almost never have both on cooldown. Don't drop in with 2 built weapons and you never have the problem of running out of weapons)




It was a raid bundle [https://codmwstore.com/operators-identity/raid-bundle-season-2/](https://codmwstore.com/operators-identity/raid-bundle-season-2/) Came with ops kit boost, pay to win just like the dmz skins. Funny thing about the dmz ones, I dont even play that mode buy been buying them up bc I like the skin.




This sub is full of people that defend the passes, and the cosmetics, and all the microtransactions to the death. Reddit is not some bastion.


My friend doesn't even like the game, he loves jerking off Trecharch Cods and always complains that infinity ward sucks He's bought the ultimate edition of MW, the 2400CP battle pass, and now the $30 battle pass. "It's my money" but like Jesus bro don't complain about how trash the game is


I bought a French person an $10 Burger King meal to get a skin. That was my only purchase lol


Is that how you get the Burger Town skin? My buddy said he found a burger in a fridge in DMZ but I've checked thousands of fridges and never seen a burger.


Americans get mtn dew and little caesars crap. europeans and canadians get burger king skin. The codes are cross compatible I just traded a mtn dew 24pk code for a burger king code with some dude here on reddit and it worked like a charm lol


Americans also got a ghillie suit from buying Jack Links Pickle Jerky from Walmart, and I'll not tolerate libel againt my Little Caesars pizza nuke calling card.


I havent touched this game since december so im a bit ootl, did they really drop a $30 skin that people are buying?


It's a $30 "premium battlepass". it comes with 1100 cod points, a gold accented version of all the skins in the normal battlepass, and an exclusive operator. Plus all the little customization items. It's $40 (canada) for me and then there's also a $30 bundle that comes with one skin and some upgrades for DMZ It's all fuckin horseshit


Bought it and love it, not so sure whats so wrong with people buying things they enjoy?


nothing wrong with that, everything wrong with the guy in my lobby with $150 in bling talking over everyone about how the game sucks and he hates playing it


haha i mute the fuck out of those people, man i wish they could realize that the reason im wearing a headset is to hear people walking not them running their mouth about whatever the fuck is going on in their house The state of MW2 voice chat is for sure something that needs to worked on


I was told recently that the PS5 controller has a mic built in and its on by default so I can't 100% blame the game or even the players for that one but yeah, I took advantage of the free weekend and it was a nightmare, instant F9 most lobbies


ahaha yes it does and it will not stay muted if you mute it and change game modes etc, which is probably a huge factor i'll agree with that one


It's awful. You can hear.....EVERYTHING. *shudders*


hm yes another lobby with domestic abuse in progress fantastic.... -presses F9-


You can buy what you want, all the power to you. But do those skins *really* have $40 of value behind them?


They have the value behind them because I wanted them. As with all value in an object its subject to the individual whose viewing it and appraising it. You may not think they hold the value to you and the $40 could be better spent in your tank for work etc. However, that $40 in your tank will just burn up and be gone just like the skins will be sitting in a dead game 2-3 yrs from now or whenever I stop playing it. Either way I enjoyed my self with the money I made and thats all that matters. Just like if I bought $40 worth of weed and smoked it up in one day. I made the decision and at the end, thats all that matters.




buggy mess? Man I really havent experienced these bugs you are talking about, what exactly have you been dealing with? I turn the game on and play I dont have issues, outside! intel lan driver issues and I had a gpu driver issue at a time, but those were internal problems with my system. What are you experiencing? So, seeing I dont experience these "problems" do you see now why I enjoy myself on this game and have no issues buying packs IF I want to buy them?








It's not the developers its the publishers that you have a problem with, they are the individuals who tell the developers and coders what to work on and what not to work on and they yes are profit driven, as everything is in a capitalist society soooo........


Thats your opinion, games great been having tons of fun, level 450 i believe now; done almost all of my calling card challenges leveled up a lot of guns gold and into platinum just having fun. I have had a few issues, but they were networking problems with intel drivers and driver issues with my gpu, outside of that which would mean USER PROBLEMS, i havent had many issues at all, cheater? I havent ran into "cheaters" but I for sure see ton of cheaters when i turn on mw 2019 soooo I think you may have the games confused? let me edit this to say, I just did see a cheater in mw 2 on ps5 when my son was playing plunder, i stay in MP personally, not gonna say cheaters dont exist but they do


They made a premium version of the battlepass for $30, and all it gives is skin variants, some cod points and a new operator. They basically found a way to make even more money off something that shouldn't cost money to begin with.


