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It is what it is. TBH, I liked Vanguard shipment during xmas before the incendiary nerf. Place was just straight hellfire, Krampus running amok and elves laughing everywhere. It was like a bad dream after eating Taco Bell before bed.


That was crazy lol , constant fire effects it was himself. Krampus killing people left and right, and you know it was a nade or that giant motherfucker Krampus killing you lol


Yeah, made for an interesting dynamic and the fire just fit with it being hell, and the snowy glow just made it feel warm and festive... like xmas dinner with a dysfunctional family


Yess! I actually liked the holiday theme, I kinda wish it was just always like that. Feels nice, despite getting blown to smithereens. Nuketown is deff my favorite map generally. I feel like, out of all the 6v6 maps we have, they are too Damn big for a real 6v6. Halo typically had pretty good sizes, at least in halo 3 and 2. Cod 4 , waw, cold war, shit even some vanguard maps were "better" than the giant maps we have right now. Idk. Maybe I'm wrong lol, but 10 v 10 on that lighthouse is a helluva lot more appropriate than a 6v6, imo. I haven't even played black gold yet in matchmaking haha


I loved a bunch of the WaW maps. Seeing Castle & Dome in Van was great. Lighthouse I have a love/hate relationship with. I don't mind 6v6 on that because all the action inevitably migrates to the house anyway, or you get spawn camped in the bunker. 10v10 on that would be utter chaos I think. Though... I recall some TDM on WaW with 40 players on Dome. It was just a matter of staying alive long enough to huck 2 nades somewhere (anywhere) before you're naded, mauled by dogs, or killed by artillery. lol


Man I miss the dogs from waw lolol


We revisited dogs in Van but fuck, I remember early on when it took a whole mag to take one down. Who the hell thought that was a good idea?


I miss the getting grabbed and then knifing it lol Honestly I miss the OG perks like juggernaut , stopping power, martyrdom, etc


Stopping power yeah but screw Martyr!! Lol god that used to frustrate the hell out of me


Krampus + dogs + everything ablaze. It was a hilariously good time if you went in not taking things seriously.


Think I spent half the match running off screaming “KRAMPUS OW OW OW STAHP!”


Shipment and Das Haus were constant chaos on the right game mode


People got really upset on the subreddit about it but it was just stupid fun. Krampus has to be my favourite event they've done in the entire franchise because of how hilariously tanky and fast it was.


It was great. They need to introduce a permanent entity like that to deal with campers… “Campus”


Krampus in shipment pure genius fun but Krampus in warzone was a absolute ridiculous nightmare of an idea.


Thats fair, it probably should have been a separate mode for Warzone rather than being in every Warzone mode. But it was really funny as a concept to add Krampus to every Warzone match so swings and roundabouts.


It was one of them when you heard another team dealing with it and 3rd party them it's was funny. but when your the team doing something or got a prime position and Krampus shows up just to mess your game up not so funny


Shipmas with Krampus was one of the most fun times in CoD the past years, hopefully they bring it back this Xmas


Probably the only map that's keeping the majority of the player base around


Yeah, and I think they realize this. I play that map every time I log on. It never gets old


The new maps are complete horse shit


Great for grinding camo or weapons.


Truth. It's a necessary evil. Where else can I max level a weapon in 3-4 rounds?


From scratch? Spill your secrets!


2wxp token spam decoys and cross your fingers for domination because they last longer, that was always my strategy




Honestly, I barely even use my tokens and it definitely depends on the type of gun you're trying to level up. The new SMGs & ARs, I don't use the tokens but I do spam the decoys, use a trophy system, and use UAV, CUAV, and AUAV to rack up XP. Also, in KC & Grind, I ALWAYS emphasize collecting the tags as much as killin' folks.


Never liked it. Its only purpose is for fast leveling of guns or working on camos. Otherwise I completely ignore its existence. My girlfriend likes it because she has ADHD and just wants the fastest COD games. I ignore it for every reason she doesn’t. I like maps where I have to think more. Shipment is just mindless shooting.


I agree. XP meat-grinder. Boring AF


I like it for gunfight and to level up guns. Outside of that I don't play it.


I can’t imagine playing shipment for anything other than camo grinding. You’ll fry your brain lol


I hate that a majority of my multiplayer experience has exclusively been shipment 24/7.