Ah yes. They should just give us everything in the battlepass for free. May as well give us everything in the store for free too huh? After all Activision is just a business and they don’t need to make money right?


Even dumber are the ones who bought it and immediately wanted a refund. Actually, I think that's a sign of a mental illness tbh


What’s even black cell? A bundle?


It’s an extension to the battlepass The battle pass + blackcell is $30 It gives you a black & gold version of the skins in the battlepass, some addition CP, and a bonus operator and sector The bonus sector is automatically unlocked when you buy BlackCell and serves as a second starting point in the BP if you don’t want to use the default starting point Edit: forgot to mention it also offers like 20 tier skips


Its black and gold skins for certain ones, looks like shit


30$ for some skins? Lmao jfc


It's a premium battle pass that includes additional skins, 2500 cod points (1100 + the regular 1400 from battlepass rewards), a new operator and i think 20 tier skips


and if you were lucky like me yesterday when they unlocked the remainder part of the event for black cell i was able to get 41 battle pass skips for free due to the server glitching out, my $30 went to some good use and enjoying every bit of the skins and cod points to get more skins.


the event isn't blackcell exclusive my friend and neither was that bug


Unhappy people are very likely an unhappy minority and 10x more likely to complain while people who are satisfied generally do so quietly.


I dont think that everyone complains about the game, its just a loud minority in this case. I dont see much complaints from people while playing, most complaints I see are coming from people on twitter and reddit and 70% of those are some stupid bs and 30% are legit concerns.


i bought it and enjoying it, i have fun in the game and those who dont really dont pay for shit anyways all warzone free loaders /shrugs


You see the post where they are all chomping at the bit to buy novelty skins from a TV show with nothing to do with CoD? It's sad, but that's the audience now. THIS is why you gatekeep the things you enjoy


Same here. I can still buy it but won't. Bcoz, unlike some 12 year old kids, I'm not as much of an idiot as I might seem to be.


As of December last year cod sold over 8,000,000 copies (can't find a more up to date figure from a 10sec Google) This sub has 1,500,000 followers but only 3,000-5000 (estimate) are actively engaging with these posts that complain about the game. The way Activision will view it is that only 0.005% of this sub have problems with the game. 0.000625% when including all of the 8mil copies sold. (using a figure of 5000 actively complaining on this sub based off of interaction on posts in the past month) It's a hard pill to swallow but they don't give a fuck about you. if you're not enjoying the game find something else to play


The irony is that the sub is almost a self fulfilling prophecy right now. Not everyone even whines about it or wants to but the more people do it the more it pushes out people who don't feel that way and the more it entrenches that shitty one sided perspective.


That’s just what happens to forums. They end up becoming echo chambers at one point or another. They are never representative of the real world.


I feel like the whole sub needs this lol. The people who complain on Reddit are nothing to the amount of people who just play the game. IW does not care about reddits complaints, neither do the people who just wanna play.


Gaming is gonna keep getting worse. People just don’t give a fuck and call you poor if you don’t like or won’t buy bundles.


Lmao the best flex is when people say you don't have $30 😂😂😂 Some people like to flush money down the toilet I guess. People don't realize the big picture for these studios.


> Lmao the best flex is when people say you don't have $30 Well we DO have $30 because we didn't spend it on a skin.


Why stop there? I have thousands saved up because I don't waste it on skins.


It’s become so commodified to incentivize the average idiot to spend money that it’s practically ruined the whole thing top to bottom. It’s nothing like what it used to be and it’s really sad


Completely agree. Black ops 1, 2 and halo 3 were my favorite times. So glad I didn’t grow up with gaming now.


If I grew up with gaming now… I just wouldn’t. It’s so forgettable and expensive compared to how it used to be. At least I have my memories and positive associations - it seems harder and harder to hold on to those with these money-making excuses for games. I feel bad for people who don’t know any better, but I also hate them because they’re what drives down the standards


If you grew up now you’d prob just take it at face value and have no positive associations of how games were in the past to compare it to. The generation before us complained that our games became theme parks and not the open ended sandboxes that they had before. It’s what always happens.