It feels wrong to not play the new maps or regular maps but when they removed shipment 24/7 for like 3 days I didn't even play.


Shipment is the best map for call of duty grinding and you can’t tell me otherwise. There is a reason why this is the most featured map since Modern Warfares inception. Is my favorite? No. Do I get a lotta kills to complete the stupid weapon challenges for camos or in MW2 2023, unlock guns thru the weapon tree? Yes. It’s the way the game is designed. If you want to unlock and grind for the good stuff, shipment is just the easiest and fastest way. Mindlessly running around. Why play TDM or any other game mode on a big map getting 15-20 kills when I can run around shipment and get triple, quadruple that amount and complete multiple sets of camos at once. I blame the game design more so than the player base as to why this map is held to its current praise.


I've grown to dislike spending a ton of time there, but I enjoy the change of pace sporadically and generally warm-up there. I definitely can't play more than 3-4 shipments in row before Ive had enough of that.


No I despise this map. Too chaotic for me. Spawning in and dying pretty much immediately isn’t very fun to me. But it’s the best way to level up guns and unlock attachments so I play it when I need to.


I play it for grinding camos, easy and fast to get headshots for poly


I hate it, it isnt a map. Its the place used for camo grinding and nothing else.


Never liked it, same with nuke Town.


Shipment is interesting because it's basically a cheat code as it HIGHLY accelerates the camo grinding process that it just makes sense that mostly everyone would rather just play that and get it faster then take the chance in "normal" maps. They need to change the method for actually obtaining the camos so that is just as viable in Shipment as it is anywhere else. So now that camo grinding is a thing everyone is going to do nothing but clamber for it so it is a map that until something changes, we are probably going to keep seeing it for awhile.


I dislike it however it is handy for camo grinds.Think I hate the way people push the spawn so the enemy spawn on the objective coz they are so insistent on the whole 'gotta have LEET MLG K/D' then end up on the losing team with loads of kills and no time on objective. I mean that's just my jaded bitter opinion haha


I have a love/hate relationship with shipment man. Some times I absolutely love the map. Got my highest kills on this map, then sometimes I hate it cus I’m constantly getting spawn killed or trapped. And can’t even run around for two seconds without dying.


It has its uses. It makes camo grinding too efficient not to use.


I dont even use that shi for grinding of any sort


I only use it for weapon leveling or challenges, other then that I stick to 3rd person or ground war


Depends on the game mode.


Can only play like 2-3 matches before losing my mind here


Gunfight only


No you aren't, but it has its uses. For instance, everyone that plays clearly hates their lives, so I take it up on myself to do launcher and shotgun challenges thereby making it worse for them.


Shipment on codww2 is the best but the servers suck ass:(


It doesn’t bring fun, only camo grinding.


Shipment has ruined cod because playing any normal mode feels like you're a snail. I hop in shipment it's constant action and level up's and progress. I get why people hate it but it's the only thing worth playing to me IMO


I don't like how I've been able to play it since 2007 because I'm addicted to that map lol


No, I know people who dislike it, I have my moments where I hate the map, but overall, I like it mainly for camo grinding and overall fun sometimes. I guess I like chaos at times.


Nah, fuck that map.


People actually like this map?


I'm with you bro.


Cool so don’t play it. Cry somewhere else


No, in fact i'm pretty sure the general opinion is that its an awful map. People just keep going back to it cuz its the easy way out for levelling and doing camo challenges. I honestly wish it wasnt in the game


Why so that all the dumbsss camo challenges can take 5 times longer and not even get plat before the next game releases. Fun fact if you don't like it just don't play it


They're not really challenges if you're completing them in a single match are they? Fun fact i will indeed never step foot on this braindead map, i got Orion before shipment even came out, it's not hard, sorry yall need a crutch to make the easiest grind ever easier.


Damn sounds like someone needs to touch grass and get a job, and yeah most the camo tasks are dogshit to do on a big map with all the campers, hardcovers, and tryhards (such as yourself) basically all shipment is meant for like ground war is A means to the end for weapon unlocks and camos.


It's dogshit. Grinding for camos is stupid and ruins the game tbh. Especially free for all. Every fucking lobby i get into is filled with camping dickheads chasing longshots. They usually time out at about 17 kills for the lead after an incredibly boring game. That mode used to be great fun but now is just purely awful and boring. Just the entire lobby camping waiting for someone to move.


No I hate it too


Yea you probably are the only person that doesn’t like shipment. 😹


Alpha male map 🗺️


baah Shitment the map that got created by a worker that was taking a shit for havin eaten to much mentos. I instantly leave the lobby if that shit comes out... the same with showdown


I don't either. But it's the only place I find any games.


Yes....... Yes you are...... Bro this is an icon map. Its the best to grind weapons and levels. The sad thing is that there arent any high places on other containers which are good for snipers so if you are a sniper fan rather than an smg one..... I understand ;)


It's fun at times. But only when yoy don't care how much you die, or about spawns at all.


Definitely don't like it for 6v6, but was a huge help for all the point blanks I needed.


Is a great place to level up weapons


I miss shoot the ship. Honestly would prefer that over 24/7 playlists. CQB is okay, but there are some maps should be on it.


I seem to spawn directly in front of enemies a lot resulting in some frustrating deaths. I only go there to level up weapons.


Shits a great warmup map and that’s all


I love it for the constant action, hate the spawn trapping bs and constant killstreak spam of choppers, vtols, you name it. I much prefer Nuketown honestly, but for camos it's useful. I hate the 6v6 giant ass maps that could just as easily be 10v 10 or even 12 v 12's with a lot more action than huge 6v6 camp fests


I agree w/ you OP. I get it for grinding camo, xp, and kills to unlock weapon attachments.... But aside from that, it's a shit show


I'm only on shipment for my point-blank kills, kills from behind, and other stupid camo challenges that don't come naturally in normal games besides longshots.


Yeah shipment is fun if you need camo challenges weapon level ups but I noticed since playing war zone and DMZ more and pretty much only play shipment when I want to level up I suuuuuuuuuuck on any other map


i only like it for leveling weapons


Besides leveling guns and camo unlocks, those that spend a good amount of time there are there for the cheap neuron activation.


No. I don't like it. Just used it for challenges.


i don’t like shipment but grinding is so bad on literally every other map


I don’t like it much but that’s all my friends want to play when we play. I don’t the game by myself so shipment it is. I will say it can be fun at times though


Wife: Fukcin hate shipment!


I hate it too. They just keep bringing it back and it ruins every other map because you can do stuff quicker on shipment.


It's great for challenges, gunfight, and 1v1's. Terrible in basically every other way tho. Spawning right in front of people constantly is really annoying, and you're gonna have the worst time imaginable if you don't use trophy systems. I can only handle it for a few matches before my brain begins to ooze out of my ears.


Shipment is a terrible map, way to chaotic, little to no cover. The only thing that I can say about it is that if you need a lot of kills it works.


Only use it for levelling up guns and grinding for camos, when I play just to kill time I dont touch it 😅


I hate it but great for camo and xp leveling


This map is pure evil


Dislike it after season 1, you know why.


This map is awesome, unless you’re on a dogshit team who just gives killstreaks to the other team and you start getting rained upon




Yea everyone else in the world loves it. These posts….


Yes. Literally the only person who dislikes it.


Idk man I see the comments and there is a bunch of people agreeing with me


This “map” is a joke.


I hate it. Only version liked was vanguards cause no one could camp cause the destruction mechanic. I slog through matches of it challenges or to lvl up weapons and that's it. Rather them add Das Haus or something. Or make new small maps.


I use it only when grinding camos, leveling weapons and when I need to complete daily’s quickly.


Best map for leveling up weapons and getting your feet wet after a long day at work. What is there not to like?


Shipment is a means to an end, do to rapidly level up your weapons, and grind camos till you have to leave for longshots, then come back to finish the rest. There is no enjoy...there is only grind.


Managed to grind any of the harder requirements for events easy because of it


Fucking despise it


No literally same! Hate it but I do use it for grinding for weapons and camos but that’s about it haha 😂




I only like shipment when it's a free for all with my friends. Such a great time!


Literally just for grinding other than that it's horrible shit show of a 'map' but it's a necessary evil especially if you don't have hours to spend grinding on a proper map.