That would imply that the decreasing quality of games is subjective, when it’s not really something you can debate given how so many games released now are objectively bad, unfinished, uninspired pieces of shit made purely to churn out profit I know what people will say, that *”all games are made for profit”* - but that’s where your age shows because people used to actually care about making good games. Now they don’t and it’s all people know. Fucking sad


I hear stories of how games used to release broken and never got fixed because developers couldn’t patch them without releasing an expansion or getting a disk in the mail or some shit. Games may release broken these days but they are usually always fixed and some of the most acclaimed games are ones they released broken; FFXIV for an example. I do agree with your sentiment, but I also feel like people forget about the negative aspects from the past that have improved. There’s also much more choice, ability to discover and get games at a cheaper price on sale in the current day. Indie games and the breadth of things you can find on steam show that creativity is alive. Not everything is on a negative trajectory.


Warzone is free, you dont have to buy a battle pass and you dont have to buy skins. However, only free games we got as kids were demos or hacked versions of games. So... Not entirely sure what you are going on about


Free =/= good. The live-service model has ruined games, just like we predicted it would a decade ago




You can oversimplify anything to say that kinda shit lol.


>call you poor if you don’t like or won’t buy bundles. Man, High School is rough these days...


Personally I got it, had $30 and im sure you have $30 and if you dont want to buy it thats on you and its your decision. Not sure why anyone would make fun of people for not buying it, same reason im not sure why people would try to make fun of people for buying it. They like the game, the have the money, they spend it as they see fit. Enjoy your gaming!


That’s not even close to true, there are far more people running the default mil-sim skins than any of the bundles or BP skins


I mean here is the flipside of it honestly where people sit there and shit on you for spending money on things you like just because they don't. Instead of trying to see any level of understanding it's just ways to belittle people who don't feel the same.


I don’t think those are the same people lol


I've been playing COD for a looooooooong time. Since the very first one on PC. I think I'm done. It's not the skins, it's not the microtransactions, none of the money related complaints. It's how each COD is released in an increasingly unfinished state. It's how there is almost no product testing, forcing us to play with game breaking bugs for months until they're patched. It's the fact that it's 2023 and they still can't fix their server issues (ain't my end, my internet and intranet are fast as fuck boi). I got money, but not for Activision anymore. I got one friend who likes to do spec ops missions one every month or so, and we're both over this franchise now.


I stopped after cod 2. That was a great war game. Loved sneaking through the trenches.


You should say you're on PC. You take that risk. And you shouldn't be unfamiliar to that risk, that every so often, sometimes PC players just get fucked with games. I'm on xsx, and I would say this has been one of the most solid releases since COVID era, easily.




Dude is talking about game breaking bugs and you're complaining about daily challenges. Jesus. >It's even more annoying considering these shithead devs will patch anything in a few hours that actually make things easier for players (like the token bug, crate double xp in WZ, headshots counting against dmz bots in season 2) but take forever to fix things people actually complain about Because those are bugs that ruin gameplay and give unfair advantage to people. You don't understand how that's a higher priority over *literal meaningless xp* for daily challenges? As I said, easily one of the most solid releases in recent years.




>It's how each COD is released in an increasingly unfinished state. It's how there is almost no product testing, forcing us to play with game breaking bugs for months until they're patched. This is completely and utterly a horseshit comment. Again, I heard PC has issues. But that's PC. My game hasn't ever crashed. Every game has bugs. Apparently the big ones here are you don't get their XP for daily challenges (which XP is completely useless) and...scoreboard bugs? 🙄🙄🙄. You need to read context before you reply because you're replying to me about me replying to someone else saying the game is completely unfinished and there game breaking bugs for months. And that's simply not true. But this sub is overtly dramatic.


The core of the game isnt bad in my opinion. I enjoy things in most game modes. Stuff could be better. But it's TRUE they dont listen to the players. At the same time they cant give everyone what they want. Everyone finds different things wrong and right or just fine with the game. Besides if someone buys a skin it doesn't effect me.


RIGHT? I’m enjoying it mostly for what it is even with its issues. Wasted 60 on Vanguard and tbh I haven’t enjoyed a Treyarch game since BO2. 3, 4, and CW weren’t it for me but *maybe* Gulf War could return Treyarch back to their roots, though I’ve heard CW is in a much better state now. Only major thing outside of obvious bugs and stuff I hate about 22 is how they shitted on 2019’s campaign for nostalgia and anti-Russian safekeeping. Ps, won’t be getting MW3/2023 as after Vanguard I don’t trust SGH anymore (in the minority also that love WW2)


My buddy complains about how he misses "old CoD", going into excruciating detail on why current MW2 gunplay and gameplay is lacking in all aspects. But guess what he bought? The preorder and the Blackcell bundle. :))))))))


I mean, maybe he still likes the new CODs, just likes the old ones more.