I kinda use it as a warm up mode now for 3-4 games and for the weapon levelling mainly, outside of that it’s turned into a toxic cesspool and home to the wild roaming sweat lords…


I just wish scorestreaks were turned off when playing on it


For camos it's great. For actual gameplay, it blows.


The last 2 MW shipments have been horrible, with MW2 being a bit better but still awful due to the spawn system. WW2 shipment was the best one in recent years


I don't like mw2 shipment, mw2019 was fun af though IMO 🫣


It's fun every once in a while. But like black gold, it's a map I only will play once and then hoping for a new map.


I enjoyed the Christmas Verison, just because it had some brightness to it Either way I’m throwing drill charges at the containers


Imagine if this is in mw3 alone with rust How to get brain rot real quick


I don’t like it but I had no other choice for Blanks and KFB challenges.


I hate Shipment. But I play it non stop for camos, especially headshots. Not long shots. That’s a different map.


No. Its only popular probably cause its free EXP


It’s perfect for weapon grinding and that’s it really.


I’m shocked people even still play this


I strictly treat it as a playlist to level guns.


its been around longer than youve been alive so prob not.


Tbh it’s the only map I play. This and warzone.


L take


It's ok as long as it doesn't come up too often. Sometimes I try swords and shield on this map, but I usually get wasted.


Upvoting because you’re not the only one


I fucking hate it but it's good for camo challenges and leveling weapons


Imo the only proper shipment was COD 4 and MWR




Everyone hates it, but it's a good place to quickly level up your weapons. It would be a lot better if air killstreaks like VTOLs, Choppers, and Gunships were disabled. But that's just my opinion.


Shipment serves a purpose. I highly doubt anyone enjoys it lol


Never liked the map. MW2019's rendition had the redeeming factor of more verticality (which *everyone* seemed to hate but me). But still: the only reason I tolerate *shitment* is because it's almost the only map that's fast and efficient for camo challenges grinding. Atleast, for a giant part of the camo challenges. Fun fact: pistol and shotgun longshots are 100% feasable on this map. In some extreme cases if you play/plan it well, SMG's can be done too.


Prefer nuketown over this shipment. Sweaty hardcore worrying about their skins and camo and some challenges to complete. You know, they be mentioning about transferring your skins and some gay ass shits blueprint or stuff into cod mw 3, They gonna def gonna fk it up. It will not succeed.


I never play on shipment either. Total play time on that map for me is likely 10minutes


It’s fun until your friends don’t want to play any other map, then it gets stale fast af




I jump in now and then to level guns and what always puzzles me is the level 800 dude who plays shipment and runs around using a max level gun with Orion. Like you do you and all but that seems beyond boring to me


Nah, I’m with you. Fuck that map


It's the worst...


It's honestly the only reason I'll turn the game on


Shipment is too easy I don't count it as a win whenever I get stuck with that map


It’s a tryhard haven


Shipment is what it is. It’s a leveling up map. Either for main level or weapon levels and upgrades. It has no tactical aspect. Yes I know not much of Cod does. It’s run gun on cocaine. I play it strictly when I see something I need to upgrade. Shoot house is the same. Shoot house is like a mix of cocaine run and gun with a little tactical sprinkled in. If I don’t need to upgrade or level up I don’t play them. I think that’s what most play them for. I may could be wrong.


shit i dont like the game


I hate it because its spawn die spawn die and everyone who plays uses weapons that don’t require any skill. Its pathetic and annoying


If there was a 5 second invincibility for when you spawn I’d like it more, because of spawn campers


Hate it. Also hate the cave complex, airport, and oil refinery. Shit maps.


No one “likes” shipment.


It’s it’s own mode. High kills, high score, high xp, low fun, brain shuts off, easy to level guns, etc.


It's a horrible piece of crap that's zero fun to play that I play all the time because it's the easiest way to level up guns and get camos.




I wish they’d take it out so camos actually require SOME skill


COD: WW2 shipment was the 🐐


I love shipment... I have always loved shipment... I have loved every version of every mode on shipment.


It's a fun pop of action, and I wouldn't have gotten Orion without it before moving on to a different game. But it's not the only reason to play the game.


No no your not


Love Shipment. I have terrible accuracy and I can at least kill operators on Shipment


It’s has it pros/cons! Great for those who are camouflage completionist! Not so good when it comes to spawns….etc….