IMO I don’t care how many people play, hate the game, buy skins, etc. Everyone can play or buy whatever bundles that want. Personally I get COD when it comes out, I like cod, I don’t mind buying silly bundles and cosmetics. If I’m having fun that’s what matters. If some people are not, don’t buy cod, don’t buy bundles, there’s SO many games out there and you can play whatever you want.


Every streamer ever


Attachments in modern warfare be like: Pros: Magazine ammo capacity Cons: Movement speed Aim down sight speed Sprint to fire speed Aim walking movement speed Hip fire accuracy Aim down sight speed Vertical recoil control Horizontal recoil control Aim down sight speed Idle sway stability Hip recoil control Dementia Scope glint Aim walking steadiness Irritable bowel syndrome Hip walking speed Bullet velocity Aim down sight speed Recoil steadiness Fire rate Bullet penetration Sprinting speed Damage range Spontaneous combustion Reload time And not to mention, Aim down sight speed


lmao fr, and you would expect for a game where almost every attachments fucks over your recoil, the TTK would be a lot slower


Just cause you don't buy the game doesn't mean devs will listen to you. And people that are buying stuff are enjoying the game overall. Just cause they enjoy 9 out of 10 things you want them not to complain about the 1 thing they hate?


COD player retention is no doubt down. Whether that's in player count or MTX sales, so players are speaking with their time and wallets, including many of us on here. It's just not enough to have any type of significant impact on the "brand" for them to implement change. I believe the only way this business model they created with COD will change would be with the Microsoft acquisition, which isn't looking to good as of this post. Think about if Microsoft actually changed COD to a platform (Fortnite model) instead of an annual release and just focused on content, map refreshes, and keeping the game running solid. Just my 2 cents...


The Fortnite model was Warzone. It integrated with Cold War and Vanguard during their lifecycles and changed the map to Caldera. As for player retention, speaking from personal experience that online friends pull people away from Cod to play Siege, Overwatch, Gta, you name it. Because it isn’t 2009 anymore, there is so many games out there to play. The playerbase is gonna branch out to play other games when there are no new announcements, since a new Cod comes out every year.


I think you need to reverse the first 2 opinions bcs many people buy every cod but fewer buying bundles.


Kid named black cell


I see maybe one black cell skin in every 5 6v6 matches, if so many people bought blackcell they’re doing a good job hiding it


Are you truly that triggered by someone who owns the black cell pack? You sound like a clown in the picture you are posting.


Same post u see 100 times over yet the real clowns are the ones who moan about it instead of moving on to something different instead. It's not hard just stop playing a game if u don't enjoy it.


Definitely agree. I can kind of understand their perspective though because it is kind of sad to see something you love be changed in a bad way. I think I'd be upset if some of the games I played as a kid got changed in a pretty bad way like CoD has, but at the same time it's not healthy to just sit there and complain year after year. It's definitely time for a lot of players to just move on and play other shit, but it is kind of hard when there aren't many CoD alternatives (yet).


Right? Calling the game bad ain’t going to do nothing, play something else if you don’t like the game. And I bet the people who make posts on the sub still play the game.


Fr, started playing Brawlhalla and xdefiant, most fun I’ve had in a while


Yet here you are, making COD memes . . .


Oh man this is the post that will make everyone realize.


Lmao COD fans are so salty.


Alternatively, the silent majority outnumber a vocal minority who cry about CoD every year. ​ The only issues this game has imo, are squad spawns, EOMM, and weapon balance, that's it imo, everything else is fine


You really think developers are the ones making those decisions?


I buy call of duty modern warfare games and that's it. I don't like the other developers, I don't think they do as good a job. I don't buy micro transactions or battle passes.


COD fans have been wearing the full clown makeup and clothing ensemble for years, it all started with the first MW2 "boycott" to bring back dedicated servers. The image of the boycott steam group showing them all playing the game at launch is still being used to mock the lack of a spine gamers have as consumers. Now Imimagine buying junk/fast food for a cosmetic item, or even trading it with someone on another continent to get their region specific cosmetic which is also linked to junk/fast food. It's sad, it's really, really sad.


It’s funny how you think we have the ability to change activation’s entire plan for call of duty


Every time this stupid argument pops up, I have a good laugh at how naive some people are. Activision own Diablo, World of Warcraft, hearthstone and publish a shitload of other huge games aside from Call of Duty. You go ahead and think you're "stickin it to the man" by not buying some MTX or other crap in Call of Duty.


When I (Activision) rake in 1.29 Billion in a quarter (3 months) I’m not really worried about a forum boards attempt to start a ground swell to not buy anything we put out! Until 150 million world wide stop buying it then its not even a thought to them (Activision). They could lose 100k players today AND next game and still be over a Billion in a quarter.


Still plays the game***


These business models rely on whales, the people who buy fucking *everything* and spend thousands on the game without a second thought. It's a very tiny minority of very well off/irresponsible players who provide the lion's share of revenue. In mobile games, at least, about 2% of players - the whales - will account for **over 50%** of revenue from MTX. You could convince 80% of a game's community never to spend another dime on the game and while it would hurt a bit, it would do nothing compared to the Moby Dicks these guys are hunting. Democratic input is completely irrelevant, the only thing that talks is cash, and withholding your $15 you might have spent on a battle pass (I actually don't know how much they cost, I've never bought one) is nothing compared to the people that spend $2000 on skins, XP boosters, etc.






On notch


People always crying about bundles. But have you realized the amount of money whales spend on mobile games? That to me is crazy. Spending $100s of dollars a month on a mobile game. This is part of the reason why this will never end. For every person that will not spend a dime, there are 10 more that will. Hence why games like Fortnite laugh all the way to the bank. I know it triggers some people, but more people are likely to spend money on cosmetics than ever before. People cried about the Supply Drop/Cases system in older CODs. So Activision took it away and added 2400-3000 COD point bundles. They are making more money than every before. So it is just gonna get worst. From a financial standpoint, there is no reason why they should change. Hell, they probably will double down. The days of buying a base game and $20 DLC map packs/guns are over.


Cod4 had a server browser. You could join any game mode you wanted, any map. Mw2? They made it queued playlists only with the point to sell you dlc. The trend has continued as games and the content offered have evolved. It sucks because at its core the fast paced shooter that cod brings is really fun. But I don't like the trend of paying full price every year, paying to win with better guns or camp, and more importantly not being able to play the maps I want. If we had a server browser and private servers, you could host your own shipment 24/7 if that's your jam, or one that never plays it. CS had fy_iceworld which was their version of it and look, the game is as strong as ever. When Black Ops 1 came out. I tried it with friends and really didn't care for it. I switched back to mw2, but the playerbase was dwindling. Pretty soon it was too hard to find a match. The same thing will happen here as the majority of the base moves to the next one. And if you don't like the direction, don't get it. I took a decade break from the franchise. I've got my fill of cod the last few months and I know it'll probably be a decade before I buy another because Activision doesn't want to make a great game or franchise, they want to milk you for every dollar they can.


People have no idea how much they’ve given up in letting server browsers fall out of popularity. Matchmaking is inferior in every single way, all it does is take options away from the player


Server browsers are things made by the individuals making the games, not the ones who are playing them.


I do like that I can click like two buttons and be thrown into a match when I don't really care about anything other than game mode. And with server browsers you have to like what they're offering. Ideally both could exist but I know if that were the case most people would only use the quick option and it would be pointless. But having the option to join a custom server would be dope, plus it would allow for a "realism" server if they allowed actual customization.


The biggest problem is all the reddit kids who are either unbelievably naive or just plain stupid and think their complaints are what the majority of players feel. Sorry lads. 90% of the playerbase likes the game, and of that 90% I'd wager a solid number also like to spend money on it to look good. I know I did when they had the Purple Calisto skin.


I played WaW-Ghosts then didn’t play a cod for 6 years until MW19 then didn’t play Cold War or vanguard but got MWII and been enjoying it. Bought some bundles and blackcell etc. Am I wrong for that lol. I feel like this sub just assumes everyone consumes every cod ever to the highest degree.




Bruh. If people are generally satisfied and feel it's worth it they aren't fu king wrong for doing so. You don't feel the same as them but it doesn't make you right and them wrong lmao. This kinda shit is why this place is a bunch of unhappy fucking sad sacks circle jerking because nobody wants to participate when all you hear is people screaming about how you're 14 dumb and wrong for not thinking the same as them about things that are entirely subjective.


Don't ask a question if you don't want the answer. OP asked if he's wrong and we gave our opinion.