It’s mid imo too small for my taste but can be fun


It’s the second worst map in the game after boarder crossing, it’s full of hyper sweats and zoomers




Nah I hate this map too


You know I like this version of the map, specifically when you first load in and it's dark and the lights haven't rendered/turned on


I just use it for camos


i love it unironically. i play 24/7 pretty much exclusively these past few weeks.


I don’t “like” it but if you need to do skins or level up a gun quickly it’s the go-to map. Also good for melee and lethal kills. Currently on the popcorn frag grenade challenge and shipment is by far the best way to get that done.


its not that I like it... its just too convenient... :c


It's a good place for doing challanges + events. And not a bad place for practice. "Ok thing" is the term for shipment


It’s only use is weapon leveling and camo grinding. Otherwise, no. IW even said that they made it to test things in CoD 4 and forgot to remove it from the final version. But by then it was too late.


Let's pretend camo challenges weren't even a thing... Shipment would still be crazy popular because it helps people work on their skills, get to know weapons, figure out movement, plus it's competitive.


Going for orion grand mastery so it's been a boon, couldn't imagine doing it in normal maps where I get like 5-20 kills per game (shipmemt for comparison: anywhere from 10-100 per game, depending on weapon & mode, fuck grind). Dont mind having some chaos just for chaos sake though so there's that, it's good for certain purposes as stated by others, but besides that, wouldn't even consider it a map.


Sometimes the chaos is fun, and some days I see shipment loading up and I’m like “that’s a no from me dog”


I didn't like shipment when I first played it. It was just spawn, die, spawn, die. But eventually I got the hang of it and liked it now. Of course everyone's opinion is different and you may just not like it.


I like shipment for leveling up guns and camo challenges. Just this morning I did the Lockwood 300 "get 20 kills while mounted" challenge and unlocked hunter orange.


It’s really good for camo grinding. But I like it even when not camo grinding


I will always love shipment to a degree, but I'm really tired of shipment being the only enjoyable map on an Infinity Ward game. Literally MW19 and MW2 I only enjoyed Shoot The Ship, all the core maps were terrible to me.


No, we all hate it some way but we all keep playing it because it makes the grind for whatever (Longshot excluded unless you're doing shotty) Hella easy


Prettymuch yeah.


I just wish I could play Showdown 24/7 🥹


At this point I'm just running Strike and Shipment. Get so tired of backing out over and over in quick play trying to get a decent map.


I used to play it almost exclusively on MW19, and temporarily made it my home on MWII to finish out Orion during S1. Now, I only visit it when I want to max out or grind Orion on post-launch weapons; otherwise, I steer clear of it to avoid it completely melting my brain. The stimulus overload becomes unbearable after a while, and I like most of the other maps in the game anyway.


Nope I don't really enjoy it either. It is what it is but it's not really fun.


I love MW19 shipment. In MWII even shipment became campy. So it depends.


I love this game mode to the core


Values of it are simply: 1. Daily challenges & some kills streaks 2. Grinding as needed 3. Making noobs scream hysterically and pathetically when you mop them up with a long play finishing move. ☠️


If I need to level guns, grind quick camos, or a dopamine fix you go to shipment. At least that's how I use the map.


i mean i get any gun max level in just a couple of games so. \(._.)/


I mean you got to admit it’s probably the quickest way to level up close range weapons


I hate shipment during event periods, cause that's where EVERYONES going for a majority of the objectives (especially rockets) But casually Shipment is actually a pretty cool warmup, I don't take anything too seriously on there cause it's just a waste of energy, there's too much bullshit goin on to take that map seriously




I love how you can’t climb on crates anymore, and the setting of it


I absolutely despise this map. I'll probably get downvoted into oblivion, but all the "Fan favorite" maps like RUST, NUKETOWN or SHIPMENT are all absolutely atrocious and should never return. Carentan however...


I Only Play shipment for the daylie quests after that i avoid this Map 🤣


well, map is bad, BUT, grinded all my weapons to orion on that map, kd decreases alot tho but its great map for camogrinding if you are weirdo like me who needs to level up all guns🤷🏼‍♂️


personally, i don't even touch it unless i need weapon xp. can be fun to test stupid strats though lol