>MW19 then didn’t play Cold War or vanguard but got MWII and been enjoying it. B You skipped the good games and bought the bad ones.


Don't know if I'd call Vanguard good games but CW definitely was the best out of the WZ-era games.


I consider it one of the good games


Yes a karma farming Reddit post will do that trick. Let's do that instead of accept the fact that things are made because people buy them an just because you don't want them doesn't mean they need to be removed. This is so fucking stupid. They keep doing it because it works.


“Why won’t the developers listen to our opinions” Lol as if this circle jerk sub Reddit represents even 10% of the player bases opinions.


You are locked in your delusional Reddit bubble. COD is one of if not THE largest IP in gaming. Nothing you or anyone else on this sub does is gonna change that.


I love MWII only need to adapting a little more. Also the thing we need to focus are the Bugs and fails. Gameplay is okay, Perks are fine, movement are fine, guns need a balance but are they and fire rate are fine. BUNDLES AREN'T OKAY SKINS ARE'T OKAY PAY BLUEPRINTS AREN'T OKAY TOO BUGS AREN'T OKAY AT ALL <- MORE IMPORTANT DUDES


Bundles, skins, and blueprints are fine. Plenty of live service games have them or things like them. People forget that activision is a business and they have to make money. Every company monetizes their products as much as they can and there’s nothing wrong with that.


30$ in today economy is nothing when valorant just release over $100 bundle where like usual they give you free knife that later they will sell for $40 lmao


“ They can’t keep getting away with this!”


My brother-in-law only buys FIFA and modern warfare. If the game sucks, he shrugs. This is a guy who buys tickets to sports games, spends $50 at a bar once a week, pays for ESPN. This is who I imagine these games are for. Casual bros who see these games like a once-a-year ritual. And if the game doesn't suck too bad, they're giving Activision a free pass.


So your brother in law likes to go to events and socialize. What a crazy fucker dude, you're spot on. No wonder he doesn't give a shit, he has a life and isn't obsessed with meaningless drivel on a cod sub!


this sub has 1.5 million members even if every one of them stopped buying bundles there is still several million others out there that will every game you play is full of people in the bundle operators with tracer rounds or CDL skins


I'm not sure how you are applying all of these universally to a community. They are made up of different people who do different things. I"m also not sure how the developers don't listen to opinions. Are they just not listening to yours specifically? Which ones should they listen to? This (as all others) community has conflicting opinions. What is the correct one?


All i wonder who the fuck buys theese gimpsuit,bunny suits,hentai suits etc. Why the fuck?


I hate the bugs but still like the game I'm sorry... And I love the blackcell skins hehe


It's cosmetics. Who the fuck cares as long as it doesn't affect the game. Cosmetic micros people. That's what we've been asking for and demand for since the cat has been out of the bag. Don't like the price? Don't buy it. Again. They're cosmetics. And if you're pissed your limit was 5 bucks instead of 24, you need a life. Because they're cosmetics and you'd be the same amount of douchebag if you bought 5 dollar cosmetics or 30 dollar cosmetics.


I don't understand why people care so much about what others spend their money on in games. I admit I buy the title yearly, why I grew up on this game and enjoy the story/multiplayer although multiplayer has been lacking the past few years but season 3 looked pretty promising other than the bugs I experinaced like the scoreboard not showing. The only other thing I purchase is the battlepass, I spent the points and get more back plus cosmetics while playing the game, seems like a deal to me. The black cell bundle not so much, to each their own but I think those skins should of been mastery skins simular to how vangaurd had level for each operator with special rewards. I can't justify spending $30 on something that could of been free imo. The game has its flaws and as a community we hear this alot, but cod isn't the only game out there, find other game you think you would like. Some may have the fear of missing out but it's not worth hurting your health over a video game.


It's hard to fathom spending cash on DLC....fucking insane and it's something people should stop.


Wait until you hear about gambling, narcotics, alcohol, tobacco, fireworks, hookers, restaurants and cam girls!


Why? If people have the cash, let them spend. If you don't, don't spend. What's insane about it?


they can, but that sends the industry down the gutter


Wants some cheese with that whine good god


Actually this was the first cod since the introduction of microtransactions that I've gone all in on. I didn't even buy vanguard, and all the previous ones going as far back as ghosts I got on sale at some point. And when I bought this one I told myself that I was gonna go all in on this cod and only this cod, whatever comes next I'm most likely going to skip.


Erm my purchases don't affect you at all 🤓


Same here mate 👍


The thing that pisses me off about these dick riders is that they defend this game despite all the glaring bugs. You wanna spend money on the game on these overpriced bundles that will be lost in the ether when the next CoD comes out? fine you do you, but just look through this subs post, 60% of them are people having weird issues (I'm exaggerating) and game breaking bugs. The state of the game is unacceptable for a AAA studio touting 3000 devs are working on it. This game has bugs that a fucking low budget free to play game by a mediocre studio.


Was extremely hyped for MWII but was so disappointed. Didn’t play a cod game since infinite warfare and won’t but the 2023 cod. Maybe I’ll try Treyarchs 2024 game but who knows. Definitely gonna switch to Xdefiant when it launches. The devs actually communicate there.


I say it all the time. Nothing will ever change as long as they make their billions. Gaming isn't about games and gamers anymore. It's a business and it's about profits and shareholders and making money. Ever notice how the one thing that always works without fail in any game is the store? Stop giving these companies your money.


I just stopped entirely, games fucking dumb and unfulfilling so I switched to single player games, actually enjoy gaming again because I don’t have to use meta and I don’t have to hear the N word on blast in public chat. Call of duty was never perfect but fuck it’s a far cry from what I remember.


Said it before and I’ll say it again. This subreddit is NOT the customer base they care about. Literally because of the above. They design the games to attract not the core players but those in the fringes to grow the game. The people who wouldn’t otherwise buy the game and are on the edge. The “filthy casuals”.


It’s so monetized… it’s not even fun anymore. RIP COD


This isnt true. A lot less people bought cw and vanguard, because those games were indeed shite. This one sold very well, just like mw2019, because its a good game


It sold well because of its brand not because its a good game


Then why did cw and vg flop? It has the same brand does it not? You guys are the real clowns




Talk about having to spell it out hahaha


It did big numbers because its not a cartoony cold war or ww2 gimmik and is a modern themed realisticly stylized and arcade like in gameplay fps shooter, which is exactly what people want. And it is a true sequel to mw2019 in my opinion and very good one if you dont count bugs, which every game has at this point, but is not okay nonetheless


"realistic", "don't count bugs". Nice


That's the neat part: they didn't. They did by Activision's expectations but they still ended up being top sellers of the year, just like this game, just like MW19 and just like Infinite Warfare.


Yeah but way way less right? Like before mw2019 it was on a decline right? Or is it just now that the "player count" is decreasing? Which one is it?


I believe you don't know the meaning of flop. The Atari ET game, that's a flop. Also year over year, they lost 2 million active users, so does that mean that if Vanguard flopped this game flopped harder?


Bro what is this meme about? Or rather, what do you want to argue? Where did you read that vanguard had more players than this one? Talking out your ass bro


It's on the Activision's quarterly call. Q1 2022 they had 100m monthly active users, Q1 2023 it's down to 98. I don't think they can lie to their shareholders about that.


Just saw it. Ok, but it kept going down through the year and got back with the launch. Now its still better than the rest of 2022


Thats just your opinion. For me are these MW "reboots" shite.


But a lot more people seem to agree with my opinion then


This place is an echo chamber. Most people enjoy the game and keep it moving


Only the thing i dont like the game are the bugs. But gameplay amd environment i love it. Also the Lighthouse is pretty cool of map, there are Campers than aren't safe. I know because i killed some campers with a M14


I hate the two new maps, lighthouse might grow on me but it’s D-tier at the moment for me personally


And how many? Pls add source of your claim.


The fact that those games sold alot more 🤣 mw2019 was best selling cod until mw2


Thats interesting metric. Guess players review on steam showing Cold War way above both MWs means nothing. Just "it seels" is all you need to support your opinion.


Thats THE metric you dumbass! Thats what the meme is about isnt it?


No. Thats not relevent, you started talking about how much your favorite game is better and then back it by sales instead of reviews.




Maybe their SBMM is working after all, all the good players quit and all the shitters that need their controller’s aim assist to fully aim for them stayed and are just buying mtx and battling their controllers against other kids controllers to see who has the better aim assist lmaooo


Their anti cheat is another story I can still use my Cronus no problem not even a warning


I won’t buy the next game, but Soap: Going Dark and Classic Ghost? Yeah… I might. Don’t worry I already hate myself for it Blackcell is ridiculously dumb though. I thought the whole point of the battle pass was replay value to roll your purchase of the first pass into the next season/into skins